
Chapter 83: Military Reforms

After going to sleep on the hospital bed, Xiaoyun was wake up by the two soldier in the morning at eight o'clock.

"Its time to go, you can leave now." One of the soldier said out loud.

"Thank you." Xiaoyun got up from the bed and stood outside the hospital.

"You all are dismissed. Yiming had given everyone here a week break. Your pay will still be covered during your break." The other soldier said out loud this time.

All the soldier left the hospital as Xiaoyun returned back home.

"Finally I'm home... felt like I had been gone for a week." Xiaoyun unlocks the door and goes inside.

Everyone's shoe was still at home, even Leyan's shoe was at the shoe rack.

"She must of returned back home from her night shift earlier than me." Xiaoyun put on the slipper and walked upstairs to the restroom.

After taking a shower, Xiaoyun went downstairs to cook breakfast again.

When breakfast was finished, Nami and Lily had woken up and came down to eat.

"Hm? Xiaoyun you cook breakfast again?" Nami asked.

"Yeah, Leyan had night-shift yesterday. So she's still catching up sleep." Xiaoyun replied.

After five minute, Yuqi and Yueyue also had came down.

"Where's mom?" Yueyue asked.

"She got night-shift yesterday, so she's catch up with sleep." Xiaoyun replied.

"Xiaoyun you cook breakfast again?" Yuqi asked.

"Yeah, I hope you guys can like it. This one is a lot more rushed since I only got one hour to cook."

"It's good enough for me, thanks you for the breakfast." Yueyue was already eating.

Yuqi seem a little hesitant but still said thanks as she sat down and started eating.


The three were back to the office as usual.

"Man I really miss this sofa." Xiaoyun immediately laid down on the sofa.

"It's only had been one day." Yuqi commented.

"You wouldn't understand."

"Okay Mr.couch potato" Yuqi went back to work.

As Xiaoyun relaxed and watched Yuqi and Yueyue work, suddenly someone knocked on the door.

Xiaoyun went to open the door, only to see Yiming and Yezi standing outside with a entire folder.

"This... the military reform?" Xiaoyun guessed.

"Yep." Yezi replied as he handed the document to Xiaoyun.

"Qiqi, Yueyue, you two can keep working, I'll read this."

"You guys can come back after noon." Xiaoyun moved the document to the sofa.

"Okay." Yezi and Yiming left the office.

"You sure you want to read this yourself?" Yuqi looked at the stack of papers.

"Yeah, I can do this. You guys have your own work to do." Xiaoyun started reading them one by one.

"Changing all units formation to squad containing ten people. Every five squad being a platoon. Then every five platoon is a company... seem pretty standard."

"Expanding the soldier amount to two company. So five hundred people. That mean we need to recruit one hundred fifty people into the army. We can definitely do this one as long as we maintain the population growth in the town."

"Now soldier rank. Private as base rank, then corporal as next rank leading squads. Lieutenant to lead platoon. Finally captains leading company.

With no officer rank as all soldiers are promoted through combat and experience to lead each other." Xiaoyun paused for a second to think.

"I mean this make sense right? We don't have any commission officer or an officer academy to train soldiers to be officers, maybe Yiming and his two assistant can train them to be officer eventually." Xiaoyun flipped to the next page.

"Gantian and Jixi leading the two company as captain?" Xiaoyun looked slightly confused as the name wasn't Yezi or Yiming.

Xiaoyun flipped to the next page and realized why they weren't captains.

"Yezi and Yiming as military advisor, with the rank of major but no direct soldier tied below them... So they are commander role to direct Gantian and Jixi, rather than individual units below them."

Xiaoyun finally understand what the two was trying to do.

"Now the second stack of the document." Xiaoyun flipped several pages in a row, only to see what each individual soldier will be assigned to be which starting rank. With all the Lieutenant role already filled.

However there's still a massive gap in the corporal and below since not all five hundred spot is fulfill yet.

Xiaoyun also noticed seventy percent of the army are men, with thirty percent being women.

"The women are also put mostly their own squad and platoon... Doctor Li was right about people getting stronger.

Still surprising so many women are willing to join. W-wait, I'm shouldn't think so backward like this. Of course women can fight, I got a perfect example in front of me." Xiaoyun glanced at Yueyue as he flipped to the pages.

"Hm, Wuli is a corporal leading a squad, with no soldiers below her as of yet due to the empty gap between two company... Not much I can edit here."

After finish reading this, Xiaoyun finally moved onto the last stack.

"Salary and payment... Hey Yuqi, can you read this?" Xiaoyun stood up and handed the paper to Yuqi.

"Sure, I can read it." Yuqi took the paper and started reading it.

As she read the paper, Xiaoyun can hear her furiously rewriting the numbers as if she is extremely unhappy with it.

After ten minute, Yuqi handed the paper back.

Xiaoyun read the paper and can see almost every single number originally on the paper crossed out. With the new number Yuqi put much lower than the original.

"Um, Yuqi you sure soldier will be fine with this?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Yeah, have you read the last page on that document you handed me?" Yuqi responded.

Xiaoyun flipped to the last page only to see something that isn't edited.

"Soldiers are allowed to keep loots that can fit in their backpack. (as long as it doesn't interrupted combat capability) They can either bring it back home or resell it to the administrative store only. Selling to another citizen without military approval will lead to termination and punishment base on the severity."

"That make sense... no wonder why the salary you set are little lowered. Its like tips that soldier can collect outside while they are on a mission." Xiaoyun realized it now.

"Yeah, and thanks god Yezi and Yiming doesn't manage the civilian government anymore. I can already imagine everyone quit their job to join the military with that ridiculous salary if Yezi approved this." Yuqi sighed.

"Yeah yeah, anyway then the military reform is good now." Xiaoyun signed the at the authorization page at the front and put them back into the document folder.

"You guys want to go eat lunch? Its already noon." Yueyue suddenly chimed in.

"Oh right its noon. Let's go then." Yuqi and Xiaoyun both nodded and stood up from their seat.


After coming back from lunch, Xiaoyun laid back down on the sofa until Yezi and Yiming came to the office.

"Here's the authorization. Beside the salary and payment is edited, all of them is approved." Xiaoyun handed the document folder back to Yezi.

"No problem, we were expecting you to lower it." Yezi and Yiming took the paper and left.

As Xiaoyun fell back to the sofa and looked up in the ceiling, he suddenly remember something.

"Yuqi, can you allocate more funding to the school? Also we need to expand more stores in the town." Xiaoyun remember his visits to the store and school.

"Sure, I'll change their funding right now, and for the store I can add it to the construction crew agenda." Yuqi took out several different records and changed it.

Xiaoyun was now back to having nothing to do as he stared outside the window.

He could see Yezi putting up a recruitment poster in front of the booth's billboard.

"Um, Qiqi and Yueyue, how many month are you guys in right now?" Xiaoyun suddenly asked.

"Six month in now. Why you ask?" Yuqi responded first.

"Nothing... I just though you guys might want take a break when it get to third trimester." Xiaoyun replied.

"Nah we don't need it. Right Yueyue?" Yuqi looked over to Yueyue.

"Yeah, it not like we are suddenly disabled or something. We still can work you know." Yueyue argued back.

"Okay okay, just a suggestion. Anyway I'm returning back to the rescue team tomorrow." Xiaoyun replied.

"Why?" Both of them asked despite already knowing from yesterday's phone call.

"Best time to show myself in the military reforms. Tomorrow they would have all the new recruits and old soldiers to be in their newly assigned groups." Xiaoyun paused for a second.

"Don't worry, this time I'm not going as a soldier, I'm going as commander in chief. I won't be close to any harm." Xiaoyun calmed the two down.

"Fine... whatever." The two accepted the fact.

"Oh right I almost forgot the most important thing, the rescue team isn't going out for mission any time soon. The outskirt is full of zombies right now as more zombies seem to have left the city center." Xiaoyun brought it up.

"Oh, so its just training inside the town." Yueyue commented.

"Yep, just training until the zombies outside are all gone." Xiaoyun reassured the two.

Ahem, author here.

Well um, yeah. I got a little distracted today. A lot of friends decided to play league today.

Anyway, I will get more chapter tomorrow. I won't be distracted this time.

Bonus chapter counter: 5

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