
Chapter 84: Training with new recruit

After satisfying all three of them last night, they finally let Xiaoyun go.

Xiaoyun's leg were still trembling a little as he left the house early to go to the training field.

Yezi and Yiming were already there, as well as all the new recruits and current soldiers all standing at the field as the sun had only started rising.

Although they are called new recruit, all of them were former militia members.

"You finally here, we thought you weren't going to show up." Yezi said as Xiaoyun walked to the stage.

"Just a little delay. Of course I'm going to be here for this important date."

"Anyway, how about you do the honor to announce what rank they are?" Yezi moved to the side.

"Sure." Xiaoyun moved up to the podium and looked at the stack of paper.

Xiaoyun proceeded to read every single one of their names, with their assigned units and rank.

Then Xiaoyun announced the salary and looting, which was welcomed by a loud applause from the soldiers.

After announcing all the military reforms, Xiaoyun stepped back down to let Yiming speak.

Yiming went up to announce the new training schedule and the situation at the city outskirt currently.

The older soldier seem upset being unable to go to the outskirt, while the most new recruits let out a sigh of relief.

With that announcement out of the way, the soldiers were put into training as Jixi and Gantian worked as training instructor.

"You guys don't mind me going to join them right?" Xiaoyun looked at the two.

"Nope." Both of them responded.

Xiaoyun went to Jixi to join in as a new recruit to test his strength, endurance and shooting.

All the soldiers, both old and new looked a bit shock at Xiaoyun joining in alongside them.

After all the training, Xiaoyun managed to place first in both strength and endurance. However, the shooting was only slightly above average.

Still, most soldiers were extremely impressed by Xiaoyun's score as he never show up for any training.

Now with the three training done, it was moved onto combat training.

Jixi and Gantian split up all the different soldiers into pairs to fight each other.

Unfortunately for Xiaoyun, he was put against Wuli, who instantly knocked him out less than a minute.

"You did well. You just need better form and technique." Wuli extended her hand to help Xiaoyun get back up.

"Thanks." Xiaoyun still looked determined to fight again.

After getting beaten over and over again, Xiaoyun was nowhere near to beating her. However, he could at least fight back now.

"Everyone lunch time." Jixi and Gantian announced.

Immediately all the soldier went to the cafeteria, as Yezi and Yiming already gotten theirs early.

After Xiaoyun got his food, he sat down next to Yiming and Yezi at one of the tables.

"How is it?" Yezi asked Xiaoyun.

"The training is nice, you should consider joining it." Xiaoyun suggested.

"Hell no. That endurance training to run for that long look like my worst nightmare." Yezi replied.

"It's not that hard. Come on, its good for your health." Xiaoyun tried to encourage Yezi more.

"Not in a million year. I rather go be a farmer than joining that." Yezi made his position clear.

"How about you Yiming? You want to join?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Nah, I'm too old. I'm already over fifty." As soon as Yiming said it, Xiaoyun gave up convincing the two.


As the three was about to finish the food, Yezi suddenly brought up something.

"You think we should wait this out or should we attack the zombie horde?"

"Um, I think we should wait it out. This one doesn't seem to be controlled and we can't be sure if the military is going to step in and attack it." Xiaoyun gave his thought.

"We don't have enough firepower to deal with it ourselves either." Yiming stated.

"Well then we wait I guess." Xiaoyun ended the conversation.

After finishing the food, everyone was put back to the training field to train the exact same thing over and over until the day ended.


After an entire week has passed with the training, as the soldiers and new recruit had gotten used to each other.

Xiaoyun was still unable to beat Wuli, however he could at least not get knock out.

Beside that, the scouting unit that Yezi sent was able to find that the zombie horde had left the outskirt to some unknown direction.

The rescue mission was resumed as Xiaoyun joined as a commander this time rather than a hidden soldier.

Xiaoyun was now on a bus with the soldiers as they travel toward the city outskirt.

"Jixi you can do whatever, I'm just here to learn some experience." Xiaoyun pleaded.

"No problem, you can direct two of the platoon if you want." Jixi suggested.

"I'll will just watch first." Xiaoyun refused the offer.

"Very well then." As the two finished talking, they finally arrived at the location.

Everyone got out the bus and started searching their assigned area as Jixi and one platoon unit stay behind as a temporary military HQ.

Xiaoyun watched as Jixi managed the units and keep track of the where each individual platoon is at.

Which gives freedom for platoon leader the ability to direct how to use their squad instead of Jixi micromanaging every single units like in the past.

After watching Jixi for three hour doing this, Xiaoyun decided to ask for two platoon to command himself.

Xiaoyun was slowly getting the hang of it. Eventually Jixi decided to let Xiaoyun take over the captain post to have the full experience.

It was chaotic at first, but Xiaoyun was eventually able to sort it out.

As the day was about to close, Xiaoyun return the command back to Jixi.

"Man, this is tiring." Xiaoyun let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, normally this isn't suppose to be done by one person. But since we don't have real officers me and Gantian have to do this."

"Anyway, this will be less and less work as the new lieutenant and corporal will get enough experience to command themselves rather than asking me. I'll only need to direct the general direction later on." Jixi added.

"I see..." Xiaoyun fell into a deep thought.


After a week of rescuing, Xiaoyun had stopped going to the city outskirt as Jixi had nothing else to teach.

Instead, Yiming started teaching Xiaoyun and Yezi on military tactics and art of commanding soldiers in the afternoon as Xiaoyun was back working in the office.

Soon, January was almost over as it reaches the final day of the month.

"Hey Xiaoyun, its almost Chinese New Year. Should we set up an event for it?" Yuqi asked.

"I think this time, we should let the civilian themselves do it. People doesn't really celebrate it with other people, they would rather celebrate it at home with each other. Beside, the commercial sector will make events of their own." Xiaoyun gave his opinion.

"I think Xiaoyun is right, we probably can just give it as week holiday off. People can decided what to do themselves." Yueyue nodded in agreement.

"Okay then, I will set it as a town's holiday then." Yuqi started writing a public announcement to put on the billboard.

"By the way, anything important I miss while I was gone for the week?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Nope, everything going smoothly. Store expansion is under construction and the school seem really happy that they got extra funding... Also I almost forgot, yesterday a doctor Li came in to give you a report. Yueyue can you find it?" Yuqi was still busy writing as she said all these.

"Sure." Yueyue put down her work and went to the drawer to take out a document to Xiaoyun.

"Doctor Li's medical report on Songming... classified for the mayor only." Xiaoyun mumbled as he read the cover.

As Xiaoyun read the whole thing, it simply left him confused with all the medical data until he saw the summary at the end.

"In summary, Songming's blood has some degree of resistant to H1 virus that everyone has developed resistant to.

However, this is useless as everyone already had developed immunity to it. Further testing of the blood is required, especially on a live zombie to see if the blood can imitate a drug resistance to C1 virus that zombies carries in their body." The document ended here.

"Hm, doctor Li want to bring a live zombie to test his experiment... That is too risky. But what if he actually able to develop a cure?... No I can't risk a virus outbreak in the town." Xiaoyun rejected the suggestion that the document tried to ask for.

Xiaoyun started writing a letter to pause the experimentation until further notice. Then gave it to one of the booth worker downstairs to hand it to him.

Xiaoyun got back upstairs and laid down on the sofa as he watched the two working together.

More action and progression next chapter I think? No promises though

Um why the late upload?... I might had been distracted playing TFT. But this time its my sister okay?

Another golden ticket, Thank you to Shuranji.

Bonus chapter counter: 5

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