Born from blood and guts, given life when a human's is brutally reaped, wretches are nothing but filth and destined to die a pathetic death, befitting of the dirty little creatures they are. One of them however, born with strangely colored eyes and blessed with greater intellect, sought nothing more than destroy his fate and to desecrate the laws of nature that bound him. This wretch wished nothing more than to be an exception to the rule.
Villages really are quite handy, when you need a good night's rest, you can always find one in a village, if you need something to eat, the same is also true.
And when you are just a bunch of bloodthirsty, objectively mostly stupid and in need of something to destroy for the sake of it, guess what!
Villages are also here, truly the greatest invention to ever comes from the smart towers of flesh and bones to ever emerge!
No one had been particularly hungry anyways-
The village hadn't even been in the path, not by a longshot, it was all for the love of the game, the thrill of death and bloodshed.
Monsters loved death, just like everything else, causing death by your own hands is even better, it truly marks one's own superiority over the fallen, you were always better in every way when compared to a corpse.
-Except in composting but that was beside the point and composting wasn't a word known by many of the jolly slaughterers anyways.
The minotaurs were laughing as they squashed the pesky humans under their hooves, the goblins laughed as always, everyone was laughing! Except the undeads, they just wouldn't join in the fun.
Death was truly magnificient but so was life, so the creation of life through death would certainly turn out to be beyond the simple imaginations of the mind.
Like was common during such events, certains human bodies started suddenly swelling, the flesh stretching with unnatural flexiblity.
Five and then ten long, pitch black, needle-like claws burst out of the belly of a corpse whose skull was visible in more than one place.
A monster born from death! As it ruptured its flesh prison, spewing blood everywhere, a grey skinned creature, teeth as black and pointy as its claws, smaller than a human but a bit taller than a goblin.
With somewhat long and bloody dark hair, it stared as the reddened sky, burning households and piles of gore.
It seemed to be about to speak-
Behold! The first words a monster of might, wit and everything you can think of, listen well for it will change your life forever!
"Blaaargh" with its maximun wisdom, it puked blood onto the ground like drunkard after a long night of debauchery.
It then moved its arms around, hitting itself in the face and almost poking one of its own eyes out in the process as it realised the existence of the pointy objects on the end of its fingers.
It was just a wretch, birth of life through date was severely overrated for its most common product was this little, ugly and stupid monster.
The little wretch didn't think of himself in that way however, it could barely think after all.
Puffing his chest, he gracefully stepped out of its cocoon, shaking one of his feet in the air for a while as it tried to get some guts wrapped around his ankles off.
It almost slipped the very next instant but quickly caught itself.
'Truly a reaction time beyond the sight of all!' Was what the expression on the wretch's face seemed to say as he smirked.
He then proceeded to try and slurp up the guts of his former shell, almost choking on it but managing to safely dispose of the treacherous thing down into his belly, where it belonged alongside the other soft parts of the body.
The other monsters didn't pay much attention to him at all, used to wretches just popping out of nowhere during their happy massacres.
Though, the wretches would usually follow the lead and join in without understanding what they were doing, this one, with its shiny dark purple eyes and dark sclera prefered to munch on the body it came from.
Making revolutionary discoveries, such as the fact that the white, hard stuff shouldn't be swallowed directly, it hurt!
It collected the spread out teeth laying everywhere around where the head had been, keeping them in his hands for no apparent reason.
Everything good had endings and quickly, there was no one left to kill and the horde of various monsters went on its original path, following a dark light that seemed to be at the head of the line of monsters.
The wretch intinctively followed suit and ending up surrounded with others of its kind, some born from the same mass of death and some that had been here already.
Despite wretches appearing consistently, they was no more than around twenty of them at the time, their feeble defenses, pathetic attack power and intelligence outmatched by the underdogs of monsters, they rarely lasted very long.
Not that it mattered whether or not they managed to strive and survive, all wretches met their ends rather quickly after being born.
There was no exception to this, if a wretch didn't managed to get stronger, it would die and if it did, it would die too.
They had two choices in life and both led to the same exact path.
This one would follow the same path for there had never been a thing such as an exception to the rule for a wretch.
Still, it was rather exotic amongst its kind.
All of the wretches had very similar features, only differences was that some had hair and some didn't, some were males and other females, slight, almost unnoticeable differences in facial features and body features.
That was all, wretches looked like clones, all except that one.
Its skin was a much darker shade of grey and its eyes weren't a pale red but a shiny, dark purple, clearly marking it as different and more desirable as a mating partner for the females.
He just radiated fabulousness to the other wretches.
The other monsters, specifically the ones that seemed to be the smartest had the amiability to provide the newcomers with simple loincloth, the wretches didn't notice the difference but since such article of clothings were the rage amongst the other members of the horde, including the olders wretches.
Even them managed to figure out what it was meant to be used as, after a solid hour for the brightests.
Or only a few minutes for the dashingly beautiful one, putting his collection of teeth, in a small spaces within the dirty fabric, with his hands now freed, he felt like nothing could stop him, him and his extra layer of protection!
"Klahahaha!" he laughed out loud, soon imitated by the others, turning the end of the monster horde into a cacophony of unhinged laughter to the point where the wretches would end up coughing and having to stop to catch their breath.