
Lord's Pet

Minutes before Sir Solitar had reached Axiolypito, the singular offspring he had sent to intercept whoever he had supposed had just teleported in, she had just found one of them, or rather, she had been found first as a blade attempted to take her head off.

The decapitation was avoided, only getting half of her neck sliced apart, which was soon regenerated as the wretched offspring leaped back to assess her opponent.

Tilting her head in an exaggerated manner as she unfolded her four, big burly arms as well as her many tendrils, all of those ready to tear into the frail-looking girl in front of her.

Superstes certainly didn't look very much like she could take a hit, considering that she was pretty much as thin as one in good health could possibly be, appearing almost stretched out rather than simply tall.

She was pointing her bloodied weapon, assuming the form of a swordstaff for now, at the revolting creature in front of her.

Revolting, not because the monster was currently flashing her, although it certainly wasn't very pleasant to look at, but because it was definitely a wretch!

Even if there was the possibility of it being a coincidence, she didn't think anything of this possibility.

"You wouldn't happen to know a wretch about... This size, with peculiar purple eyes, wouldn't you?" she asked, the monster didn't seem very bright, so she wasn't even sure if it could answer her or even understand the question.

Thankfully for her, it could do both and it was also not smart in the least, spilling the beans instantly as her master was busy with something else to monitor her.

The needle claw was useful but when fully in use, made the monsters dependent on Axio's outputs, thus, it needed to have it's strength lowered in the case of servants supposed to fight on their own, allowing her to totally reveal protected information.

"What business with lord?" that was all that was needed, no other wretch should have purple eyes, no other wretch should be exceptional enough to warrant being called 'lord' by anything else.

Superstes took notes of the direction the wretch had come from and moved in, not questioning the monster any further.

It totally looked like the blonde girl was going to go for the head with her weapon there, it would have fooled better warriors than this monsters as her momentum seemed impossible to break, after all she had leaped a tiny bit of the ground and she showed no sign of using any common means to change direction mid-air.

The monster didn't wonder this far anyways, rushing forward with her arms spread, preparing for a crushing bear hug.

However, Superstes dropped like a sack of bricks as she shifted her weapon into massively heavy warhammer before switching its form into that of a loaded crossbow.

The changes appeared as instantaneous from the view of the wretch and she got shot in the face before she retrieve her arms to shield herself.

The bolt went right through her left eye but failed to deal a mortal blow, it had pierced a bit into her brain, causing her to trembling for few moments.

Whilst moving forward to swipe her fists and claws at the human girl, she used one of her hands to try and remove the bolt, as it would impede on her regeneration and also, because she definitely was going to miss her hits without proper depth perception.

She was swinging and swinging like a wild animals with power enough to murderise a bear in a single hit but all of her attacks were easily evaded as they were completely off theirs marks, Superstes didn't even need to try to dodge those.

She had been training with the merciless Sir Solitar after all, he didn't hold back much and he hit his mark more often than not, all he did was reduce the strength of his blows, not their speed, at least Superstes believed so, were she to see him pursuing Axio, she would have understood that he was actually quite nice to her.

The offspring couldn't compare in speed and finesse, neither was she as devious as her father or her current opponent.

The moment she tried to pull the bolt out, she was jolted with pain as it seemed to have grasped her flesh.

Whilst projectiles had a limitations compared to weapons themselves, they were still part of Slaughter Lord's Mastery, meaning that Superstes could influence their form to an extent.

Though only to other projectiles, otherwise she would have just called forth an oversized shield or weapon meant for giants to blow the wretch's head apart.

She had simply switched the head of the bolt to one that was shaped like a reversed V, meaning that when trying to remove it, the monster had actually burrowed the two points into her flesh.

Using this instant of pain and confusion, Supertes moved in for the kill, moving similarly to Sir Solitar as she seemed to slide on the ground, calling forth a two-handed axe, she brought it down on the neck of her enemy, making it shift to an heavier and heavier version of that weapon during her killing blow to ensure the kill.

Only, as she half-expected, it didn't go as planned, the monster reacted in time and protected her weak spot with her two left arms, both got amputated in the process but she managed to get away before the blow connected with anything else.

Superstes, quickly transformed her weapon into a long staff and pushed herself off the ground with it before shifting it into a dagger, avoiding the immediate retaliation from the wretch as she charged head first, not even waiting for anything to heal.

The wretch was enraged and attacked even more stupidly than before, charging over and over again, but unlike the emerald-eyed girl, she had no good way of breaking her momentum, setting herself up.

Against a madly charging beast, unless it was overwhelmingly powerful or had some sense in its head, there was a simple way to take them on, simply letting them impale themselves.

Superstes put her weapon, shifted into a heavy spear into the ground and let physic do its god-like work.

The wretch didn't die instantly from the blow but it didn't matter, Superstes grabbed the spear and swiftly changed it to a sword like that of Sir Solitar, albeit shorter, and cleaved through the monster's body will pulling it out.

Then chopping the head off for good measure.

She looked down upon the felled wretch, thinking about the one she had in her sights, when she noticed that the corpse began convulsing.

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