
Republish 101 Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom

    A few minutes before her wedding, Jeslyn found out her soon-to-be husband was only after the benefit he would get by marrying her.  Heartbroken and feeling betrayed, she opted for the only option available at that moment, which was to get into a contract marriage with whichever man she could find, or else her family's fortune would end up in the hands of her enemies.  … "Mister, please, will you marry me?" She asked him. A man she saw entering the restroom of the wedding venue. 'He must be one of the guests,' she thought. Maverick was taken aback by that proposal. He saw her flinch when he turned to look at her. It was apparent she got scared of him, yet she composed herself, ready to dive into the mystery before her. "It will be a marriage contract. We will get a divorce after one year," he heard her say. He also needed a woman for his brat, so he responded, "Deal." Unbeknownst to her, she just made a deal with the sweetest devil that could ever exist.  ... He is the nightmare of country M, a country where evil rules. She is the little bunny raised with love and affection. Hurt a fly? No, she had never done that before. However, forced to become the demon's wife, she had no choice but to shed her fake persona. What little bunny? Who said she could not step on a pianist's fingers with her heels and pretend like she didn't mean it? Ha, those celebrities want to play the pity card? Do they want to garner the sympathy of the public? Well, why again is she called a 'little bunny'? Isn't it because she was the best at acting cute? Did no one tell these white lotuses wanting to dive into her husband's bed that she stole his soul when she spanked his naughty son? .... Drop by my discord to have a one on one discussion with your author-- Hassy_101. Link below https://discord.gg/CswFCgc2

    Hassy_101 · Urban
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    Matrimonio de Contrato: El Novio Sustituto

    Unos minutos antes de su boda, Jeslyn descubrió que su futuro esposo solo estaba interesado en los beneficios que obtendría a través del matrimonio con ella. Desconsolada y sintiéndose traicionada, optó por la única opción disponible en ese momento, que era casarse con cualquier hombre que pudiera encontrar en un matrimonio de conveniencia, de lo contrario la fortuna de su familia terminaría en manos de sus enemigos. —Señor, por favor, ¿se casará conmigo?— le preguntó. Era un hombre que había visto entrar al baño del lugar de la boda. —Debe ser uno de los invitados—, pensó. Maverick se sorprendió por esa propuesta. Vio cómo ella se asustaba al girar la cabeza hacia él. Era obvio que tenía miedo de él, pero se compuso y se preparó para sumergirse en el misterio que tenía delante. —Será un matrimonio de conveniencia. Nos divorciaremos después de un año—, escuchó decir a Jeslyn. También necesitaba una mujer para su hijo travieso, por lo que respondió: —Trato hecho.— Sin saberlo, acababa de hacer un trato con el diablo más dulce que podría existir. ... Él es la pesadilla del país M, un lugar donde el mal gobierna. Ella es la pequeña conejita criada con amor y cariño. ¿Lastimar a una mosca? No, ella nunca había hecho eso antes. Sin embargo, obligada a convertirse en la esposa del demonio, no tuvo más remedio que dejar de fingir. ¿Pequeña conejita? ¿Quién dijo que no podía pisotear los dedos de un pianista con sus tacones y fingir que no lo hizo a propósito? ¡Ja, esas celebridades quieren jugar la carta de la pena! ¿Quieren conseguir la simpatía del público? Bueno, ¿por qué la llaman "pequeña conejita"? ¿No es porque era la mejor fingiendo ser linda? ¿Acaso nadie les dijo a estas flores blancas que quieren sumergirse en la cama de su esposo que ella le robó su alma cuando le dio nalgadas a su hijo travieso?

    Hassy_101 · Urban
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    Casamento por Contrato: O Noivo Substituto

    Poucos minutos antes do seu casamento, Jeslyn descobriu que seu futuro marido estava interessado apenas nos benefícios que obteria ao se casar com ela. Com o coração partido e sentindo-se traída, ela optou pela única opção disponível naquele momento, que era entrar em um contrato de casamento com qualquer homem que pudesse encontrar, caso contrário, a fortuna de sua família acabaria nas mãos de seus inimigos. ... "Senhor, por favor, você se casaria comigo?" Ela perguntou. Um homem que ela viu entrando no banheiro do local de casamento. 'Ele deve ser um dos convidados', pensou ela. Maverick ficou surpreso com aquela proposta. Ele a viu estremecer quando se virou para olhá-la. Era evidente que ela ficou com medo dele, mas mesmo assim se recompôs, pronta para mergulhar no mistério à sua frente. "Será um contrato de casamento. Vamos nos divorciar depois de um ano", ele a ouviu dizer. Ele também precisava de uma mulher para o seu filho, então respondeu: "Feito". Sem que ela soubesse, acabara de fazer um acordo com o mais doce demônio que poderia existir. ...Ele é o pesadelo do país M, um país onde o mal reina. Ela é a coelhinha criada com amor e carinho. Machucar uma mosca? Não, ela nunca havia feito isso antes. No entanto, forçada a se tornar esposa do demônio, ela não teve escolha a não ser abandonar sua falsa persona. Que coelhinha? Quem disse que ela não podia pisar nos dedos de um pianista com seus saltos e fingir que não foi intencional? Ha, essas celebridades querem usar o discurso de coitadinhos? Elas querem conquistar a simpatia do público? Bem, por que novamente a chamam de 'coelhinha'? Não é porque ela era a melhor em agir fofa? Ninguém disse a essas lótus brancas querendo pular para a cama do marido dela que ela roubou a alma dele quando bateu em seu filho travesso? ....

    Hassy_101 · Urban
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    Villainess 101: The President's wife is a vengeful devil

    "Handsome, we must have met before. Was it in my bed... or was it in yours?" Shera Black asked, sitting on a snake-print sofa. She had her chin rested in her right hand as her left hand twirled a wineglass leisurely. Leo Qin who was standing before her narrowed his gaze. "Are all women so unrestrained these days?" "I don't know about other women." The woman's lips curled into a sinister smirk. "But, you may want to step aside. You are standing on a booby trap." Leo Qin was speechless. This woman stole his heart, and now she set a trap for him? Preposterous! ___ ... Falling from the grace of an aristocratic family, Shera Black's view of the world crumbled along with her state of mind. How does it feel to lose everything overnight? Heiress-turned-beggar? Unimaginable! The world was cruel... but it was much more cruel to her. Why?! Just because of some measly facts that were beyond her control and sins she didn't commit? And just when everyone thought she was done for... when they all thought she was on the brink of insanity or suicide, Shera Black unexpectedly rose right back up. Shera Black: Hello world, I'm back! Miss me already? World: Wait. Something's not right. She has become a villainess?! And this villainess was clearly not here to make friends. She was back to wreck harvoc and destroy the world! Not only that,.... She was pretty much done wrecking harvoc. Guess what's next? ... As the heir to the Qin Empire, everything was under his grasp. Yet Leo Qin would never have thought that the only thing he didn't predict was the calamity he had poked... and this calamity was coming his way. Looking at the female 'calamity' before him, he gritted his teeth and hissed. "Woman, you are playing with fire!" The calamity crossed her legs and glanced right back at him. "I am fire. How can I play with myself, Mr. Qin?" He looked at her crossed legs and frowned in disapproval. "Women shouldn't cross their legs." The woman leisurely tapped the armrest. "Oh? Are our legs too short to be crossed?" "It's disrespectful!" "Respect?" She looked at him curiously. "What's that?" Annoyed now, Leo Qin said, "If you continue being like this, no one will want to marry you!" But the woman just smiled evilly. "Who said I want to get married? Pfft, seriously, who still does that?" Leo Qin was speechless. God, can we have a chat? I don't want this woman anymore!!! Brace yourselves: Vicious Female lead. You may want to prepare yourselves for some of those things female leads don't usually do NOTE: THIS IS A SYSTEM BOOK ... Editor: May May ___ Discord: tinyurl.com/Avalorian Instagram: Avalorian_

    Avalorian_ · Urban
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    Mom is mine

    If you were told to choose between the child you watched grow up under your tutelage and your biological child whom you just met, who would you choose? ********** Mi Du: "Third Young Master Mo, Your older brother (Mo Lingtian) is about to propose to the love of your life" Mo Ting jolted and screamed: "Impossible!! my older brother cannot do that to me!!" *********** Mo Lingtian: "She was betrothed to me even before she was born. What are you to come in between us? you have stayed too long at home, pack your things and get ready to join the Army" ******* Lu Yan: "Sister, I have liked Mo Lang for four years, but he doesn't like me, he likes you" Wei Yang: "What is that? is it a new robot?" ******** "They are here!!!" "What is here?" "They are attacking the economy of the country! call Mo Lingtian, now!!!!" Mo Lingtian: "I don't know how to salvage the situation, Call Wei Yang and her team, she should have a solution" Wei Yang: "Sorry, I can't do it, it's above my league" How would they save themselves from the Michets who came to seek revenge for a wrong done centuries ago? How would Wei Yang who is known to be the best computer expert deal with people and Michets who could be called the computers themselves? How would the giant of the business world; Mo Lingtian save the world's economy from crumbling under the feet of Innocent Yang who wouldn't blink before turning a country to ruins? ****** "Hehehehehe... It's so funny seeing them; punny humans run around like headless chickens to try to salvage the problems we bombard them with" "You are a human too or has the system gotten into your head?" "Get lost. I stopped considering myself a human since the day those greedy humans abandoned me here just to gain power and fame. If they won't let us rule over them, we destroy them and make slaves of the survivors. Master would be happy. Hahahahahahaha...!!" "Not the 'greedy humans' but your greedy parents who sent you here to gain fame and power." **********

    Hassy_101 · Urban
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    Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

    Seven years ago, Shen Qianshu is impregnated with Ye Ling's child in an accident. Seven years later, the little boy becomes famous and is thought of as the nation's son. When he suddenly sees Ye Ling appear, he greets, "Hello, Daddy?" Ye Ling watches as the little prince roars, "Where's my princess?" Just as Shen Qianshu is preparing to run with her son, she gets pushed down by Ye Ling. "You can leave if you want, but leave me a princess first. Let's have another baby!"

    An Zhixiao · Urban
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    My Stolen Good-for-nothing Husband Is a Secret BigShot

    [ Mature content ] Sly fox, Alexa attended a wedding to steal the good-for-nothing groom left on the altar! … Alexa wanted to live a carefree life, but after getting betrayed by her fiance and getting thrown out by her family, she decides to marry Aiden when she sees him dumped by his fiancee on his wedding day. But it's not out of kindness! It turns out his family was responsible for stealing her father's company, and she needed a way to infiltrate them to take back what was hers. Aiden was said to be dumb and easy to manipulate. But unfortunately, she chose the wrong man, for Aiden wasn't the good-for-nothing everyone thought he was. Alexa's schemes came to a grinding halt when she found out about Aiden's true personality! Aiden was actually a psychopath who hid his true nature with a broad smile and a cute personality. Despite acting as an infamous good-for-nothing who depends on his grandfather for every need, he was secretly aiming to destroy every single person in his family. After his grandfather was murdered, he was going to implement his scheme to destroy his entire family, but he never pictured a cunning wife who would thwart his well-organized plans. … “I'm poor and a good-for-nothing. Everyone knows this, so why did you marry me?” Aiden asked. “Because I love you.” “Alexa, I'll ask you for the last time. Why did you marry me?” “And I'll tell you again and again, Aiden. I love you very much and I can't live without you.” “Very well. Better don't let me find out you're lying. Otherwise…” his lips curled into a sweet beam. Alexa's heart shuddered at the sight of that smile. She could feel it deep in her bones that her husband was not what he made himself out to be. She'd never been this scared of anyone in her life. However, she's already married to him and cannot stop her plans now. Just a few more days. Once she gets hold of the document and his signature, she's out of his life. Unfortunately, Alexa thought too little of Aiden’s monstrosity. … “Either you stay with me and keep lying to me forever like you've always done, or I burn these documents to the ground.” “No, please! You can't do that. That's my family's life line!” “Then what if I kill them all? With your family gone, there will be no need for the documents.” “Aiden!” “It's your call, Alexa,” he smiled again.

    Hassy_101 · Urban
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    Pernikahan Kontrak: Pengantin Pengganti

    Beberapa menit sebelum pernikahannya, Jeslyn mengetahui bahwa calon suaminya hanya mengincar keuntungan yang akan didapat dengan menikahinya. Patah hati dan merasa dikhianati, dia memilih satu-satunya pilihan yang ada pada saat itu, yaitu untuk melakukan pernikahan kontrak dengan pria yang bisa ia temukan, atau jika tidak, kekayaan keluarganya akan jatuh ke tangan musuh. … "Tuan, tolong, maukah Anda menikahi saya?" Dia bertanya padanya. Seorang pria yang dia lihat masuk ke kamar kecil tempat pernikahan. 'Dia pasti salah satu tamu,' pikirnya. Maverick terkejut dengan proposal itu. Dia melihat Jeslyn mengerutkan dahi ketika dia menoleh untuk menatapnya. Jelas dia ketakutan padanya, namun dia menenangkan diri, siap untuk melompat ke misteri di hadapannya. "Ini akan menjadi kontrak pernikahan. Kita akan bercerai setelah satu tahun," katanya. Dia juga memerlukan seorang wanita untuk anak nakalnya, jadi dia menjawab, "Deal." Tanpa sepengetahuannya, dia baru saja membuat kesepakatan dengan setan termanis yang pernah ada. ... Dia adalah mimpi buruk negara M, negara di mana kejahatan memerintah. Dia adalah kelinci kecil yang dibesarkan dengan cinta dan kasih sayang. Membunuh lalat? Tidak, dia belum pernah melakukan itu sebelumnya. Namun, terpaksa menjadi istri iblis, dia tidak punya pilihan selain melepaskan kepribadiannya yang palsu. Kelinci kecil apa? Siapa bilang dia tidak bisa menginjak jari-jari tangan seorang pianis dengan tumitnya dan pura-pura seperti tidak bermaksud melakukannya? Ha, selebriti ini ingin memainkan kartu kasihan? Apakah mereka ingin mendapatkan simpati masyarakat? Nah, mengapa lagi dia disebut 'kelinci kecil'? Bukankah itu karena dia terbaik dalam berakting imut? Apakah tidak ada yang memberi tahu teratai putih ini yang ingin menyelam ke tempat tidur suaminya bahwa dia mencuri jiwanya ketika dia menampar anak nakal itu?

    Hassy_101 · Urban
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    Reincarnated Into A Dead Woman's Body In Another World

    "CRASH!" the last sound he heard; the last image being the smile of his friends. Jotou Howllett, a twenty-one year old nobody who finds little to no purpose in his life, wants to be a freelancer to make it big whilst trying to avoid education. He spends his last day of freedom with his friends before he's forced by his parents to attend college. That last day became his true last day as a white light flashed and he opened his eyes in a coffin, suffocating. He, now she, found herself to be in the body of a woman who had recently passed away. Jotou comes to realize that she's no longer in her world and now is in some sort of fantasy world. The rampant problems in this world soon find themselves surrounding Jotou, from the magics to the monsters to the wars between kingdoms and cities. Jotou sets out to uncover how she got here, why is she here, is she stuck here? Alongside the companions she finds in her way. _ Join the Discord Community for extra info about spells, magic, the world, announcements and more! : https://discord.gg/NPxPJZKamz _ Here's the map of the world!: https://imgur.com/a/krMRCCX Follow along on her journey through this new world, an isekai anime style story written the way I would love to read myself. It's set in an industrial revolution-esque era with magics and inconsistent technologies as a result. From slice of life moments to dark moments; comedy, fantasy, darkness, romance, mystery and reincarnation all rolled up into one adventure and I do hope anyone reading this has fun and enjoys the journey that's crafted! I intend to go by arcs and chapters much like a light novel. If you would like to give me any feedback about my writing or just want to appreciate my work, you can always leave a comment, a review or a power stone or leave feedback in the Discord! Any support is appreciated. My Links: Email: eletro104@gmail.com Reddit: u/Eletro_101 Twitter: @eletro101 Discord Community for this Book: https://discord.gg/NPxPJZKamz

    Eletro101 · Fantasy
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    Vertragsehe: Der Ersatzbräutigam

    Wenige Minuten vor ihrer Hochzeit fand Jeslyn heraus, dass ihr zukünftiger Ehemann nur auf den Nutzen aus war, den er aus der Heirat mit ihr ziehen würde. Mit gebrochenem Herzen und dem Gefühl, betrogen worden zu sein, entschied sie sich für die einzige Möglichkeit, die ihr in diesem Moment zur Verfügung stand: eine Vertragsehe mit einem Mann, den sie finden konnte, sonst würde das Vermögen ihrer Familie in den Händen ihrer Feinde landen. ... "Mister, bitte, wollen Sie mich heiraten?" Fragte sie ihn. Ein Mann, den sie auf der Toilette des Hochzeitshauses sah. Er muss einer der Gäste sein", dachte sie. Maverick war von diesem Vorschlag überrascht. Er sah, wie sie zusammenzuckte, als er sich umdrehte und sie ansah. Es war offensichtlich, dass sie sich vor ihm fürchtete, doch sie nahm sich zusammen und war bereit, in das Geheimnis einzutauchen, das vor ihr lag. "Es wird ein Ehevertrag sein. Wir werden uns nach einem Jahr scheiden lassen", hörte er sie sagen. Er brauchte auch eine Frau für seine Göre, also antwortete er: "Abgemacht." Ohne dass sie es wusste, schloss sie gerade einen Vertrag mit dem süßesten Teufel, den es je gab. ... Er ist der Albtraum von Land M, einem Land, in dem das Böse regiert. Sie ist das kleine Häschen, das mit Liebe und Zuneigung aufgezogen wird. Eine Fliege verletzen? Nein, das hatte sie noch nie getan. Doch als sie gezwungen wurde, die Frau des Dämons zu werden, hatte sie keine andere Wahl, als ihre falsche Rolle abzulegen. Welches kleine Häschen? Wer hat gesagt, dass sie nicht mit ihren Absätzen auf die Finger eines Pianisten treten und so tun konnte, als ob sie es nicht so gemeint hätte? Ha, diese Berühmtheiten wollen die Mitleidskarte ausspielen? Wollen sie die Sympathie der Öffentlichkeit erlangen? Nun, warum wird sie wieder als 'Häschen' bezeichnet? Ist es nicht, weil sie die Beste darin war, niedlich zu wirken? Hat denn niemand diesen weißen Lotusblumen, die sich in das Bett ihres Mannes stürzen wollen, gesagt, dass sie seine Seele gestohlen hat, als sie seinem unartigen Sohn den Hintern versohlte?

    Hassy_101 · Urban
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    Hell's Princess

    Catalaya has been abused and treated like a slave by her family and pack members alike for as long as she can remember. Why they do this she has no idea. the only people who stood up for her were her five best friends and her brother. After getting humiliated and rejected by her mate and finding out the people who raised her weren't her parents in front of the whole pack she decides enough is enough and runs away. Little did she know that her life had just begun and she would be in for one hell of a ride.

    Icon_Brat101 · Fantasy
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    The Alpha's Rejected Heir

    Rosalyn Parker has been verbally abused by her mother for years and ignored by her father. Her brother was the only person who treated her with kindness. But, on the night of her 18th birthday when she got rejected by her mate ke'shaun Black the soon to be alpha of the howling moon pack, after he mated with her. That was the last push she needed to leave, but she would soon find out that she was pregnant with the alpha's heir.... 17 years after leaving her pack and family behind Rosalyn has made a life for herself and her son in Italy after joining pacchetto della luna del sangue (blood Moon pack). She had kept in contact with her brother seeing as he was the only person she considered family...Now she is faced with the horror of going back to the place that broke her after been invited to her brother's wedding. Read to find out what happens when the alpha meets his rejected heir.

    Icon_Brat101 · Fantasy
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    What will you do if you suddenly wake up as another person after you die??? What will you also do if you realized that your pet, cat, started talking to you??? **** This is the story of Mu Lingxi, a hopeless romantic teenage girl from the 21st century who transmigrated to another world after falling to her death. Together with her little black cat Janus, she began to traverse an unfamiliar world where warlocks and sorceress exist. Due to a few unexpected turns of events, she ended up being engaged with a prince. But she strongly believes in Queen Elsa's words before from the movie FROZEN, "You cannot marry a man you just met once!" and this was why she highly objected to the marriage arrangement. She even chose to cross dress just to hide her identity! On her journey to learn the way of magic, she got herself entangled with five young handsome men. Together they will venture the world of magic, love, and friendship. "Living in a place different from where I came from, how will I survive??? How could a hopeless romantic girl like me cope up with a life surrounded by five beautiful young men??? Will I be able to hide my true identity until the end??" "MEOW~" [Oh c'mon, little lass. Why are you asking yourself that??? You sound so rhetoric.... It's not for you to say, but for them to find out by themselves] *Janus winked to the readers out there* P.S. Pic's not mine...Credits to the owner.

    WolfsBane · Fantasy
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    Mariage Contractuel : Le Marié de Remplacement

    Quelques minutes avant son mariage, Jeslyn découvrit que son futur mari n'était intéressé que par les avantages qu'il obtiendrait en l'épousant. Le coeur brisé et se sentant trahie, elle opta pour la seule option disponible à ce moment-là, celle de conclure un contrat de mariage avec n'importe quel homme qu'elle pourrait trouver, sinon la fortune de sa famille tomberait aux mains de ses ennemis. … "Monsieur, s'il vous plaît, voulez-vous m'épouser ?" lui demanda-t-elle. Un homme qu'elle vit entrer dans les toilettes du lieu de mariage. 'Il doit être l'un des invités', pensa-t-elle. Maverick fut surpris par cette proposition. Il la vit tressaillir lorsqu'il se tourna pour la regarder. Il était évident qu'elle avait peur de lui, mais elle se ressaisit, prête à plonger dans le mystère qui se présentait devant elle. "Ce sera un contrat de mariage. Nous divorcerons après un an," l'entendit-il dire. Il avait également besoin d'une femme pour son fils, alors il répondit : "Marché conclu." À son insu, elle venait de conclure un accord avec le diable le plus doux qui puisse exister. ... Il est le cauchemar du pays M, un pays où le mal règne. Elle est la petite lapine élevée avec amour et affection. Blesser une mouche ? Non, elle n'avait jamais fait cela auparavant. Cependant, forcée de devenir la femme du démon, elle n'avait pas d'autre choix que de se défaire de sa fausse personnalité. Quelle petite lapine ? Qui a dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas écraser les doigts d'un pianiste avec ses talons et faire semblant de ne pas le faire exprès ? Ha, ces célébrités veulent jouer la carte de la pitié ? Veulent-elles attirer la sympathie du public ? Eh bien, pourquoi est-elle encore appelée une "petite lapine" ? N'est-ce pas parce qu'elle était la meilleure pour jouer les mignonnes ? Personne n'a dit à ces lotus blancs qui voulaient plonger dans le lit de son mari qu'elle avait volé son âme lorsqu'elle avait donné une fessée à son fils turbulent ?

    Hassy_101 · Urban
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    Supernatural Investigation 101: Chronicles of Nakashima Wakana

    It's not easy being a detective when one can see ghosts. Due to her bad performance, Nakashima Wakana is sent to the cold palace to receive her career's death sentence. When she thought that her dead career couldn't be more dead, she meets her first love, Minami Sei. Love at the workplace? Nakashima Wakana has enough problems for sure. Things take a turn when she becomes the next chosen target of a demon. She's forced to use her abilities. W When she thinks that it's over for her, she finds out that she's chosen to become a part of the supernatural investigation agency? Who is this person that is always saving her? Is he a ghost or her personal guardian angel? Should she throw salts in his eyes or kiss his beautiful lips? Maybe she will do both. Join Wakana's supernatural adventures and her journey to love. ___ Warning: NSFW/GORE/VIOLENCE/SMUT Cover Source: Pixabay Instagram: Koch_Norah Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/norah_koch ****Full list of my novels******* Novels with Interconnected Worlds: 1. The Love That Remains (Completed) 2. His Mischievous Time-Traveler: How to capture a celebrity husband? (Completed) 3. His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God? (Completed) 4. Supernatural Investigation 101: Chronicles of Nakashima Wakana  5. When A Ghoul Falls In Love 6. Hunting for a Husband in a Vampire Apocalypse Standalone Novels:  Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife? Miss Chicken & Her Mister The Villainous Emperor is My Pet? (Available on Goodnovel.Com) Bad x Bad: My Dear Hana (Available on Goodnovel.Com)

    Norah_Koch · Fantasy
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    Terkadang kurasakan sesaknya beban hidup yang menghimpit jalan takdirku. Membuat berjuang tanpa hasil maksimal hanya karena kalah dalam segala hal. Aku berpikir apa yang salah denganku? Kenapa Dunia tak adil padaku? Ingin tau kelanjutannya baca saja

    People_Fine · War
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    That Tyrant Duke is a Werewolf

    Ruby Andres was suddenly transmigrated into the body of a noblewoman after an unfortunate accident inside the school library in the modern world. Now living as a daughter of a Marquis, she now faced the consequences of previously living a villainous life as Cataleya Briston. Because of the evil deeds of the previous Cataleya, she was fated to die an awful death in the hands of a tyrant duke--Adelard Cross, who was hiding a secret identity from society. Determined to escape death to befall her, she began to live a changed life. However, her fate might have planned to screw her over when the person who was destined to kill her, suddenly proposes for marriage one summer night at the grand ball...

    sparrow101 · Fantasy
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    Stripped Of Power: I Married a Useless Heir

    Lisa Qin was a heiress who had it all; Beauty, brains, a loving family, and the highly coveted Young Master of the Yun household as her fiance. However, she lost everything when she stood up for Kaizer Yun, the most hated Miss of the Yun family. Despite helping the woman who would be her future sister-in-law, Lisa was stripped of her heiress title and forced to attend a rundown university with zero support. Friends and relatives deserted her in droves! Her only ally, the outcast Kaizer became her new roommate in the University. Unbeknownst to her, Kaizer Yun is actually a man! Born as a male, Kaizer was forced by his mother to become a cross-dresser from young, to stay alive in the Yun household. Contrary to popular belief, Kaizer is not just an insignificant man who stays in the female hostel. He is actually a first class graduate and the talented business mogul, Lord K whom the business world fears. But for Lisa Qin, he is willing to remain the unwanted 'Young Miss' of the Yun household.

    Hassy_101 · Urban
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    TODAY · General
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    Can we? (Will be republish)

    Ever heard of effort and struggle? Angelica Xhyra does that almost every day. Her struggle at the big point that happened in her life, chasing the love of a man who had never seen her at all, had to listen to painful sentences every day from that man. Even so, Angel still tries to attract Alaska's attention in any way. The struggle is not only about Angel chasing someone, but her struggle also involves her life not going as normal in the future like other people, the friendships she has to maintain, her mother and the closest people she hopes to always be near. Angel becomes very fragile when she finds out the truth that is hidden by her best friend. If tears always fall in the hallway of silence, then there is a sentence that she always uses as a companion to cover her disappointment. "Whatever it is, only I know what I'm doing."

    Intann_jinnie · Teen
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