This novel is really good, it's sheer quality makes me want even faster updates, anyways here's my review.
Writing Quality - ★★★★★
I've read many novels here on the platform although I'm pretty new I can defintely say that your novels are one of the best in this platform, the quality of this novel in writing is amazing.
Story Development - ★★★★★
The development of your novel in my opinion is great, not too slow and not too fast. The MC isn't the strongest/OP right away but he gradually develops although not too slow which I like.
Character Design - ★★★★★
Although the story hasn't finished exploring all the mysteries of the MC and his college life I can safely say that everything is consistent and good from the emotions shown to the mysteries that are yet to be revealed.
Updating Stability - ★★★★
Although the updates are fast, consistent and contain quality they are not the fastest on the platform. But don't take me wrong, the updates are consistent and have quality which matters over quantity.
World Background - ★★★★
VR game backgrounds are all alike/similar to each other but I frankly love what you did with the story, especially the mystery about the MC's life and who he really is, I'm looking forward to when that'll be revealed.