
Comments of chapter undefined of Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel


I don't get people when it comes to hating on authors like if you don't like it just don't read it. yet they always come back whenever a chapter is posted. don't worry about them man and thank you for sharing your work with us


just don't drop or change because of hater


Haters gonna hate, so leave them alone. Your story is actually pretty good, one of the best so far. Keep the good work man. And where the new chapter, ha?!


I'm sorry to hear that the reviews are discouraging you, but please don't shorten or change any of the plots just because people are whining. Webnovel has an incredibly toxic and entitled viewer base, and if you need to take a break because the negativity is getting to you go right ahead and take your time to finish this wonderful novel. Just remember that most of the people who leave those reviews are doing so because they read one thing they didn't like and then want to review bomb things, you have plenty of readers who love your story and will either just leave a comment or give a stone!


One of the best reads here in webnovel... That slice of life with MJ is not bad.... And the revenge arc is sweet... . Idiots will be idiots, dont let them affect you... Pls keep it up!!! Your novel is 🔥🔥🔥


While I personally am not somebody who particularly enjoys reading stories with harems as I am monogamous, the content of the story more than makes up for that fact in my book, hope you are doing well irl and I am looking forward to the next chapter, have a good day👍


Haters will hate. Anyway don't be discouraged author, you have one of the best Marvel and Gacha fanfics I've read. I think a lot of comments are because the story is so good and you don't update fast but you keep the quality. Anyway, I hope you keep writing and that the comments slip off you like feminists do to Eidolon.


dude this story is the best keep it up! just listen to the positive reviews and let the rest go in one ear and out the other and be ok


there will always be people who will complain about everything and criticize anything, author, focus on the good and not on the bad than to ruin your day just because of the 1% of bitter people who complain is not worth it (if you are sad you I will send an Asian gothic girl with wolf cut to cheer you up)


Let this be a warning to all of y’all, you don’t want the big Swiffty stepping in to handle this


man I hate the haters. because of them our author had to write this. if I had the power to make portal to anywhere imaginable and I knew who the haters were then I would send a dump their way.by the way great work author-San 👏 👍 👌


Stopped reading halfway through when you were explaining your thoughts while writing. Sorry, but I want to enjoy the delicious pie not hear a lecture on how it was invented.You have a good story and I really enjoy reading it. After 5 chapters I knew you knew what you were doing. I rarely leave comments on stories I read, I'll try to change that in hopes of tipping the balance and not loosing this story.


This is the only story i wait 2 weeks for an update so please ignore the haters and the "red pill sigma male" guys. These are the type of guys that says helping your mom is gay. Anyway look forward for the chapter as always. Also please update the gacha master side story 😙😙😙


Seu trabalho é ótimo. Não sem importe com essa negatividade.


I want to say few things. 1st, I'm not one of those haters, and I enjoy everything in this story so far. 2nd, you will always find haters in any story, no matter how great it is, but many of those that enjoy a good read keep quiet and don't comment, just look how many support the story and you will see that you got a lot of silent support. 3rd, you started this story for your enjoyment, remember that and keep going just try to ignore those haters, most of them want a perfect MC who have all the 3 omnis, and rule the omniverse with women being submissive. 4th, I can confidently say Hector is the most realistic MC I've ever seen in a fanfic, and I've read tons of fanfics in many platforms since 2017, which means for 6-7 years of experience, and he is the MC that I felt alive the most too. 5th if he don't share some powers with his subordinates, then they will be weak and they won't serve any purpose, he need strong subordinates, and he have means to make them strong so he will be beyond dumb if he doesn't, those who demand him to keep his powers to himself are just shut ins that don't even know what living means. 6th don't rush the story, since MHA arc it was clearly the story is gonna be multiverse/dimensional travel, so anyone complaining about that after the MHA arc are just haters who want to spit on your story. 'again pls ignore haters, they exist in all platforms, and they are toxic, most of those that enjoy reading your story prefer to stay silent and not comment, I mean just compare how many views the story have with the amount of haters.'those who get mad for those bad rolls of Gacha are mostly those who never played any really Gacha themselves, otherwise they'd know your Gacha is more generous than most of other Gachas.


Meu chapa, eu não sou muito de comentar mas eu tô aq pq eu realmente quero falar Eu sinceramente acho sua história uma das q eu mais gosto de ler, eu sempre todo domingo fico feliz ou triste pq ou é dia de capítulo novo ou eu vou ter q esperar até semana q vem e agora eu tô bem triste por vc estar triste e decepcionado com esses comentários de haters e também quero falar que tu é foda e pra não se deixar se desanimar com isso é seguir firme e em frente


Lol, dê um pouco de espaço para que os outros autores possam sobreviver mano(é mentira, descarrega o 8tão neles), fazer uma fanfic que entra no top 3 do webnovel na primeira tentativa não é brincadeira. Brincadeiras a parte, não desista mano, é como você disse, o apoio é muito maior que a crítica, e acredite em mim, vai continuar assim, coloque um pouco de gelo na gengiva e retome o ânimo homem! Você não pode me dar coc*ína e tira-la de mim de repente por causa de alguns idiotas!


author i really like your fanfic and i will just follow it until its end. Your style is really good and I look forward to each chapter. for people complaining...Well your fanfic is your universe, author. A universe in which you are the god and god does what he wants. Thank you for your wonderful work and for sharing it with us.


Sinceramente agradezco la historia ya que es bastante buena interesante y bien estructurada, por algunos que nada mas se quejan de las cosas que no les gusta; ignórelos deber saber que hay personas que dicen cosas malas e irrespetuosas de otros porque ellos carecen de esa chispa que otros tienen o perciben del mundo y la vida. Escribe como tu quieras sin preocuparte por los otros tomate un descanso si te hace falta para que no halla un inconveniente en su vida y disfrute de pasion.


people are going to hate on everything, even something that is done great. I personally love your story and the world that you're building. This novel made me want to read fanfictions, and I have read quite a few now and i still like yours the most. People are stupid, that is something that I learned a long time ago, don't let them get you down, even though I know it's hard not to when you're doing this as a hobby and because you enjoy doing it. I have no complaints about the book so far keep up the great work. Thanks for all the chapters that you have written and all that chapters that you will write.


Por favor estou implorando 🥺 não encurte um romance tão bom como esse por causa de haters você não disse que escrever é seu hobby e você escreve por gosto então encurtar só vai mostrar como esses filhos da mãe invejosos te atingiram, se as coisas que esses imbecis escrevem fossem boas ou úteis eles iriam escrever seu próprio romance e não fazer críticas não construtivas, entenda uma coisa quando alguém é melhor sempre vai ter inveja e ciúmes só o medíocre não é invejável sempre que lê um comentário que não seja para apoiar, dar sugestões boas ou ponte de vista diferente para melhorar a história mas sim para ser hater fique feliz pois você é tão bom que tem pessoas querendo desmerecer isso