
Comments of chapter undefined of Shadow Slave


I don’t know why but all the chapters lately just sum up what we already know :( I don’t wanna throw around the word filler chapter, especially because I love that story, but I it does happen more often 😭


people can't stand not having action happening every other paragraph lol, if someone isn't getting stabbed they call it filler

IceNSnow:I can’t believe that you would have the audacity to call these past couple of chapters filler. The author just did a plot twist a thousand chapters in the making and you say this is just background noise… like what???

I'm so embrassed to have said that Cassie was ever plotting something she herself is plot


Put Cassie on goat watch immediately 🗣️🗣️🔥


Cassie out here putting in some work...

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I am very impressed with this twist. I wonder if Guilty had it planned all along, or if it just fit. If he planned it all along, the preperation by itself is just absolutely insane. If he didn't, finding a way to make it work and answer prior arguably bad decisions by the cohort is crazy by itself. Good job, man.


So with this plot, fate either planned corruption for them or a less complex challenge. By changing fate they became stronger killing there defiled versions. Curious to see what they have planned for Mordred?


To play devil advocate, I can see how at least Mordret(butterfly) effects all of the flow so far. Without Mordret in the picture, there’s no urgent need for Nephis and Fire keepers to join Valor over Song. The power gap gave Valor urgency to recruit them to their side and send them to Antartica. Without Mordret, there’s no battle of the Black Skull. Without the battle of the Black Skull, there’s no 3 category 4 gates opening in that exact location forcing them to have no choice but to tackle the 3rd nightmare. Let’s say those 3 gates were going to open then and there regardless of interference; Sunny and co wouldn’t have any reason to attempt the 3rd nightmare at least in the meantime if they were not all present. The Sovereign blockade of Trancendence wouldn’t have been lifted until the conclusion of the Antartica campaign and their conquest to establish a citadel in the nightmare desert. After this Nightmare, they all going to stand close to the pinacle of the waking world at the bare minimum. I believe their impact as Saint in the very near future is going to cascade to something much greater than if they’re Masters and can barely fend for themselves in the chaotic time to come. I think that’s what Cassie meant as giving Sunny the weapon to break fate. She basically fast forwarded their fate. At least in the case of Mordret, Sunny, and Nephis Sainthood if we assume Obel was right about the ripple in times.


What an awesome chapter! G3 really threw me for a loop with that twist 🤯


G3 planing his vacation so that no one can ask him about this Master piece of cooking


I am so ready for Cassie and Sunny to break fate. It is the hidden potential both of them working together can accomplish.


It doesn’t make sense that she could predict the pyramid, a space separate from the time and space of the world to protect the secret from god. It would mean she can predict thing that even gods will have difficulty. I like the cliffhanger but Cassie is way to op and I don’t like her.



Is this part of that terrible obsession he dreamt of, at the beginning of the Nightmare?

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At this point I think I would rather fight Batman then Cassie


ok seems kinda pointless to think about when her planning started because atm it doesn't matter... what matters is what her goal actually is, just saying she wants to break fate could mean anything. My best guess is relies on the fact that both sunny and neph are the only ones without a second version of themselves at the cycle start. somehow that enables that to become fuse with their past selves where sunny isn't bound to neph anymore. Idk its quite a stretch but this whole plot would be pointless without an outcome like that.


Honestly, there is something that does not sit well with me about Cassie's visions. In theory, shouldn't the visions simply guide her towards a future predetermined by fate? It doesn't seem like Cassi can see countless different futures and choose which one to follow, does it? Or is it a Doctor Who kind of thing, where there are fixed points in time that can't be changed and the rest can? It's always a mess with visions of the future and time travel, which is why I've never been convinced. It's easy to create plot holes.


Cassie has been planning for so long... I guess since Sunny and Nephis have divine aspects and they are mostly good at stabbing things we underestimated "just a sacred aspect" with affinity to revelations

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So this is a Divine level author. I see.


I’m still in shock at how deep this goes. But still, I’m wondering if this is a good thing or not? I’m not sure how sunny will react to be honest. Also I’m not sure if this means she is evil or if she is on Sunny’s side or not. Like, Sunny also is not a big fan of fate. But does that means they are on the same team? Bro I’m nervous. I like Cassie. I don’t want her to die. I miss the days when sunny led Cassie through the forgotten shore by the rope and they ate together and told stories. This is too much for me


Quick thought that my wife had. Is Cassie in Heart God's domain? Mordret told Sunny not to say Asteron's name, or else he might hear Sunny. Who hears and sees everything like an oracle who can use other people's senses? We know Asteron kept Nephis alive from the other Sovereigns and that he is collecting Divine aspect holders. Isn't it just fortunate that Cassie happened to end up by not just one, but TWO people with Divine aspects? It also makes sense as to why she wanted Mordret free. Also she seems waaaaayy too good at pulling on heart strings. At this point, I would have to be convinced that she's not.