I have come a long way since my last reviews 4 months ago. Things that seemed cool now feels overly exaggerated and unnecessary for Webnovel audience.
1. Even back then I had always taken pride in my writing skills. I won't say that my english is the best, but it is better than the most. So you can course through the entire novel without hitting any major roadblock.
2. The biggest mistake and issue with this novel is the changes in POV upto chapter 124. As i have also written in synopsis, I was inspired by a fav novel series who uses POV changes frequently to present different thoughts. But i was naive to think that the readers here would like that. It is also the reason that most of the readers drop the novel early. But I have learnt, and though I can't change the first 124 chapters, the rest of the novel will be a masterpiece. Those who have patience and like core mystery and action, I would urge to keep reading beyond chapter 124, and I promise you won't be disappointed.
3. Nobody likes to eat one kind of food all week long. This novel has too much action, adventure, and the mysteries are heavy. There are many philosophical things that I have done extensive research on. So a little romance and echhi things can bring the temperature down. (Haha!)
All in all, I consider this novel (as of right now) to have a max rating of 3.8 based on the f***kd up mess that i did with POVs. Aside from this, I think its a good novel to read.