
2010 again

Traveled back to 2010 from 2023, Philippines. At this time, the value of BTC was still cheap as tissue paper. At this time, there's still no big Internet Celebrities. Without photographic memory, a system, and special ability, what can a man from the future do in this Era of dreams and hope?

Mypantsisnotsquare · Urban
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85 Chs

Chapter 79.

Well... to be fair, it was because the tables weren't packed with dishes as before, and the food that was cooked was served in batches. So, the guest were more restrained..

Also, by restricting everyone from packing up, today's feast is more orderly compared to the last one.

"Ed, can we take a picture? I want to show my classmates that I'm not lying to them!"

At this time, Edward had just finished singing in the videoke machine and scored 98 points... with a smirked on his face, he look at Angela with smug face and was about to taunt her for being able to surpassed her 96 score.

However, just when he was about to show off, a voice from behind suddenly sounded, attracting both of their attention.

"Pia?" Edward was stunned upon seeing the petite figure standing before him. Turning his head around, a mixture of surprise and curiosity filled his expression. He couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean by 'picture,' and where's Lesley? Weren't you two always together?"

"Eh, she's over there, chowing down at the corner," Pia pointed at Lesley, who was enthusiastically devouring her meal not far away. Then, with a grin, she said, "I want a picture with you. Lately, I've been bragging to my female classmates that I know you. But they don't believe me and call me a lying so-and-so! Ed, let's take a picture. I'll show them that I don't lie."

"... That's fine.." Edward hesitated a bit before finally nodded to her. "Do you have phone?"

"My mom has one, but let's just use yours. You have a smartphone, right? The one with a front camera!? That should work! Hurry up!" Pia urged shamelessly, her excitement uncontainable. Edward's lips twitched in mild amusement, finding her enthusiasm infectious.

Shaking his head, Although felt wanting to complain, in the end, he sighed, and complied with her request

Taking out his phone, the two went on to take a few selfies, making different poses and tnen afterwards Edward then inquired, "How should I send these to you?"

"Send it on my Facebook! Oh, and by the way, accept my friend request too!"

"Oh, you sent me a friend request?" Edward raised his brows in interest.

"Yes! I even sent you several messages, but you're not replying to me," Pia answered with a hint of annoyance.

"Eh~ let me see.." opening his facebook account on his phone, Edward search her named and then simply accepted her friend request.

He then navigated to the message request area and to his surprise, Pia had indeed messaged him multiple times.

Pia: Ed, accept my friend request.

Pia: Ed!

Pia: Ed, I and Lesley wanted to join you're group!

Pia; Ed, lesley has a crush on you.

Pia: Ed, are you not going to reply!!!

"..." Feeling helpless at her antics, he simply shake his head and without any futher question, he send her their selfie.

"Is that enough?"

"Enough! I'm going to brag it with my classmates!"

"..." Looking at her departing figure, Edward couldn't help but remember her in the future time-space and for a momment he really wish for her to grow up fast.

"Damn~ how old is she?" Patricia who had been keeping her silence since the begining suddenly asked, looking at him suspisiously.

"Eh, what's with that look?"

"I don't know... But i really felt that you would.."

"Tsk. She's only 12, do you really think so bad of me?"

"S-she's 12?" Angela was stunned and for a momment she couldnt help but felt insecure.

"Yes, why?"

"N-nothing, I just felt that kids now a days was much taller and.." Angela paused, looking down at her figure, she was dumbfounded for a momment.

"Oh~ you mean bigger? Actually, she's not that big, you just don't have it- hisss, I'm joking!" Edward just wanted to tease her a bit but he immediately regretted it.

Time passed.

At around two in the afternoon, P, one of the new members that had joined the group bid farewell as he still had something to attend to.

A while later, Edward noticed that more and more guests went and the tables that was filled with dishes was emptied again.

Feeling helpless, he could only shrugged his head helplessly as it was something that he had already expected... no way, the man power is really to few.. the speed of consumption was faster than production, so he can't do anything about it

At around 4:00, the tables were already emptied and all the ingridients were already cooked and served to the guests.

Turning to his head to Mellisa and others from catering service, who was started wrapping the equipments, he couldnt help but asked. "Have you guys l eaten already?"

"Not yet... " Mellisa answered simply. "Don't worry, it's part of our business, we have already eaten before we came here so we're not that hungey."

"Eh~ Is that so?" Nodding in understanding, he continued, "Well, we're not really a formal event, and in the future, we're going to hire your service often. So, you don't have to be too reserved. As long as it won't affect the fun, feel free to eat as much as you can."

"T-that..." Mellisa hesitated for a moment.

"Don't be shy. By the way, can you tell me more about the show business you used to be a part of?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Well, like what kind of shows did you attend?"

"It depends on the program our agent assigned to us. Sometimes parties, local events, formal gatherings, or even private..."


"There are all kinds of people who wanted to have fun and they are willing to spend money for it.. of course our group don't involved something physical... We only offer dance performance."

"Oh~ does private show like that often happens?"

"Unofortunately no, its rare, but usually the pay is a lot.."

At around 5:00 in afternoon..

Tha tables and chairs have already been wrapped up, only Edward and others were around, sat on a round table, sharing stories as the drank a few shots.. with a guitar on his arm, Edward began strumming and started the song with few lines.

Perhaps, because of the alcolohol that enters everyone system, they soon found themselves singing together and the atmosphere was lively.

Everyone was having fun, but Edward who was holding the guitar was calculation in his mind.

In total, he had spent a total 6,500 for catering service and 4,000 for ingredients and rentals equipments, totalling 10,500.

That's right, he had spent a total of ₱10,500...

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but felt depressed... And thinking that he had to spent such amount regularly, Edward almost felt like bleeding..

"No, I shouldn't be depressed about it." Edward sighed and shook his head, reminding himself that such investment is worth it.

Right now, the money that their account was generating wasn't as big as his first account, after all, besides the revenue from views, there's also sponsorship.

However, compared to his personal account, their group had much more potential, not to mention that it's views had already surpassed it, and just from its revenue, most of the expeniditure was already recovered.

When it comes sponsorship and advertising, it's not only limited to music, wether its clothes, food, and various brands are possible, there are also more choices.

'It's worth it." Edward thought in his mind and the depressing thoughts in his mind slowly dissipate and was replace by smile.

At around six in the afternoon, the group began cleaning up the place and not long after, they went to exchanging a few more words and guesture, before bidding farewell.

Edward invited Kaycee inside his parents apartment and the spent some time until seven before he also bid farewell to his parents.

As they got in a taxi, Edward turn his head to his right and asked. "How is it? Does today was fun?"

"Yeah, I think its the happiest day of my life!" Kaycee smile slightly and said.

"Happiest? Isn't exagerating?" Edward asked curiously.

"No, not really, I usually don't much fun.." shaking her head, Patricia sighed.

"Oh, don't you have friends to hang out with?"

"I have friends but there are no very closed friends.."

"No way? You look very outgoing to me, I feel like it wouldn't be hard to make friends." Edward asked in surprised, as he usually saw her outgoing and friendly persona.. not to mention him, she was already closed with others in the group.

"It's not.. but the problem is, our family often changed place, like we have live from Minala, then to Laguna and now we're in Bulacan.. having best friends is very hard."

"Damn... I feel like, I understand you a bit." Edward thought as his family wasn't originally from Bulacan.. his family was from another city, they we'rent usually renting an apartment, they used to have a house, but unfortunately their other relatives betrayed, forcing them to moved out..