
2010 again

Traveled back to 2010 from 2023, Philippines. At this time, the value of BTC was still cheap as tissue paper. At this time, there's still no big Internet Celebrities. Without photographic memory, a system, and special ability, what can a man from the future do in this Era of dreams and hope?

Mypantsisnotsquare · Urban
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85 Chs

Chapter 63

Afterwards, Edward clicked the 'Monetization' tab, selected 'Enable Ads,' and turned it on to start displaying ads alongside their video.

It had been a month since they started making skits together.

After consistently uploading videos, meeting all requirements for monetization, and enduring several weeks of waiting, their application was finally approved just a few days ago.

From now on, their videos would begin generating revenue through advertisements, bringing an even wider smile to Edward's face, and without a second thought, he clicked 'upload' and posted it immediately.


Malate Manila.

In a high-rise condominium, Jasmine woke up with a pounding headache. She thought about the events of last night, turning her head gently to the right. The sight of her girlfriend sleeping beside her brought her comfort.

Struggling against her headache, she got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom, where she splashed water on her face in hopes of finding some relief.

A while later, she made her way to the kitchen, intending to prepare breakfast, but just as she opened the fridge, the empty interior met her.

"Damn! I didn't buy groceries!" Jasmine groaned in frustration, feeling a pang of annoyance at her forgetfulness. 

In the end, she gathered herself and decided to go to a nearby convenience store to buy what she needed. 

After swiftly getting dressed, Jasmine left her unit and headed straight to the store, where she walked through the aisles, carefully selecting the groceries she needed, all the while mentally planning her meals.

Half an hour later, she left the place with her purchases in hand, a sense of accomplishment warming her. 

Half an hour later, she left the place with her items in hand, prepared to head back home and finally prepare breakfast. When suddenly she noticed a familiar figure standing at the entrance of the condominium building—sparking her curiosity and wonder.

"Nina, is that you?" She asked as she approached the person, and as she did, she realized that it was indeed her friend and classmate, Nina.

"Jasmine?" Nina, who was busy texting, raised her head to see who was calling her and was also surprised upon seeing her. "It's you. Why are you here?"

"I live here. How about you?"

"Me? I have a friend who lives here and was invited to a birthday party. Would you like to come with me?" Nina explained cheerfully, extending an invitation.

"I... I have to pass for now. I just came from a bar last night and still have a bit of a hangover. Sigh."

"Oh, what a pity. What's your unit number then? I can come to you later. What do you think?"

"That's fine. My unit number is 0245."

"On what floor is that?"

"The 9th floor," Jasmine replied, offering a friendly smile.

They engaged in a pleasant chat for a while until Jasmine recalled something and bid farewell, heading to the elevator and making her way to her unit.

As she entered, the morning sunlight gently streamed in through the windows, greeting her with a sense of warmth. 

Swiftly, she made her way to the kitchen, ready to prepare breakfast for both of them. After a while, her girlfriend woke up, joined her at the table, and exchanged warm greetings.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

"What time did you wake up?"

"Around 7, why?"

"Oh, nothing. I feel like I'm getting a bit out of shape lately. What do you think about going to the gym?"

"The gym?" Jasmine's eyes lit up as she glanced at her girlfriend's figure, noticing the slight change. "Sure, you can... You know what? I also wanted to go to the gym. It's been a while since I worked out, and I feel a bit out of shape."

"Ehh? You're not, though. I always felt like you never gained weight no matter how much you ate."

"That's only your imagination."

A while later, Jasmine finished cooking, the delightful aroma filling the room. Just as they were about to dig in, the doorbell suddenly rang, causing both of them to pause and exchange glances, curiosity evident in their eyes.

"You have a visitor?"

"I think... I know who it is." Jasmine sighed, got up from her chair, and went to open the door. As she expected, it was indeed Nina.

"Hey, what happened?" Jasmine asked upon seeing the other party's hesitant expression.

"Can I spend some time at your place for a while?"

"Sure, come in." Seeing that it wasn't a big deal, Jasmine shrugged her shoulders and agreed easily. "Have you had breakfast?"

"No, I originally wanted to eat more at the birthday party, so I didn't have any. But after I got there, I felt awkward, so I left immediately."

Soon they went to the dining table, and as soon as they came, Jasmine simply introduced Nina to her girlfriend.

"Nina, this is my friend Lea. Lea, this is my classmate, Nina."

After the introduction, the three of them dug in the breakfast, and as they ate, Nina commented.

"Waoh, it tastes good; you knew how to cook?"

"I know right, I reacted the same after I tasted her food," Lea said with a proud smile.

The conversation flowed naturally, weaving through different subjects and sparking laughter and connection.

Eventually, Jasmine asked Nina about what happened at the birthday party.

"T-that..." Nina hesitated for a moment before continuing, "The friend who invited me also invited my ex-boyfriend, and he was with another girl... and they were acting annoyingly."

"Was the guy showing off to you and the girl acting like you wanted to take him back from her?" Lea chimed in knowingly, her voice carrying a hint of understanding and empathy.

"kind of like that, but not too much.. However, I still felt uncomfortable, so I just said goodbye to the friend who invited me and left the place."

"That's annoying."

"Yeah, and I hadn't even eaten anything. The whole situation just killed my appetite."

Once breakfast was done, Jasmine and Lea made their way to the sink to handle the dishes, their chatter filling the kitchen as they worked together. Nina offered her help, but Jasmine kindly declined, stating she was a guest and should relax.

Feeling a bit helpless, Nina retreated to the living room and sank into the couch, picking up a book from the wooden coffee table. As she began to read, she patiently waited for them to finish the chore.

Shortly after the clinking of dishes from the kitchen subsided, Jasmine and Lea finished. The trio then gathered in the living room, settling comfortably on the couch to enjoy some TV time together.

As they watched, Nina couldn't help but ask what had been bothering her for a while.

"Are you two dating?"


"Hehe, it's fine. You don't have to get embarrassed; I've seen a lot already."

"... we, uh..."

"Like I said, I've seen a lot. I've even dated a girl myself," Nina said nonchalantly, attempting to ease any potential awkwardness, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"You did?" Jasmine's eyes lit up upon hearing what Nina said, finding it surprising.

"Sure, I'm kind of bisexual myself and am attracted to both men and women," Nina explained, trying to keep the conversation light and open.

"I'm the same." Lea also raised her hand after she recovered from the initial shock. "Well... it's my first time dating a girl, but before, I already knew that I was attracted to girls the same way as boys."

"Cool, I'm kind of similar," Nina's eyes lit up, and then she turned to Jasmine. "What about you?"

"... I'm not sure."

"What do you mean? Are you also into girls and guys at the same time?"

"No..." Jasmine hesitated a bit, then elaborated. "When I was young, I always imagined that I would be married to a man someday, have a family, and that's all."

"That sounds so Disney, eh?"

"Kind of... but at that time, that was really my dream. But now that I think about it... I actually never had a male crush, let alone dated one."

"No way, you never did?" Hearing this, Nina's expression was full of disbelief, and even Lea, her girlfriend, was stunned.

"Sigh, yes," Jasmine confirmed.

"But why? I mean, you're so fine. I'm sure many guys have pursued you."

"Well, there were some, but I turned down each one of them."

"Because they're not your type?"

"... more likely that I'm not into men."

"Woah, so you're telling us you're a lesbian?" At this moment, Nina gasped and turned to look at Jasmine with bright eyes, seeking confirmation.

"You're a lesbian?" Even Lea couldn't help but look at her in disbelief. After all, they never talked about their gender... All along, she thought Jasmine was like her—bisexual.

"I think I'm indeed a lesbian." Jasmine hesitated for a moment and then continued, "Is being a lesbian with a 'Disney Princess syndrome' a thing?"

"What the f*ck 'Disney Princess syndrome' mean?"

"Well, it's like this. I never felt attracted to a guy, never imagined myself being with them... but at the same time, I feel like it's some kind of prince. Like, for example, a billionaire, a famous singer at the same level as Michael Jackson, or a President of a country... I feel like I can accept them."