
2010 again

Traveled back to 2010 from 2023, Philippines. At this time, the value of BTC was still cheap as tissue paper. At this time, there's still no big Internet Celebrities. Without photographic memory, a system, and special ability, what can a man from the future do in this Era of dreams and hope?

Mypantsisnotsquare · Urban
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85 Chs

Chapter 51

Follow day, Monday

After finishing his classes, Edward returned to his apartment. However, instead of immediately starting his usual recording, he changed into casual attire, locked up, and made his way to a nearby waiting shed. Patricia was already waiting there, patiently anticipating his arrival at their agreed meeting spot.

Together, they hailed a passing jeepney and started a roughly half-hour journey. As they moved from the bustling cityscape to a quieter rural setting, the rhythmic clatter of the jeepney on the road served as a soothing backdrop.

Once they arrived at their stop, they stepped off the jeepney and took a leisurely stroll towards the quiet village (barangay).

(PS. Barangay is like a small neighborhood or village in the Philippines; it's the basic administrative unit in the country.)

The transition from the bustling city to the peaceful countryside was quite evident. Tall buildings and busy establishments were replaced by charming houses, and the noisy traffic was substituted by the gentle rustling of leaves and distant birdsong.

In contrast to the lively neighborhood near the city that he was familiar with, where there was a constant buzz of people and activities, this village was noticeably tranquil. The pace was slower, and there were fewer residents, creating a more peaceful and relaxed ambiance.

As they walked in a comfortable silence, Edward couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity.

"This place is quite remote, isn't it? How do you manage to travel between home and school with all your school stuff?" Edward was confused as he inquired.

"I'm used to it, but it's particularly challenging during the rainy season, so I have to lighten my bag," she explained, her cheeks slightly flushed from mentioning this daily struggle.

"Oh... where is your high school located, by the way?"

"We don't have a high school in our village (barangay), so I had to walk to the next one, just a few kilometers away, not too far," Patricia explained, pointing in the direction to their left.

Edward simply nodded, grasping the arrangement and the distance to the school, although not in great detail.

Edward asked for more details, and their conversation continued as they strolled through the bustling neighborhood.

The sounds of children playing nearby and the distant traffic hum blended, creating a lively atmosphere. A gentle breeze passed by, carrying the pleasant scent of blooming flowers, enhancing their walk and giving them a taste of the tranquil countryside.

Arriving at Patricia's street, they were greeted by the sight of her siblings playing marbles outside.

"Hey, it's sis!" The youngest one, J, was the first to notice her and ran towards her with excitement. "Sis, I missed you! Give me five; I want to buy something!"

"... big sis, don't listen to him, he's just going to spend it on a marble hump!" teased D, Patricia's younger sister, who was engrossed in texting on her cellphone but chimed in with a playful comment upon hearing J's request for five pesos.

"Damn it, D, do I care about you texting your boyfriend?" J retorted, clearly frustrated by the interruption.


"You have a boyfriend?" Patricia raised her brows, and D, feeling nervous, stammered a reply.

"H-he's not a boyfriend! We're just friends!"

"Then why are you texting?" J asked, unconvinced.

"He's texting me, okay? I'm just replying!"

"Then why are you giggling like stupid in the corner?"

The banter continued between the two, but Patricia decided to end it before it got too real. She then gave J five pesos and turned to D, who was looking at her expectantly.

D hesitated for a moment but eventually relented, saying, "Sis, give me ten; I'm going to buy load."

"... Fine." Sighing, Patricia shook her head in a somewhat defeated manner and handed it to her.

"By the way, sis, who's the guy beside you?" D suddenly seemed to remember something and whispered to her sister.

"He's the friend I'm going to work with," Patricia explained simply, introducing, "Edward, this is my sister D. D, this is Edward."

""Hi," Edward greeted with a friendly smile, extending his hand for a formal handshake.

"Oh, Hi," D, the mischievous girl, responded, her eyes lighting up with playful enthusiasm. She accepted his hand and added with a teasing tone, "You're quite handsome. Can we exchange numbers?"

"..." Patricia stared at her sister in disbelief, her expression mirroring the thought, 'How can you say such things without any hint of embarrassment?'"

"Okay," Edward replied with a simple shrug, treating D's comment with casual indifference. He didn't dwell on it, seeing her remark as a playful tease rather than a serious proposition.

He understood the significance of having Patricia's family's contact information readily available for emergencies.

A while later, they entered Patricia's house.

Patricia's family lived in a modest two-storey wooden house—neither too big nor too small. The weathered, aged exterior held a unique charm, and stepping inside welcomed you to a cozy and inviting atmosphere. 

The combination of the aged exterior and the welcoming interior created a sense of history and comfort, allowing Edward to feel at ease.

Edward sat on the couch as he waited for Patricia to gather her stuff.

Looking around, he couldn't help but ask D, who was sitting on the opposite, busy with her cellphone, "Where's your mom?"

"She's at work." D paused what she was doing for a moment and then shrugged. "She usually leaves at 8:30 in the morning and comes back at 7:30 in the evening."

"Then she's away for 11 hours? Is she having extra overtime?"

"Yeah, Mom usually takes an hour of overtime daily, then commuting between her workplace and home also takes time.."

"I see." He nodded his head, and as he looked around for a while, he couldn't help but notice the frames and pictures on the walls, together with the medals.

"Is that your mom?" Edward couldn't help but ask as he looked at the aged frame displaying a young woman holding a certificate.

"Yeah, she was a top student in her youth," Patricia explained with a proud smile.

"Like your sister?" Edward inquired.

"No, not quite on the same level, but she also received many awards during her youth,"

"Oh." Edward nodded and turned his eyes on the frame next to her mom, then asked again, "How about you? I see a frame of yours on the walls."

"I... am not like them," D paused. "I'm the most stupid in the family; even my younger brothers are better than me."

"So you haven't received any awards?" Edward gently inquired.

"I have, but most of them were for being in the top 10," D admitted.

Edward glanced at her, his expression pensive. He found it difficult to grasp why she considered making it to the top 10 as something 'stupid.'

Edward felt annoyance building up as he fought the urge to scold her for what seemed like humble bragging. However, seeing her troubled expression, he decided to keep his thoughts to himself, thinking she might not have meant to sound boastful.

A while later, Patricia came downstairs, dressed in well-fitted jeans and a loose, comfortable shirt with a pleasing color palette of light blues and whites. Her choice of sandals complemented the casual ensemble, adding to her effortless style. In her hand, she carried a sizable, well-organized suitcase.

Examining her from head to toe, Edward nodded in approval, acknowledging the changes in Patricia since the first day of class. Her petite figure and unique hairstyle with a touch of dye made her stand out. The eyeglasses added to her distinctive appearance, giving her a charming and distinct presence.

"How does it look?" Patricia asked nervously, her uncertainty reflected in her eyes as she gestured to her attire and appearance, seeking an opinion on how she looked.

"It's good!" D exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm as she stood up and joined her sister. 

"Yeah, it suits you well." Edward nodded in agreement.

"Seriously, sis, I'm really jealous of your hair. The color suits you so well, and I've been considering dyeing mine too, but I'm just not sure which color to go for."

The two sisters chatted excitedly with each other, their conversation filled with sisterly affection. Edward, not being well-versed in discussing what he considered "girl stuff," chose to stay quiet, feeling a bit out of his place.

After a few more enjoyable conversations between the sisters, Patricia finally glanced at the time, realizing it was getting late, and made the decision to take her leave.

As they stepped outside, Edward noticed Patricia struggling with the weight of her luggage. With a gesture, he offered to help and took the luggage from her, visibly easing her burden.

Patricia hesitated for a moment, considering her petite frame, and thought it seemed odd for her to carry such a large item. Therefore, she handed it over to Edward.

The gentle rays of the setting sun painted the neighborhood with a warm, golden hue, creating a tranquil yet expectant atmosphere.

Patricia's younger siblings gathered around, each displaying a unique mix of emotions as they prepared to bid her farewell.

After some heartfelt farewell hugs and warm goodbyes between the siblings, they finally departed, under the curious gaze of the neighbors as they went on their way.

"Hey, are they eloping?"

"I don't know, should we stop them?"

"What if they are not eloping?"

"Then... let them go? What if her mother came and asked us?"

Hearing the whispers from the worried neigbors, patricia blushed and didnt know what to do.

"Should we pick up the pace?" She asked, offering the suggestion as she thought that Edward might feel embarrassed.

"Nah, its fine."