
2010 again

Traveled back to 2010 from 2023, Philippines. At this time, the value of BTC was still cheap as tissue paper. At this time, there's still no big Internet Celebrities. Without photographic memory, a system, and special ability, what can a man from the future do in this Era of dreams and hope?

Mypantsisnotsquare · Urban
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85 Chs

Chapter 32

As time passed, a new week began.

It was the second week of college, and classes went on as usual.

Edward had finished recording and editing the previous song cover on Monday, and in total, the whole production only took him three days to finish.

With such speed, even though he expected it already, Edward couldn't help but feel unreal.

However, considering the convenience of recording indoors with better equipment and the freedom to record at any time, whether it's morning or evening, he found it to be reasonable.

Thinking about this, Edward enthusiastically started another production. With one video in his inventory, all he needed to do was stockpile more song covers, ensuring he wouldn't run out of content in the future.

Time passed

And so, days passed, and it was the third day of the week.

When Edward returned from school, he didn't immediately start recording because today was the day the Internet Service Provider (ISP) would come to install his internet.

Around 3:00, ISP technicians came with tools and equipment and started the process of installation.

Edward observed their work and asked questions from time to time, and they patiently explained each step.

After all, even if he was an IT professional in the previous time and space, his expertise was more in computer hardware troubleshooting, making him curious about this specific internet setup.

With remarkable efficiency, the technicians installed the optical network terminal (ONT) and established connections using fiber optic cables.

Following this, they fine-tuned the modem and router for optimal performance.

After successfully setting up and conducting rigorous testing, the internet service was activated.

Edward received his login details, and the ONT smoothly converted optical signals into usable data.

At around six in the afternoon, the installation ended.

Before leaving, the technicians also taught him how to maximize his internet service, covering Wi-Fi setup, troubleshooting, and data usage.

Edward also thanked them and settled the installation fees, including the down payment and additional tips, etc.

That night, he spent hours browsing various things on the internet, including some exciting sites, until he got bored and finally went to sleep.


August 13, 2010

Today was Friday, and the class ended at two in the afternoon as usual.

Edward had begun his routine of packing up his things and heading back to his apartment when James suddenly came to his side.

"Hey, bro, want to come to a party tonight?" James asked, leaning on his table with a playful expression.

"What party?" Edward replied, eyeing James, who exuded an air of unreliability around him.

"I don't know, but they say there are a lot of girls there."

'He doesn't even know which party he wants to attend. Edward's lips couldn't help but twitch uncontrollably as he comlained.

"What? Are you coming or not? I can ask others if you don't want to," James said impatiently as he noticed Edward's skeptical look.


"At the nearby bar, some guy rented the entire venue, and some people are invited to come."

"You're invited too?"

This time, Edward couldn't help but look at James up and down.

He was a bit taller than him, above average in looks, and had a decent figure, but he really looked unreliable.

"Of course I am! Are you doubting me?"

"You sure?"

"Well, my cousin was invited, and she invited me... The f*ck is your problem, bro? Are you coming or not?" James's tone became noticeably angry, so Edward stopped teasing him and seriously considered whether to attend.

'Well, having some fun from time to time isn't a bad idea,' Edward thought.

Thinking that he had just finished recording the second 'stockpile' song cover yesterday and only had to edit it, Edward felt that a bit of fun wouldn't hurt, so he agreed.

"Fine, I'm coming, lest you go there alone.


As he came back to his apartment, Edward began preparing for tonight's event when he suddenly realized that he had no suitable clothes for such an event in his cabinet.


Thinking that the mall was not very far away, he decided to go shopping to buy some clothes—not too many, just a few thousand worth.

When he got home, he watched some news on TV before taking a bath and getting ready for the evening's event.

An hour later, there was a knock at the door, and seeing that it was James, Edward let him in.

"Wow! Your place is nice! Do you live here alone?" James asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Man, I'm jealous! You could bring girls here whenever you want."

"Are you a dog? You only have girls in your head."

"So? I'm a dog of culture!"


Around seven, Edward dressed in a simple but stylish floral button-up shirt, black pants, leather shoes, and a wristwatch on his right arm, giving off a retro vibe.

After leaving the apartment, it didn't take them long to reach the venue, which is not very far from Edward's apartment.

The venue was neither too spacious nor overly decorated, but it struck a balanced blend of modest size and decent decor.

There aren't many people outside, and as they went in they were blocked by the bouncer.

"Ticket?" The bouncer asked.

"Wait a minute!" James took out a ticket from his pocket but couldn't find it, so he had to search his pockets, including the one on his jacket, one by one, and the people behind him also became curious about why it took so long for them to go in.

Fortunately, after a whole minute of searching, James finally found it, and it turns out that it had been inside his first pocket, and he just didn't find it in his first search.

The ticket was crumpled all over and didn't look like a ticket at all, but the bouncer didn't care much, and they were soon allowed inside.

As they entered, Edward couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing.

"The f*ck was that?" Edward asked after calming down a bit.

"Is it funny? I did it on purpose to make you laugh, James explained nonchalantly, but from the pale complexion on his face, Edward knew that wasn't the case.

"Pfft! Okay, okay, I believe you! Pfft Hahahaha!"


A while later, laughing enough, Edward couldn't help but ask.

"What's with that ticket, by the way? Is that this bar style?"

"No, it's the party organizer that made it up. Release a limited number of tickets, and only those who have them can enter, so that the venue won't be incredibly crowded. My cousin got some and gave one to me. You're lucky I brought you along!"

"Heh, as if! I bet you tried to invite some girls and got rejected."

"Come on! Rejected? Does this face look like it gets rejected?"

"What face? Dog face? Well, I admit puppy-dog eyes work sometimes."

"F*ck you!"

"You're welcome."

"You-tsk. Never mind, let's find my cousin first."