
The Only Aura User In Magic World

Author: asuya
Ongoing · 2.3M Views
  • 1200 Chs
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Roy died during a war against the Evil God Cult, but somehow, he returned back in time to 30 years in the past where he was just a boy who awaken his summoning magic. Just a few days before his death, he became the only Aura user in a world of magic. Using his knowledge and experience, he will become an Aura user again, faster than his previous life. Accompanied with a shape-shifting black slime, he will make sure to protect everyone he cares about and win against the Evil God Cult.

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Chapter 1Prologue

I guess this is it. Being a hunter I was volunteering myself to fight in the war. Although I finally gain new power, I'm still too weak and too inexperienced with it. And now, my partner, the black slime Blobby, got eaten by a monster those bastards controlled along with my right arm. With no weapon, no magic I can use, and no strength left in me to escape, I can only wait for the monster to kill me.

I want to avenge all those precious people to me who died in their hand, the Evil God Cult. I thought I can easily win against them after gaining Aura ability. I was wrong. Even with a powerful ability, there's a limit to what one person can do. I thought I had prepared myself to fight to death. But now I realize I am still afraid of death. I bet my corpse will have an unsightly expression. That is if my face is not eaten by the monster.

I closed my eyes in fear, but the pain never come. In fact I can't even feel the pain on my right arm anymore. Am I dead? When I think so I heard someone keep calling my name.

"Roy! Roy! It's you turn for magic awakening! Come forward!"


I opened my eyes to the person who calling my name.

Where is this? What happened with the war? Why is my arm grow back?

"Stop daydreaming and waste everyone's time!"

Why is he angry? No. Wait. Don't tell me this is the past?

I looked around and see the same scenery I saw thirty years ago when I was fifteen. It was the day when people my age about to enter school. And this is the school I enrolled for a year until this city got destroyed by those bastards from Evil God Cult. I don't know how did this happened, but I will use this chance to defeat the cult.

I cleared my mind and finally come forward to the place where the teacher pointed. He's being too loud just because I didn't respond for a while. He told me to touch a scanning magical device which will help me awaken my magic.

In this world, magic exist. Some people will usually awaken to two or three magical element. Some would be lucky enough to even awaken five elements. In my previous life, I only awaken to one element, which is summoning magic. And that's how I gain my partner the black slime, Blobby.

I hope I will be able to summon him again. This time, I will walk the path of Aura user, not a mage. In my previous life, I tried so hard to improve my magic and Blobby's strength which are to no avail. I spend 25 years training to improve my magic, but turned out I have no talent with it.

It was a few months before I died, that instead of practicing my magic, I tried to improve my physical ability. I have given up on magic at that time. I also transform Blobby into a sword so I can be like those swordsman in a fairytale book I read as a child. I practiced seriously that people called me a madman.

And then few days before I died, I gained an Aura ability like the ones in fairytale. I become much stronger all of a sudden. It was at that time the Kingdom requesting for volunteer to fight a war and I who became cocky because of my newly found power participating. The result? I am back in the past.

I touched the magical device and it shows two magical elements instead of just one! How?! I only had just one but now I have two? I guess it's a blessing in disguise to have a second chance.

The first one is the same element I had before, a Summoning element. I hope I can summon Blobby again. It was way too late back when I finally recognized his ability. Even when I thought he was just a useless blob, he's always with me. But now, we can grow stronger together.

Mage with summoning element, are different than mage with other element. Other element, can increase their magic quantity by repeating using their magic, but for summoning magic, the increase of magic is next to none. It got increased, but even after 30 years I only feel that it got increased just a little. To improve rapidly, we summoning mage need to defeat monsters with our summoned monster. Because my summoned monster is just a black slime, I can't do that. Until I got my Aura ability and used Blobby as weapon.

In this life, I will make sure to increase both my Aura ability and magical ability and survive! It's good if I ended up being the strongest, but I won't ever be cocky again and think I'm the strongest just because a little increase in power. Even if I defeat strong enemies, I will still think myself as being weak. I don't have to fight every battle straight on. I can use hit and run tactics, or shamelessly escape if I think the battle is pointless.

Now is my second magical element. Since I want to gain Aura ability, I will fight close combat most of the time. So I hope my second element is wind magic to help me increase my speed. Or maybe healing element. Then I can heal myself every time I get hurt.

The result is not what I imagine. I awakened Air element. It's a rare element, but it's well-known for being useless in combat. The best thing about this element is making the user of this magic able to breathe underwater.

For me, that is more than enough. Having one more magic than I had in the past is much better than nothing. Maybe I can use this to train underwater. In my past life, there are many famous mage with rare elements, but none of them are air element mage, so I don't know yet what air element can do other than breathing underwater. If I learn more, maybe I can use it for many things.

For now, the ceremony for magic awakening is over. I don't have any friend when I was at this age, so I will just return to my home in a village near this city. In a week, I will return here to attend school. For everyone who has just awaken their magic, it's compulsory to attend introductory school for one year. They will teach you the basic of magic for one year.

After that, we are free to do what we want. For those who want to get stronger, they can apply for advanced school which will give you resources to improve yourself. For those who lack money but have combat ability, they might register as hunter. In fact as long as you have awaken your magic, you can register as hunter right away even when enrolling in introductory school.

There may be other profession they are interested in. Probably following after their parent's footsteps. But the most popular choice is being a hunter or attend advanced school.

As for me, I will choose being a hunter and attend advanced school at the same time. It might be difficult with my magic, but there must be a hope.

I will register as hunter later when I return back to the city for school in a week. For now I'll return to my village.

At the city gate, I can ride a carriage with other passengers, but because I need to be stronger, I'll just run. It will take longer, but my stamina will increase. The gatekeeper and other people looked at me curiously for trying to go home on foot. It will take at least until dinner time for me to get home. I can just hunt some rabbits on the way. I good thing I bought a knife before I went home since I haven't summoned Blobby yet. I will summon my monster tomorrow and hope it will be a black slime again.

It was night when I entered the village. I entered a house in the village. It was my house, but no one's in there since I'm an orphan. My parent died few years ago and I'm the only one left. The village chief is the one who responsible for me since then. But he only give me bread enough for a day so I need to hunt myself. Now that I've awaken my magic, it will be less likely that he will continue giving me bread. In my previous life, he also stopped sending me bread after I awaken my magic. Not caring what kind of magic I got.

And just like I expected, there's a letter from the chief telling me to get food on my own on the table.

Nobody in the village cares about an orphan. But that's fine. I can just do whatever I want.

For now I'll go to bed. It was exhausting running from the city. I need to get stronger so at least I can come and go to the city without tiring myself out.

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