
Capture Them First

"This is..."

Albert, and the other kings, including Yuria and future king of Varadis whose attitude has become slightly better, William, are here together. They are all surrounding a piece of paper on top of a round table. It's a map of the base of whoever it is that taming monsters in Monsters World. We still don't know if the cult is related or not.

"A map. It's a map drawn by Randy. Albert's cousin who is currently training in Monsters World. And I have to say that his drawing is precisely as what I've seen myself," I said.

"Where is he now?" Albert asked.

"In monsters village. He's on standby there," I said.

Even though I'm talking, all eyes are on the map. I also had Victoria's clone, the Blobbies, to shapeshift into something similar to the drawing of the map. And she said that it's a 3D map. Though it's good because we can also see the height of the surrounding landscape and also the height and the thickness of the wall. 

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