
Emergency Meeting

The man who was angry before, already calmed down. He let go of the guy he grabbed and started talking to me. Seems like he knows what to do in a when everyone is getting too heated. And I play along to cool down everyone here.

"So… why are you wearing that costume?"

"Circus come. Lack members. Volunteer."

"So the circus came to town, but somehow lacking their members when the show about to start. And then you volunteer to be a clown so the show can go on."

"Show end. Come here."

"And just as the show ended, you're called when your card beeping. So you're also a hunter, huh? What rank and how old are you?"

"Silver. D. 15."

"You're still fifteen and you already reached D rank? Which mean it's just this year that you become a hunter, right? Since fifteen is the age when people got their magic awakened. You having a silver card will be changed into gold soon I hope."

"And you? Who are you?"

"Don't know anything about me?"

"I'm a newbie. Haven't even been one year since I became a hunter."

"Now you speak normally? Then I answer it your way. Kron. 33. White."

"You have a white card? Does that mean you're the A-ranked Kron who reached rank A 5 years ago? Wow! You're amazing! I heard it's difficult after getting to rank C to improve further. But isn't the man you're fighting is also an A-rank? He called himself an A-rank last time we met."

"A. But thief."

"You mean he's an A ranked but he actually reach that rank by stealing other people's achievement? while the other's having trouble ranking up. And he think he can get away with that?"

"Guild. Evidences. Escape."

"You mean the guild has found the evidence that he and his friend are frauds. And then they decided to escape? Then during their escape this happen."


"Can you two speak like normal people? It's good to see the loner Kron to make friend but this is not the time."

The receptionist interrupt our chat. What's wrong with it? We speak word by word and the other explaining it. That's fine, right?

And for there to be a fake A-ranker… first time I heard about it. It's not really a fake, but just someone who steal other's achievement and got their rank rose. But their level should be way below their rank so they're a fake.

I already know this man is Kron when I saw him. He's a hunter who reached where he is now just by doing solo quest. All the quests he ever done, he did it alone. That's why he was called The Lonewolf.

He was so great that even I have heard of his achievement in my past life. But somehow, few years after the attack on Melk, he just disappear. I think it was between five to ten years from now. I forget.

No one ever know what happened to him. I just hope he didn't become a part of the cult. I didn't see any explosives in his mouth, so I think he's safe.

Just as we were about to continue chatting, the guild master is coming.

"Sorry, I was late. I just watched the circus with my grandson and… OOOOH! It's Clarence the Clown! You're a hunter?"

"Yes I am."

"So good to see you! My grandson is a big fan! You're doing great to calm the audience."

"That's nothing."

"Guild Master. Can we please discuss the important thing first?"

"Oh right!"

Then the receptionist began explaining the situation.

"It happened because of this guy and his friends."

She pointed to the fake A-rank hunters.

Then she continued to explain about three days ago when a hunter reported about the orc settlement and the appearance of what seems to be an Orc Emperor.

"Me! Me! It was me who reported it! I also report about encountering him and his friends!"

I sais ad I pointed at the fake ranker.

"So you're Roy. I didn't notice you with that makeups and costume."

Said the receptionist. Then she continued telling about what happened that day.

The guild was just got the news about three man party who stole someone's achievement to raise their rank. They pretended to help other strong party, and when they killed the target monster, the three killed all the hunters and witnesses. That's how the achievement of killing strong monster fall into their hand and their ranks rose.

They realize the guild finally got the evidence and prepare to escape when they met me. That's why the guild stopped the search for their whereabouts because of the Orc Emperor and call back all the people chasing after them. Because if they made a mistake, they will be the one who ended up entering the settlement.

That's why sine two days ago, the guild organized a group to kill the Orc Emperor and destroy their settlements with Kron as the leader.

"You're the leader? Cool!"

"It's just because I work alone. In the real battle, I won't do much. The leader of each party is the one who lead their own party. I'm just a figurehead since no one will object if I'm the leader."

"That's still cool. It means the guild has that much faith in you."


Kron and I whispered to each other while the receptionist still talking.

In the end, this morning, the three idiots ended up entering the orc settlement and they were being chased by the orcs.

It took them three days to reach there but it took him less than one day to return? They must be trying to erase their tracks as they go. Especially after meeting me. They must be thinking to eliminate us but never consider us to escape. How foolish…

And this guy who came back, he actually sacrificed his friend to survive. But he was so stupid he's still being chased. His stupidity ended up luring the orcs to this city.

"Reportedly, there were about 30 orcs outside the city. With the help of hunters and the guards, we're able to defeat them all, but the citizen still in panic."

"So? If the orcs has been defeated, why are we here?"

One hunter asked why we got called. And the guild master take a step forward to explain.

"Then let me explain why the guild gathered us here. If it's really the Orc Emperor, then today's attack is not the end. There will be more tomorrow. Orc Emperor is smart enough to strategize. Which means we need two groups. One group will defend this city along with the guards, and the other group will go to the settlement and subjugate the Orc Emperor. You will depart tomorrow morning, so we're here to arrange the group. As for the location of the settlement…"

"Oh! I can show you where they are! Do you have a map?"

The receptionist gave me a map of the area around Melk. I drew a circle on the location where I saw the settlement is.

"I saw the Orc Emperor around this area. He's inside the settlement. I don't know how big the settlement is, but it should be around this area."

"Then Kron and your party will leave to the settlement."

"Why me?!"

I don't know why I was suddenly selected to be in the group that go to the settlement. I mean, we're just D-rankers. And one E-ranker.

"You will be the guide. I won't ask you to defeat the orcs. Just making sure that everyone will reach the location. By the way, did the orcs chasing you?"


"Which means you have a pair of good eyes. You saw the Orc Emperor even when you haven't entered their settlement. After all, once the orc realize an intruder, they will chase after them. You didn't get chased is why I ask you to go."

Damn! I'm the one who thought of leaving this job to other hunters when I first saw that Orc Emperor. Now it became my duty to guide other hunters to go there?

And the guild master realize I have a good vision just by that explanation. No wonder he's the guild master.

"With your vision, I hope you can at least find a location with low security to breach. Once the Orc Emperor is defeated, the settlement will be in chaos. Which makes it easier to eliminate them all."

He's really smart. He build a plan based on how god my vision is.

"Well, Clarence… or Roy. Pleased to work with you."

"Yeah… me too… Can I wear this outfit tomorrow?"

"No. Wear something easy to move. I don't think you can move really well with that on. Even if you do, if you wear something easy to move, you will be able to move better."

"It's not like I will be the one to fight..."

"Go rest for the night and we will gather here tomorrow morning. We will depart as soon as everyone has gathered."


At least it's good that I don't have to fight.

Orc Emperor, huh?

Even if I don't have to fight, I should at least make a plan in case no one can defeat it. If I make a good plan, I think I can defeat it even on my own. I hope it won't come to that.

The meeting is over and we were told to go home to rest. But it's not the time for me to go home. I have somewhere else to go because of this incident. I told the girls to go home without me, while I go to the governor's house.

I want to see if this is a part of their plan or not.

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