
Comments of chapter undefined of ZENITH




Chapter comments66


The main character Should have given one wish to let his family be rich as heck.

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this is retarded, I mean not to critique you on this but this trope of not meant to be and then being angry at pretty much omnipotent being is really stupid, I mean why should beings like that even care about one simple mortal that was "not meant to die" dying? I mean **** happens at least be happy this being has conscience and at least bothers with you. Would, I dunno, butchers care if one pig accidentally died few days earlier than it supposed to? no, they would just ignore it and go on they way since **** happens and won't bother with it. Same with this omniscient being, it is immortal it has always been there, oops got careless some ant died, oh well there are 7 trillion of them anyway, doesn't really matter, I'll send it to the cycle of reincarnation or something. Much more logical is that someone got bored and decided to include a variable into a constant, like sending someone into another world with the knowledge of "plot". The whole apologising thing to pretty much your everyday Tom, Dick and Harry and sending them to isekai adventure is a japanese comedy shtick or something along those lines, no need to include that cliche into multiverse kinda world. In Japanese comedies and such these "gods" apologise because they are not really powerful, there is a whole world of them and they are something like salarymen and report to someone upstairs, that's why there are apologising and sending them on their merry way to keep them quiet and don't blemish their records, In multiverse kinda thing with marvel, dc and such, these omniscient beings wouldn't care about some mortal with no achievements dying since they are all powerful and just seek entertainment or something. Sorry for the rant just the dumb flooded)

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Why waste a wish on two humans who he might be capable if reaching in the future he's being quite childish about it.... I get he's angry or something but I'm pretty sure the MC is not affected by that wish at all because he can't see their death or anything he's hoping their dead but he doesn't actually know


why is he angry with god? I mean, he is not required to keep an eye on him all the time so that he does not die. Why did he kill two people? I mean, he is a god; he cannot kill two for one. At the end, he repented for his relatives, in his last wish, he could at least wish them to live a happier life than the death of two others, who, in principle, are not to blame for his death. He himself went to take them on the phone for fun. So, the fact that he died is normal. Author, are you that little boy?


This guy is a murder. One of the guys didn't even do anything he was just stopping the guy from shooting him and he's getting punished for it.


He should have wished his last wish for the betterment of his family not petty revenge wish wasted😭😭😭😭😭😭

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thanks of the chapter


Ahhhh why wast a wish on two assholes who aren't even worthy to hold your shoes???


you were on point i liked that but i feel like everything have a certain time for example if that person died they have an entire life ahead of them they supposed to make choices that effect other which involves karma or some sort what you said was right why would they care **** happens but in these stories they are in control over if people die or not and if they don’t pay attention and slip up it’s a compensation not like they care but sometimes the being above them if there is one will get mad if they find out that how it works in most but if that god created his children and e gets one killed it makes sense for him to say sorry


lol, the last wish, those guys will eventually die.

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Awesome Chapter! I especially liked his first 2 wishes, because they are quite OP in the long run, and with him going back to the Jurassic Era it will be extremely beneficial for him.




Thanks for the chapter


I hope you all like it

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I like his wishes and how vindictive he is, but I would have used my fourth wish for my family to lead a good/happy life one last parting gift, you know?


Last wish should have been for his family


Я такое произведение уже видел. "Зенит. Последний ревенант"


Desperdicio total ese último deseó.


Technically, the worlds that transmigrates travel to are usually as real as their real world, so both worlds as real


The wish is quite good for him that is if he's the type that love to climb up slowly.. I can foresee him being the most masochist guy who would plunge himself inside any dnager just so he would adapt... And will depend on his biomass devouring to eat any alien and animal he like....