
Comments of chapter undefined of The Oracle Paths


His luck with girls is truly terrible


I don’t really care about the oracle missions back stabbing him because someone else might have a higher authority than him, I hust hope it won’t be a ‘we were made for each other even though you screwed me over’ Also him discovering his soul mate because the Oracle said it was his soulmate is kinda weird. I get that it’s nigh-omniscient but all his built up doubt so far will mean nothing if he just goes ‘it must have its reason for using me like this’. Plus Jake’s attitude so far has been to repay enmity a thousand fold, and I hope he at least leaves her beaten half to death on his next encounter with her, like he did with the sociopath chinese girl, and them in the meeting after that, he can reconcile. Also, he reaaaallyy needs to get his oracle rank up.

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She should have explained herself. Not like she was hurrying or something, taking his stash of crystals. Jake better annihilate her next time.


he going to have a trust issue after this.


Kind of expected that to be honest. As if Jake or Ruby would truly attribute to some Oracle-based mumbo jumbo of "soul mates". Yes, I think they WILL eventually get together, but on their own merits, not some convoluted and manipulated BS. Ruby was shown to be a very selfish and self-serving character when she appeared in the first Ordeal. She was clearly shown to be manipulating and using her allies for her own gain. Just. Like. Jake. Jake will use his allies until they have no use to him. He is selfish, greedy and individualist. His "team" are simply useful to him in the sense that being solo in the new world CAN be detrimental sometimes. But he is still the same person he was when he first began, just a little more social. But yeah, Ruby leaving him to die and taking the stones is very in-character I think. I think Jake has himself to blame however for still trusting a mission from the Oracle so blindly. But that is most likely his own reward-hunger and greed being used against him. Hopefully this is a lesson and he will be able to tell the Oracle to go **** itself next time it gives him such an obviously manipulated mission.


Everyone is saying that Jack and Ruby will get together eventually but betrayal is the most worst case that can be happed between two party. So, how can this will be ok after being manipulated by both Roby & Oracle and trying to save her. Then she could wait to recover his energy and go together, No the rank is important. And behaving like that bi*ch(i don't remember the name) in first and second ordeal. So, I think the main female role will be Myrmidian Princess (First Ordeal). And they will meet again in another planet where her planet is also included in mirror universe.


Would be more interesting if they never get together and just become enemies but maybe thats just me. Never was particularly interested in her as a romantic partner for mc anyway.


I’m going to be very disappointed if this ends with Jake committing suicide. His will to survive has been top notch, especially in the beginning of this ordeal. For it to end like this would be highly unsatisfying. Also, he needs to get revenge on Ruby. Jake is the type to hold a grudge so this should cause him extreme anger, not some resolution to commit suicide.


It would be funny if the reason she died is because of the red soul stones effect😂


Ruby! you're dead to me!


Considering how players with higher oracle ranks can issue orders (or in the case of the first four trials, manipulate oracle missions in their favour), I'm very glad to finally see this turn of events. Though the oracle's use of the term 'soulmate' is debatable, they probably just appeared in each other's paths for the wish for survival. We also don't know when exactly Ruby joined the government program, so she might have gotten a higher rank from the start, similar to the girl from the siblings pair (her name eludes me at the moment). And after how Ruby was reintroduced in the first trial and beyond, manipulative, embittered and vengeful, it's nice to see her finally having a stand off with Jake, her mutual foil. It will be interesting how things will develop from this point onwards. I hope, as others have also stated, that they won't simply gloss over this incident in favour of 'love and soulmates', but I wouldn't oppose the idea of their relationship being developed further, though much later down the line. Perhaps when the first tutorial trials are over and their respective factions are much more defined (solo for Jake and Earth Gov for Ruby). I look forward to see what the author has in mind. Thank you for the great chapters :)


well ruby is in deep s#!t now, it looks like everyone wants some blood before reconciliation 😂😂😂 which is fine 😂😂

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I think that this chapter, specifically the events between Jake and Ruby, is more nuanced than we believe. I'm not going to assume that the relationship between Jake and Ruby is destroyed and here is why. First, we need to understand both parties' personalities. I'll start with jake. Jake has shown that he prioritizes himself. That's not the same as selfishness. He helps others when he can, but his own goals and wellbeing are what is important to him. He isn't a saint by any means, but he isn't necessarily selfish either. Overall, he has chosen to surround himself with people using a mutual benefit model. Sarah, Keven, Will, everyone surrounding him gets to ride on his coattails in turn for providing assistance when needed. Keep in mind that his presence protects them and that they would never have made it this far without him. Most would have died in the first week of transferring to the mirror universe. He has insecurities when it comes to friendly and familial bonds due to the way his family treated him growing up. This causes him to be sensitive about the loyalty of those he chooses to have in his life. Now, we will move to Ruby. We haven't seen much of her, but we can gather some clues, though we will make a few assumptions as well to try and fill in the gaps. The first time she shows up we can gather that, despite her deformities that cripple her, she is still a very happy and bright person. This likely means that she hasn't given up on life and does what she can to improve her life in any way that she can. The second time we see her is at the end of the first ordeal. She has gained a lot of power and is surrounded by a group similar to Jake's, but clearly stronger. She doesn't seem to care about their death within the ordeal and doesn't hesitate to take advantage of their deaths. Clearly, she is motivated to perform well. Now let's stop here and compare how the two have acted. Both have surrounded themselves with people that are, unquestionably, beneath them in importance and or strength. Both take advantage of their comrades' deaths in the 'training' ordeals. However, we have never witnessed them intentionally kill or sacrifice their allies! Sure, they take advantage of their deaths but who wouldn't? It makes sense. We can even understand their apathy in face of their comrades' death as death isn't permanent and only results in a worse reward (It's important to do as well as possible, but as long as you're still alive you can continue to grow.). So far, they seem extremely similar. It is clear that both are trying to become stronger as quickly as possible and are prioritizing themselves. We know that Jake is seeking power, motivated by his desire to survive. However, we don't know yet what is motivating Ruby. It could be related to her upbringing, her past deformity, a sense of duty, fear, or even just greed. The main thing is that we shouldn't assume the worst because, so far, she hasn't done anything that the main character hasn't, or wouldn't, do. I think that Ruby is just as smart as Jake. Likely, she is smarter as seems hinted. If Jake can figure out that the Oracle is manipulating him, then she has surely figured out the same. This is where we have to take the Oracle into consideration. The oracle is the one that has determined that these two are 'Soulmates'. If not for the mission(s) that was given on their first encounter, they would likely mean nothing to each other. Clearly, the Oracle is fostering a connection with the two. What we don't know is the reason. We also don't know who will benefit from the two of them having this connection. Is this for the Oracle? Is it for Ruby's sake? or is it for Jake's? Maybe it is even because the two of them are truly soulmates and it doesn't have any greater meaning or reasoning behind it. (1/2)


I would like to know the mental state of the MC how distrustful he will be now that the "soul mate" betrayed him ... as for letting him live, maybe he received a mission from the oracle or ruby has two entities in his body and his other side stopped her. .. or let's apply the occam razor, she is a bitch and actually her role in the story had nothing to do with the romance that we all think and she was just a pawn for jake's growth and possible rival?


Well, this will be good lesson for him, but I don't understand why didn't she kill him, steal his metal(well maybe she didn't steal it because she is already overloaded?), make slave contract(again maybe it's prohibited?), isn't it strange? After all Jake is definitely seen with high potential, making such a stron potential enemy over mere ordeal is just not wise. Also I can understand the mission, after all, purpose of mission is to make him a better version of himself. In long run this betrayal will make him stronger.


HOLY MAMA! That's one heck of a plot twist AND cliffhanger..! Got me craving for the next chapter so I can learn how she failed haha That and I'm curious about the half-baked betrayal and how much more skeptical (and hopefully independent) Jake will be about the Oracle.


I believe she had an oracle mission to help jake but she half did it trying to still get 1st place and thus failed she did put some bad blood between them but is not irreconcilable like the other crazy girl from the first ordeal they won't be a couple for some time but will have to learn to work together and find out why the oracle wants them as a couple


Her actions had a lot of contradictions... she didn't fully take advantage to get all she could, she tried to shield him when she could easily allowed him to take all the damage and she could of made a slave contract... Also, is the eyes kind of a bipolar thing? Maybe the price of having her body remade or something like that? I personally don't like seeing dystopian futures and neither like seeing hopelessness and all that edge stuff... as long as this doesn't turn into a "it's normal to be cruel even to friends" kinda thing It is still interesting. Sigh... why can't we have romance? it is a sin to want to see an affectionate scene? it's one of the main things I'm waiting for...


Oh Ruby! You will have to do a lot to get the good side of Jake without being Hulk smashed (or have an excellent explanation). Really like her little crazy personality


Hmph Jake doesn’t need ruby he will have that zhorion woman to keep him company


Did he actually leave us on a cliff on Christmas?