
Gringeno Famiglia

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  • 6 Chs
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A normal world for a normal person. However, for a normal human, when you reached the age of 15, you will be awakening about the truth of this world. Sarah Nockdern, the protagonist, awakened when she was 14 years old,1 year earlier than the given awakening age. Why did something like this happen? Is it because she's unusual? Or is it because...everything was already unusual?

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Chapter 1Prologue

I always thought I know everything.

Ever since my father left, the only thing left inside my heart is bitterness and pain. I've been tormenting myself with those feelings for so long that I thought, everybody is the same at the bottomline of everything.

I became pessimistic, skeptic and loner. And every single time that I made a mistake, those negative feelings grew and slowly, they're eating me alive…

Creating the ugly person, you are now seeing…

"Don't listen to what other people is saying about you. If you were to ask me, I'd say you're a very kind and beautiful person.", he said to me then he kneels down. He gathered his breath and he started chanting spells and writing them on the ground using a stick he just picked up from the ground. I was surprised… he suddenly breaks my nonsense—

"Every single thing that you said is interesting and I won't let our memories end today. You suddenly stepped into my life, you have your own humor- yes it might be dark humor sometimes but I like it…and you already have friends, right? You won't like it if they will become worried right? And if you're going to answer no, I won't let you! Now, hold my hand and let's get out of this labyrinth!", he said as the words he said felt very magical to me…just like how the spells works.

"I still have many, many things to do, … I guess?". I said after wiping my tears and grabbing his hand.

"What do you mean by, "I guess?"??? Of course you have! That's a statement and not a question for you, successor! Let's go!", he said, scolding me while a blizzard of snow came out from the words scribbled on the ground and it wrapped around us. I laughed with how his usual scolding and strict attitude felt very warm for me.

At that instant, we disappeared from the labyrinth and we saw the sunrise from the outside. What was left inside the labyrinth were snows that turned into a droplet of water and after falling onto the ground, it became a Dahlias flower… just like transforming winter to autumn, signalizing a new beginning.

I stared at Mark Walker, my savior, who has been there for me since the beginning. He also looked at me, smiled and laughed.

"Why are you even staring like that? With that derp face. Come on, we need to meet Jane and Makki at our rendezvous point.", he said dragging me along with him. We went inside the forest above the labyrinth.

"Can we fight the Great Council of Ancient Magicae with 15 people?", I said asking him as he was our strategist and well, best magician and—the almost perfect person.

"You look as if you're depending on me, miss. But let me remind you, you're the key person here. No matter how strong I look on you, you're still the one that has the power to order them.", he said. We stopped walking as the tension around us grew. I think he also knew that I still don't like what he's doing right now.

Suddenly, the scene that happened inside the labyrinth made me realize something. Well, reflect on my actions too, I guess.

"I see, so you're telling me to do the "ancient bd*m magic" right?", I said. His cheeks and ears flushed upon hearing the word bd*m. Oops, sorry I have a really dirty mouth sometimes.

He knelt and he did the face-palm thing everyone has been doing since they're around me, then he said "You and your dirty mouth." He chuckled making me notice how good looking and blessed this guy is. Dammit, if I'm a guy, I will really flirt with him. Very seke. "…and also dirty mind. Stop looking at me like a perverted guy from your fantasies, come on, act as a girl sometimes! And it's called [Binding Magic] not BD*M magic!", he shouted and I laughed because he is so awkward too.

"They're here! Contact one of the Great Council! And tell them they're above ground, above the labyrinth!", a random guard shouted, pointing our location.

"They found us! Come on let's run!", he said. Again, dragging me but this time it's much harsher.

"It's because you shouted!", I said-or screamed… I think? Because we're running so fast and he began to freeze the ground making it look like we're skiing or something while he is blocking the road for the guards who are following us.

"What? It's because you said something perverted! Pervert girl! And also at least use a basic heating magic or any basic magic you know to remove our traces!", he shouted.

"Err, … The thing is… I can't even produce neither fire or even smoke at least… And can't you do the same thing you did earlier in the labyrinth?", I said, making myself at least useful.

"Idiot, of course if I can do that, I will do that without even notifying you. I don't have my staff right now and I used almost all of the remaining magic in my body to make the stick a substitute and enable it to create a strong spell. I can only freeze the ground at the least.", he explained.

"I see, I think I can melt it…", I said when I tried touching the ground and it turned into water

"Okay that will do, concentrate and think of erasing our traces using that— ", I cut whatever he is saying when I remembered that I can already do <<Steaming>> when Medusa trained me.

"I can also steam the water? What do you think? Do you think we can go around the soldiers following us and I will throw the steamed water to them? Help me with the throwing though, water is not my specialty.", I said, finally being useful.

"Nice idea, Sarah! Okay, I'll speed up. Hold me tight.", he said. He sped up and I closed my eyes for a second and then all of a sudden he breaks his hold on my hand signaling me to start the magic.

I closed my eyes and imagined the scene of frozen ground melting...

<< Second Level Steam: Lull Blitz>> I shouted then I moved my hand, directing the steamed water (actually it is more like boiling water) to them while Mark is assisting me. That perfect guy doesn't chant and shouts his spell. His super lucky, like, I'm really embarrassed sometimes but since this time is very crucial, it's an exception. Good thing I managed to do it.

He dragged me again to run and he looked really sweaty. Must be because of the steam.

"That was a really crazy steam back there. The water looks like it's really boiling and their cheap armors almost got melted too.", he said smiling and looking really proud of me.

"Now that's a compliment! Thanks a lot, I can't do it without you.", I said while smiling and feeling grateful from the bottom of my heart.

However, that's not enough to stop the soldiers. It only immobilized them for only a few seconds Tsk, I hope I'm stronger and much more useful.

"You have your gifts from Makki and Jane right? Can they at least help us?", he asked me while we continued running. The men pursuing us are getting closer and I think I'm really losing my breath, tsk low stamina. Mark looked at me with a really worried face.

"Yes however—", I was about to answer when we felt something with great speed, something like a bullet or arrow passed between us. The next thing we knew; the soldiers were disabled because of the vines that captured them.

Two person was approaching us, we thought it was the Councils but… guess who?

"Hey master, sorry we're late.", Jane said. With her get up that make her look-like a hunter because of her bow and arrow. So the help back then was from her.

"I will create a diversion. Let's hurry back!", Makki said while his right eye changed to his mist-illusion magic. As usual his eye looked really fascinating, with the ancient characters or languages? scripted on them, like a magic circle… and an unknown symbol with the middle.

We run, and as I looked back… Makki's illusion, created numerous copy of ourselves and each of them were scattering making the soldier's confused.

"Sorry that's the only magic I can use for now, I must save my spells and magic for escape in case we encountered a Council member.", Makki said. How unusual, a Makki apologizing and being humble.

"It's fine, thanks for the rescue, guys.", I said while we're running. Meanwhile, Jane is shooting arrows to the soldiers. Amazing, it's like we're really far but she still can shoot them.

"Argh, I missed one. But maybe we can escape—", Jane suddenly stopped talking when she realized all of us are staring at the figure of a person in front us.

It was appearing from our shadows, creating a human figure. We knew what it was and everyone was ready to attack. They surrounded themselves around me, protecting me. Again, I'm being protected. However, they're all tired. Will I be protected forever? What can I do? My stamina is already drained; I can't even run.

"I'll attack him, master! Along with ice magic left in Mark! Don't worry, we'll get out of this!", Jane said to me while pointing her arrow to the direction where the figure is being formed.

"Then you can leave the rest to me!", Makki added.

I'm being protected again.

"Oh, oh, pitiful pillars. You have a master only capable of being completely useless.", the figure said. It was completely black, like our shadows morphed into a figure of human. No doubt, he is one of the Great Council, the fourth one, Shadow.

"Our master only started training, of course we will use our own magic and experience to protect her.", Jane said while Makki went beside her to support her.

"Yes, yes we all know about her story and how she still can't produce at least smoke or any basic magic from the Grimarya (book of magic) to protect her pillars.", the Great Council, Shadow said. I bit my lip and lower down my head. I'm really angry because what he's saying is true and accurate. Most of all, I can't do anything to help them right now when they need me the most.

Mark who was still holding my hand (Really? He is still holding my hand? I didn't notice this, maybe he was concerned that I might collapse if I lose all my stamina.) whispered something to me, "Don't bow down and admit defeat immediately, Sarah. I noticed something about your fire magic, show him your best posture and your angry face too, don't make it to scripted, you'll look stupid"

He really likes insulting me sometimes doesn't he? But thanks to him, I'm able to muster up my courage right now.

"Ohh, what's with that smirk Great Master?", he asked me. While pointing his long dark and scary looking pitch black fingers.

"Here's a thing about your fire magic. Your emotions. Imagine everything that will make you angry. Be provoked. Imagine a fire, burning like your rage. I noticed this because of your steam, it was really hot but it also felt warm must be because you feel relaxed because of the warmth… that we kind… of…shared… Anyways! You know now what must be done, concentrate, bring a good posture and release everything you are feeling.", he said.

It took me a few seconds to absorb everything.

Emotions? I'm really angry right now, Mark. You don't need to tell me that, I'm just kind of calm because I have you, Jane and Makki. But, to release it all huh, I see. That will be kind of hard, because I'm as calm as air and [Fire] is the one assigned to be the first thing to be taught to me?! I may not look like I'm angry but that's what I'm feeling…

Maybe I got provoked by that stupid Council. I may not know [Binding Magic] but I will put all the things Medussa taught to me, Mark's encouragement and Jane and Makki's support.

Those feelings will serve as fuel for my rage.

"My, my, oh great master. What's taking you so long? Can you even materialize a flame? I already provoked you, is that not enough? Do I need to take a hostage from your pillars?", Shadow said with a voice that is definitely mocking me.

"What?!", I said. I opened my eyes there and I stared really hard to that guy…I really want to burn him into ashes.

Mark suddenly let go of my hand which made me surprised. I looked at him and he was looking at me pointing his burned fingers to my hand… which has fire now. I did it! But I, burned his hand… I looked at Mark who said, "Don't worry, I'm fine. Show him what you've got."

Makki who saw what happened immediately created a mist to create an opening attack for me and Jane tended Mark's burned hands.

"Oh guardians, your talents will all be wasted to this ignorant— ", Shadow doesn't have enough time to comprehend what happened next as I threw him off from where he is standing by punching his sides with my fiery fist. The impact from the fire I released as I punched him made the mist around us almost gone. I immediately moved three steps backwards, preparing for my next attack when a hand from my shadow pulled my right foot inside the shadow. Making me lose my balance.

"Not breathing is good and all while attacking me but I can still hear your footsteps, Miss—Jane?! Wait why am I holding your ankle, this was supposed to be Sarah's foot? What is happening?", he said as funny and confused looking as he was right now.

"In short, I exchanged them. I'm also good in illusions and it seems like I fooled you.", Makki said.

Jane immediately stabbed his hand with her [Blessed] arrow making him immobilized.

"Sarah's not alone in this fight, Great Council Shadow.", Mark said as he makes him frozen too. Now he looks like a fish caught in ice.

"HAHA-this is not enough! Look at Sarah's hand! They don't have fire anymore! But… but… why are you coming closer to me?", he asked while speaking inside the frozen ice. I touched the ice and it began melting.

"Of course, I won't use fire. I'm going to melt this and boil you now…", I said while making my magic work much stronger.

"NOOOO—", he screamed and closed and his eyes and then..

"As if I'll melt you. You're still part of the Great Council, Shadow. Serve our family, Gringeno Famiglia again. I understand that you're only doing this because I'm being indecisive and you're only trying to test me. But let me tell you this, I have my own pace. I accepted this position of being the Great Master and Head of the Family not because any petty reasons what you and the other council members are thinking of; I found myself here. I found my long lost self and this is my chance to find my own way!", I said to him. Err, it was actually more of a shout.

Jane and Makki looked surprised and happy while Mark who is smirking and looks really proud said, "You must not be aware of this but what you're showing is your Omnipotent Ancestral Aura, a gathering of all our ancestors combined with their beliefs which is fueled by your anger right now."

Then we all looked at the bewildered and somewhat terrified Shadow.

We're all silent for a second and suddenly, the stupid/terrified looking Shadow suddenly knelt and while looking serious he said, "Please forgive me, Great Master and Head Sarah. I will do everything to be in your service and gain the family's trust. My supporters will do the same. Please accept me again. If you do not think I can be of your use, you can dispose of me anytime."

After his dramatic speech he bend his head down to kiss the point of my boots. That is…well to show his loyalty.

Everybody else is surprised and Jane immediately pushed him away from me then he said, "As if Miss Sarah will throw away someone, now shoo-shoo! Pervert!"

"Well, do the right loyalty ceremony next time if you don't want to be smacked by this brute woman, Shadow.", Makki said assisting him to stand up. Meanwhile Mark is also assisting him, wait I think he's about to stab him with icicles!

"Hey! Hey! Makki stop your twin brother!", I said while laughing because Mark also looked like he will also stab his beloved brother.

After things have settled down, the news about that incident immediately flashed to the other council members and that's a story for another time. On how I become someone I never thought I will be, someone completely different and a better person but still me.

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