
Chapter 4

Medusa slept in our guest room and she even woke me up. She freaking woke me up at 5 am!!

"Medusa...It's too early...", I told while I'm washing my face.

"What? Are you talking back to me?!", she said. She's so scary...

"No...I'm just asking you..hehe..", I told her while looking away.

"Well the only reason is that so you can train for an hour!", Medusa told me.

"How will I train for an hour?!", I asked her and then I pointed my pajamas. I'm still half-asleep!!

Medusa suddenly gave me 2kg dumbbells and she even put a treadmill in our sala now!

"Exercise? Really?", I asked her. I'm not expecting to gain muscles since we'll be using magic...so what are all this?!!!

"It's not enough that you know how to use magic. You're so wobbly and it's really a miracle that you managed to run on the rooftops yesterday.",Medusa said.

Argh, okay, okay what choice do I have. This is much better than the boring life before right?


After an hour of bloodbath and suffering, I finished the workout from hell.

"I can't move my muscle Medusa!!!", I screamed. She didn't care and she only glared at me while she is typing something on her phone.

"Professor Evandor will pick us up. Hurry up and wash yourself and wear your dumbass uniform.", she told me. Honestly, the number of times she swear is equals to the number of times she speak.

After 30 minutes, Professor Evander arrived and we will ride a normal car this time. Yesterday we rode a magic created carriage right?

" Good morning Miss Medusa and Young miss, Sarah.", he greeted us while smiling. I also greeted him and Medusa just nod her head. She looks so arrogant like Mark and Professor Evander is the opposite of this two, he is a cinnamon roll that's why some students pick on him.

While we are on our way, Professor Evander spoke, "I think we should find your mother miss. We can get clues on your house."

"I already checked her room. She got a thick layer of barrier disguised as mist/ illusion magic.", Medusa said.

"Woah, really? I think your mother is a S Class magician.",Professor Evander said.

Well, that just slapped me with the truth that my mother will be hard to find. I just nodded and sighed.


When I entered my classroom, Jane was waiting on my seat. My classmates are all approaching her but she is only smiling at them. She's even telling them that she is waiting for me.

"Master, good morning!", she called me. All my classmates looked at my direction. Some are even glaring at me.

I pretended that I didn't notice them because that's what I'm always doing.

"Good morning too, Jane..", I greeted her while I'm approaching my seat. My classmates who are gathered around her suddenly went back to their seats.

"Master, you don't look so energetic today..", she commented while I sat on my seat and she was standing in front of me.

"Ahh.. Well, it's a long story. Maybe I will tell you later on the night class.", I told her.

Some of my classmates whistled in awe and some are just doing it in order to mock me.


"She's really smart huh?"

"She never talks to us, though"

"Did she pull some strings to get there?"

"She's even all chummy with a noble"

"Night class? So she became a mage? Eew, a late bloomer"

"How abnormal"

Jane was about to threw a rampage if I didn't stop her.

"Jane, am I reading non-mage mind right now?", I asked her while holding her arm.

"Yes, master. Some of them are obnoxious mages who are very proud of themselves and even said it obviously so that you can hear it!", she almost shouted while answering my questions and I just nodded and mouthed that I am fine.

She looks sad because she wanted to defend me. I just smiled at her and she also smiled at me then she hugged me.

She suddenly shouted, "You're really mature master! I just learned a new thing from you and I will not waste my time on these losers!"

I almost cracked because of what she said but I realized that she actually shouted it so I looked around us and I hear them mumbling more.

"Look, she got the popular girl around her fingers."

"Well, I heard that Jane Nelson is also a weirdo, she only got her beauty and a little bit of athleticism that's why she's popular.

"Birds of the same feathers, flock together, right?"

"S-sorry, master...", Jane said to me.

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong you know...", I told her.

"Well,...you have a very scary expression on you right now master...it's like you will kill someone...", she told me.

I was astonished because of what she said then I just smiled at her and then I stood up.

"Yeah, birds of the same feathers, flock together...Look at all of you...gathering and mumbling bad things about people that was only based on your prejudices. I'm not really the type of person to be this angry, but since you insulted one of the few people who really tried to get to know me and also one of the few people that I consider as friend, I will not let you to insult her too. You know nothing about me, and I know nothing about all of you too. So can you all just fuck off and stay away.", I ranted. They were all...scared and looking away at me right now.

Our class president suddenly entered the class that our first subject will be postponed because our professor is not yet here and he will arrive next week. The whole class looks like they want to celebrate but because of my rampage they are still scared and Jane pulled my arm and we went outside the classroom.

All of a sudden, the burden I'm having inside the classroom was gone and I feel refreshed.

"What the hell just happened?", I asked Jane.

"I also don't know, master but I'm still proud of what you said just now!", she told me while clinging on my arm.

"That's also unusual you know, I never really let myself rant like that even though I want to burn their bodies along with their corpses--- Wait, why am I suddenly saying this?!", I asked Jane then she immediately looked around us.

The corridor that we were just walking on suddenly looked like a different dimension.

"MAKKI!!!!", Jane suddenly yelled and she suddenly has a bow and arrow on her hands.

"Come out, you coward!", Jane shouted again.

"Yes, yes. Why are you calling me dear?", a person who looked like Mark suddenly appeared beside Jane. His face was so close to Jane...and I almost shipped them. Just kidding.

Anyways, this is the person called Makki? and he looks like Mark because...they're twins??

Unlike Mark, he looks quite friendly and his eyes are red. His hair color is even dark violet...and some strands are almost on the shade of black. Meanwhile, Mark's hair is pitch black and his eyes are gold. Even though they are twins, they are the type of twins that you can easily tell apart because of the difference in their personality.

"Ouch!", Makki suddenly shouted. I looked at Jane's hand and she actually stabbed the hand of Makki that was about to put his arms around her shoulders.

Suddenly, Makki disappeared and I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Hahahahah! Sorry, Jane! I'm here!!", Makki shouted then all of a sudden, we're already on the school rooftop.

"What...how did we...?", I was not able to speak because he suddenly pushed me off the rooftop.

"You still haven't learned flight magic right? Then let's test your ancestral auspice, Miss Sarah!", he happily said.

I just sighed because...does he really think I'm afraid of these things?

"You know, I would really love to die! So thank you!!", I shouted at him. I looked around and I'm already 10 feet above the ground, anytime I will really fell to the ground. Crash my head, bled and die.

I looked at Makki and he was already panicking.

Suddenly, my earring shine and Mark who suddenly appeared was able to catch me before I fell of the ground.

"How did you appear?", I asked him. He glared at Makki and Makki glared back at him.

"Can I carry you so that we can get to the rooftop easier?", Mark asked me. I just nodded.

We were immediately on the rooftop and Makki was glaring at Mark right now.

"Are you that stupid? You know that your illusion magic will become a reality if you cast it on someone who have no idea on it right? Then why didn't you have a back-up plan to rescue her?", Mark asked Makki.

"I thought she can use her ancestral auspice.", Makki said.

"That's something Medusa and her agreed upon that she will never use that magic. Do you know what will happen if she uses that right?", Mark angrily said to Makki.

"I know, the magic council might be able to locate her. Why are you even concerned? You're the dog of the council right?", Makki retorted.

Dog of the magic council?

Mark looked surprised but he first checked on my expression and he was suddenly surprised.

"Will you betray me?", I suddenly asked Mark while I'm holding his arm. Wait, why did I say that?!

Mark hold my hand that was touching his arms and he removed it... "No, of course not miss...but first...", he said.

"I know what you mean...", I said.

"MAKKI REMOVE YOUR [TRUTH] MAGIC!", we both shouted at Makki. The grin on Makki's face was suddenly gone and he clicked his tongue.

"Tsk, okay fine. I know that Mark might know about this but I don't know why Miss Sarah was able to recognize it..", he said then all of a sudden, I feel well.

"I recognized it because you put that kind of magic around my classroom right? My classmates are backstabbers and cowards, they don't have the guts to tell all that stuff about me and they even told something about Jane. Of course, I will be able to at least something is off.", I explained to Makki.

"Well atleast now you know who your enemies inside the room and you how ugly they are.", Makki said while shrugging his shoulders.

"What a pathetic excuse Makki.", Mark said.

"You're the pathetic one here, you failed to witness how Miss Sarah's roasted her classmates hahahahah", Makki said.

Mark gritted and suddenly the two of them are in fighting stance. Why are they both so childish? I pulled both of their collars and they are both surprised.

"I don't really care what will happen to your fight but can I go now?", I bluntly said.

Mark looks disappointed while Makki is grinning at him. Honestly, just how childish are they?

" Is that all of the things you will, Miss Sarah?", Mark called out to me.

"Yeahhh, that's all for now. I'll just ask later when I think of something. Makki is the last guardian right? And oh, Mark,thanks for saving me again. Just settle your brotherly love--rivalry there.", I told them.

They are about to punch each other when Jane interrupted us by bringing Professor Evander to the rooftop. He scolded Mark and Makki for fighting each other instead of helping me.

"No sir, It's alright. I can do it myself. And besides, they both helped me.", I told Professor Evander.

"Okay, but Makki, how did you know Sarah is here? You're not even her classmate.", Professor Evander asked Makki.

"I met Jane this morning and I put my [TRACE] magic on her.", Makki explained.

Professor Evander still looked at him like he is suspicious person while Makki just innocently smiled at him.

Mark suddenly gave a chop on Makki's neck and he became unconscious.

Jane and Professor caught his body and Mark prevented me from helping them.

"He might be used by the magic council Sir and Miss Sarah, don't go near him for now.", Mark said to me and he tighten his hold on my wrist.

"Tsk, so they are my current enemy huh?", I asked Mark.

"Yes, don't worry you have us. Makki might seem stupid but I think he just let someone use an advance version of [TRACE] magic to him that's why he used his abilities on you.", Mark explained.

"I thought you hate Makki but I think you actually love your brother.", I told him. Mark just looked away.

After 10 minutes, they already removed the magic in Makki. They said that it was almost like puppetry but those kind of spells are only used by mages of magic council.

"Makki is strong yet he...", Jane said while looking sad. Honestly what is her relationship with Makki? I'm dying to know but I think this might not be the perfect time.

"It only means one thing right, Sir?", Mark said to Professor Evander.

"Yeah, for them to use that on one of the guardians... It means war...or they want to bring a message that they can easily subdue you guys...", Professor Evander said while looking at us.

Damn, they're all on to me. Looks like,...I need to give my all huh?


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