
Something new

It was passed the weekend and I haven't seen that man again. I got a bit closer to my mom. She seems like a very good person to be around. Her and Katie both. Theabul and I haven't told anyone else about the man. I don't want them freaking out about nothing.

It was like every normal day. My sister came into my room to wake me up for meds, except she didn't have the cup for pills. Just the orange juice. I woke up and looked at her, ready for my medicine.

"So, some news for you. We don't have enough money to get a refill on your prescription. Do you think you'll be able to go to school today?" My sister said, choosing her words carefully.

I thought about it for a while, sipping my orange juice. I thought I would give it a try. I nodded my head yes. She gives me a reassuring smile.

"If at any point you don't feel good or anything, call me and we can go home. Okay?"

I nod in agreement with a complimentary smile. She leaves me alone to proceed with my schedule. I swore I saw that man again in the corner of my mirror, but when I went to look he was gone. I brushed it off like it was nothing. I got ready for school, ate, and arrived to see my mentor. She asked me the same tedious questions. I answered them to the best of my ability. I ended up telling her that Katie can't afford more meds.

She was concerned, "Are you fit to being at school?"

I nodded to her in reassurance. I informed her that Katie told me to call her when I wasn't feeling well. I offered for her to stay with me the whole day to make sure that I'll be fine in the classroom, as well as be okay in the environment around me. She most certainly wanted to stay with me. There wasn't a reason why she would leave me alone.

We headed to my second class. Surprisingly I haven't seen anyone yet. Usually they would show up by now. My mentor escorts me into my class, she takes a seat in the back of the class. She pays attention to her radio in her earpiece, making sure there isn't an emergency while she was watching over me in class.

I was struggling to pay attention. I spent a good majority of my time drawing in my notebook. I didn't realize what I was drawing until I was finished. It was a picture of that man. The man with the purple eyes. Those charming eyes. The perfection within his whole person. I had stared at the picture for so long, it started taking a tole on me. He looks more and more like prince charming the longer I look at him. My mentor must have thought something was wrong because she came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. It pulled me out of my trance state. I looked at her and that's when she popped the question.

"You doing alright?"

"Yup." I respond quickly and quietly. I close my drawing notebook.

She looked suspicious but blushed it off for the time being. She got back up and took a seat in the back once more until the bell rang for next class.

A couple classes later it was eventually lunchtime. My main concern was the fact that I haven't seen any of my friends. Not Favain. Not Avilasa. And most certainly not Theabul. The funniest thing is that I haven't even seen the man with the purple eyes either. Or maybe I spoke too soon. I felt someone staring at me. My mentor wasn't around because she went back to the station to go check in. She'll be back before the next class starts. I turn to look out of the corner of my eye over my shoulder. There he was. Standing in the shadowy corner, along the brick exterior of the school.

When he knew I acknowledged his existence he took a few steps out of the shadows. His purple eyes glimmering in the sunlight. He gave me a sweet smile. I turned to get a better look at him as he made his way over to me. Other people didn't seem to notice him. Or maybe they didn't care. His suit made me feel hot in the sun. I didn't understand how he could stand wearing that much clothing as well as black clothing in the hot sun.

"Why hello, deary. Did you miss me?" He smirks.

I don't say anything. My heart starts to pound in my chest. I turn around quickly, picking up my pencil to draw. He takes a seat next to me. I freeze.

"Of course you missed me. Why wouldn't you?" He says as he scoots closer to me. His hand crawling up my back slowly. My body still in a frozen state, he continues. For some reason I can't find the courage to stop him. His arm wraps around my waist. His face is close to mine. He looks over at my notebook and sees the outline of the drawing from the page before.

I try to quickly draw something to cover the outline, but his words stop me.

"What is that on the page before, sweetheart? May I see it?"

I wanted to shake my head no so bad, but for some reason I found myself turning the page back to show him. I was almost halfway through turning the page but instead of letting the paper fall I closed the book and held it tight against my body with an iron grip.

"You know you still haven't told me your name, dear. I've been waiting a whole three days to hear the bells when you say your own name."

"No. I won't tell you my name." I say quietly to myself.

"Well if that's how you feel, kitten, then I'll just talk to you the way I always do." He smiles at me.

"Where are my friends?" I ask a little louder.

"Oh, them? They're gone for now. It's just you and me right now dear. I'm sure they are perfectly fine." He whispers in my ear.

A nice chapter if I do say so myself. What do you think? Comment down below your thoughts. I'll see if I can get another chapter on here soon.

Love y'all <3


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