

I close my door and keep to myself for the most part. It wasn't' long before there was a knock at my door, followed by Favain entering in.

"What was that all about? You just ran off from your own mother."

Can you cut me any slack? It's not like I don't know this stranger who just entered into my safe place and invaded my privacy. "I'm sorry I'm not social with strangers."

"You don't have to apologize to me. I'm just trying to help you get rid of her faster. Isn't that what you want?"

"How? I really don't want to feel Momma goose on my back all grudging weekend."

"The most safest option would be to prove to her that you are indeed normal on your meds that you take. You need to follow some simple yet strict rules that I will put up in order for you to succeed. Kind of play around with her game in some sense."

"What are the rules?" I was so focused on his words at this point. My main goal is to get her out. I want her out. Yes that might be a little rude, but can you blame me?

"Your first rule is to pretend that none of us are here. Not me, not Avilasa, not Theabul. Second rule: Try your absolute best to keep your focus on your sister and your mother. The Third rule: Keep to yourself unless you know for certain that it is okay. We will be around to help you when you are stuck not knowing what is right and wrong. Don't say something off topic to the conversation. Keep it relative to the topic. The Fourth and final rule: Always show emotions even if you have to fake it. Try not to sit in a corner and stare, but instead smile a little while keeping your attention sharp towards your two focuses. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah." I was a little confused, having to sort all this new information somewhere in the front of my brain. Keep it safe so that I don't forget it. I don't want to slip up.

"Do you have any questions?" He gives me a half smile and sits on the edge of my bed.

"Will I ever get to talk to you guys at all?" I looked worried. I didn't want to lose any of them.

"Yeah, you will, eventually. But we will let you know if you can or cannot."

"I guess that's alright."

He gives me an interested look. I don't try to provoke him into trying to get me to say more. I think he knew I was done with the conversation because he opened my door and walked out on me, closing the door behind him. Leaving me with a choice I had to make. Do I want to go out there and show my mother what I am capable of or am I just going to be a hermit and stay in the comfort of the walls of my room?

This here is an important question I need to answer because it can change my life completely. I heave a sigh, proceeding to leave my bedroom and into the living room. My sister looks up surprised. My mother looks surprised as well, but not as surprised.

"Can I be with you guys? I want to spend some time with mom too."

Katie smiles at me approvingly. I take a seat on the couch more comfortably, trying my best to stay focused in on the conversation.

"You doing alright?" Favain says to someone in another room.

"Yeah I'm fine." Responds Avilasa.

I sit there confused but I try not to show my confusion.

"Would you like something to drink, Mom?" Katie asks.

"Uh, yeah. That would be nice. Can I have some coffee?"

"I'll get it." I say quickly before Katie could say anything. I jump up and walk into the kitchen. I grab a mug and set it on the counter, getting some coffee for Mom.

"Why, hello there." An unfamiliar male voice says behind me.

I freeze in my tracks. I turn to see him. A man taller than I and I would describe a little taller than average. he wore a black suit and white shirt, black tie. Very professional looking. He had jet black hair that was kept neat and orderly alike the rest of his outfit. The most scary, yet mesmerizing thing about him were his eyes. They weren't like any normal human's eyes. His eyes were purple. It is rare, but isn't normal. He was staring me down with a charming smile. I almost felt like I was melting under his gaze. I don't speak to him.

"And who might you be?" He asks sweetly.

"I can't tell you that." I say under my breath. I turn back around and finish making my mother's coffee. I feel his hands on my shoulders and his face next to mine.

"Why not, sweetheart?"

Oh, no. He didn't. I know way at the beginning of my book I said that my gender is irrelevant, but...he exposed me. I am indeed a girl. I don't know what to say. Why is this so hard?

"Come on now. It's not that hard to tell me your name, dear. I'm sure it's just as beautiful as your looks. You look stunning."

His words roll off his lips and into my ear. His voice hushed, yet well chosen. I wanted to tell the others to come take me away. To rescue me from his character. He seems so charming. I need to follow the rules.

I brush him off my shoulders and away from me. I take my mother's coffee to her. She thanks me and I take a seat. The man walks into the room. He was quiet. I still don't know if hes real or just a figment of my imagination. He watches me intently. It's creepy, but I try not to let it bother me.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Katie's voice breaks the thought. I give her a look of confusion.

"May I be excused for a little bit?"

"Of course, of course." She is concerned because of the major mood swing, but I brush it off.

I get up and I walk to my room. I notice out of the corner of my eye, he wasn't' following me. I shook it off and I closed my door to keep my cool.

"What's the matter?" Theabul looks up from his notebook.

"There's a strange man in the house." I said and started describing what he looked like.

"I've never seen that man around before. I don't have a clue of who it could be."

"Do you think the others would know who it is?" I was in a desperate search to know who this man was.

"Maybe but I'm not so certain." Theabul looks at my trembling hand. "Did he do something to you?"

I freeze. Thinking back to the way he touched my shoulders. The way his voice sounded. The way he looked at me with those eyes.

"Did he do something to you?" Theabul said again yet more forceful.

"No." I felt he didn't have the intent of hurting. Maybe he was another person in my life that wanted to help rather than hurt. What if he does hurt me? You saw the way he creepily followed me into the living room. Maybe he's just a figment of my imagination and will disappear. Maybe.

Hey all. Make sure to leave a comment down below. Let me know how I'm doing. I would love to hear from you. Maybe think about putting it into your library so you can be notified when a new chapter comes out.

Love ya'll so much,


MuffinHorrorcreators' thoughts