
The Strongest System: Marvel Fan-fiction

I had died for one thing and one thing only. I had been a hero and died for it. I had saved the girl I loved and was soon transmigrated into the body of a high schooler at Midtown High School. With the power of the gamer, I would not die again and I will protect others, not for my benefit. I Have power and with great power comes great responsibility.

New_Hiro · Movies
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"Hey watch out!" I had yelled but in the end, had to push her out of the way of the truck. I sacrificed my life for another I had loved. Our date was just finished and she walked across the street without looking both ways and a feeling a sense a deja vu, I had pushed her out of the way.

Looking at the sky, it handed me peace and even though she would be sad, she would live. Letting out my final breath my soul was released from this body to the next. My soul was sucked into a void which then pushed me into the cycle of reincarnation, but was stopped by the god overseeing the cycle.

"Young one, you have lived a great life. You have helped others and showed kindness to a stranger you never met. You were a hero at death and for that, I want to transmigrate you. I want to reward you for how much good karma was achieved and so you will be sent to a world of fiction. One you will enjoy and find love in one day. Until that day, I wish you the best of luck on your journey, goodbye young one." Said the God with sincerity.

"Than-- thank--- you." I had barely made out before being sucked into a portal.

The surprise was shown on the God's face. "How can he speak as a soul, that is almost unheard of and extremely rare. It seems like he will have a great future with how strong of a soul he has." Said the God before continuing to observe the cycle of reincarnation.


MC - PoV


"Where am I?" I said as a look confusion spread across my face. I came face to face with a room unknown to me. I was laying down on my bed and sat up after a while.

A sudden wave of memories rushed into my head. My name is Jason Green, and I am about to be transferred to Midtown high for my second year of high school. I am an orphan and have no living relatives. I am currently living in a cheap apartment, and my first day of high school in my second year starts tomorrow.


[System downloading...]

[Download done]

[Quest alert: Explore the System...

Reward: Titanium Grade Demon Body, Mixed Martial Arts, 10,000 Dollars

Penalty: None]

I was excited as I was just about to get a lot of money and some pretty OP skills. Well, if I remember correctly about systems, they should have a status page. "Status..."


Name: Jason Green

Age: 16

Level: 1 (Exp: 0/100)

Overall Power: Eh...

----------(Normal Human = 10)

Strength: 8 - Agility: 11

Endurance: 13 - Toughness: 12

Intelligence: 18 - Wisdom: 7

Charm: 17(Cannot change) - Luck: ??? (He is the protagonist...) (Cannot Change)

Stat Points: 5


-I.D Create/Destroy - Level: 1 (0/10)

-Zombie I.D- Level: 1-15 -(Time dilation- 2 hours on the inside is equivalent to 1 hour on the outside)




I was stunned at what I saw, I could become strong and be enough to protect everyone. I always wanted to be a hero but not one that would let people trample on. I was going to do whatever it takes to be a good hero.

To even out my stats I put 3 into wisdom, and 2 into strength. A sudden feeling of warmth spread through my body as I saw small changes to my muscles. It was slight but I could see them getting a little bigger.


Quest Complete:

Rewards: Titanium Grade Demon Body, Mixed Martial Arts, 10,000 Dollars


Titanium Grade Demon Body - Level: 1 (0/100) - An ability that after each level strengthens the body's toughness. (Current Passive: +10 Toughness + 5 Endurance)

Mixed Martial Arts - Level: 1 (0/10) - A skill that after each level grants the user not just techniques but also strength and speed as a passive. (Current passive: + 5 Strength and agility)

----------(^ means new stat)

Strength: 15^ - Agility: 16^

Endurance: 18^ - Toughness: 22^

Intelligence: 18 - Wisdom: 10^

Charm: 17 - Luck: ???

Stat Points: 0


After gaining those skills memories of basic martial arts were flooding my head. A warmth greater this time almost to the point of hurting flooded my body once again I could feel the strength gain this time.

I felt was way stronger like I could take on the world. I calmed myself down and thought about my situation. I knew that I was in the Marvel Universe as I went to Midtown high with Flash Thompson and Peter Parker. I could use a spider bite for a gain in strength. I don't need the web-shooters though as I won't need them with what I am going to make.

Getting up from my bed I went to the bathroom for a shower. About 10 minutes later, I walked out refreshed and was getting ready for a battle. Clicking my I.D create skill, I quickly pushed Zombie Dungeon and got into a stance ready to fight. I vanished from my room and ended up on a random street. There were Zombies pretty much everywhere but were scattered. I looked at a zombie and observed it for a while. [Ding]

[New Skill created: Observe - Level: MAX - Can look at a person or an object and determine their stats]

[Zombie - Level: 3 - HP: (50/50)

Strength: 20 - Agility: 10

Endurance: 10 - Toughness: 10

Intelligence: 0 - Wisdom: 0

Charm: -10 - Luck: 0]

Time for a showdown. I rushed the zombie and threw a straight punch and it hit it knocking it back.


I kicked it low on the side of its leg. It lost its balance and fell.


I kept on hitting it tell it was dead and gained 22 experience points. Well, that went well but I grabbed the attention of its friends as 4 zombies moved towards me. Its time for a fight, I rushed over and did a dropkick knocking them all back damaging the first 2 for 12 damage and the others for 2 damage. One rushed and tried to bite me on the neck but I kicked it back dealing 17 damage. This kept up for a few minutes and I finally killed them all.

[You have gained 92 Exp. You have leveled up.]

This fight only lasted a couple of minutes and I knew I could go on longer. "Time for a massacre," I said as I rushed another group of zombies.

[40 minutes later]

"Huh... huh." I had been fighting non-stop and was really tired. I noticed I had gained 2 in strength and 3 in agility and 4 in endurance. I gained 2 in toughness as I only got hit a little bit, I also gained 3 in intelligence and 1 in wisdom. I leveled up 6 times and got 30 stat points that I could use but I will save them for later. This is what my stats looked like now.


Strength: 17^ - Agility: 19^

Endurance: 14^ - Toughness: 24^

Intelligence: 21^ - Wisdom: 11^

Charm: 17 - Luck: ???

Stat Points: 30
