
12: The game of eternity

"What shall you become in order to win"

Anireto · Action
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7 Chs

Suffering(god) part 2

The name Ahma Aya breached through the air enough for someone standing by the school to hear. The hundreds of students in the audience gave a loud round of applause but soon ended as the boy being called made his way halfway through the stage to the man in charge of giving out the certificate.

| Hmp, lasted longer than |thought Ai Sekaitsu with a sight of dissatisfaction on his face. Sekaitsu is well accustomed to this ceremonies since he has had to attend ever since he started school, but the feeling his always gets is one of the many reasons why he hates school.

< So what exactly is the error of this ceremony >

| Just Watch |

< Fine >

Ai Sekaitsu patiently waits listening to the flurry of names being called to stage waiting for a certain one to be called.

| There it is |

"Tetsuya Shimizu"

A tall, broad-shouldered and buff student stood up, the crowds reaction was more than happy to see him take stage. Students clapping, cheering, shouting his name and some jumping out of their seats to congratulate this beloved student.

< Care to explain? >

| Well it's nothing big but to get awarded something during the ceremony you must have passed at least two exams and higher. That boy only passed two while other one who I was fixating on passed all of them. The difference in applause is why I don't like this type of things. School children always show favour to who's more popular than to who deserves it |

< I feel the weak should be encouraged more than the strong that they might also be strong >

| It's not as if he was always strong though |

"Let's go"

Int. A few hours later

Sekaitsu is sitting in the back of a classroom while Author stands next to him.

< Why are you just sitting here, we should be completing more quests >

| Be patient, the person I'm waiting for is still busy taking care of his stuff |

The door to the front of the classroom slides open. A scrawny, awkward teenager with glasses and short hair enters into the classroom.

"Hey Ahma, what took you so long."

"So you decide to return on the last day of school Ai, your becoming more of a troublemaker nowadays aren't ya?"

"You gon answer my question first."

"You know I'm always late to leave, so are you going to stop asking obvious questions or tell me why your here"

"It's not obvious, you finished later than usual."

"I did not you liar."

"False, you usually finish at 16:20 and the time you arrived at was 16:21."

The two boys let out a bit of laughter to the unfunny joke Sekaitsu just made.

"Still am unfunny jokestar Ai."

"Well your the only who laughs at my jokes so I wouldn't call myself a joke star"

"Fair point"

"Hey why do you keep trying," says Sekaitsu. The mood and atmosphere of the conversation suddenly takes a shift into a more darker talk.

"What do you mean by that," replies Ahma

"You keep on studying, doing your homework and trying to keep up in classes"

"I'm not sure I get what your saying"

"What I'm saying is this, even with all your achievements people still gossip bad about you calling you weird and ugly, bastards are recognised more than you and they still bully you don't they?"

"I see, Ai oh what happened to you," replies Ahma who starts to walk toward Sekaitsu, " You use to tell me about your dreams of normalcy that when you grow up you want to be live a happy life, have you finally given, do you want to commit it."

"Yeah," Sekaitsu's face begins to clench up and tears form.

"Well there's no specific reason as to why I still try but I want to see my future. They say if you try hard enough you can be successful but there are still plenty of ways for things to go wrong but you and I, me and you, we've always found a way to deal with it, I don't care how if my life's shit I can't live a happy life if I'm dead and it's what cowards do," Ahma proclaims. Ahma lifts up his hand, shaking and twitching as it raises through the still air of the classroom. The sun shining through the windows of the class between these two young protagonists of their own stories as the hand of Ahma Aya lays on Sekaitsu's left shoulder and the following words utter out his mouth, "I could shit my pants just thinking about it, I can't die cause I'm just really scared of dying." A smile let loose by Ahma spreading across his face.

"I've never seen you smile like that Aya."

"Aya huh? It's been a long time since you've called me that."

"Yeah I guess I just got used to calling you Ahma."

"You remember that day right?"

Int. Flashback: Years ago when Sekaitsu and Ahma were still kids.

"I hate those guys Aya"

"Same, why don't they just go pick on someone they're on size, hehe."

"It's not funny, what did we do to deserve this."

"Learn to laugh a little Ai."

"Aya answer my question."

"Nothing, we did nothing but were still here all beaten up and sitting in the cold snow."

"It's not fair."

"Some people are born lucky and some are not, in this world of so many people someone had to be the bully and one the victim, you know which one we are."

"I want to die there's nothing good in my life."

"That won't happen."

"I told-."

"I said it won't! Listen make up a dream, anything you want it to be as long as it's achievable in real life."

"I want to be reborn and-."

"Try again."

"Uh, I want to live a normal happy life."

"Same here."

"What boring dreams we have."

"True but you would give anything for them to come true."

"Yeah I would do that."

"You can't live your..... Your dream won't come through if your dead so let's continue living me and you."

"I'll try my best."

"You don't have to say it so slowly you know."

"It's cold so I'm freezing."

"We've already made this far in life so just have to continue living, we may get bullied but it's not as if anyone's gonna murder us hehe."

"Yeah your right."

"Plus I feel like as long as your there even hell can be made a little more tolerable, so if you die I will also die cause I can't do this without you. I wanna stay with you forever, if you I sin I sin so I can join you in hell."

"You know basing your life of other people is a bad choice."

"Well life should be more fair if it wants me to follow all of its damn rules and moral codes! Anyway its just until I'm 18 then I will be independent and go my own way but I will always regard you as my dear friend."

"Thank you Aya."

"Call me Ahma, Aya was always such a shitty name."

"Swearing's bad you know."

"Your too much of a follower of rules, that's why you get bullied."

"Your a such a shitty friend."

Int. Present time

As Sekaitsu stops reminiscing he realizes Ahma left. A heavy breath is drawn out and

"You win, I won't die I want to win the game," Sekaitsu tells Author as he leaves the classroom. Author follows him.

< See I told the you >

"It wasn't you who convinced me but Ahma plus there's something I want to do."

< Interesting development from my young servant but what is it that you seek to do with the game? >

"A god can do anything right?"

< That is true >

"As for what I wanna do," Sekaitsu thinks for a moment before answering.

"I will become god and make this world a fair place for everyone."