
Ideal Body

Revolutionary General Gary was currently performing the tango with an intelligent man-sized lobster.

It was apparently part of the ancient ritual that Co-Revolutionary General Oscar had used to advance to the Ideal Body stage.

Revolutionary General Gary was sure that Co-Revolutionary General Oscar was fucking with him.

Revolutionary General Gary encounters some sort of understanding.

Revolutionary Gary perfectly tangos with the lobster, and spins him back into the sea.

Revolutionary General Gary suddenly feels very small in the universe.

Revolutionary General Gary felt that he knew just what was what within the universe.

There was the Omninexus, devouring worlds left right and center to expand enough to satisfy the whims of its people.

There was also the Dangerous and Hostile Research Initiative's 9682nd replacement space station, they had an unfortunate tendency to blow up.

Revolutionary General Gary was even aware of the Promised Land, where a True God was said to be imprisoned torturing souls in order to make them 'useful'.

Revolutionary General Gary sat down to cultivate, a golden glow covering his body.

Revolutionary General Gary lost all awareness of his surroundings, and felt he was alone in the universe.

Revolutionary General Gary always felt out of place wherever he went.

There was only one reason for Revolutionary General Gary to feel this way now.

Revolutionary General Gary did not make sense.

He was a technicolor stain on the black and white tv program that was reality.

A massive finger made of galaxies, and super-clusters made its way towards Revolutionary General Gary.

Revolutionary General Gary needed to disappear.

A finger taping on Revolutionary General Gary's shoulder wakes him up from his meditation.

"You done yet?"

This finger belonged to Co-Revolutionary General Oscar.

Co-Revolutionary General Oscar had a revolution to win, and was quite tired of having to help his superior advance his cultivation.

"Uh, yeah I think so? You wouldn't happen to know anything about the Omninexus would you?" asked Revolutionary General Gary.

"No I do not. If you'll excuse me General I have a war to actually go and attempt to win." replied Oscar making his way away from the beach.

Revolutionary General Gary had managed to reach the Ideal Body stage.

Revolutionary General Gary looked like a Revolutionary General Gary's equivalent to an Adonis.

To any one else he would just look like Revolutionary General Gary.

Revolutionary General Gary was now as strong as the strongest man on earth. Revolutionary General Gary supposed this was nice, but it still put him miles behind most anyone else. The level of talent one had determined how much strength one gained as they advanced.

Revolutionary General Gary had also reached the supposed limit for near-mortal level talents. Sure he would live to be about 150 years old, but he was now cut off from ever achieving immortality.

Revolutionary General Gary was not just going to take that lying down!

Of course, Revolutionary General Gary had more pressing concerns.

There was a ship on the horizon. It likely contained the inquisitors sent to hunt down Revolutionary General Gary.

Revolutionary General Gary's laser musketeers had long overrun most of the garrisons on Subardos. Only Floatingtown stood in the way of Revolutionary General Gary's ultimate victory; all thanks to Co-Revolutionary General Oscar, of course.

Revolutionary General Gary chased Oscar down.

"Wait wait! I have a plan!" proudly stated the Revolutionary General.

Revolutionary General Gary decided to set up an ambush within Floatingtown. He still had many supporters hiding behind its array. Revolutionary General Gary felt it would be easy to sneak Co-Revolutionary General Oscar in with a few men. The True Self stage inquisitors would surely suffer heavily under their concentrated fire. The death of two inquisitors was sure to deal enough time for the revolution to gather support, and more laser muskets.

Satisfied with his plan, Revolutionary General Gary sent Oscar on his merry way, and decided to take a load off on the beach.

Revolutionary General Gary felt that things were finally looking up for him. He had gotten as far as he could realistically get in his life, and was a leader that would have access to immense resources if his revolution succeeded. Yes, life was certainly looking up for Revolutionary General Gary.

Revolutionary General Gary did not consider himself particularly power hungry, but he wouldn't dismiss the chance when it was presented to him. Revolutionary General Gary felt he would make an average to slightly above average leader. Well, At least Revolutionary General Gary is realistic.

Revolutionary General Gary certainly didn't understand all of the ideas, and ideals of the Associanards, but as long as everyone's lives were improving he couldn't care less about any of their weird utopian dreams. Anything was better than being a slave to the Luxurists.

Revolutionary General Gary assumed being a Luxurist could be quite fun. Unfortunately, Revolutionary General Gary lacked the stomach for the casual disregard for human life, and the dependence on ever more ludicrously expensive things in order to bolster one's own ego.

Revolutionary General Gary preferred to relax, and have a beer or two in his free time. He didn't need such frivolous extravagance.

Revolutionary General Gary sat watching the tide come in and out for a long time. He watched the sun slowly set, and was serenaded by the sounds of the waves, and the winds.

Revolutionary General Gary felt at peace with himself, and his life.

Revolutionary General Gary was sipping on a mimosa when the palm trees tore out of the ground, and smashed his beach chair to bits.

Revolutionary General Gary was already climbing up a rock to avoid being killed by them.

A body hits the ground.

This body was Co-Revolutionary General Oscar.

Two inquisitors, an elf and a treant, were hovering in the air.

The elf inquisitor shoots a white beam from his finger at Revolutionary General Gary.

The beam penetrates Revolutionary General Gary's skull splashing brain matter all over the rock.

Fortunately, that was just Revolutionary General Gary's afterimage.

Currently, the real Revolutionary General Gary is already 10 miles deep into the jungle.

The inquisitors give chase. Revolutionary General Gary has no chance of getting away.