
Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range

And so Ao Rai set out on his journey, to increase his strength, before taking the Evil God's blood in one year, and eventually going on to ascend to the Realm of the Gods. A simple plan, which should be readily achievable for Ao Rai who currently had peak battle prowess across the entire continent, reaching the 10th level of the Sovereign Profound Realm.

Inhaling deeply, Ao Rai flew into the air, blazing across the sky towards the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range, with the intention of undergoing the Phoenix God's trial.

3 Days later...

Many roars and screeches could be heard emanating outwards from the lush and verdant mountain range, spanning for many miles. This was the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range. Floating in the air above the mountain range, a handsome young man looked down into the forest. There were mercenaries below him, harassing some middle aged men and women hunting in the forest. Smiling devilishly, Ao Rai formed a plan.

"I could forcefully enter the trial area, but that would be much more of a hassle considering the phoenix god's strength. I will gain these phoenix clan members' trust by frightening these mercenaries away and then off the back of their gratitude request a chance at the trial. Simple, yet effective."

Laughing internally, Ao Rai descended and released his aura frightening the mercenaries off. The mercenaries were shocked, but with their strongest member reaching the nascent profound realm, they were no match for Ao Rai, even though he only showed earth profound realm strength.

As the mercenaries were chased away, the phoenix clan members were, as predicted, incredibly grateful for the help of Ao Rai.

"Young man if there is any way we can be of service for your help, please let us know." The leader of the group, a thickly set man with a bushy black beard, said this to Ao Rai subserviently, cowed by the strength he showed.

Ao Rai, as he decided, took them up on their offer and followed them back to the mountain. When he passed through the barrier set up by the phoenix god, finally the ghost of a smile broke out on his face, as he strode forwards into the camp.

An elderly man, presumably the leader of the Phoenix tribe here greeted Ao Rai, to which Ao Rai responded in kind, after this Ao Rai asked,"Old man, I have helped your tribe members, and they offered compensation, however I don't want that." A weird light flashed across the old man's eyes upon hearing this, however Ao Rai's next set of words caused his expression to change.

"I know a trial set up by the phoenix god is here, let me take it thats all I ask."

Ao Rai said this with expectation to be allowed in, according to his knowledge of the original story, and just like the original story, after a couple of minutes of the elderly man having an internal struggle over the matter he gave in and allowed Ao Rai to take the trial begrudgingly, since the likelihood of him stopping him if he forced his way into the trial was miniscule.

Laughing, Ao Rai patted the old man on his shoulder, and said,"Don't worry I'll even break your curse for you." As Ao Rai strolled into the trial area and entered into the separate dimension, the words he spoke in passing to the elder caused him to violently shake.

"W-who is he, how does he know about the curse?" A violent wave was set off in the elder's mind by Ao Rai's casual words, and for the first time in a long time, hope blossomed in his heart, that maybe the curse set millennia ago would be broken by this young man.

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