
10 scenarios

This is about a guy in omniscient reader. I have read the manhwa and novel. This is my first attempt at writing anything. So this is probably the same quality as “three ways to survive the apocalypse” apparently was. This will be made assuming you at least have read some chapters. The chapters will be released whenever I want.

Bmcp124 · Action
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14 Chs

An eventful bus ride (2)

'I've heard this before' I thought. "did we run into something?" Maria asked making sure to hold the railing.

"No I don't see anything in front of us. And the bus driver disappeared." Carl's said. 'Where did I hear this?' I was thinking then I remembered two things.

'Three ways to survive the apocalypse, and dokaebi.' As I thought, a downy creature wearing a garmet appeared.

'Dokaebi, that is a dokaebi'

There was noise. People were talking. "What the hell is that?" "Open the fucking door!" "How the hell are you floating!" As a person said that it said something. "**#*#"

gibberish it was gibberish. "#*hello? Oh nice it finally works."

'Attribute window' [your attribute window cannot open] 'shit' a young man yelled at the dokaebi. "I want to go home and sleep let me out!"

"Well I'm sorry but you will have to do some challenges." The dokaebi said. "Any more complaints, and we will die!" I yelled.

"Oh nice thanks for making it easier. Snap" the dokaebi snapped it's fingers, and a video played.

"Huh? Is that taepung girls high school?" The man saying this seemed Asian. Then, pop! Pop! Pop! It sounded like popcorns but what we saw wasn't. Heads exploding screaming and a murder.

Taepung girls high school survivor: Lee Jihye. Then we all saw a blue screen. 

[main scenario 1# prove your value]

kill one or more living organisms

category: main

difficulty: F

time limit: 30 minutes.

Rewards: 300 coins

penalty for failure: death

"Everyone stay calm." Maria stepped up, and tried to calm everyone down. "Yeah this isn't real it's a dream!"


His lifeless body fell. "Stop denying reality the constellations will get bored." Yelling, lots and lots of yelling and screaming.

"Everyone calm down!" Maria tried but failed to calm everyone. And then. Silence. Everyone stared at each other. Then it started.

"Die! You bastard!" "Aaahhh!!" Killing and screaming. 'Fuck' I looked around but found nothing. Then someone approached.

"Easy kill!" He jumped at me. I tried kicking but he dodged and countered. 'Bam!' My vision grew blurry. 'Is this how I'm going to die?'

[your skill has been activated] [counter shield] 'huh?' A red force field appeared around me and. [damage accumulated 50%] I knew what to do. " activate."

The next second. Boom!!

[you have killed 5 living organisms] [obtained 500 coins] I killed five people. Then my vision grew even more blurry. 'Shit don't faint'