
10 scenarios

This is about a guy in omniscient reader. I have read the manhwa and novel. This is my first attempt at writing anything. So this is probably the same quality as “three ways to survive the apocalypse” apparently was. This will be made assuming you at least have read some chapters. The chapters will be released whenever I want.

Bmcp124 · Action
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14 Chs

After the bus

"wake up!" It was Maria. She somehow survived. "How many survived?" "Four people." 'Four, not bad huh? Not bad?' The scenarios barely started and I was already thinking like that.

I started looking around. "Is Carl dead?" I asked in a slightly shaky voice. "Boo!" "Holy shit!" Carl was behind me.

Then the other survivor came up to me and introduced himself. "Hi I'm Athanos." A young man about 20 and covered in blood.

"Haha, I owe you. You killed the guy right in front of me. He ended up counting as my kill." He said in a polite tone.

"Hmm only four survivors." The dokaebi appeared, and seemed disappointed. "At least one was interesting." He glanced at me and then proceeded with talking to the sky. "Thanks for watching Everyone."

'What did I expect. He's probably a low rank dokaebi.' "Anyway, now you guys have been blessed by superior beings pitying you." Then the blue screen appeared again.

[sponsor selection]

(Select a constellation.


'welp fuck' I didn't get a sponsor. I wonder why?' 

"huh? A the blue screen is saying to select a sponsor" it appears that everyone got a sponsor. 'Attribute window' 

Hyun Cho.

personal attribute: shielder(unique)...

sponsor: .....

stigma: ....

personal skills: (counter shield lv 1) (mana shield lv 1)

Stamina level 1. Strength level 1. agility level 2. mana level 6. 

'of course I'm weak, I have okay mana but otherwise nothing.' '100 coins in strength, 200 in stamina, the rest is mana'

[strength upgraded to level 2]

[stamina upgraded to level 3]

[mana upgraded to level 8]

'this is gonna be risky' "can we get out now?" Carl said in a slightly confident manner.

"Not yet" replied the dokaebi." 'I really don't know a lot but I've read SSSSSS-grade Infinite Regressor. And it's similar.

I also read the opening chapters of three ways to survive the apocalypse. Because some guy insisted that it was a copy.' 'Now that I think about it they really are similar.'

"Okay it's done." The dokaebi said. "May the story bless you" then he snapped his fingers and disappeared.

"At least the doors open now" said Maria, she would immediately regret those words. Monsters everywhere, screaming and fire. "Of course." 

[second scenario survive]

category: main

difficulty: E~D

Clear condition: go to an underground subway station, and find a safe location.

Time limit: 24 hours.

reward: 500 coins.

penalty for failure: ???

"What the hell?" Athanos said. "We're supposed to survive? In this hell hole?"

"Let's go immediately!" Carl shouted.

"Yeah!" Everyone else shouted at the same time. " okay, let's talk about abilities. I have a defensive ability." I said.

"What? abilities?" Everyone got confused. 'Oh come on!'

I quickly explained. "Think of this as a death game, with skills and powers. You can see them by saying attribute window, or thinking it."

Everyone quickly understood. "I have an attacking ability. Quick strike." Said Athanos. "It makes the first attack deal more damage."

"I have a healing ability. Helpful hope." Said Maria. "It increases regeneration and increases moral." 'Holy moly a healer.'

"I have two abilities. A scouting ability. Mana dispersion. And weapon proficiency." Carl quickly said." As the name implies I disperse mana, then feel it's location. And weapon proficiency is what it sounds like." 'Wtf is his sponsor?'

"Okay here's the plan. We make a triangle. Maria in the middle Carl in front, Athanos on the left, and I on the right." I said. "How many times do you think you can use mana dispersion Carl?" I asked.

"Three times. Over 100 meters each." '100 meters is too good' "okay the nearest subway station is about 500 meters." Athanos said. "So I'll use it after about 150 meters." Said Carl. "Yep does everyone know the plan?" I asked. "Yes!" Everyone answered.

The first 10 minutes were fine then. "There is something close." Carl said. "How big?" I asked." "Not that big we'll be fine. Get ready to fight."

There were some goblin looking things with small knives. "Doesn't seem hard. I'll use counter shield, then Athanos attacks."

"Graaww!!" The goblin screamed at us as it ran. 'counter shield.' A red barrier appeared suddenly, and the goblin hit it and was knocked back. Then Athanos was ready. "I got this!" "Cough! Be careful!" I yelled.

The goblin quickly recovered and tried to attack. Luckily Athanos dodged, and attacked it. "What the hell." Athanos couldn't kill it in one shot. Luckily Carl was ready, and punched the hell out of the goblin. "It's dead." 'First kill.'

[obtained 50 coins] 

note: I won't really include sponsors of historical figures. Because I don't really know any.