
1 Year of Beginning

“Give me one year of your life and I’ll give you the money you need.” Feng Mian is a normal and down to earth modern woman. She just wanted an ordinary life, an ordinary job and find an ordinary man to marry in the future. (Yes, all should be ordinary). But when family matters took a turn for the worst, she faced a huge dilemma called shortage of money. Suddenly, a contract came due to a series of coincidences. Zhang Liang was fed up with his father's (yes, father not mother) matchmaking schemes for him. He wanted to have a peaceful year because this was his chance to expand his business overseas, yet his father didn’t seem to get the message. When an ordinary fresh graduate employee in his company accidentally saw a scene, he decided to take the chance. “Since she has a normal background with nothing remarkable, nothing should go wrong, right?” Browsing through the contract, Feng Mian gritted her teeth. 'Fine. It was just one year of my life anyway. I wouldn't lose a lot.' But was it true? Or would that one year turn out to be a ride full of ups and down for both of them? ... Story set in modern era in fictional country. This story is purely fiction, any similarities with real life's event is purely coincidence. Special thanks for CatarinaM2811 for making the cover Word count: 900-1800 words/chapter Discord: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB ... Thorough the Years' Series: 1. 1 Year of Beginning [complete] 2. 2 Years of Restarting [complete] 3. -Work in Progress- 4. -Work in Progress- 5. -Work in Progress- 6. -Work in Progress- 7. -Work in Progress- The series are all STANDALONE, meaning you don't have to read the other series in order to be able to follow this story. You can just read one and you still didn't lose anything. Each of the series have different main leads but they all happen in the same universe (and similar timeline, some are overlapping but mostly not) ... Other novels: -Flowers Bloom from Battlefield [complete] - Under the Veil of Night [complete] - 7 Path of the Lilies [on long hiatus] - Villain Lady [complete] - Science and Fantasy [complete] - Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower [on going] - The Quiet Empress [on going] ... Note for those who read Sorahana's other novels: This novel took a different approach compared to my other novels because it focused heavily on romance and also in main lead's perspective. follow me on IG: @sora100518

Sorahana · Urban
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198 Chs

Similar Parents

Feng Mian watched Zhang Liang's back as they walked in the corridor. His words rang in her head over and over.

'When one acts, one should do it until the very end.'

Indeed. After the awful first meeting, Zhang Liang had slowly acted more natural around her. She too needed to convince herself that she truly liked Zhang Liang. Even if it was actually a lie, she needed to make the lie into the truth.

Knock! Knock!

"Mian'er, didn't I tell you that you should spend the New Year with your boyfriend?" Lin San's voice sounded out from the room.

Feng Mian's face flushed a bit. She could hear a light chuckle from the man beside her. He must have heard it as well. That was so embarrassing. But it couldn't be helped. The older generation always wished for their son and daughters to get married and give them a grandchild.

"Mom, I'm coming in."

"You lass!" Lin San was about to chide longer when her eyes landed on Zhang Liang. Her pupil widened while her mouth hung open. "Mian'er, this…?"

"Mom, this is Brother Liang, my boyfriend," Feng Mian purposely used this way of calling because she knew that the word 'brother' meant a lot to her. Even if she didn't purposely do it, she knew that there was a longing feeling from the bottom of her heart.

After all, she missed her brother very much. It might be different from what couples showed to each other, but it should be enough to trick people around them.

Lin San was stunned. "Mian'er, are you joking?"

"No, I'm not, Mom!"

"When did you get a boyfriend?"

"Around last week," Feng Mian replied truthfully. It was around the time she met with Zhang Liang for the first time. "He's the one giving me ride to the hospital last week too, Mom."

Lin San faintly remembered that her illness acted out last week. At that time, Feng Mian was late to come to the hospital, but she found out that her daughter came quite fast when the doctor asked her to come. But…

"That's already late at night, right?"


"I was asking Mian'er to have dinner together," Zhang Liang chose to reply on Feng Mian's behalf. He smiled apologetically as if he had done something wrong. His expression was so convincing that Feng Mian was nearly surprised.

"I haven't had the chance to introduce myself yet, Madam Lin. My name is Zhang Liang, I'm 26 years old this year."

Seeing Zhang Liang acted politely, Lin San nodded. She didn't know much about Zhang Liang, but she believed that her daughter had her own reason for selecting him. In her opinion, her daughter had good eyes to judge other people.

"What's your profession, Zhang Liang?"

"I'm a businessman, Madam," Zhang Liang replied tacitly. If he said that he was the owner of the company where Feng Mian worked, Lin San might freak out. After all, he could guess that these two didn't really have a good impression of people who belonged to the top chain.

Lin San scrutinized Zhang Liang. "I would have liked to ask more but I guess you're not here just to be interviewed, right?"

"If you're the one who interviewed, I'm happy to answer them all," Zhang Liang replied with a smile. With his charming face, he looked extraordinarily handsome.

'This is bad for my heart…'

Feng Mian turned her head away, not realizing that her cheek was tinged with a blush. She was actually thinking how much of a handsome man Zhang Liang was, but her mother took it that she was embarrassed to see her asking so much questions. Well, it was normal for a girl to be embarrassed when her parents began to interrogate their boyfriend.

It was awkward.

Lin San had already experienced it before in the past, so she knew the feeling. She didn't have any intention to put Feng Mian in an awkward position for too long too. "I'll have Feng Mian fill me in with some information later."


Zhang Liang laughed. He looked at Feng Mian and winked. "Make sure that you don't say anything bad about me, alright?"

"I'll just say bad things first," Feng Mian stuck out her tongue, trying to act playful.

Lin San laughed. "Today is New Year, so I'm sure that you'll want to eat with your family too."

"If you want me to stay, I'll definitely stay, Mom," Feng Mian interjected.

"Nonsense! I want you to get married quickly and give me a grandchild!"

Feng Mian felt like face palming. Recalling how Zhang Liang's father also said that sentence outright, she could guess that Zhang Liang must be feeling the same way with her. Well, it seemed that the two of them had to admit that their parents both wanted them to get married.


The sentence didn't sound right….

"Mom, Brother Liang gave this so that Mom can get healthy quickly," Feng Mian placed the bag on the table. "So, please have a good rest, ok?"

"I'm fine, Little Lass," Lin San smiled. "Go and have fun."


"But still know the limit."

"I know, Mom."

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, the two of them retreated from the room. Lin San shook her head as she looked at the bag. Considering the time Feng Mian spent outside, she knew that there mustn't be any time to prepare it, so it should be really from Zhang Liang.

"Zhang Liang, huh?" Lin San rummaged the bag. "I hope you'll be happy, Mian'er."

Next time her daughter visited her, she would ask her more about her new boyfriend.