
(On Hold) The Not So Perfect Being In The Omniverse

A powerful being has enough of his boredom so he planned to roam the multiverse and enjoy his life. He would kill you and take what is yours if you make an enemy out of him though you would get benefits if you chose to be his ally. Ray Morningstar which is his name would travel the vast multiverse while loving and playing with the plot. ______________________________________________ NOTE:- Mc actions are influenced by me so if you think that he has done something stupid then that means I was the one who made him do that. Though I don't think that I would do something stupid but just in case so I'm writing this note. ______________________________________________ There would be no use of clones be in a fight or sex. I hate that shit. ______________________________________________ Read tags before reading it and uploading one chapter a day. Current World- One Piece Fast-Paced Romance ______________________________________________ Note: I'm writing this because of boredom and this idea was in my head for some time. I would appreciate your criticism however spamming wouldn't be appreciated. If you don't like this fanfiction then okay leave here a review and read other fanfics of great authors. Please don't comment on every chapter that you don't like, etc.

BitchPleased · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 13.

I wrote this chapter in a rush as I could not think about what to write in it. There is no writer block here, it was something that was disturbing me.

It's so hard to develop a relationship in novels. Still, I gave you something to read even if it is shit. It's a short chapter.

Note- I might be not able to upload tomorrow as there are some family matters which I need to attend.


The last week was very interesting for Ray as he had many things to involve himself with though it was nothing important. He had done a lot of the things that he did not get time in the past to perform.

He needed someone very intelligent to do a lot of things for him as he was busy most of the day dealing with other important things. So he after some time of thinking finally decided to create an Artificial Intelligence that would take care of the unnecessary things for him.

He wanted someone to do things on his order without asking him anything about the order even if it is a massacre of the entire village. So he made the Artificial Intelligence 'Chad' which would complete any order given by him.

Chad was one of the smartest intelligence in the entire world which was created by Ray with the use of Reality Warping though it was only one of the smartest, not the smartest. He made it like this so he could get the best benefits out of it without any trouble.

Chad could give him any answers in just some seconds as Ray had imparted knowledge of different things in it so it can give the best answer possible. Ray had made it utterly loyal to him using a lot of his powers.

Ray had however removed one of the best things of Artificial Intelligence and that was their ability to suggest things to the creator. He didn't want someone to suggest him anything as he doesn't like it very much. so he removed this thing from it. Chad would only speak when he would ask something to it.

He needed Chad for the protection of his territories so they would not get destroyed, just because he was not aware of it. It would be very funny when those ants would try to harm his property just so they could get their revenge.

He had already placed a barrier around the village where Nojiko lived before they came to this Island. The barrier has many features in it along with protection. The barrier would monitor the inside and outside of the village while Chad would monitor it. The barrier would be completely transparent so the ants would still try to go inside the village.

The barrier had energy attacks as well which would be used by Chad in case some ants decide to attack the village. The energy attacks have more power behind them than those so-called Ancient weapons which are in this world.

He needs to show this world that he is more capable than another guy of this world. He has to show them true power so they would try to do everything possible to get rid of him. That's the kind of fun he couldn't wait for.

Chad would be connected to the ship through the heart which was created by Ray so it could be with him. Chad another work would be handling the ship and taking it to whatever place we would want to visit. He would connect itself to the new territories itself whenever Ray would conquer them. Though it would be his navigator who would tell them about the places as he doesn't want anybody who doesn't do anything on his ship.

The other important thing which Ray has done was to connect the mind of those white birds to Chad mind. This way he would get any information he wants and he could he manipulate the information to whatever he wants. He would be able to find people more easily as there are some people whom he wanted to meet early.

He would use those birds to spread information about anything he seems would make chaos in the world. The birds would be used as a source of communication towards other people as he has many people in his mind with whom he wants to communicate.

He had already sent a letter to a certain Empress with whom he had fallen in love even before coming to this world. He can bet that 99.9% of people who have watched One Piece have her as their crush. He can't deny it either as she is just too damn cute even for him.

Chad would handle anything related to the ship which includes anything as he would work as a spirit of the ship. He would change anything which Ray wants to change. Chad would only be able to communicate with Ray till he would be sure that his girls can handle the truth about him.

The training sessions regarding those two girls also went well without any kind of troubles. He made sure that both of them would train wholeheartedly without wasting any of their time on stupid things. Their training did bring them many benefits after all.

Since he was the one who was cooking food for his girls, he made sure that they would train very hard. He has increased the gravity on their body many times in the last week. Sometimes they could not even stand up due to the pressure of the gravity though he still did not help them.

The training went like this for the whole week though Mary was complaining about this when they had started it for the first time though he got silenced by Ray who just asked him a very simple question.

"Would you protect them when they would get in danger from where they might not even come back alive?"

From that day Mary didn't say anything to them as he already knew that Kaya would also go with them on their adventures where she might get hurt. Though Mary did try to help them outside of the training though he was stopped by those two girls.

The girls wanted to get pampered by Ray so they immediately rejected the help of Mary. Ray would always give them full body massage after their hellish training. Though it was very shameful for Kaya in the beginning as she was flushed for two whole days straight. Nojiko was teasing her for the whole two days before Kaya finally made herself comfortable.

The funny thing was they did not have to remove their bra and panty however they both still removed them before Ray informed them that it was not needed as he was not gonna touch their private parts after they had done their training. For some reason, he found it wrong to do.

Still, that doesn't mean that he would not appreciate their beauties, after all, they both were his girls so he had the consent to see their naked figures. After all, he would not be a man if he doesn't appreciate them.

Nojiko body was hot and sexy like it always stays. With those big bubbly ass, the slim waist with the plump pussy of her, she looked absolute seductive and alluring to him.

He had to restrain himself as he wanted to fuck her right there and the teasing smile on her face didn't help him either. Still, he had to do something so he increased the sensitivity of her body before he smacked her ass. The look which he got from her was best.

Kaya who was laying next to her was very embarrassed at this. She was after all a novice when it comes to anything which involves sex or something related to it. She was even trying to her body from his view by putting one hand on her boobs while the other on the pussy. She removed the hands when she saw him walking towards her.

Ray after taking care of Nojiko looked towards her and he had to say that she was a beauty herself. She had an hourglass figure like all the girls from this world. Her boobs were a tiny bit small than Nojiko though they were very round with red nipples on them that were very alluring to him as he wanted to savour them.

Kaya blush increased when she saw the lustful look in his eyes while he was checking her body. She felt pride in herself as she puffed her chest even more for him to see. Ray calmed himself down when he saw her movement before his eyes went towards the lower area.

The area around her pussy was cleaned though he could see some small hair above the entrance of her pussy. Her pussy was not plump like Nojiko as she was still young compared to her who was more than 20 years old. Still her untouched pussy looked very alluring with some fluids coming outside of it. It only made her even more seductive to him.

Kaya was an innocent type of beauty whom you would want corrupt. She looked so cute trying to hide her body with those flushed cheeks while her eyes were filled with lust. Her ass was not big though it was very round and he could do a lot of things with it which involves sexual things.

From that day both of them had started to seduce me whenever he would give them a massage. Nojiko had even managed to recruit that innocent girl who for some reason decided to join her. They would both talk in a seductive way while rubbing his body. They would wiggle their boobs intently while swaying their asses for him to see.

He was very tempted to fuck them right there however he held himself back which only made them teases him more. They were doing it perfectly though they missed one crucial thing here and that was him. Even though he would not fuck them right there that doesn't mean he would just let them tease him.

So the next day when they tried to seduce him, he went all out against them. Using his telekinesis he stopped their body from moving. The girls were now afraid as they knew he might do something though they were still looking at him with that hungry look.

He bent them over before increasing the sensations of their body to a high level before he started to smack their ass with both of his hands. They were whimpering in both pain and pleasure as they were getting hit.

Ray also liked it as he could feel both of their soft asses. They were jiggling whenever a slap landed on them which was turning on all of them. They had orgasmed many times while getting smacked by their lover for seducing him. It had become some sort of addiction to them which they can not get rid of.

Leaving that aside their strength has improved very much especially Nojiko who has gotten very stronger now due to the constant increase of gravity on her. Her physical power can now contend with the top dogs of this world though she might get defeated in the area of experience.

Kaya also has improved tremendously though she doesn't have experience of a real battle. Her physical strength has also improved greatly. He was using his powers so they wouldn't get muscles as he doesn't like them much except on some girls.

He had not trained them in haki yet as he would start to train them when Nami would be with them. So everyone would be able to learn together while practising on each other. They would become perfect training partner for each other.

Ha had shown them the now ship of his with additional features which impressed them greatly. They were happy about getting a room that had everything they needed. Kaya was even happier when she saw the clinic, she was hugging him the whole day.


"There was no reply from her till now"

Ray muttered to himself as he gazed at the sky while both of the girls were training their body in the backyard. They were doing stretches in high gravity so they could adjust to it as he has changed it again.

After some time he looked at the girls who were sweating a lot due to the pressure. He has made special clothes for them so they could train themselves in them and they looked quite alluring as well.

The dresses were quite simple as they only consist of a white t-shirt and shorts. The t-shirt was only covering their boobs as it was that small while the shorts were not even hiding their thick creamy thighs. He was holding himself quite a lot nowadays due to their consent training.

"Come on just a little bit more"

Ray shouted with enthusiasm while walking towards them with a smile. His eyes were roaming their bodies.

"Ray, do we have to wear such embarrassing clothes?"

Kaya asked with a pout while stretching her legs with Nojiko.

"Of course it is important. Normal clothes would hinder you in training Kaya"

Ray spoke like a sage to them who only nodded. Though their faces were telling that they didn't believe his words.

"What if someone saw us like this? I-I don't want to show my body to others except for you Ray"

Kaya spoke blushing at her bold words to her lover who just smiled at her without any kind of worry on his face.

"Don't worry about it as I have already put barriers here which would hide you from anyone vision"

Ray spoke reassuring them as he had already ser multiple things for this whole scenario. He would never let anyone look at his wife bodies.

"We believe in you hubby. Could you help her in stretching as she is having some troubles"

Nojiko spoke with an innocent smile while pointing towards Kaya who looked surprised.

"Of course I would help as a trainer of her"

Ray spoke in a righteous tone with a serious expression on his face. He slowly made his way behind Kaya who was still looking at them with a surprise.

Ray closed the distance between their body as he was feeling her sweaty body on his. He put his hand on hers while caressing them deliberately. His dick was brushing against her ass while his head was on her shoulder as he was taller than her.

"You should have asked me if you were having trouble with your stretching, Kaya"

Ray spoke in an enticing voice, blowing some hot air in her ear which immediately made her body shudder.

"Eh! I-I was about to call you for help, Ray"

Kaya spoke with a flushed face as she felt her lover hard dick on her ass. The way in which he was holding her body was making her wet in her lower region.

Nojiko who was beside them was smiling teasingly while stretching her body. She could see the hard dick of her hubby which was tempting her to take it in her hand however she controlled herself.

This was Kaya last exercise of this morning as she has done the others. It was called Standing Hamstring Stretch which was very beneficial to the body though there are many versions of it.

Kaya raised her hands in the air along with Ray before she took them towards the area around her foot thumb so she could touch the ground. The moment she leaned Ray who was also behind her leaned towards her body.

His hardened dick was getting out of control of his. He was not hiding it either so it directly touched her pussy which was under the shorts. It was forming a full shape outside of the cloth as it was soaked in her juices and sweat.


Kaya who felt the dick on her pussy instantly moaned in pleasure as her sensitivity was quite high because of Ray stimulating touch on her body many times.

Ray and Nojiko instantly looked towards her face with a surprised expression before a teasing smile formed on their faces. They nodded to each other.

"What happened Kaya? Are you alright?

Nojiko asked with a worried expression on her face while looking at the girl who has bent her body.

" Did it hurt Kaya?"

Ray spoke worriedly while his dick was still touching her were pussy. He was grinding it slowly which was giving pleasure to both of them.


With a muffled moan, she stood up from her place with any signs which made her pussy grind to his dick even more. Her pussy was still touching his dick as she didn't move from her position. With a straight face, she looked towards Nojiko before speaking.

"I'm fine Nojiko and it was a sudden pain in my right thigh which made me grunt in pain"

"Is it okay now?"

Nojiko asked again with a worried face though one could see the amusement in her eyes while she was talking to her.

"Yes, it's good now"

Kaya replied with a little smile though it only made her look even more alluring with those flushed cheeks of her and sweaty clothes which could not even hide her developed body.

'To think she would lie about her moan' Nojiko thought with a teasing smile while looking towards her. She looked towards her hubby who was telling her to be quiet. She nodded at him as he was finally taking the big steps.

"Should we continue Kaya?"

Ray asked with a concerned look though he was still grinding his cock on her pussy. He was feeling very excited right now about doing this kind of things.

"Hmmm, we should continue, Ray"

Kaya spoke in a neutral tone while grinding her pussy on his hard dick. 'I did not know it would feel this good when it would touch my pussy'.

Kaya did the same stretching exercise while grinding to his hard cock which was now brushing even deeper. Ray had started to rub his cock with even more pleasure. Sage was trying to contain her moan however it was proving pointless.

"Mmmmmm in...!"


The exercise went for some more time before Kaya orgasmed with a satisfied face as it was her first orgasm.

"AAhhhh...! Mmmmm...!"

"Kaya you should take a bath before she comes ok!"

Ray spoke smiling while using his powers to change her clothes. He wouldn't let her go in these clothes and he has some things to take care of.


Kaya nodded before she started to walk towards the entrance gate of the backyard. She was trembling due to the pleasure she just felt now before she walked out.

Nojiko who was sitting there the entire time as her exercise ended came running to him hurriedly. Her eyes were filled with lust and adoration towards her hubby.

"Hubby let me take care of you"

Nojiko spoke seductively while unzipping his pants before taking out the dick of Ray which had gotten very hard due to the constant edging.

She stroked it slowly before taking it inside her mouth while gazing into the eyes of her hubby who was groaning in pleasure. She was using her skills here to make him cun fast.


"Just like that Nojiko!"

"The constant edging was very hard for me, AAhhhh..!"

Ray spoke with a face full of pleasure as he was very close to cum however he held himself because he didn't want to cum in his pants not he wanted to bring it out in front of Kaya.

"Nojiko! Ohhh..!"

Ray came into her mouth, shouting her name in pleasure while he held her head on his dick.


With a loud sound, she instantly drank it all before licking the cock of Ray which was still standing. She started to stroke it while licking the upper area.

"You must want to cum as you have never cum this early"

Nojiko spoke with a smile on her face as she stood up from her place before sitting on the cock so it could enter her pussy in one go.

"Yes, I wanted to cum urgently as it was proving quite difficult to hold myself back"

Ray spoke moaning in pleasure as she took his dick inside her pussy. With a seductive smile on her face, she bit his earlobe and spoke in his ear enticingly.

"Use me as you like hubby, I'm all yours"

Ray grunted in pleasure before he held her waist and started to move alongside her. He took a boob in his mouth before he spoke.

"Of course you are mine and you would not go from here till you satisfy me"


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