
(Not)Woolly Wolf

It's hard to be a grimm, Alexander knows this firsthand... In fact, the most simple and easy story with a bunch of jokes and without a drop of meaning. There are also many references to a variety of topics. To all haters of Communism, Russians and the like, please do not read this fanfiction. There are too many jokes on these topics, even the main goal of the hero is connected with communism. The fanfiction is purely for entertainment, please don't overreact to it.

Sever161 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 6

When I woke up, I realized that I was glowing. No, of course, I immediately thought that I was being flattened again, after the ashes. But no, I really shone like a fucking wolf from Pripyat! And the shittiest thing was, the color was FUCKING BLUE! NO, I'M AGAINST IT, I'M NOT ONE OF THOSE! TAKE IT ALL BACK, BITCHES!

I'm a healthy man... well, wolf, I have a normal orientation! Yes, even the girl is almost there! Well, as almost, I just saved her from the forest as a child... hmm, but you can say that I raised my bride myself… So, don't get distracted, turn this shit off!

Phew, it's all turned off. At least he listens, the dog is like that. But seriously... it looks like I've discovered an aura. Haha, damn it! Grimms, in theory, cannot have an aura! They just don't have a soul. Oh, exactly, I have a soul. Yeah, the first wolf with an aura… this is worthy of respect. There would be a stand…

In general, an interesting result turned out, I ate the ashes, exploded and got an aura. It would always be like that. But the question nevertheless is, how did this happen in the first place? And what should I do with this aura? I'm a grimm! The alpha wolf! And without an aura, I tore everyone into slices, and now what, I've become an uber car? No, it's not interesting either!

And the fact that I got an aura does not explain where the ice came from then. No, I already kind of realized that I somehow created it myself, but here the more important question is, what happens if I eat even more of this dust? I kind of know that there are easier ways to commit suicide, but I'm not looking for easy ways!

And then I finally paid attention to the Beowulfs, who were still sitting humbly and waiting for their alpha to wake up and stop suffering from bullshit. And by the way, about these wolves... I think it's time to create a camp of communist wolves! After absorbing the ashes, I became stronger, so I need to try to control them!

However, there are risks in this, suddenly Salem shows up there, because I'm shaking my rights here, trying to take control of the grimm, and I don't think she'll like that some kind of Uber wolf appeared here. Therefore, you need to be as careful as possible! Well, as far as I can.

So, how do you get a grimm to obey you at all? You need to be not only a powerful wolf, but also somehow influence them. And so, the problems begin, because I don't fucking understand how to do it at all. No, they obey me now, but we need to train them so that they can build us a whole "Wolfgrad"! A settlement of wolves!

And now I was sitting in the cave, thinking about it. In general, the easiest way to force yourself to obey is to intimidate. But then the fucking Beowulfs, how am I going to fucking intimidate them?! No, I'm kind of a huge and scary wolf, but they're not particularly small either.

A growl escaped from his mouth by itself and the Beowulfs immediately started, gathering around me. EXACTLY! I'm an alpha, so I can command them with my roar! You just need to learn how to put a certain meaning into this roar and for the wolves to understand them! Yes, this is megamind!

Probably a couple of hours later, I still learned how to command them somehow. Of course, they are still those idiots, but they are already a worthy army of alpha wolves! All that remains is to hunt frogs.

Actually, as I understood it, they didn't move anywhere while I was sleeping. And I've been sleeping for who knows how long, I hope I'll come back and not see that girl as a grandmother, it would be an epic fail. I just met, I raised my bride, and then bam! She's already a grandmother. Just like in real life!

And so I decided that it was worth a walk, and to check out that settlement, I would not like the death of this girl. Even though I've only seen her twice, and the breaks weren't so bad, for more than ten years. But before that, I gave an order to my wolves that we need to get more crystals of dust, the main thing is that it doesn't fuck up while I'm gone.

However, it was difficult to do this, they are just as dumb as possible. Fucking wolves! I had to practically explain on my paws what and how. Where to put these crystals, how to do it, constantly growling and screaming. I felt like a mom with my little puppies, who don't understand shit.

And so, walking through the forest, which has shrunk again, people are fucking horseradish on a platter. They are destroying such a beautiful forest! Although, in principle, I don't care what it is. I wake up once every ten years, what do I do?

Fuck. The case is definitely rubbish. I feel... a shitty stream of negative emotions. There are at least a hundred here! Damn, is that really the settlement? Most likely. Okay, let's go, I'm the alpha wolf! This is my forest, my village and my point! I'm the only boss here!

Great, I'm motivated to the balls! And now we have to speed up, I don't care about the fallen trees, there will soon be a fucking bunch of grimms here, and I still have to save everyone in time! I am no longer a little Beowulf, I am the most powerful in this forest, my paws are full of unstoppable power!

But as soon as I saw the attacker, my wolfish fuse subsided slightly. It's... a huge bird that's even bigger than me! Had fucking long wings, jet black feathers, or what the fuck is that? The same bone muzzle and I can see from here that there are two eyes on each side. And two amazing sharp claws acting as fingers.

I even slowed down a little when I saw such a carcass flying over the settlement and constantly attacking. And there were smaller birds flying next to this damn thing, which was good, it was difficult to fill up one such carcass, and if there were ten of them... Wow, my ass would hurt.

I growled, jumping onto the wall I had walked along last time. It was supposed to distract the bird from people, and also, my roar was a call to my wolves. They have to help me with this, they kind of obey my commands, so they won't attack people. Well, at least I hope so.

After that, a real murmur began, my wolves ran like mad, which was very pleasing, it seems that I trained them well!

— RRRAAA! — so I gave the command to kill all the smaller flying birds, and I took aim at a huge thing that was already flying towards me at full speed, exposing two claws. The battle of two Titans and their armies! Oh, yeah, bitch!

Growling loudly and with all my might, I jumped at the fat bird, putting my paws with claws in front. My claws went over his muzzle, there was an unpleasant screech, and then his two claws dug into my torso, piercing the bone armor completely. It turns out that he beats me. Damn, I'm relying on my instincts again!

My carcass hung on his claws, but I didn't feel any pain at all, maybe he was able to break through the armor, but he didn't go any further. Growling, I began to remove myself from his claws with my paws, which I did quite successfully. But the bird flapped its wings and began to gain a decent height. So, that's it, you can't stand this bullying!

I squeezed his claws with all my strength, which in a second were covered with a crust of ice. That's it, bitch! I fucking know how I did it, but it doesn't matter! Folding my paw into a fist, I fucked his paw with all my might, breaking both ice and claws into a thousand pieces. But I did not take into account one thing. I'm fucking falling.

And I fucked right on the roof of the house, fell down, because my carcass weighs a lot and flew like two more floors, because that's how many floors I punched. Uh, fuck, well, your pussy is a mutated bird! And no Chernobyl will save you!

Having broken through the wall with my body, I briefly examined the settlement, which now looked more like a fucking hell. There's blood everywhere, remnants of human bodies and fauns like that, as well as a shitty cloud of fighting people who shone with their auras. However, people killed everyone in a row, from my wolf cubs, who only dealt with birds, to these mutant crows.

Okay, I don't have time to get distracted here! I need to take down another arrogant bird! Breaking into a run, I jumped up another building in one jump, trying to find the damn thing already. Where the fuck did she go?! How can you fuck up such a damn thing in the sky?

— RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAA! — I even had to use a growl to figure out where this bird was flying. Oh, that's it, that's where it was. This bird was just hanging on top, and now it swooped down, moving towards me.

And now I have a better idea.… Instincts are great, of course, but I didn't like being impaled on claws. I must try again to make it cover with ice, it's not for nothing that I still grabbed that dust!

So, do we remember how Spider-Man knocked down a Vulture there? Wait a minute... what the fuck is this?!

I had to jump away from the building, because a second later several dozen feathers bit into it. What the fuck is this?! I didn't sign up for this shit! I had to run through the streets, at the same time dodging a bunch of feather spears, I don't know what else to call it!

Where does he get them from?! Out of the ass? So, stop, we're changing direction, this bird is already starting to shoot at people, we'll have to save them! My inner hero says that this is a good thing, even if it is not grateful! Wolves are generally not so often thanked.

My body has already caught about fifteen of these feathers, it does not penetrate armor, but it acts like a mosquito bite. I want to scratch the place, as if a wolf is trying to throw off fleas. After pulling out another feather and protecting another group of people, the barrage of attacks ended.

Phew, fuck it, and now we continue! But it wasn't me who continued, but the bird, which swooped down to me again, grabbing my carcass with its beak. Holy shit, how did I fit in there at all! But I didn't dodge on purpose, my plan was to try to freeze her beak!

Stupid, but effective. She tried to bite through my body, but the carcass held out, and I grabbed her by her long beak with my paws. I squeeze with all my strength, trying to repeat the last feat again, but nothing came out. What kind of ultimatum crap is this! When it is necessary, it is not there, and when it is not necessary, it is there!

But the beak began to crackle and cracks appeared, which, in principle, was also pleasing. Opening it, all four of its red eyes stared at me, and then I hit the beak with all my might, fucking it up. And so, I'm falling again. It seems to be becoming a tradition.

Only this time I fell to the ground, not a very pleasant fall, but I almost killed this creature. All that remains is to finish it off and I will do it like an alpha wolf!

I started to take a running start, jumping over some obstacles, climbing a building, and then rushed at the bird. The only weapons she has are those feather spears, so the fight will be much easier now.

Jumping right onto his carcass, I growled and grabbed his right wing with my claws, starting to tear it off. Yes, bitch, suffer like me! The bird started to squeal, but from where and how, was a fucking good question, the beak was gone!

But it doesn't matter at all, because the bird fell off, my weight didn't seem to stand up and at that moment, I was able to pull out the first wing first, and then the second. Only after all this, it disintegrated into a million dark particles.

Phew. It was powerful. But the alpha wolf came to me more, although this creature was also very powerful. I think if I had tried to shut this shit down earlier, it would have torn me to the British flag. Those two claws of hers were incredibly powerful, even the alpha Wolf's armor could break through!

— RRRRRAAAAA! — with one roar he called all the wolves to him. I don't know if they're done with the smaller birds, but I'm done here, I think people can handle it on their own. And my pack returned to me, while I straightened up and stood on my two paws, somewhere in the center of an already destroyed settlement.

I don't know if they killed any of the people or not, I couldn't follow them properly, I was a little busy. He was knocking down a huge bird, well, now it's time to get back. I saved the settlement, lowered the enemies and devoured them, so that's fine.

—RRAAAR,— I growled, and ordered everyone to return home. The wolves all rushed back into the forest, and I myself began to leave at a slow pace. No, now of course some pretentious speech would be useful, but I can't talk! Words can't come out of the mouth at all, just growls and snorts.

But in a moment, my leg was hugged, carefully of course, so as not to scratch on the bone growths, and I looked down where the same girl was looking at me. Just grown up again. Her hair is long and almost reaches the floor.

— Thank you for saving us and helping us in a difficult hour of fate, "Dark Wolf" — no shit, they even managed to come up with a name for me. And why did it sound so pathetic? No, of course I'm a strong wolf, and my paws are unrealistically powerful, but still.

— RRR, — growling, I tried to gently stroke the girl's head, which did not work out very well. Okay, it's time to go, I helped people, gave a pussy grimm, protected the point, what else do you need for a great day?!

Taking the girl in one paw, I put out my fist with the other so that she also hit her fist against mine. At this time, a small handful of survivors were already looking at these actions with complete fucking in their eyes. Well, never mind, they'll get used to it! I'm going to go back, I need to create my own settlement of wolves! And here just a free place has been formed, we will clean, fix, grunt, spit and glue it securely with tape!

At first she didn't understand what exactly I wanted, but I made her hand into a fist with my claw, and then moved my paw to her hand. Yes! We are officially bros now! Great, wolfie!

After putting her on the ground, I jumped on the wall again.

— AAAAAAAUFFFF! — howling into the sky, I rushed back into the cave.