
(Not)Woolly Wolf

It's hard to be a grimm, Alexander knows this firsthand... In fact, the most simple and easy story with a bunch of jokes and without a drop of meaning. There are also many references to a variety of topics. To all haters of Communism, Russians and the like, please do not read this fanfiction. There are too many jokes on these topics, even the main goal of the hero is connected with communism. The fanfiction is purely for entertainment, please don't overreact to it.

Sever161 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 21

After a couple of days, I just got the idea to find out the truth of the whole fucking thing! Namely, why Ozpin is an evil turkey, and Salem is suddenly a kind and understanding young lady. According to the cartoon, she was in a tower on another continent, which I'm fucking going to get to. They can shoot you down in the air on Nevermore, and hell knows what else lives in the water. Suddenly there are such animals that they will devour me and not notice.

Therefore, I ordered the Nevermores, who were now acting as scouts, to start searching for Salem Tower. He sent a bunch of them, in all sorts of directions, so that they would tell us later, and we made maps. This way, we will explore the world faster, and we will make maps for the whole planet. But this is not accurate.

So why the fuck am I even looking for her tower? Well, come to her, yes, from her and find out all the necessary information. And hula, I'm not looking for easy ways. Of course, you can still learn from Ozpin, but Mark will take care of him, along with his elite squad, when the revolution in Kuil begins. But I ordered them to wait until we get information from the small bloodhounds about exactly where Salem is.

And we waited a month and a half, of course, I didn't suffer from shit, but worked together with Mark and Pecora. [Was he working? Ha! And that's what you call a job? You were just telling me what to do and how to do it. Fucking Emergency]. Oh, Tsundere, it's been a while since I've heard you, how are you, my dear? [It was good until you showed up]. Fuck, it sounds funny, after all, but you're a part of me.

Ahem, I actually didn't just give orders! He also dealt with the problems himself, won, even ran to Volkograd and the port city to personally deal with the farce that was happening there. But it was at Volkograd that the madness of the revolutionaries poured out, since they were just up to their asses there. It is understandable, the city is located near the border of Kuila, the inhabitants of the kingdom of Ozpin even built a wall there. Eh... the fuckers. If they knew that I could jump over it safely, yes, destroy it…

But, actually, I was not up to it, I rallied the people, because their great leader will experience both ups and downs with them! And I've fallen countless times. Especially with his face to the ground, during a fight with Salem. In general, yes, a lot has happened, but the civil war is beginning to end in our direction, because there are fewer and fewer supporting revolutionaries.

And we have a replenishment! Another grimm has evolved, only this time not into a wolf-girl, but a fucking fox-girl. I don't know in my heart how it happened, but what a result! There's a cutie walking around with such a fluffy tail and ears! Well, he named her appropriately, namely the Arctic Fox! It's a great name, isn't it? [Who are we? You're the only one here at all]. Yeah (but we won't tell her about it, dear readers?), whatever you say.

But this is such a phenomenon, it is already common. Recently, a lot of grimms have been evolving, becoming as human as possible, I generally think that in a hundred years, people and fauns will be able to have children with grimm safely. I don't fuck in my soul how it will be, but it will definitely be! Evolution is fucking weird, you tell that to the Arctic Fox, who knows how the fuck, but was able to become a real Kitsune.

I waited a couple of months for the Nevermores to arrive with information, and also worked with Mark on subsequent plans for Quill. After the revolution that will happen during my trip, we decided to take the land for ourselves, there, according to Mark's exploration, there are fucking deposits of ashes that need to be mined. And I agreed with him, however, I said that it is worth thinking about simple technologies that are not based on dust.

He nodded his muzzle, agreeing with me, and after that we discussed the final plan for the fall of Kuil, and after his rebirth in the SSV-Kuil, or if in Grimm's terms, then the Soviet Union of Volcharnia-Kuil. Yes, we also have a crappy fantasy, but who really cares?! Actually, we will take Kuil, that is, the future Vale under our control. We will have our own people everywhere, we will prepare the ground for a future cunt. Which probably won't happen if I can figure out and figure out what the hell is going on here.

Nevertheless, the waiting time paid off, because one fine evening, when I was relaxing with my she-wolves, Nevermore finally arrived, who reported the location of a strange and dark tower. It was located in the northwest, somewhere in a remote place, almost on the corner of the land. You could say the tower was a lighthouse, because it was very close to the ocean. Or the sea. Fuck knows, we haven't completely made a map of our own country yet, and it's too early to talk about a world map.

Having found out the exact location, I did not hesitate for a long time, the very next day I went to the place. I needed to talk to Salem and figure out what the fuck was going on. I think she will be a good assistant in this regard, and my motivation, in terms of why the hell she won't kill such a daring Wolf, is quite simple. I didn't fuck you before. Especially at the moment when I was shoving my own dick down her throat. She could fuck right away, considering how much strength she has.

Leaving everything to Mark's paws, I went to Salem Tower in my pants, starting to ride across the plains that used to be forests, and also ran through the battlefield where we were still fucking. Everything was the same there, a lot of destruction, scorched places, as well as splits in the ground. In principle, what could have changed there? Well, besides adding more destruction.

Of course, I didn't feel tired, so I ran at the speed of a wild sports car loaded to the balls. Nevermore was flying overhead, coordinating my movement in the right direction. I met a bunch of small grimms, some that caught my Wolf's eye, I killed along the way. I must say, the forest and mountains were quickly replaced by desolate expanses. I'm a little freaked out by this, how the fuck can a desert appear next to fucking forests, mountains and plains in such conditions?!

Either I fuck in the eyes. Or maybe I just overheated in the sun? Although, this should not affect the Grimm. In general, this is a scribe, how strange, anyone would fuck up here. Okay, if the climatic as well as geographical conditions were necessary for the appearance of a desert, but a bitch, just a couple of kilometers back and there will be a forest! Well, either Salem suffered a lot of shit here, but she fucked up everything here to the level of deserts.

By the way, but as an option. Suddenly, here she just got mad from my ulta, and then she bombed with nuclear explosions. And what? We need to reconsider all the options! [Fuck. To hear you say it, half the world could have destroyed itself because of you, just because you appeared.] Well, I'm not exactly the navel of the world, but still, I want to become one! After all, I have already managed to change the history of the cartoon to the maximum. So yes, half the world could have been destroyed because of me.

[Pf]. I recognize the good old Tsundere. [But by the way, your theory is quite relevant. I think the desert appeared here artificially, someone burned everything out on purpose. That's what I'm talking about too! You see, we perfectly understand and complement each other! [Shut up].

But I continued on my way through these desolate territories. I was just thinking about taking her into my own raking paws. We will turn it into the greatest oasis! He will be handsome, strong, and also technologically advanced! Yes, that's a great idea. In general, I think I will build another city here, and we will also terraform the local lands. It's a good idea, don't you think?

[Sometimes it seems to me that you have three personalities in your head, not two. Otherwise, who are you talking to anyway?! I'm the only one here! Ow!]. So what do you say? [To refine the desert? You've set yourself a damn hard quest. But I agree, the desert is such a thing, one damn sand that stays on your paws and itches terribly]. And here you are right, my friend! I'm sick of it, this fucking sand itches wildly under my fur, I feel like a dog, not a wolf.

[Hee hee, shut up, you dog!]. It's not so insulting to hear this from your crazy. By the way, why do you come to see me so rarely? Because I hear you every couple of years. [What's the point of telling me? You basically handle everything yourself, I helped you when you were still a unicellular imbecile. And now you've gotten smarter, it looks like your theory of evolution is working after all.] It's reasonable.

The rest of the way was in silence (which was already there, because I was communicating inside my head. Bipolar). I ran and ran, and also... I ran. Seriously. It was a hell of a long time, it felt like I was running for an endless amount of time, I was so filled and knew myself, it was like I had been living here for billions of years... AHEM! Too full.

In general, I can't say that this run is very fun and enjoyable, because I ran fast, but for a long time. It sounds fucking weird, but it is! Days turned into nights, and vice versa. It's like I've already run half the planet, I'm so fucked up. There is no physical fatigue, but there is no moral fatigue! Anyway, on the way back, I'll grab myself a huge Nevermore and fly it. And I don't give a fuck if I squeal it at Salem or just catch it somewhere over the desert.

I fucked up and that's it. But it was my motivation to find out the truth and understand everything that gave me patience! And just try, Salem, not to tell me. Otherwise, my ass will be so bombed that even your immortal carcass will fuck up, and I will fly into space on my own thrust. But, actually, I don't think she will refuse. Well, or I just fucked her in the mouth. Literally and figuratively. [That was a good punchline].

Actually, the closer I got to the tower, the more grimms I came across along the way. First dozens, then hundreds, and then whole legions of creatures. Of all sizes, from the smallest to the tenth floor level. And this is about thirty meters. I even felt like a small wolf. But all of them didn't even think about attacking me, but calmly went about their nothing-doing. Most likely they were just defending the tower, which I finally managed to reach. She was tall, about a hundred meters. I don't fuck in my soul how many stairs it will take to get there, but there will definitely be nothing worse than running through the desert.

I haven't been so wrong in a long time. After all, from the inside, the tower was twice as big and longer. I fucked up three times while getting there. It's just... I fucked the creator of this tower in my mouth.