
(MTL)Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Original MTL Synopsis: Raphael traveled to the Marvel world and bound a question-and-answer system to conduct prize-winning questions and answers to superheroes. Since then, the entire Marvel world has collapsed. Thanos: Who is it that made my plan public? Damn it! Thor: Why do you want to publish my two hundred catties video? Did I provoke anyone when I was a fat house? Loki: What did I do wrong, to publish the video of me being thrown around by the Hulk? Captain America: Who is saying that I can’t hold Thor’s Hammer on the surface, so I practiced a set of combos secretly?

Muiyuki_Snowfall · Movies
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126 Chs

Chapter 120: Loki is still alive?


The thunder and lightning in the air became even more intense.


A figure directly descended from the sky and landed on the roof of the Quinjet, smashing the aircraft into a swaying movement.

The man wore a red cloak, hunting in the night, anyone could tell he was not a simple character at first glance.

There is no doubt that the man in the video was Thor and it is also undoubtedly that his appearance was very cool.

But at this moment, everyone in the Quinjet did not know that the man who had came was actually a friend, or rather that he was a future friend, Tony Stark put on the helmet and opened the door of the fighter.

"What are you doing" Steve asked Tony while moving back away from the opening.

Before Tony Stark could leave the jet to investigate, from the hatch the figure of Thor appeared. Tony Stark reached out ready to let go a blast from his palm cannon, but Thor pushes him away with a hammer swing.

Thor didn't speak, grabbing Loki sitting in the cabin with one hand, soaring into the sky and disappearing into the night sky.


The thick thunder and lightning finally gleamed in the night sky.

"Now there's that guy." Tony Stark said, looking at the direction Thor was flying away.

"Another Asgardian?" Natasha Romanov asked.

"Think that guy is friendly?" Steve Rogers also asked.

"It doesn't matter." Tony Stark walked to the hatch, "If he frees Loki or kills him then the Tesseract is lost."

"Stark, we need a plan of attack!" Steve Rogers called.

"I have a plan, Attack!" Tony Stark ignored Steve Rogers, and the armour sprayed out energy and flew into the night sky.

Steve Rogers looked helpless, but hesitated for a moment before grabbing one of the packs of parachutes.

"I'll sit this one out cap." Natasha Romanov said.

"I don't see how I can." Steve Rogers said while wearing a parachute.

"These guys come from legend," Natasha Romanov turned her head and said, "They're basically gods."

"There is only one god mam, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." Steve Rogers put on a parachute, took the shield and jumped out of the fighter plane, falling into the night sky.

In another corner of the night, Thor grabbed Loki and threw him on the ground.

*(Loki Groaning noise)*

*Small laugher*

"Where is the Tesseract?" Thor asked.

"I missed you too." Loki laid on the ground and laughed.

"Do I look to be in a gaming mood?" Thor said sullenly.

"You should thank me, with the Bifrost gone, do you know how much dark energy did the All-father had to conjure up to transport you here?" Loki sat up. "Your precious earth."


Thor dropped his hammer on the ground and grabbed Loki by the neck, as if the male protagonist and the female protagonist met in a Korean drama, and said bitterly, "Loki, I thought you were dead."

"Did you mourn me?" Loki's words were full of coldness.

"We all did," Thor said, "Our father..."

"Your father!" Loki corrected, and whacked Thor's hands off him and walked aside, rubbing his waist, "He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?"

"We were raised together. We played together, We fought together!" Thor walked towards Loki, "Do you remember none of that?"

"Thor, what is Loki's background?" Tony Stark in the answer space couldn't help asking when seeing this place, "Why does it seem that Loki is not your actual brother?"

"Loki is indeed not my brother by blood, he was adopted by my father." Thor briefly explained, "When my father was fighting with the Frost Giants, he found Loki who was abandoned by the Frost Giant King and took him. After arriving in Asgard he grew up with me."

"The Frost Giant King?" Bruce Banner found the point. "Thor, did you just talk about the king?"

"Yes, Loki, he is the son of the Frost Giant King Laufey. He was a prince before being adopted by my father." Thor said.

"So I understand more now why Loki can't be the king of Asgard." Tony Stark said, "Not only because of Loki's non-warrior body, but it is also because of Loki's true origin. He doesn't have Asgard's Blood, so he will never be allowed to be the king of Asgard."

"Loki is does not have that simple adoption relationship. He is also the prince of the enemy country." Bruce Banner said, "So Odin can treat all other things equally, but only in the choice of throne, it is impossible to treat equally. For Loki, if he wants to be the king, he can only use some improper means."

"I remember a shadow." In the video, Loki turned around and looked at Thor, "Living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss, I was and should be king."

"So you want take the world I love as recompense for your imagined slights?" Thor walked towards Loki step by step, "No, the earth is under my protection Loki!"

"Hahahaha!" Hearing this, Loki laughed, "You are doing a marvellous job at that. The humans slaughter each other in droves, while you idly fret. I mean to rule them, Why should I not?"

"No, you think yourself above them." Thor said.

"Well, yes." Loki answered after a spilt pause.

"You miss the truth of ruling brother." Thor said. "The throne will suit you ill."

Loki punched at Thor to push him away from him, before walking to the edge of the cliff face.

"I've seen worlds you've never known about!" Loki moved further away from Thor. "I have grown ODINSON in my exile. I have seen the true power of the Tesseract and when I wield it..."

"Who showed you this power?" Thor interrupted Loki's speech. "Who controls the would be king?"

"I am a king!" Loki screamed loudly.

"Not here!" Thor voice changed from deep iron into a cold steel. "You give up the tesseract and you give up this poisonous dream!" At this point, Thor's voice slowed down a bit, "You come home."

There is a pause as the two brothers stare into each others eyes.

"I don't have it." Loki whispered.

Thor faced turned extremely angry, and he stretched out his hand, the hammer on the ground flew into his hand.

"You need the Cube to bring me back." Loki looked confident, "but I've sent it off I know not where."

"Listen well, brother, th..."

Thor didn't finish saying his words, a red armour slashed across, and threw Thor directly to where Loki didn't know.

"I'm listening." Loki said one final line before Thor disappeared fully from his view.

"There is a problem." In the answer space, Steve Rogers frowned slightly. "There is a problem with this conversation between Thor and Loki."

"Yeah, big problem." Bruce Banner said. "From this conversation, we can roughly understand what happened. Loki failed to seek the throne and fell into the abyss. Thor and Odin both thought he was dead. But he was alive and at some point came to Earth. Does this story sound familiar?"

"It's not familiar, it's exactly the same." Steve Rogers said to Thor, "Thor, isn't that the case for you now? Loki failed to seek the throne and fell into the abyss. You think he is dead. But, What if this situation is the same as in the video, and Loki is not dead at all?"

"Thor, the video also mentioned the destruction of the Rainbow Bridge." Tony Stark also said, "It can be seen that the trajectory of events in the video is basically the same as the trajectory of events in our current Asgard. You all think that Loki, who has not died, is dead, so we have reason to believe that the real Loki is not dead either."

"It seems that Loki is still alive." Thor was puzzled there. "But how did Loki survive in the abyss?"

"It seems that the New York Invasion is still inevitable." Steve Rogers sighed lightly. "I thought it would be one less war."

"Captain, don't worry, since I know that Loki is not dead, I will try my best to find him and stop him!" Thor said in a deep voice.

But everyone clearly felt that Thor's spirit was obviously different, and it was no longer like when he first entered the answering space, his whole person was full of decadence and frustration.

Oh, this brother control.

In the video, Tony Stark and Thor flew into a wood together, and Thor fell to the ground embarrassedly.

"Do not touch me again." Thor stood up from the ground, glaring at Tony Stark.

"Then don't take my stuff." Tony Stark responded.

"You have no idea what your dealing with" Thor said.

"Um...Shakespeare in the park?" Tony Stark asked rhetorically before beginning to venomously speak again, "Doth thou mother know you wear-th her drapes?"

"This is beyond you, Metal Man." Thor looked at Tony Stark and said word by word, "Loki will face asgardian justice."

"He gives up the cube he's all yours." Tony Stark said, "Until then(Tony's mask drops), stay out of the way, tourist." After saying this, Tony Stark turned around and left.

Thor didn't speak any more, and threw just threw hammer directly at Tony Stark, slamming into the armour, and smashing Tony Stark into the air, hitting several trees.

Tony Stark is someone who is not willing to suffer without reason.

"Ok." He stood up and fired a palm cannon, hitting Thor, the god of thunder, and throwing Thor against a tree. Then he flew up and landed in front of Thor with an iron foot kicking into Thor's torso, sending him flying through more trees.

Thor was also hit with real fire, and when he stretched out his hand, the landing hammer flew back to his hand. He held the hammer to the sky. Amid the crackling sound, a thick thunder and lightning descended, and Thor's hammer fell on Tony Stark far away. He pointed out his arm and lighting smashed into Tony Stark's body, directly hitting his heroic armour.

"The power is now reaching four hundred percent capacity." Jarvis's voice rang.

Thor, this naive man, had used thunder and lightning to smash others, but instead of frying Tony he charged his armour up empowering him.

"How about that." Tony Stark stretched out his hands, and shot three dazzling energy beams at the same time from the palms of his palms and chest, which blasted Thor into the air.

But Thor fell to the ground with ease, he didn't seem to be hurt at all, and he didn't even mess with his blond hair.

His body is really abnormal.

The next moment, one person and one god flew towards each other at the same time. The two men fought hand in hand in the air and fought in the air. They didn't know how many trees were broken and how many birds and plants were frightened.

After fighting in the air for a while, the two fell to the ground and began a close hand-to-hand fight.


Thor punched Tony Stark in the face.


Tony Stark also punched Thor, but Thor directly held his arm.

Tony Stark slams another fist and is held back by Thor.

As soon as Thor exerted his force, Tony Stark's armour was dented in his arms, and sparks started to come, and the *Dididi* alarm sounded non-stop.

Seeing that these arms were about to be squeezed by Thor with his bare hands, Tony Stark loosened his fist, his palms were exposed, and he blasted two palm shots at Thor's head.

Most people would hope not to get two palm shots at such close distances, especially their heads, for fear that their heads will be lost directly, but Thor has nothing to do, and even the blonde hair is still so soft and smooth.

Tony Stark grabbed Thor with both hands and bumped his head.

This is also a naive move. The iron-headed guy from Thor has such a hard head that he can't move his palm cannons. What use can you use to hit if not your head?

Sure enough, Thor just took a step back.


Then, Thor also slammed Tony Stark's head with his head, and directly knocked Tony Stark in his battle armour a few meters away.

The Iron armour and the flesh and blood of the other people collided with each other, and they were completely defeated by the flesh and blood. This does not say that Tony Stark is not good, it is that Thor is too powerful.

Thor and Tony Stark in battle armour were just beating each other up with one punch after another punch.

"Hey!" Halfway through the fight, a shield flew over, and after smashing Tony Stark and Thor to separate the two, it flew back again.

"That's enough!" Steve Rogers caught the shield, jumped from the tree, and asked Thor, "Now I don't know what you plan on doing here..."

"I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes." Thor said.

"Prove it." Steve Rogers said, "Put that hammer down."

"Ah yeah no." Tony Stark began to venomously again. "He loves his hammer..."


Before he could finished speaking, Thor backhanded Tony with his hammer.

"You want me to put the hammer down?" Thor's voice grew louder and louder, and finally he leaped high and hammered at Steve Rogers with one mighty Hammer swing.

Steve Rogers squatted on the ground and raised the shield above his head. With a loud vibrating sound, Thor's hammer hit the shield, a dazzling light burst out, and the force of the counter shock Thor and caused him to fly back.

Steve Rogers stood up.

Tony Stark who had been thrown away onto a tree with his body also stood up.

Thor stood up too.

All three of them looked a little embarrassed.

"Are we done here?" Steven Rogers said.

The space went dark and the video ended.

Everyone's analysis was correct. Even if the two non-humans, Thor and Iron Man, were fighting, they hadn't shown/used their true ability, they just used enough to try and get the other to back off.

If it wasn't for Steve Rogers, and instead one of the other three in the options, this persuasion would have only persuaded themselves to go to a hospital bed directly.

Thank you youtube coming in with the clutch;

Video use to help me write the conversetion between Loki and Thor;


Video used for the forest fight;


Hope everyone enjoys the new chapter and has a great day......

Muiyuki_Snowfallcreators' thoughts