
(MTL)Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Original synopsis: “Our business is with life itself.” “We contain, we control, we protect, we are the first line of defence for mankind, and we will never retreat.” –William Russell – In a world without the Special Containment Procedures (SCP) Foundation, But there are abnormal phenomena, events, and individuals. Then, people will live under fear. In the future, then surely the world will fall into darkness and destruction. - In order to avoid this fact, a desolate nobleman established a company called Umbrella. Mingmian is an international monopoly and has a very high evaluation. The dark side is to hold up a protective umbrella for the entire earth. – There will be classic SCPs in this book, as well as both original or movie/video game anomalies and creatures for containment.

Muiyuki_Snowfall · Movies
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56 Chs

Chapter 4-A 19-year-old doctor

'So that's how it is.'-William suddenly realised.

Immediately afterwards, the system said:

[If the host has no other questions, the system will now fall silent. Good luck to the host. ]

'Yeah, I got it. '-William stood up and put the textbooks into his schoolbag, logged out of the computer, and walked out of the library with his shoulder bag.

When he came to the school garden, he took out his Nokia 5300 from his trouser pocket and glanced at the time.

3:40 in the afternoon.

Today is Thursday, and William has only one class at 12:45. Plus there are no classes on Friday in St. Mary, so he is going to see the Professor Halsey today.

First, I went to the student centre opposite the library and inquired that Halsey's course ended at 4pm. Then he bought a cup of iced coffee in the shopping area of ​​the student centre, and sat in the rest area to pass the time.

About a quarter of an hour later, William threw the plastic coffee into the trash can and went to the science building connected to the library building.


Coming to the outside of a classroom after a big class.

Looking around at the students crowded at the door, most of them flocking to the corridor anxiously, preparing to enjoy the next three consecutive days of rest.

As for William, it was only after the number of people dwindled that he tried 'running against the current' and walked into the big class classroom.

But he did not notice the old Dr. Halsey in that he knew of in his impression.

Looking around the room, he only found one 'female teaching assistant' who was surrounded by school tyrants and discussed issues together.

"Could it be that she was in the crowd who had just left?"-William couldn't help but wonder.

However, it is rare for professors to leave class earlier than students, so it shouldn't happen.

Then William walked to the front seat and asked the male student who was packing his schoolbag: "Hello, did Professor Halsey leave the classroom?"

"Professor Halsey?"-The male student pointed to the young female assistant teacher surrounded by students and said, "She's right there."

"What?!"-William exclaimed in a low voice, and carefully observed the person the male classmate was referring to.

The other party has blond hair that is no longer than the shoulders, and has a face like a melon seed, and a beautiful face, with denim shorts and white sweater...

This is obviously a young and beautiful female college student! She is only in her twenties.

Where is the old white-haired female doctor when William played the game?

The male classmate packed his schoolbag and carried it on his back, passing by William and persuading him: "Man, if you want to ask Professor Halsey, you'd better line up. She hates being interrupted."

"This...Thank you, brother."-William nodded.

Then he randomly found a seat and sat down, put his schoolbag on the table, and watched the number of students around Halsey gradually decrease.

When there was only one person left, he got up and went to the podium, waiting for the last female student to leave.



"Thanks! Professor Halsey, I wish you a nice weekend!"-The female student held the textbook, thanked Halsey and left the classroom.

"Well, I wish you a good weekend, too."-Halsey replied in a low voice. Then she looked at William who had been waiting for a long time and asked, "Student, do you have any questions?"

At this time, William briefly organised the language, leaning forward slightly, and said very sincerely: "Hello professor, my name is William Russell, will you come to work in my company?"

'? ? ? Is there something wrong with this person's brain?'- At this time, Halsey, what was thinking in her heart was the sentence above. But as a professor, she didn't show her psychological dynamics, and she shook her hand and declined: "Thanks for the offer student but as I am now a teacher, I am not interested in changing jobs for the time being."

After speaking, Halsey returned to the desk, quickly packed her teaching materials and prepared to leave.

"This?"-William was also a little dazed. But he thought about it a little bit, and felt that what he said just now was indeed a bit too short.

Go straight to the point.

Immediately afterwards, William did not give up, but chased after Halsey who was leaving quickly and said loudly: "Professor, as long as you come to my company, you can study whatever you want to study, and the funds are enough!"

"Tap!...Tap."-Originally walking quickly, holding the teaching materials with both hands, preparing to escape from the perverted Halsey, the pace stagnated.

She turned her back to William and asked in a deep voice, "Really everything is fine?"

"Of course!"-William walked to Halsey's side, patted his chest and promised:

"I will unconditionally support your various researches, but the premise is that you want to enter..."

"Okay! Let's go now!"-Before he could finish speaking, Halsey's attitude instantly changed, and his eyes burst into fanaticism.

William shrugged, not caring about Halsey's personality.

He only cares about carefully studying the individual equipment and the super soldier plan after she signs the contract.

"Hehe, okay, please come with me."-William smiled and took Halsey to the parking lot in front of the university.

His driver's license is one year before it can meet the requirements of the whole book, so he can only let Andre drive to pick him and Halsey.

While waiting, Halsey had already made a phone call with the school leader and directly offered to resign.

William's approach to this Halsey...can only be said to be vigorous, and reckless.

Glancing at the time again, guessing that Andre would be there in a few minutes.

He scratched the back of his head, thinking of finding a topic to ease his embarrassment, and said: "Professor, you quit your job before you understand what our company does. Are you afraid that the school will trouble you?"

"Afraid?"-After hearing this question, Halsey, who was also silent, said without hesitation: "What's so terrible about this? St. Mary asked me to come in every way, and they couldn't stop me if I wanted to go."

"Um..."-William hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Professor...You should be in your twenties. You have a doctor of medicine degree at such a young age, which is really amazing."

"Twenty! You mean me?!"-Halsey pointed her nose, her face turned extremely angry and said: "I'm only nineteen years old, OK!"

"Huh?!" William was surprised.

And his question just now seemed to have opened Halsey's chat box, and said nonstop: "Also! I not only have a doctorate in medicine, but also a doctorate in physics and a master's degree in mechanical engineering. You don't even understand the background of the people you want to hire. I can only say that you are very angry! "

After that, she turned around with the material in her arms, and grunted with her back to William: "Forget it, I will forgive you this time, what's your name?"

"Well...William, William Russell."-William stammered as if he was 'scared'.

After all, she had got two doctorate degrees and one master degree at the age of nineteen.

If Halsey was not generated by the system, this genius might not even care about him.

Chapter 4 done.

Chapter 5 will be done soon.....

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