




Villain: Eavesdropping, The Heroines Are So Beautiful



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Chapter 1054: Xiao Muqing Is In Charge Of This Case! [4]


"Mu Qing has returned to the City Bureau?"

As soon as Chu Xuan came out for a stroll, he saw Xiao Muqing getting into the car and leaving alone, he must have returned to the city bureau.

"Well, there was a murder case at Clear Water Mansion, and the bureau asked her to go back and have a look."

"Clear Water Mansion."

Chu Xuan smiled meaningfully, it seems that the matter over there has been discovered.

By the way, if Xiao Muqing goes to the city bureau to assist, can she solve the case?

For Xiao Muqing's ability to solve crimes, the evaluation in the plot line is still very high, and she is even called a detective.

Now let's see how long she can solve the case.

It's just that if the case is successfully solved, what Chen Ruobing and Ye Haolong did will be exposed, and some unexpected changes may occur at that time.

Do you want to stop it?

After much deliberation, I decided to wait for development.

No matter what the end result is, he can control the overall situation.

At most, Chen Ruobing would be exposed and could no longer control the Jing family. At the same time, it will be targeted by Xia Kingdom's ancient martial arts world!

If she is targeted by the ancient martial arts world of Xia Kingdom, it will be difficult for her to stay in Xia Kingdom, and she may leave Xia Kingdom with Ye Fan, or go to Xianyinzong.

Now the ancient martial arts world is willing to take in Chen Ruobing, probably only the iron guy of Sect Master Xianyin.

"Mu Qing577's ability to solve crimes is very strong, I believe she can solve the case quickly. Sister Yan, you should train first [I take the time to visit the Municipal Bureau.



Li Yan and the others continued to train, and they could already understand what Chu Xuan was thinking when he was about to intervene in the Bishuihaoting murder case.

Perhaps Chen Ruobing and the protagonist are really not a threat to him now, so even if Chen Ruobing was exposed in advance, it would have no effect on him, so Xiao Muqing was asked to solve the case.

Otherwise, if he wants to prevent the investigation of the case, there are many ways.

Just talk to the Municipal Bureau, and the case will be transferred directly to the Ancient Martial Arts Association.

Xiao Muqing drove to the meeting room of the Municipal Bureau in a hurry, and there were already many people waiting for her.

"Ju Zheng, Team Han."

"Well, Captain Xiao, you're here, so let's briefly talk about it now. Xiao Muqing is the person in charge of the Bishuihaoting special team!"

"Captain Xiao, you have to investigate carefully. If you need anything, the bureau will fully cooperate with you."

Director Zheng made a decision directly, and everyone in the meeting room did not object.

Because (chad) when Xiao Muqing was transferred to the Imperial City Bureau, many people already knew her achievements in the Jiang Cheng City Bureau and the Magic City Bureau, and they absolutely recognized her ability.

Although it is said that since she was transferred to the present, there are no major cases that require her to solve, but no one dares to underestimate her.

Now she is in charge of the murder case of Green Water Palace, and she can also take a positive look at the extent of her ability.

"Definitely live up to the high expectations of the organization!"

Xiao Muqing saluted and quickly understood the situation.

Now the Municipal Bureau is taking the lead, and the case has been handed over to the Criminal Police Brigade.

As the team leader, Xiao Muqing is naturally in charge of the case.

"Come with me to the Green Water Palace now, and we will see you in the investigation!"


Xiao Muqing led the criminal police team and hurried to the Green Water Mansion.

At the same time, the Municipal Bureau also dispatched a large number of manpower to assist.

The case involved Xia Guo's top business family, so it is natural to pay attention to it, otherwise it may face all kinds of pressure from public opinion.

In particular, the news must be blocked first, otherwise, once the news of Patriarch Jing's killing spreads, it is likely to cause panic among some entrepreneurs and cause adverse social impact.

It was already late at night when Xiao Muqing arrived at Clearwater Mansion, and the empty villa looked eerie.

According to the reporter's description, the crime scene was in this villa, which means that any place could be the first crime scene.

"Block the scene and look for all fingerprints, footprints, etc., and all evidence that can be used to obtain DNA. In addition, the surveillance video of Bishuihaoting, whether it is private or property video, is retrieved."

Xiao Muqing's professionalism is definitely not a problem. After arranging the task, she put on her shoe covers and entered the scene.

Soon the lights came on, and the criminal police members were working in an orderly manner, while Xiao Muqing wandered around looking for clues.

"Captain Xiao, the scene has been cleaned up, but it's too clean, it's suspicious!"

The deputy captain came to report after investigating for a while. Judging from the situation at the scene, everything was neatly placed and spotless. It was obvious that someone had carefully cleaned it.

At first glance, it appears to be inhabited year-round.

However, after a cursory look, no fingerprints or the like were found, which is very unusual.

Anyone knows that as long as there are people living, how to clean it on weekdays will leave a lot of traces.

For example, water cups, faucets, windows, etc., many objects will leave traces such as fingerprints.

But now after a brief inspection by the criminal police members, they found that there were no traces left at all, which made them suspicious.

Cleaning up such a clean place must be to cover up something.


In other words, Patriarch Jing may have died here and was murdered!

Xiao Muqing pondered and said: "Continue to investigate. From the time point of view, the murderer will not have much time to clean up the scene, and there will definitely be some traces left behind. Be more careful, some corners and corners

Check out anything suspicious. "

Although she knew what was going on, could she just say it directly?

Of course not!

Otherwise, many people will be suspicious, and the explanation will not be clear at that time.

Now the case can only be solved through normal criminal investigation methods, looking for any clues left by Chen Ruobing and the others.

Besides, if Chen Ruobing could be exposed through her professional skills, it would also be a recognition of her ability.

Although Chen Ruobing's affairs were exposed, there is a high probability that the authorities will have nothing to do with her.

Because she is an ancient warrior!

Although Patriarch Jing is an ordinary person, he is someone close to her.

Killing Patriarch Jing is not a real threat to her.

Therefore, if Chen Ruobing and Ye Haolong were to be targeted by the authorities, they could only proceed from another angle.

After searching for a full two hours, there was still no evidence found at the scene, which made Xiao Muqing's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

In such a short time, can Ye Haolong really handle it cleanly?

"Captain Xiao, the surveillance video at the property has been damaged and cannot be used. However, we have found some private surveillance from other residents in the community and are screening it.

"Oh? Turn all the monitoring over, and check frame by frame!".


Chapter 1055: The Scheming Chen Ruobing, Thirty-Six Lives [5]


It was not surprising to Xiao Muqing that the property surveillance was damaged. Chen Ruobing was able to make so many arrangements in a short period of time, so she would definitely think of destroying the surveillance video.

For her, there are many ways to get the property to destroy the video.

In today's situation, she should have asked the property to delete the surveillance video through some people with sufficient status.

Who will it be?

"By the way, call the person in charge of the property."

Anyone who helped Chen Ruobing is an accomplice!

For these accomplices, they must not be easily let go, and they must be punished by law.


The team members quickly called the person in charge of the property over.

"I'm asking you, you must answer truthfully. If you conceal something, you will be in trouble if you are found out later."

Xiao Muqing said lightly, making the person in charge of the property tremble with fright.

He was at work, and suddenly the criminal police came, saying that a homicide happened here and he needed to assist in the investigation, which scared him so much that his soul would fly away.

"I, I don't know anything, I don't know anything, I was just transferred here to be in charge of the property management of Clearwater Mansion, and a murder happened before anyone knew it."

He shook his head repeatedly, causing Xiao Muqing to frown.

"What do you mean? Make it clear!"

"I, I was temporarily transferred here tonight to be in charge of Clearwater Palace. The previous person in charge has already left in the afternoon, and I really don't know what happened."

Hearing this, Xiao Muqing's face darkened.

Well, you Chen Ruobing, your movements are really clean and neat.


"Who is the owner of this villa? Is there any relevant information?"

"Yes, yes, let me see."

The person in charge immediately took out his mobile phone, and quickly found out who the person in this villa was.

"This villa was purchased by an overseas rich man ten years ago. After the purchase, it was renovated, but the rich man never came back after the renovation. It is also very mysterious who lives here, and no relevant information has been left.

Xiao Muqing nodded slightly. The purchase of this villa by overseas rich people is very in line with Chen Ruobing's behavior style.

She will not leave any evidence easily. There are a large number of industries in the Xia Kingdom, but those industries are not in her name, but transferred to others through various methods.

It is almost impossible to lock Chen Ruobing through the identity of the owner.

"Retrieve the information of the former person in charge and notify each checkpoint. Once found, the person must be stopped!"


The vice-captain immediately said that the murderer seemed very capable in replacing the person in charge of the property in such a short period of time.

And the person in charge must know a lot of things, and the loss of surveillance video should also be directly related to him.

"Continue to investigate, the murderer cannot be allowed to go unpunished!"

Xiao Muqing led people to continue the investigation, and finally came to the bedroom on the second floor.

The bedroom is also very clean, the sheets have been replaced, the original ones have disappeared, most likely they have been destroyed.

Knowing that this is where Chen Ruobing and Ye Haolong messed around, there should be a lot of evidence left here.

But now that the bedroom has been carefully cleaned, how else can it be locked?

"Captain Xiao, the monitoring is here."

"Go, have a look."


Xiao Muqing came to the temporary command post, and there were already technicians checking the video.

There are a lot of surveillance videos retrieved, most of which are useless.

"The investigation started at ten o'clock in the morning. Anyone who enters the community should be carefully investigated. In addition, people who are close to the crime scene should pay more attention!"

Xiao Muqing said immediately.

At this time, Chu Xuan had arrived in the Green Water Mansion and was rushing to the villa.

He was still very curious about what method Xiao Muqing would use to find the real culprit.

Well, out of recognition for Xiao Muqing, I really think that this matter can be difficult for her.

How can the detective in the plot line be stumped by such a case?

It was easy for Chu Xuan to enter the scene of the crime, just show his ID.

He doesn't need too many documents in his hand now, especially the documents given by the military. It is not a problem to go in and out of any place.

"How did you come?"

Xiao Muqing was puzzled by Chu Xuan's arrival, how could he care about such a little thing?

"I heard from Sister Yan and the others, so come and see, have you found any clues now?"

"I haven't found a clue yet, but it should be soon. There are surveillance videos provided by other owners, and we will be able to figure it out soon.

Naturally, Xiao Muqing couldn't say that Youying has a complete video, if she did, wouldn't Jinxuan know about the little tricks these heroines did behind their backs?

... Ask for flowers…

It is even possible for Chu Xuan to guess that these heroines may know the plot, and even listen to his heartfelt voice.

If that's the case, it should be very uncomfortable for these heroines.


After all, Chu Xuan will definitely care that his voice is heard by them. At that time, Chu Xuan may use some methods to reduce the frequency of his voice.

"Oh? Then I wish you success in solving the case in advance. If you need any help, just say so.

Chu Xuan laughed and said, Tianren was very curious about his appearance.

It seems that the relationship with Xiao Dui is very unusual. Could it be Xiao Dui's boyfriend, or even her husband?

"Of course, it's just to solve the case. It's definitely fine! I don't need help for the time being. When it is needed, I will definitely not be polite."


Xiao Muqing is very confident, she is someone who knows the truth, if she can't solve the case like this, then there is something wrong.

Now there is only some evidence to prove that it is Chen Ruobing and Ye Haolong, otherwise relying on Youying's surveillance video, she can arrest them directly.

As for asking Chu Xuan to help, if it is really necessary, she will not be polite.

After all, I have given my whole body to Chu Xuan, so asking him to help a little is not too much, right?

"Captain Xiao, found two suspicious people, a man and a woman. The surveillance was rather blurry, and they deliberately avoided the surveillance cameras, so they couldn't get a picture of their faces. From the outline, the woman is younger and the man is an old man. "

Some team members found key clues and came to report immediately.


"Yes, there are videos showing that they approached the crime scene and then disappeared, but left the crime scene after the murder, so the two were very deliberate. Now the identity information of the two is being screened, but more surveillance outside may be needed video assist.

"And there is a strange thing. Originally, the victim brought thirty-six bodyguards into Clearwater Palace, but after the one who left died, the thirty-six bodyguards seemed to have changed."

"At present, it is suspected that the thirty-six bodyguards have been stolen and replaced, and the original bodyguards may have suffered an accident."

Xiao Muqing listened carefully with a serious face.

"Finding out the situation of the thirty-six bodyguards is related to the lives of thirty-six people, and careless people cannot be ignored!".


Chapter 1056: Thirty-Six People Died Without A Place To Bury Them! [1]


The situation reported by the team members made people feel chills in their hearts. Thirty-six people were replaced, so what about those who were replaced?

Judging from the surveillance video, it was not found that they left the crime scene at all.

Logically speaking, even if he died, he should be able to find the body here.

Not to mention the corpse, not a single hair was found.

Was it buried?

The criminal police almost turned upside down the inside and outside of the entire villa, but they still didn't find any clues, and they didn't find the identities of the thirty-six people at all.

"Damn it, can they still disappear out of thin air?"

The vice-captain felt incredible. After searching for an hour, the villa was only such a big place, and he didn't find anything strange at all.

Considering that there might be secret rooms and the like, they also carefully searched all the places where there might be secret rooms, and it turned out that the Villa "247" was very clean without any secret rooms.

Here comes the question, what happened to the thirty-six replaced bodyguards?

where did they go

Is it safe now?

"Captain Xiao, if it was murder, would the thirty-six bodyguards be accomplices?"

At present, the only ones who can be confirmed dead are Patriarch Jing and the thirty-six replaced bodyguards.

The thirty-six people died because of a vehicle explosion caused by a car accident. Their bodies were completely charred and could not be identified clearly.

Xiao Muqing shook her head and said: "It's hard to draw a conclusion yet. They are all professional bodyguards with extremely high professionalism, and it is generally impossible for them to betray their employers. Moreover, those who can be brought by Patriarch Jing's side must be confidantes. "

"According to the Jing family, those bodyguards have been with the victim for more than ten years, so they are very trustworthy.


"Okay, let's continue to look for clues first. I have a hunch that those bodyguards may have encountered an accident."


The deputy captain took the order and continued to let people search inside and outside the villa.

In any case, the life and death of those bodyguards must be determined first.

"Mu Qing, do you need me to help you find it?"

Those bodyguards were reduced to ashes by corpse powder, and it was impossible to find them by ordinary means.

Although it was said that some traces would remain after the corpse was corroded by the corpse powder, Chen Ruobing had obviously thought of this and asked Ye Haolong to clean up the scene early.

It might not be so easy to find those remaining traces.

However, corpse powder is highly corrosive, leaving deep marks even on wooden floors, tiles, etc.

The villa has a lot of marble floors, and the bedrooms have wooden floors.

The place where the corpse is transformed is in the hall.

"Well...let me continue to search and see."

Xiao Muqing doesn't want to rely on Chu Xuan now, but wants to prove her ability in front of him.

"Well, it's up to you. If you need anything, just mention it."

Chu Xuan was also happy to watch her perform, a serious heroine looks good no matter what.

How could Xiao Muqing find the bodyguard when she knew that the bodyguard was dead and corrupted by the corpse powder?

The answer is simple!

'Corpse powder is highly corrosive, a place to transform corpses!

She suddenly thought of this matter, and immediately came to the hall, staring at the ground to search.


"Here, come here!"

After watching for a while, she suddenly looked at the ground in the corner of the hall and called the team members to come over.

More than a dozen team members hurried over, looking at the ground in a daze.

"Captain Xiao, is there something like a secret passage here?"

"Did you notice that the floors here are a little different from the others?"


The deputy captain was thoughtful, carefully compared the ones next to it, and suddenly said: "It's really different. The floor in this area seems to be very new, as if it has just been pasted. And the pattern is a little different from other marble floors. It doesn't look like it's from the same batch."

If it is the same batch of marble floors, the patterns and the like will be very close.

But now the patterns in this area are obviously different.

In addition, the marble was very new, which made them suspicious.

"Turn off these marbles!"


The vice-captain did it himself, found the shovel, and led the team members to pry it directly.

"Huh? Loose!"

As soon as the shovel went down, the marble floor became loose.

Open it and see, my good guy, the glue and mortar inside have not completely condensed and dried.

"These floors are new, Captain Xiao, there is no secret passage here?"

Xiao Muqing immediately said: "Why do you want to replace the floor here? If it's not to cover up something, it's hard to understand...... Inform the inspection department to come over and check this area!"

The deputy captain immediately called the people from the inspection department of the bureau, and several people quickly took samples and went to the side for testing.


"Others continued to investigate, asking all the neighbors at the scene to see if they saw anything.

Several team members left and went door to door asking.

Time passed bit by bit, and when it was dawn, the team members of the inspection department came with the report.

"Team Xiao, it has been detected. Very corrosive elements were detected under the floor, and some human blood was also detected.

Corrosion, blood!

As soon as a few key words came out, the criminal police members felt chills inexplicably.

"You mean, there is human tissue corroded here?"

"Yes, there is such a possibility in theory. There are many acids in the world that can corrode the human body. Among them, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and nitric acid are called three strong acids, which can corrode bones within an hour."

"There is also a more terrifying one, aqua regia. Aqua regia is also called wang acid and nitro hydrochloric acid. It is a very corrosive liquid with yellow fog. It is concentrated hydrochloric acid and concentrated nitric acid in a volume ratio of 3: 1. It is one of the few liquids that can dissolve gold!"

"If it is aqua regia, it can completely corrode human tissues and bones in a shorter time."

Examining the situation reported by the team members of Section 2.6 made the deputy captain tremble with fear.

Good guy, there is such a scary thing?

Xiao Muqing said in a deep voice: "You said that human blood elements were detected? Does that mean that the replaced bodyguard may be dead, and the body is still corroded?"


The team members gasped in unison. Thirty-six people died without a place to bury them?

This, this case is so terrifying, is it the rhythm to be escalated directly?

"There is this possibility, there is no bodyguard found at the scene, and there is no video showing them leaving the villa, so there is only this explanation."

Xiao Muqing was silent, and said after a while: "The case is serious and needs to be reported to the higher authorities. You continue to investigate, and the murderer must be brought to justice!"

After the voice fell, she took out her mobile phone and called Bureau Zheng directly. .


Chapter 1057: The Municipal Bureau Is Furious, Conduct A Thorough Investigation! No Matter Who It Is, It Will Never Be Tolerated! [2]


The Municipal Bureau, because of the murder case in the Green Water Court, now Bureau Zheng and the others did not dare to slack off at all, and stayed up all night, constantly listening to reports from the scene of the crime.

The case is still under investigation, and it may be difficult to make any progress in a short time.

Just when Bureau Zheng was considering whether to take a nap for a while, Xiao Muqing called, which scared him into a jolt.

"Captain Xiao, has the case progressed?"

"Yes, we found some special conditions at the scene, according to the inspection of the laboratory..."

Xiao Muqing made a detailed report on the situation, which made Ju and others shudder.

The bodyguard has been replaced?

Moreover, those bodyguards who were replaced were already dead, and their death conditions were still so miserable!

The real death has no place to die!

"Asshole! Asshole! The murderer is inhumane and challenges the bottom line of human morality!"

Frightened, then angry.

Such a major case, once exposed, may cause social panic.

Such cruel means of committing crimes will inevitably cause adverse social impact.

"A thorough investigation! We must not let go of any clues. Such a cruel murderer must be brought to justice!"

"No matter who the other party is, there must be an explanation from the family of the deceased!"

Bureau Zheng was furious. Who could endure such a vicious incident within his jurisdiction?

I don't know how long there has been no similar case, and the methods are outrageous.



Xiao Muqing hung up the phone, while Zheng Ju's face was gloomy, and everyone in the conference room also had a bad face.

"The murderer was cruel and possessed extremely high anti-reconnaissance skills. The scene was handled very cleanly, leaving very few clues. After committing the crime, he was able to find the corresponding person who pretended to be a bodyguard, and created and destroyed the evidence at the scene of the car accident. It can be seen that The other party has a not simple identity.

"And it is likely to be a gang crime!"

"Colleagues, this time our enemy is very powerful, and we need everyone's full cooperation!"

Everyone present understood that the identity of the other party who could do such a thing must not be simple.

Combined with the identity of the victim, I am afraid it is some kind of vendetta.

Those who can accomplish this kind of thing, even if their status is worse than that of the victim, are not much worse, and may even be higher.

It is really not that easy to find such a person and convict him.

"Now we still need to find out the identities of the 36 people at the scene of the car accident, strictly investigate whether there are any missing persons during this period, and whether anyone has reported the crime."

"Especially the underground gangster Dige! The reporter said that he had met the bodyguard at the scene of the car accident. He was Dige's horse boy, and he had gone to his company to collect protection money. Therefore, Dige is the key investigation object!"

"We must not tolerate such a cruel murderer!"


If the matter involves gangster forces like Dige, then the possibility of gangster vendetta is much greater.

But we can't make a definitive statement right now, because there is a possibility that it might be a case of paying someone to kill someone.

And those horses also died, the nature is difficult to determine.

Everyone present was mobilized, and the entire Municipal Bureau was completely busy with this case.

You know, a Patriarch Jing, plus thirty-six of his bodyguards, plus thirty-six people at the scene of the car accident, there are a total of seventy-three people!

That's seventy-three lives.


If the case cannot be solved, their dismissal will be light, and it will definitely cast a huge psychological shadow on them, and they will not be able to feel at ease in this life.

If you just want to investigate the Emperor Pavilion, you may encounter a lot of resistance.

The emperor's pavilion has occupied the underground world of the imperial capital for many years, with hands and eyes open to the sky, and a complicated network of relationships.

If you want to investigate them, I am afraid you will face pressure from many parties.

It may even lead to a counterattack by the Emperor Pavilion, which will inevitably cause many bloodshed [endangering the safety of the people.

Chu Xuan is impressed by the ability of the city bureau, and the inspection department is very capable.

And it seems that the team members outside have also found some clues.

A lady in her thirties was brought to Xiao Muqing.

"You said you took some videos yesterday?"

"Yes, round."

The lady was obviously nervous and took out her cell phone.

According to what she said, she was basking in the sun on the balcony yesterday, and found that the scene of the murder was a bit noisy, so she took a picture with her mobile phone.

As a result, the pictures she captured made her panic until now, and she dared not fall asleep.

Xiao Muqing took the phone to check the video. Although the video was a bit blurry, she could still see the general situation clearly.

The video shows some people falling to the ground, being gathered together, and then an old man throws something on them.

It didn't take long for those people's bodies to be corroded.

Then some people entered the villa, quickly cleaned the villa, and then retreated.

The video ended here. Because the distance was too far, it was still impossible to see the old man's face clearly, and only one back was captured, so it was still difficult to be sure.

But compared to those previous surveillance videos, it is much better.


"Let the technical department search and draw a clear outline. Everyone who enters and exits the villa must find out their identities and find them out. These people who are responsible for cleaning up the scene must not let go!"

The people who cleaned up the scene were very professional. They were not the horse boys sent by the Emperor Pavilion, but some other people.

"Captain Xiao, these people are very professional. I suspect they are from Wanye Company."

"Wanye Company?"

Xiao Muqing was confused, what was that?

The vice-captain said: "I'm just hearsay. I've heard of such a company. It is said that Wanye Company is a company that clears obstacles for the underground world. The so-called obstacles are actually helping them deal with the aftermath of 863. Whether it is drugs, human trafficking, They are involved in murder and so on. Cleaning up the murder scene is also within their business scope."

"It is not surprising that Wanye Company disguises itself as an ordinary agricultural company on weekdays."

"I see."

Xiao Muqing understood that she knew of similar companies that specialized in dealing with the aftermath of some forces in the underground world.

"You bring people to Wanye Company. No matter what, everyone must control them and bring them back to the city bureau for interrogation. They also belong to the underground world. If necessary, any coercive means can be used."

Xiao Muqing has basically been able to determine the nature of this company. Since they are from the underground world, there is no need to reason with them.


The deputy captain immediately led a group of people to Wanye Company, while Xiao Muqing stayed on the scene.

Chu Xuan has been watching, the case has progressed to this point, it should be relatively easy to lock Chen Ruobing and Ye Haolong.

As long as Wanye Company and Dige can open the gap, they can basically testify against the two of them.

If he wanted real evidence, he could anonymously send the video of the monitoring system to the Municipal Bureau, and basically be able to kill the two of them.

But now that Xiao Muqing wants to show off her abilities, then let her do it.

With myself watching here, nothing can happen.

Just as a chance for her to show off her abilities?


The First Thousand And Fifty-Eight Chapters: Do The Underground Forces Dare To Be Arrogant? [3]


Wanye Company is located on the twenty-sixth floor of the Haoye Building on the third ring road of the Imperial City.

In everyone's perception, this is a company engaged in agricultural trade, with a small scale and few economic and trade businesses, but it has managed to flourish in the imperial capital and even employ a large number of security guards.

At this time, downstairs in the Haoye Building, the deputy captain came with a group of people, and the siren sounded, attracting many people's attention.

Coming to the twenty-sixth floor, the entire floor belongs to Wanye Building.

As soon as I got out of the elevator, the front desk saw the police coming, so they quickly stepped forward to intercept them.

"Where is your person in charge?"

The deputy captain asked seriously, feeling a little nervous.

Wanye Company is a real force in the underground world. If one fails, it may cause bloodshed.

So now the people he brought are fully armed to prevent Wanye Company from doing things.

"Our chairman is not here today, so you..."

"Are you sure he's not here? Have you thought about the consequences of not cooperating with the investigation?"

The deputy captain said coldly, the girl at the front desk was taken aback, and quickly said, "I'll ask."

After speaking, he slipped in and ran out not long after.

"The chairman is waiting for you in the office, please follow me.

After speaking, he led the way and walked to the chairman's office.

The deputy captain led people in and observed Wan Company all the way.

There are many people who go to work, but they are different from normal office workers.

Normal office workers should be very busy now, but the employees here are very loose, and they all look like they are doing nothing. The computer is turned on, but it is not work, but leisure activities such as watching movies.

There were some people playing cards nearby and the whole company didn't look right.


When he came to the chairman's office, the chairman was wearing a suit and leather shoes, looking like a successful person.

"I don't know what the police comrades are doing in my small place?"

Liao Chang said lightly, without any respect.

Even if it is the police, what can they do when they come to his place?

Moreover, he has dealt with the police many times, and he is very calm every time.

"A homicide has occurred in the Green Water Palace, I hope you can cooperate with the investigation~||."

"Oh? Clear Water Mansion?"

A gleam flashed in Liao Chang's eyes, he took a sip of coffee calmly, and said: "Comrade police, there are some things that should not be dealt with, I hope you can understand."

Since they came here for the affairs of Clearwater Palace, they must have found some evidence related to their Wanye Company.

But so what?

He, Liao Chang, has been rampant in the underground world of the imperial capital for so many years, and his network of relationships is intricate, so he is afraid that such a trivial matter will fail?

"Presumptuous! Human life is at stake. As the people's police, do you think we should take care of it? Liao Chang! I hope you will cooperate with our investigation and come to the Municipal Bureau with us!"

The vice-captain is short-tempered, this guy is really daring, is he still trying to threaten them now?

"What if Liao doesn't want to go?"

"I'm afraid you can't help it!"


Liao Chang's eyes turned cold, and dozens of 'security guards' rushed in the next moment, holding machetes.

The vice-captain's pupils shrank sharply, lawless, really lawless!

How dare you threaten them with weapons?


Do these guys really think they can't be cured?

But the fact is that there are dozens of security guards with weapons here, and he brought only six people. It would be very dangerous if he really did it.

And it is likely to cause panic, especially in a place like Haoye Building, where there are many normal companies.

If there is a real fight, it is likely to affect innocent people.

"Comrade Captain, you'd better turn a blind eye to the things you shouldn't care about, and be careful that you won't be able to keep your skin."

Liao Chang said lightly that he didn't take these people seriously at all.

He has enough confidence that he is not afraid of the policemen in front of him at all.

The vice-captain's face was gloomy, and the development of the matter seemed to exceed his expectations. The people of Wanye Company were very arrogant and daring.

When Xiao Muqing received the news in Clear Water Mansion, she almost exploded her phone.

"Bastard! The underground forces dare to be arrogant? Openly armed and confronted the police, is there any law?"

She was full of anger, and the other team members also looked at each other when they heard the news.

Is Wanye so crazy?

It seems that this Wanye company is really not simple. The police dare to be so arrogant when they come to the door. What kind of support does it have?

"Can't Mu Qing go and deal with it?"

Chu Xuan asked with a smile, some underground forces are really arrogant, it's true.

It is not surprising that Wanye Company did such a thing.

He was not interested in the underground world of the imperial capital at first, because he didn't bother to pay attention to it, it was just a group of ordinary people.

But now, if he made his woman angry, what should he do?



Xiao Muqing pondered, the anger in her heart was burning wildly, she really had that kind of thought.

But you have to consider the consequences clearly, otherwise the matter will become a big deal, and even the city bureau may not be able to stop it.

"Let's go and do it. If there is anything, my husband will cover it for you. Let's see if there is any blind person who dares to stop you from investigating the case. Do you need more people?"

My wife wants to investigate this secret, can he not help?

What's more, Xiao Muqing called her husband in front of the team members. If he went to the theater again, it would be unreasonable.

The team members are curious now, what kind of identity is Chu Xuan?

They don't know that much about their captain, and even less about her man.

But someone who can get a beauty like the captain must have a lot of means.

Xiao Muqing said: "I don't need it for the time being. Although Wanye Company has a lot of people, we have enough people. What we need now is an attitude."

(Hello, Nuo Wang) "Leave a team to continue to investigate the scene, and others to check the equipment, follow me to Wanye Company!"

Xiao Muqing immediately made a decision, it was just an underground force that angered her, and it will be wiped out today!

Although she is an ancient warrior now, she is also the captain of the criminal police of the city bureau. When cleaning up Wanye Company, she used some ancient warrior methods, and no one would make irresponsible remarks.

To some extent, ancient warriors still look down on such underground forces.

When the team members heard this, they all cheered up, checked their equipment immediately, got into the car and quickly drove towards Wanye Company to mine.

Xiao Muqing also checked the pistol, then got in the car and was about to go.

But the co-pilot's door opened, and Chu Xuan slipped in.

"My husband is going too?"

"Of course, this young lady's little wife is going to take risks, as her husband, can she not?"

Chu Xuan rolled his eyes, Xiao Muqing felt happy, and stepped on the gas pedal to the end. .


Chapter 1059: Domineering Xiao Muqing, Those Who Resist Are Executed On The Spot! [4]


In Wanye Company, the deputy captain is still confronting dozens of people.

Liao Chang was very upset. These guys didn't leave after reporting?

Is it really going to be against his Wanye company today?

If it was in another place, he must have had these guys killed in front of him.

However, here at Wanye Company, and it was still broad daylight, the other party came in a police car again, and the siren blew.

In this case, if they get rid of them, many things will be very troublesome later.

After all, it was a blatant challenge to the authority of the Municipal Bureau. Even if Wanye Company could survive later, it would have to pay a lot of price.

Some things can only be done behind the scenes, but on the bright side, the effect will be completely different.

Right now the other party continues to stay after making a phone call, and there may be other policemen coming later.

That call is for support!

Thinking of this, he gestured to the little girl at the front desk at the door with his eyes.

The little girl at the front desk understood, and hurriedly found more security guards, who directly blocked the entrance of the company.

Sure enough, as Liao Chang expected, it didn't take long to see the elevator door open, and a team of police rushed in.

"Stop! This is Wanye Company, 643 you..."

The little girl at the front desk jumped out immediately, but before she finished speaking, Xiao Muqing directly raised her hand and pulled her wrist into her arms.


Lifting her right foot, her knee slammed into the stomach of the little girl at the front desk, causing her to scream in pain, and she fell to the ground and curled up.

"Hiss~ It's scary!"

Chu Xuan behind couldn't help gasping, why do women make things difficult for women!

It's all right now, I guess the girl at the front desk is mostly useless.


The team members behind were shocked when they saw how domineering their captain was.

But considering that the other party is also a member of Wanye Company, and his attitude was so arrogant just now, he felt nothing.

Such a person, who knows how dirty behind the scenes, she is probably involved in the affairs of Wanye Company.

The security guard at the door saw that the police were so brutal when they arrived, and immediately drew out the machete.

"Heh~ How dare a group of mobsters show their knives in front of the police? Don't you know that based on this, do we have the right to execute you on the spot?"


After the words fell, the pistol was already pointed at a security guard in front.

Seeing this, the other team members took out their guns one after another and aimed directly at the security guards in front.

Such a scene frightened the security guards. It is true that they are from the underground world, but it does not mean that they are not afraid of death.

If he was shot, it would probably be Barbie Q directly.

"Anyone who dares to obstruct will be executed on the spot! No one should obstruct the police from enforcing the law!"

Xiao Muqing said coldly, the morale of the team members skyrocketed.

Follow such a big captain, you have a bright face, and you don't have to be cowardly.

No matter what you say today, you must eradicate underground forces like Wanye Company.

How dare you show your knife in front of the police?

Do you really think their police are just a display?

"Cuff them all!"

Seeing that the security guards threw down the machetes one after another, Xiao Muqing walked directly inside, her domineering posture was extremely admirable.

This is what the police should be like.

Facing the most vicious gangsters, they will also go forward bravely and never back down.


There is no doubt that Xiao Muqing's action this time, no matter whether it is successful or not, is enough to make the people in the city bureau admire it.

Chu Xuan followed behind her, smiling all over his face, almost saying 'Look, this is my young lady!'.

When I came outside the chairman's office, I could already see the seven deputy captains surrounded by dozens of security guards.

The security guard also held it to see, and on the boss chair inside, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes was drinking coffee in his spare time, without any worries.

Xiao Muqing's eyes were cold, she pushed open the door and walked in.

Liao Chang spotted Xiao Muqing at the first sight, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, there is such a beautiful (chab) policewoman?

He smiled, stood up and said with a smile: "Beauty"


What greeted him was a bullet, Xiao Muqing directly fired a warning shot, and said coldly: "Liao Chang, chairman of Wanye Company, you have been arrested, now go to the police station to cooperate with the investigation!"

Liao Chang's face froze, this beauty didn't follow the rules, and fired a warning shot?

"Did the beauty have some misunderstanding? Liao didn't do anything, why was she arrested?"

"Let's stop talking nonsense, Wanye Company belongs today, and none of them can escape. Inform the others and bring everyone back from Wanye Company. Anyone who resists will be executed on the spot!"

The word "in situ execution" came out, accompanied by a heavy killing intent, letting people know that she was not joking.

The security guard with the knife hesitated, should he put down the machete?

The boss hasn't spoken yet, they dare not make decisions on their own.

Seeing this scene, Liao Chang smiled inwardly, and said: "Liao Mou really wants to cooperate with the investigation, but these people seem to have some opinions, they have a lot of opinions on the violent law enforcement by the police. Beauty, why don't we find a place As far as today's affairs are concerned..."


Before he could finish speaking, a loud slap sounded.

Chu Xuan appeared beside Liao Chang at some point, and shook his hands.

And Liao Chang was slapped to the ground by his slap.


"Where did you come from, you can remember Ben's wife?"

After the voice fell, one foot directly stepped on the opponent's head, and it was crushed several times.


Liao Chang screamed, feeling a splitting headache, his eyeballs were about to pop out, and he was in a daze.

Where did the evil spirit come from?

When the security guards saw the boss being beaten, they wanted to leave immediately.

At this moment...

bang bang bang!!!

With continuous gunshots, several security guards who rushed over had blood holes in their eyebrows, and in Chu Xuan's hand, a silver pistol was still smoking from the muzzle.

Chu Xuan has a gun in his hand!

The security guard stopped, and the criminal police members looked at each other in blank dismay. What's going on? How could the captain's husband have a gun?

And now he killed four people in one go!


Xia Guo has very strict control over firearms. If you are not a member of the system, possession of firearms is a felony.

"Silly thing, how many holes can you open in your little brain with one shot?"

The gun was aimed at Liao Chang, and the understatement made everyone shudder.

"Hey, you bastards are still holding knives? Do you need to be charged with treason? Or you intend to murder the country's senior generals. How many times can you be shot?"

Chu Xuan half-closed his eyes, but what he said made everyone dumbfounded.

Crime of treason?

National senior general?


Chapter 1060: Xiao Muqing: Clear The Underground World Of The Imperial Capital! [5]


"Captain Xiao, what did he say?"

The deputy captain beeped softly, he knew every word Chu Xuan said, but he was a little confused when combined.

Others also pricked up their ears, very curious.

Xiao Muqing said lightly: "Oh, my husband is a general~military rank.

A simple sentence, but set off a stormy sea.

General rank?

Wait, when did Xia Guo have such a young general? Never heard of it!

"Captain Xiao, who is our brother-in-law?"

The deputy captain continued to ask in a low voice, as if he had discovered a big secret, that was exciting.

"My husband has a close relationship with the military, and the Black Knife Army listens to my husband, so I can't talk about the specifics."

Xiao Muqing knew that Chu Xuan said that he was a senior general, which meant that he was not worried about these things being exposed.

That's why she said it. Otherwise, she wouldn't talk about such a confidential matter casually.

"Hiss~ brother-in-law is mighty!"

The vice-captain swallowed. Among other things, the word "Black Saber Force" is enough to scare people. They are the legendary special forces with great power.

With such a relationship with special forces, Wanye Company is a piece of wool?

Not to mention killing a few security guards now, even if all the people in Wanye Company were shot, it would be no problem.

Because there is already evidence to prove the nature of Wanye Company and the numerous crimes they have committed.


Furthermore, people from Wanye Company attacked Chu Xuan. As a senior general of the country, Chu Xuan really had the right to shoot them directly.

Xiao Muqing almost couldn't hold back when she heard the vice-captain's words.

Vice-captain rule, you are a fifty-year-old man, is it really okay to call my husband like that?

But looking at the other team members, she almost said the word brother-in-law, so she chose to remain silent.

There was even some inexplicable joy in my heart, how good is it to show affection in front of the team members?

At this time, Liao Chang was also in a daze, he didn't understand how he could provoke such a murderous god when he was doing well.

Black knife troops, it's scary to think about it.

As a force in the underground world of the imperial capital, he has done a lot of dirty work, and his relationship network is also very complicated.

He dared to challenge the people from the Municipal Bureau, and even dared to confront the Criminal Police Brigade with a knife, but he definitely didn't dare to be arrogant with the people from the Black Sword Unit.

Because the Black Knife Squad doesn't worry about you that much.

If you really provoke them, the tanks will come out and bomb you directly.

That is a real violent army, and any underground force in the imperial capital absolutely does not want to provoke them.

In other words, as long as people from the underground world are unwilling to provoke people from the military.

There is still a way to survive by provoking the police, and you can also settle things through various relationships. But if you provoke the military, they won't reason with you, take them away first and then talk about it.

Any resistance?

Well, it's okay to take the corpse too...

"Little brat, are you planning to go to the city bureau to tell the truth, or is this young master personally sending you to the black knife army for trial?"

Chu Xuan squinted his eyes and smiled 'gently' and almost scared Liao Chang to pee.

What the hell, is there still a way to survive in the Black Saber Squadron?

As long as he gets to that place, all the things he has done in his life will be dug out. In the end, it is not too much to shoot him a thousand times.


"I, I, I, I went to the city bureau, I recruited everything, I recruited everything."

Liao Chang was trembling with fright, and he couldn't care less about the pain in his head.

As soon as he finished speaking, the security guards under him dropped the machetes in their hands one after another, and heaved a sigh of relief.

When they learned of Chu Xuan's identity, they were really panicked.

Especially Chu Xuan's superb marksmanship just now, he didn't care about people at all, just a few shots, all hit the eyebrows.

There is no doubt that if they rush forward, a blood hole will be opened between the eyebrows.

"Bring everyone back!"

Xiao Muqing stood up and gave the order, and the criminal police immediately put handcuffs on Liao Chang and others, and at the same time, all the people outside also put on handcuffs, not a few of them.

"My wife, if they are not honest in the city bureau, send them to the Black Knife Army, and someone will treat them well."

Chu Xuan laughed and said, scaring everyone in Liao Chang into panic.

If they were sent to the Black Knife Force, it would really be over.


Now it's basically all over, explain everything, the lightest is indefinite.

Now I can only pray that I will take the initiative to explain it, so that some of the siege can be alleviated.

...ask for flowers…

"Husband, we will go to the Emperor Pavilion soon, do you want to go together?"

Xiao Muqing asked, the Emperor Pavilion is the biggest trouble.

The gang organization methods are very cruel. If they are pushed into a hurry, they may really die, and there will definitely be a lot of bloodshed.

"Of course, it's still the same sentence, let go and do it, if there is anything [husband will give you the details."

"Really? What if I want to clean up the underground world of the imperial capital?"


Xiao Muqing asked tentatively, and all the criminal police members pricked up their ears.

The boss is mighty!

Does this mean that you want to clean up the underground world of the entire imperial capital?

tsk tsk~

The difficulty is really not small!


But if they can complete it, their names will go down in history.

"No problem, isn't it just clearing the underground world of the imperial capital? Do it if you want. If you need manpower, let the Black Sword Troops assist you. By the way, there are also Qiangwei and Tongxin. If you need them, you can ask them to help.

Thinking about it carefully, Huo Qiangwei and Tong Xin both developed gang power in the imperial capital, and it was the combination of the Qinglong Gang and the Qiangwei Gang, which was very powerful and officially recognized.

If you want to clear the underground world of the imperial capital, you will naturally need to cooperate with them.

Or in other words, control the underground world of the entire imperial capital in their hands, so as to ensure real safety.

"Understood, then I will ask them. When the entire underground world of the imperial capital is controlled by the Qinglong Gang and the Rose Gang, the situation will be much clearer.

Xiao Muqing nodded repeatedly, but the vice-captain and the others were confused.

Boss, it sounds like you have a lot to do with those two gangsters!

Guys, is it really appropriate to let them know the news?

However, they also know that the Qinglong Gang and the Rose Gang are gangs supported by the government and used to manage the underground world.

Terrible, the background of the boss is really terrifying.

Not only does it have a general husband like Chu Xuan, but it is also related to two other officially recognized powerful gangsters.

May I ask, in the city bureau, is Wei Wei's background stronger than her?

"Go back to the Municipal Bureau and interrogate Liao Chang and others in surprise, we must pry their mouths open!".


Chapter 1061: Bureau Zheng: What Brother-In-Law? That's The Boss, It's The Boss Chu! [1]


A total of 745 people from Wanye Company were brought to the Municipal Bureau for interrogation.

According to Xiao Muqing's understanding, as long as it belongs to Wanye Company, there will be no innocent people.

Anyone who can work in Wanye Company is at least an accomplice.

When so many people were brought to the Municipal Bureau, Zheng Bureau was dumbfounded.

Good guy, directly bring the entire Wanye Company here?

Xiao Muqing really has you, the ability is so amazing!

Of course, he also knows what kind of organization Wanye Company is. An organization that handles dirty work for the underground world of the imperial capital has a complicated network of relationships.

Once they are moved, it may trigger a chain reaction, and may even involve some big shots.

It is not so easy for such an organization to bring them over, and Wanye Company will definitely fight back against "483".

They have never paid attention to the city bureau, thinking that no one can deal with them.

But now not only were they brought over, but everyone seemed to be very honest, and the queue was orderly.

Those who didn't know thought they were good citizens who were fully cooperating with the police investigation.

How on earth did she do it?

"Deputy Captain Kong, what's going on?"

Director Zheng asked in a low voice, and Deputy Captain Kong also beeped in a low voice, and told the whole process, and finally said: "Our brother-in-law is really awesome!"



Director Zheng's forehead went black, how could it be proper to use such a title? Can he still have a bit of the majesty of the city bureau?

That's obviously a boss, a boss!

It's cool to be surrounded by big bosses. Is Wanye Company awesome?

Meeting a general like Chu Xuan, and having a complicated relationship with the Black Saber Force, he was able to handle it every minute.

It can only be said that Wanye Company was unlucky, and fortunately he called Xiao Muqing over, otherwise the case of Clearwater House would have been interrupted by Wanye Company.

"If it's Mr. Chu, then you don't have to worry about other people, you can completely let go."

Director Zheng was still a little worried that other big bosses would be involved, and the city bureau would face tremendous pressure. He, the director, might also be paid attention to and even beaten by some people above.

But don't worry now, Chu Xuan has you covered.


Then talk to Mr. Chu!

"Director Zheng, Captain Xiao said that they still need to investigate the Emperor's Pavilion. At that time, a large number of people should be needed. Moreover, Captain Xiao also wants to clean up the underground world of the Imperial Capital, and has a deep relationship with the Qinglong Gang and the Qiangwei Gang..."

Deputy Captain Kong said a lot of things again, and Director Zheng swallowed hard.

Clear the underground world of the imperial capital?


What a crazy idea that must be!

But she actually has something to do with those two officially recognized gangsters?

The Qinglong Gang and the Rose Gang are definitely raptors crossing the river. When they first arrived in the imperial capital, there was a bloodbath. The city bureau must have noticed it and wanted to investigate.


But soon the news from above made them stop, saying that this was a gang with permission, the purpose was to control the underground world, stabilize the social order, and let them give up the investigation.

After receiving such an order, Director Zheng and the others were still very confused at that time, even a little frightened.

Because it was the secretary of the top boss who sent them the news.

If such a person sends news, is there anything else to say?

It must be a green light all the way, so the Qinglong Gang and the Qiangwei Gang have developed rapidly in the imperial capital, and now they have formed a three-legged situation with the Emperor Pavilion, and their status is unshakable.

"Let's go, interrogate Liao Chang's related people!"

Director Zheng was in high spirits, and soon came to the interrogation room where Liao Chang was being held.

Several senior executives of Wanye Company have been detained in isolation in the interrogation room [the police are interrogating them.

Director Zheng looked outside Liao Chang's interrogation room and saw that Liao Chang was downcast like a defeated rooster. Facing all of Xiao Muqing's questions, he immediately answered them without any hesitation.

It's amazing.

Liao Chang, who used to be so majestic, has such a sad time?

He noticed Chu Xuan who was also in the interrogation room, and wanted to go in to say hello immediately, but he held back.

And Chu Xuan seemed to be aware of his arrival, turned his head to look outside, and nodded slightly.

This little action made Director Zheng excited for a while, and the boss nodded to him, what an honor.

At this moment, Liao Chang knew everything, he was already terrified, and Chu Xuan was still sitting next to Xiao Muqing, the pressure was huge, how could he dare to hide anything?

If he concealed it, the animal might shoot him and kill him directly...

And now that everyone has been arrested, the other party must have a lot of evidence.


If you continue to hide it, you will only be the one who suffers.

Xiao Muqing interrogated the case and got a lot of useful information in a short while.

"This is the end of the interrogation of the Green Water Court, Liao Chang, I hope you will be more sensible, and it is best to explain other things on your own initiative. In addition, you'd better explain everything about the case of the Clear Water Court. If it is found out later that there is something to hide , the Black Knife Squad will welcome you very much!"

Xiao Muqing said lightly, and immediately arranged for the police to take Liao Chang down.

"Boss Zheng, according to Liao Chang's confession, Wanye Company was entrusted by Emperor Pavilion to go to Bishuihaoting to do aftermath work, but they did not kill the thirty-six bodyguards, nor did they destroy the bodies.

"Their main role in this case is to clean the villa, destroy all evidence, and assist in destroying the surveillance video."

Bureau Zheng nodded solemnly, and immediately listened to the interrogation results of the others, which were basically consistent with what Xiao Muqing came out of.

"That is to say, what can be confirmed now is that Wanye Company has done the aftermath work, and the case of Qingshuihaoting is closely related to the Emperor Pavilion. The bodyguards are likely to be killed by them, and the body may also be destroyed by 2.0."

"Yes, now there is a possibility.

Xia Muqing knew that the body was destroyed by Ye Haolong, but now there is no evidence to prove it, so naturally he can't say it.

Next, we still have to wait for Dige to deal with it before we can lock Haolong.

tsk tsk~

If he was arrested by the Municipal Bureau, would Ye Haolong resist?

Will Chen Ruobing resist?

Or what kind of relationship will be used to get rid of the crime and escape the catastrophe?

"Director Zheng, now we need to attack the Emperor's Pavilion, lest they know about the Wanye Company and be on guard!"

"Yes, it makes sense. Captain Xiao, how many people are needed? The Municipal Bureau will fully cooperate with you. And the Municipal Bureau will use special police to support you at any time!".


Chapter 1062: Going To The Emperor Pavilion, I Haven't Seen Such An Arrogant One For A Long Time [2]


Mobilizing the special police forces to prepare, Zheng Ju obviously wanted to remove the Emperor Pavilion and others all at once.

Although he knew that underground forces like the Emperor Pavilion were more troublesome, if it was in the past, he would not dare to easily touch the Emperor Pavilion.

But now the appearance of Chu Xuan gave him confidence.

With such a big boss around, eradicating Emperor Pavilion is definitely a no-brainer.

Now the entire city bureau is at the disposal of Xiao Muqing, and without a word, she dispatched all the criminal police to the Emperor Pavilion with great momentum.

Emperor Pavilion is the strongest gangster force in the underground world of the Imperial Capital. It owns a very large industry and controls a large area of ​​the Imperial Capital. It is involved in many industries and has many underlings

It can be described as a well-deserved overlord level.

Its base camp is located in a leisure street on the second ring road, and it also built a building by itself, which can be said to stand out from the crowd in the leisure street.

When the Municipal Bureau convoy came to Leisure Street, it attracted the attention of many people.

Emperor Pavilion placed a lot of eyeliner, which was naturally discovered.

It's just that they didn't take it seriously, and didn't think that 27 was targeting the Emperor Pavilion.

Because the Emperor Pavilion has occupied the imperial capital for many years, no one has ever been able to tamper with the Emperor Pavilion.

They have also dealt with the Municipal Bureau many times, and they have never been really upset.

As time passed, they didn't have the so-called fear of the city bureau. Instead, those eyeliners were staring at both sides of the street, pointing and smiling, seemingly quite happily?

Chu Xuan was sitting in Xiao Muqing's car, Jin Tong had already noticed those eyeliners, seeing their attitudes, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The imperial capital, under the feet of the emperor, the mere underground gangsters can still be so arrogant.


There must be a lot of energy behind the emperor's pavilion, and it should be related to some awesome people to make them so arrogant.

Very good, this time the Emperor Pavilion will be eradicated, no matter what kind of people are behind it as backers, they must be eradicated.

If the people in Dige knew that they were being targeted by such a big terror, they would probably panic.

To them, Chu Xuan is a dimensionality reduction blow, regardless of his background or strength, he can crush the Emperor Pavilion thousands of times.

Xiao Muqing also noticed those eyeliners, she is now a strong person who is about to step into the grand master, and she still has this perception.

"Husband, if there is a large-scale bloodshed when eradicating the Emperor Pavilion, can you let it go?"

What worries her most now is the bloodshed!

Although the people in the Emperor Pavilion deserve to die, but if there is a conflict and the people in the Emperor Pavilion do nothing, it will harm the safety of the surrounding citizens.

Even if all the people in the Emperor Pavilion were killed, in the case of a large number of casualties, it would still cause panic among the citizens, and even panic in the entire Xia Kingdom.

Let's just talk about the boys under Dige, they know more than 10,000 people!

With such a large-scale gang force, it is really difficult to eradicate them overnight.

Chu Xuan said lightly: "Don't worry too much. It's not difficult to eradicate the emperor's pavilion, and there will be no large-scale bloodshed. The criminal police team and the special police can deter those gangsters."

"The Emperor's Pavilion is indeed very powerful, and the members of the Emperor's Pavilion are also defiant. But when the authorities really start targeting them, do you think those horsemen still dare to be arrogant?"

"The reason why they joined the Emperor's Pavilion is because they thought that in the Emperor's Pavilion, there would be no official people to do anything to them. But after the official's action, the vision of those horsemen will be shattered

Naturally it fell apart. "

This is an understanding of human nature.


Why did so many punks join Emperor Pavilion?

It's not just that they think that the government will not take action against the Emperor Pavilion, so they can be arrogant and domineering, and they don't even take the city bureau seriously.

But when the Municipal Bureau really started to take action and was determined to eradicate the emperor's pavilion, those horsemen would realize that their previous ideas were wrong.

For the sake of self-preservation, they naturally dare not resist.

That's why many young and Dangerous movies, on weekdays, each one looks like a bullshit, and even dares to spit at the police and the like.

But when the police are really dispatched, they are like mice, running around, how can they have the slightest attitude?

Xiao Muqing was thoughtful, and seemed to have understood Chu Xuan's thoughts.

"What you have to consider now is the background of the Emperor's Pavilion. If the Emperor's Pavilion dares to be so arrogant in the imperial capital, there must be someone behind it. And the people who support it may come from the government, or from some big forces."

Hearing this, Xiao Muqing's eyes turned cold.

Is someone in the government colluding with the Emperor Pavilion?

If this is the case, the people behind the Emperor Pavilion must be found out, and they must be punished by the law!

"Xie Kun, the leader of the Emperor Pavilion, is a key person. Through him, we can know who is behind the back! We must catch that guy!"

Xiao Muqing swears that she has already dispatched today, so there is nothing to say!

At this time, the middle-aged leader Xie Kun hung up the phone on the top floor of the Emperor Pavilion Building, his eyes were gloomy and his face was cold.

"Boss, what happened?"

In the office, there are also the deputy gang leader and hall master of the Emperor Pavilion.


Seeing that the leader's face was not right, they asked one after another.

Xie Kun sneered, the scars on his face seemed to be wriggling, very scary.

"It's nothing, it's just that those idiots in the Municipal Bureau want to take action against us, the Emperor's Pavilion, because of the Clear Water Palace."

"What? The Municipal Bureau wants to move our Emperor Pavilion?"

"Impossible? Just rely on those wine bags and rice bags 537?"

The deputy gang leader and the hall master didn't believe it. The city bureau didn't dare to touch them for so many years. Now it's just a case of the Green Water Palace, so they want to touch the emperor's pavilion?

Good guy, it's not like you killed some big guy, why?

"It's said that it's because the new captain of the criminal police insisted on attacking Dige, and even talked about moving Director Zheng and the others. Hehe~ A woman in the district is really courageous! Now that people have arrived at Leisure Street, I will let them come up directly, Lao Tzu Let's see what kind of woman dares to break ground on Dige's head!"

Xie Kun sneered again and again. Through his eyeliner at the Municipal Bureau, he already knew a lot of news.

And someone from above sent him a message, it is said that it was because the new captain of the criminal police insisted on attacking Dige.

The other thing is that the things in the Green Water Mansion were a bit too much, especially the thirty-six bodyguards of the Jing family who died without a place to bury them.

Such a heinous method made the Municipal Bureau make up its mind.

If the methods were not too cruel, and so many people were killed at once, the Municipal Bureau might not have taken action against them.

"Is it actually a woman? Hehe~hehe~"

"It's interesting, I haven't seen such an arrogant person for a long time, and he's still a woman."

"When the captain of the criminal police comes, I want her to know what women should and should not do!".


The First Thousand And Sixty-Three Chapters: Lord Of The Emperor Pavilion, I Have A Big Background [3]


The top executives of Dige never felt that the Municipal Bureau was anything to be afraid of, and even when they knew that the Municipal Bureau was going to deal with them, they were more angry and contemptuous.

They haven't been able to pose a threat to their Emperor Pavilion before, but now they think they can affect them?


I'm afraid that after today, the Municipal Bureau will be disgraced, which will make their emperor's prestige even higher.

Because of Xie Kun and others' orders, Xiao Muqing didn't encounter any obstacles when she brought the people to the Dige Building, and even had someone press the elevator for them, leading directly to the office on the top floor.

"f**k! This gangster is too arrogant!"

"Such a luxurious office building is all owned by Emperor Pavilion, how much people's fat and anointing have to be collected?"

When the criminal police saw the extremely luxurious office building, they felt very uncomfortable.

If a gangster owns such a building, how many people's hard-earned money will be ruined?

The money that makes up this building must be stained with blood.

In particular, the Emperor Pavilion is so arrogant, building such a building directly on the Leisure Street of the Second Ring Road, which makes them even more angry.

This is provoking the authority of the Municipal Bureau and the bottom line of Xia Guo's laws!

The elevator went up, and soon came to the top floor, and was guided by the members of the Emperor Pavilion to the outside of the office.

A group of people walked in, Xiao Muqing walked in front, and all the team members were behind her, there were fifty people, and all of them were wearing firearms, and the bullets had been loaded.

With the lessons learned by Wanye Company, they are very cautious now.

To go deep into a dragon's lake and a tiger's lair like the base camp of the Emperor's Pavilion, one must be extremely energetic.


"I've heard for a long time that Captain Xiao of the Criminal Police Brigade is a rare beauty. When I saw her today, she really lived up to her reputation. She is indeed a very beautiful beauty.

As soon as he walked in, he saw Xie Kun sitting on the boss's chair talking.

Looking around the huge office, the deputy head of the Emperor Pavilion and the head of the hall are all sitting on the Taishi chair, and there are no other seats.

When the criminal police team heard Xie Kun's words, their hearts skipped a beat.

Good guy, I've seen someone courting death, but I've never seen someone courting death like this!

Xiao Muqing was definitely the last person to be provoked by the entire city bureau.

Because her man is Chu Xuan, a senior general of the Xia Kingdom!

Saying this in front of Chu Xuan now, isn't that provoking Chu Xuan?

Poor baby, the road has come to an end ahead of time.

The deputy gang leader of the Emperor's Pavilion and others were all looking at Xiao Muqing, seeing Xiao Muqing's face, they couldn't help showing some smiles.

Especially when Xiao Muqing was wearing a police uniform, considering their own identities, there was always an inexplicable excitement that made them very excited.

"You are Xie Kun~~?"

Xiao Muqing said coldly.

Xie Kun laughed, this beautiful policeman is quite courageous, how dare she be so arrogant in his territory?

"That's right, it's Xie. I don't know why Captain Xiao came to my Emperor's Pavilion?"

"You need your cooperation in the investigation of the Clear Water Palace, so come with us now!"

"Oh? Clear Water Mansion? Tsk tsk~ It seems that the subordinates did it, but it's a bit boring to cooperate with the investigation or something. If Captain Xiao talks to Xie in private, maybe he can say a few more words. But I don't think it's necessary to go to the city bureau to cooperate with the investigation..."



Before he could finish speaking, a figure suddenly appeared beside Xie Kun, raised his hand and slapped him, and slapped him flying, hitting a wall heavily.

The sudden scene stunned the people in the office, but the criminal police team members were very calm.

Well, familiar formula, familiar taste.

Molesting Captain Xiao in front of Big Boss Chu, isn't that lighting a lantern in the toilet, courting death?

"Hawking and crooked, if you are asked to cooperate with the investigation, just be obedient. Do you have to let someone do it?"

Chu Xuan took out a tissue on the table and wiped his hands.

These words also brought the deputy gang leader and the others back to their senses, and rushed over one by one roaring.

"do not move!"

Xiao Muqing pulled out her gun without saying a word, and the criminal police team members did the same.

"If you dare to act recklessly, you will be shot and killed!"

Xiao Muqing's cold voice resounded, making the people in Dige feel very unreal for a moment.


In their base camp of Emperor Pavilion, there are still policemen who dare to draw their guns?

Aren't these guys afraid of death?

At this time, Xie Kun finally came back to his senses, looking at Chu Xuan, his eyes were so flawed that his eyes were completely red.

"Presumptuous, presumptuous! You dare to be so arrogant in the base camp of the Emperor Pavilion, you are looking for death! No matter who you are today, you must save your life!"

He is the leader of the Emperor Pavilion. He has been in charge of the Emperor Pavilion for many years. He is a big figure who calls the wind and rain in the underground world of the Imperial Capital. He has never suffered such humiliation.

Ordinary police saw him, who would dare to gasp in front of him?


But today, I was beaten up by people from the city bureau, I can't bear it!


Chu Xuan shot a gun casually, and the bullet exploded in Xie Kun's ear, hitting the wall, and debris splashed out.

"Keep your life? This young master is very curious, how did you let this young master keep your life. Is it so difficult to get rid of you? Do you really think you can go to heaven?"

The understatement of the tone, coupled with the fact that the gun was still pointed at Xie Kun, made him really dare not act rashly.

He glanced at Xiao Muqing, gritted his teeth and said, "Captain Xiao, the people under your command are going too far? When did Xia Guo allow you to use your guns at will?"

Xiao Muqing didn't bother to tell him more, Chu Xuan made sense in whatever she did!

"Tsk tsk~ Do you think it is strange for you underground forces to use guns? Don't say it is just a small warning, you will be shot here, or you will be executed on the spot. What is too much?"

"Anyway, each of you has at least a hundred lives in your hands. Don't be suspicious, I have already investigated very clearly, how many people each of you killed, but it is clear and the evidence is conclusive."

Chu Xuan said with a smile, when he came, he had asked the monitoring system to investigate.

It couldn't be easier for the monitoring system to just investigate the high-level officials of the Emperor Pavilion.

In less than ten minutes, the number of people killed by the senior officials of the Emperor Pavilion had been found out.

Xie Kun's face changed slightly, did the Municipal Bureau really have the evidence?

Could it be that the City Bureau has already planned to move their Emperor Pavilion today?

Trouble, really trouble!

If the City Bureau really has the evidence, how can they survive if they are arrested?

"Don't act recklessly! I'm a person with a big background. If you touch me, everyone present today counts as one, don't even think about it!"

"Captain Xiao, you city bureau doesn't want to make matters worse, does it?"


Chapter 1064: Good Guy, Even They Have Come Out? [4]


"Big background? It's really scary, tell me, what kind of big background is there, I'm really curious.

Chu Xuan smiled, there must be someone behind the Emperor Pavilion, but it is not clear who it is.

If Xie Kun could say it directly, it would save a lot of trouble.

Xie Kun frowned, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

Why is this young man so arrogant?

But think about it, he is just a young man, and he probably has never experienced social thunder.

If he had revealed his backer, these people would definitely not dare to touch the Emperor Pavilion today, and would even have to take the initiative to apologize.

At that time, if he wants to deal with these people present, then he can do whatever he wants.

As for the City Council?


I'm afraid that after today's incident, people from the city bureau will have to walk around when they see the emperor's pavilion.

"I'm a princeling!"

He raised his head, held his head high, and announced loudly, even a little complacently.

However, Chu Xuan slowly typed a '?' on his forehead.

What the hell?

Xiao Muqing also tilted her head, she was completely in water.


She doesn't know anything about this organization at all.

On the contrary, the faces of the criminal police team changed drastically, and the deputy captain of 820 even exclaimed: "What? You belong to them?"

"Hmph! That's right, I am! Dige is their spokesperson in the underground world, do you know it now?"

Xie Kun sneered again and again, and it turned out to be exactly what he thought, as long as the names of those big bosses were reported, these people would have to be like grandsons, and finally let him pinch and flatten them.

Chu Xuan turned his head and asked, "Vice Captain Kong, what is he talking about?"

"This is not a thing... Cough cough ~ this organization, it is said that it is a circle of the top rich second generation in the imperial capital, and it is said that the founders are the top few super rich second generations, and those people have a characteristic, that is rich and powerful!"

"In the past, there were rumors that the leader was the top son of the imperial capital! In the circle of rich second generations, this organization represents almost everything, and all rich second generations want to join." 1

"If Dige is really backed by them, then it will be troublesome."

Deputy Captain Kong smiled wryly. He thought that the Emperor Pavilion could be eradicated, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

If the Emperor Pavilion is really moved, (chfd) will definitely bring revenge from the lawless guy.

When the time comes, which one of them will be better off?

Chu Xuan nodded slightly, and said: "It turns out that it is the top son brother organization in the imperial capital, so why didn't you join?"

Deputy Captain Kong: ......

"Boss Chu, those guys are really not easy to provoke, why don't we retreat today and see what happens? It's best to contact them first, otherwise there may be a lot of trouble.

"Want to retreat? It's too late!"

"If I don't give Lao Tzu an explanation today, no one will leave!"

Xie Kun immediately shouted when he heard Vice Captain Kong's words.


Chu Xuan was deeply convinced, and said, "That's right, why did you leave so early? I'm very curious about who the so-called prince is, hehe~ sounds very interesting."

"Hmph! Extremely arrogant, how can you inquire about the identity of the prince!"

Xie Kun sneered, and wanted to go back to the boss chair and sit down, but seeing that Chu Xuan had already sat down, he really didn't dare to go there.

If he waits for the other party to go crazy and then slaps him, will he be slapped to death directly?

"Mu Qing, do you want to investigate what kind of organization this is? It sounds like a group of young masters with nothing to do. It is estimated that they have used this force to do some shameful things."

Xiao Muqing blinked her eyes, does Chu Xuan mean to do something to those young masters?

"Brother Chu~ You don't know how terrifying this organization is. The identity of the prince is very mysterious. We haven't found any clues for so many years. It's really not that easy to understand him. At most, the city bureau can only I can find some peripheral people in their organization and let them contact the top sons.

Deputy Captain Kong was really scared, Chu Xuan is too young after all.

Maybe he has a strong identity, but he must also understand that this organization is a force formed by many young masters.

Especially the prince, whose identity background is terrifying.

Coupled with some other top sons, their abilities are really, really scary.

It can be said that as long as it is what they want to do, no one within Xia Kingdom can stop it.

If Chu Xuan really provoked such a tough organization, the consequences would be disastrous.

Chu Xuan shook his head and said, "Forget it."

Deputy Captain Kong breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that Chu Xuan also realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Since the Municipal Bureau doesn't investigate, then I can just find someone to ask. What kind of shit, I didn't join, I guess it's just a group of chickens and dogs."

After he finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone, and Deputy Captain Kong staggered and almost fell down.


To say directly that those top sons are a bunch of chickens and dogs?

Brother Chu, why are you so tough?

If those lunatics heard about it, they would definitely not let it go.

Xiao Muqing thought nothing of it, strictly speaking, Chu Xuan is the top prince in this imperial capital, right?

The only heir of the Chu family!

At this moment, Xie Kun sneered, and secretly took out his mobile phone to record the video, thinking that he would send the video to the prince later, and the prince would be furious at that time, "The city bureau must be too busy to go around.

In fact, strictly speaking, the imperial pavilion is their subordinate force, and it is under the control of the prince.

He, the gang leader, is also the spokesperson of the prince, and is responsible for managing the emperor's pavilion.

Chu Xuan took his mobile phone and quickly found a person, Qin Shou!

He didn't know about this organization because he wasn't in the imperial capital before.

And the Qin family is the power of the imperial capital, and Qin Shou used to hang out in some circles from time to time, so he should know something about them.

The phone was connected, and Qin Shou's puzzled voice came from there.

"Young Master Chu, why did you call me? Do you have any orders?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I just want to ask you about something. Do you know about the princelings in the imperial capital? If you know, tell me what this faction is.

"What? Young Master Chu wants to inquire about the princelings?"

As soon as Chu Xuan finished asking, Qin Shou's voice over there was raised so that everyone around could hear him clearly, which made Chu Xuan even more curious about the so-called princelings.

This boy Qin Shou seems very nervous!.


Chapter 1065: Qin Shou Is Also A Princeling? [5]


"Master Chu inquired about them, did something happen?"

Qin Shou asked cautiously, feeling puzzled.

How could someone like Chu Xuan ask about those stupid things?

Wait, could it be those guys who provoked him?

Good guy, provoke Chu Xuan, this is the rhythm of the end!

Chu Xuan said: "There was a murder case in the Green Water Mansion...and this organization was involved in the end. Tsk~ Xie Kun, the leader of the Emperor Pavilion, is very awesome. He feels that his background seems to be quite strong, and he is very rampant. Jumping up and down in front of the young master, do you think this young master can inquire about it?"

After briefly explaining the matter, Qin Shou frowned.

"It turns out that this is the case. In fact, this organization is nothing. It is a so-called rich second-generation circle formed by a bunch of trash. The prince invited me to participate before, and I really went. The guy's name is Han Chuyi, and he is in his thirties. ."

"Oh? ~ Are you one of them too?"

Chu Xuan frowned, it seems that things are very interesting.

It's really unreasonable for this kid Qin Shou to participate. It seems that he should be beaten.

"No, no, how can I be their person? I was young and ignorant before. I thought this organization was quite interesting, so I joined. But I only went in for a few days, and I didn't think it was interesting. I didn't qualify, so I quit."

He hurriedly explained that he knew what kind of person Chu Xuan was, and if he really got involved with them, he would definitely be punished.

"Okay, then tell me what's going on. I heard that they were formed by the top young masters in the imperial capital, which symbolizes the imperial capital, and even the strongest circle of young masters in Xia Kingdom? This young master is a little scared now. ."

"Are you afraid? Young Master Chu is afraid that those brats are not enough for you to play with, right?"

Qin Shou laughed loudly, would a person with Chu Xuan's status be afraid of a group of trash who do nothing all day long?


Maybe I'm really afraid, because I'm afraid to be a little more serious and kill those guys directly.

"To put it bluntly, they are just a group of native chickens and dogs. The leader, Han Chuyi, is indeed not simple. It's just that the older generation in the family is more capable, but he has retreated behind the scenes and is an outdated thing.

"It's just fooling some fools, it's not worth mentioning at all!"

"However, Han Chuyi's stupidity may be because he is too hard to deceive. He really thinks that he is a good guy. He brags about his identity every day. He really thinks that he is a prince. He looks down on other young masters. He occasionally holds some parties and the like. It's silly to talk about a gathering of the top young masters of the Xia Kingdom, anyway."

"That is to say, no one cares about them, otherwise they would have been beaten to death long ago.

Qin Shou directly exposed Han Chuyi's background, and his disdainful tone made everyone dumbfounded.

Who is this again?

He sounds very young, but he actually looks down on Han Chuyi?


Although it is said that the backer of the other party has retreated behind the scenes, it is still a very difficult role.

The elders of the older generation must have a lot of energy, and I don't know how many disciples they have under their hands.

No wonder that Han Chuyi was able to form such an organization and firmly control it.

"Heh~ This young master is still looking forward to the identity that is against the sky, and really wants to break his wrist. Hey~ How can this young master play? If he accidentally plays to death, wouldn't it be very boring?"

Chu Xuan is really disappointed, it's rare for something interesting to come out, and this is the end?

As long as the Han family has a more powerful backer, then it's okay to play.

Now it's just the old man Han who has retired behind the scenes, he really has no interest at all.


Hearing what Chu Xuan said, the senior officials of the Emperor Pavilion panicked.

Xie Kun's lips were trembling. Hearing what Qin Shou said, it seems that this person in front of him is very important?

Wait, could it be to fool them?

Otherwise, how could it be possible to ask someone casually about something, and the other party is a member of the princeling party?

Yes, it must be fooling them, trying to scare them!

"I won't be fooled easily! I have to give the Emperor Pavilion an explanation today, otherwise everyone will never leave alive! Hmph! You don't want to see the prince get angry, do you?"

Xie Kun held on, as if he had found a reason for himself, and had to tremble again.

Chu Xuan hung up the phone, and said lightly: "Hehe~ Take people back. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed. In addition, this building is sealed, and everyone is not allowed to leave. Anyone who leaves the blockade without permission will be shot on the spot. The special police are here to watch."


"You, are you crazy?"

Xie Kun's eyes widened, he had already moved the prince out, how could this guy dare to do this?

"Be honest! Otherwise, I will shoot you now!"

After all, Deputy Captain Kong stepped forward. Mr. Chu had already found out the details of the princelings and insisted on doing it.

I'm afraid that even if that prince came to Boss Chu, Boss would slap him without hesitation, right?

He walked over, pointed his gun at Xie Kun, and then handcuffed Xie Kun.

"You, are you crazy too? I am the prince's man! Touch my Emperor Pavilion? Try it!"



Vice-captain Kong directly hit him on the forehead with the butt of his gun, and said with a sneer, "It's so majestic. With some status, I really think no one dares to touch you? A gang in the underground world dares to threaten us in broad daylight? "

"Believe it or not, I will kill you all today!"

Vice-captain Kong is very transparent now, with a big boss like Chu Xuan around, dealing with princelings is no problem at all.

If something really happened, Chu Xuan would be able to cover him up.

What's more, it's Chu Xuan who wants to deal with Emperor Pavilion now, no matter what background Emperor Pavilion has, even if the people behind it are pulled out, it can still be settled!

It's a pity that no one paid any attention to him. Those high-level officials of the Emperor Pavilion didn't dare to act rashly at the gunpoint of dozens of criminal police officers, and they were all handcuffed obediently.

And when the criminal police team took them out of the office, a large number of Emperor Pavilion members had already gathered outside, all armed with weapons, and even some guns could be seen?

"Interesting, the number of hidden guns seems to be quite a lot, enough to shoot a hundred and eighty times."

"Mu Qing, has the special police team arrived yet? If not, let the special forces come over directly. I don't believe it. The mere gangsters dare to attack the troops?"

Seeing the gang members with guns, Chu Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Should it really be worthy of the Emperor Pavilion?

Facing the criminal police team members, they even dared to draw out their guns.


Still want to rob someone?

"The special police brigade has arrived downstairs, three will come up immediately."


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