




Villain: Eavesdropping, The Heroines Are So Beautiful



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The First Thousand And Forty-Two Chapters: The Inspector Appointed By Young Master Chu Is Niucha! [2]


Sect Master Xianyin is still adjusting his breath for the time being. After Dian Cang arranged for his disciples to clean up the mess, he asked the elders to post on the Guwu Forum.

This kind of thing happened today, and people in the ancient martial arts world must understand clearly.

By the way, the things that the disciples of the Xianyin sect did were exposed, so that everyone can know how shameless the disciples of the Xianyin sect are now and how shameless the sect master of Xianyin is now.

Anyway, he dared to reprimand Master Xianyin directly, let alone expose the truth on the ancient martial arts forum?

The elders admire the head of the sect very much now, seeing his arrangement, they all support it.

Several elders got together to organize the language and sort out the wording.

The last condemning post was sent out, the content was impassioned and filled with righteous indignation.

Every word and every sentence is full of disdain for Xianyinzong, as well as worries about the future safety of the ancient martial arts world.

Indistinctly, he doubted whether Xianyinzong was an overseas spy, or why he never participated in the Hundred Years War?

Even though it was just a suspicion, but with this hat off, it would be enough for Xianyinzong to drink a pot.

As the post was released, it quickly attracted the attention of a large number of ancient warriors.

Although Diancangmen is only a second-rate force in the ancient martial arts world of the imperial capital, the 27 titles researched by the elders are still very attractive.

What face do you have to take revenge on Xianyinzong, who caused trouble in the ancient martial arts world?'

With such a title, the key words are Xianyinzong and revenge, which directly attract people's attention.

Especially when the Meteor Sect has been destroyed by Xianyinzong, now someone posts a post against Xianyinzong, which naturally attracts many people.

Click on the post, and the post details what Sect Master Xianyin and his direct disciples did today, and also what happened to happen to the housekeeper of Prince Gong's Mansion when he was inspecting the imperial capital.


The other thing is about what Sect Master Xianyin did in the imperial capital a hundred years ago!

The charm of words is manifested at this time. Under the wording that the elders painstakingly sorted out, people can even think of how arrogant Xianyin Sect Master was in the ancient martial arts world of the imperial capital a hundred years ago.

While the helmsman was rushing to the front line, he was domineering and domineering in the rear.

He even did all kinds of bottomless things, and even delayed the elite disciples of various schools and factions for three days, which seemed to lead to the defeat of the Pioneer Island War and the fall of Xia's defense line.

In the end, he was ordered to be encircled and suppressed by the helmsman and expelled from the imperial capital.

As a result, a hundred years later, that guy didn't want to repent, but came to the imperial capital to make troubles, threatened to retaliate, and even destroyed the Meteor Gate.

Now that the Hundred Years' War is imminent, at such a critical and sensitive time point, it is difficult for people not to suspect that Xianyinzong is engaged in some conspiracy or trick.

Especially when Diancangmen doubted whether Xianyinzong was an overseas spy, it was even more convincing.

After all, if you didn't participate in the Hundred Years' War, you didn't protect Xia Kingdom's ancient martial arts world, but caused trouble in the rear.

Now that the Hundred Years' War is about to start again, and you guys have come out to make trouble again, who can't doubt it?

"Xianyinzong is really shameless!"

"After doing so many disgusting things, how dare you take revenge? The man at the helm of the imperial capital was too kind and didn't just kill that bastard!"

"Damn! Do you think that the hidden world sect can be arrogant? To be an enemy of the entire ancient martial arts world of Xia Kingdom is to be a sinner, a sinner of the country, and a sinner of the nation!"

"It's nothing more than the Xianyin sect. If you dare to make an enemy of the entire Xia Kingdom's ancient martial arts world, then you will destroy them!"

"Killing an Immortal Sound Sect can at least ensure that there will be no fire in Xia Guoda's rear! Otherwise, when the Hundred Years War starts, that dog will take advantage of people's unpreparedness to do things in the rear again, and it will be uncomfortable

"Yes, there is no doubt that that guy will do such a thing."


The ancient warrior read the post and felt that his blood pressure had risen.


Back then, you could say that you were young, impulsive, without brains, and had problems with your three views.

But now that a hundred years have passed, isn't it enough for your stupid brain to figure it out?

So, if you jump out now, will it really be detrimental to Xia Guo's ancient martial arts world?

Do you want to take this opportunity to weaken the power of Xia Kingdom's ancient martial arts world?

Are you an overseas spy?

All kinds of doubts linger in the minds of the ancient warriors, making them more and more suspicious of what the purpose of Xianyinzong's choice to be born at this time is.

"To defeat Xianyinzong, Xianyinzong must be defeated!"

"The bastard of Xianyin Sect, get out and give everyone an explanation!"

"I remember that Xianyinzong is in Lingnan. Is there any brother from Lingnan who can speak out? Is Xianyinzong really a thing?"

It's really exciting!

In the information age, any news will spread at an incredible speed.

Now this matter does not need much guidance, and many people have already developed strong dissatisfaction with Xianyinzong.

In the context of a thorough investigation of foreign spies, Xianyinzong's actions undoubtedly pushed himself to a dead end.

The ancient martial arts world is now busy with the battle of the next hundred years. The selection of the God of War to protect the country has ended, but that is only the beginning.


The Xia Kingdom's ancient martial arts world should retain its vitality so that it can go all out in the Hundred Years War to block the enemy's attack.

As a result, the Xianyin sect even came to the imperial capital, and even forcibly wiped out the Meteor Sect!

As for the Diancang Sect, if it wasn't for good luck, it might have already been wiped out by the 790 Immortal Sound Sect.

It is also at this time that people seem to be belatedly aware.

"Suddenly I remembered that the master of Xianyin's cultivation is a land immortal, but the steward from Prince Gong's mansion can drive him away. In other words, the butler of Prince Gong's mansion is a land deity?"

"Damn it! Young Master Chu is so awesome!"

"According to what the old man said, he is the inspector of the imperial capital appointed by Young Master Chu to ensure the peace and stability of the ancient martial arts world in the imperial capital!"

"Hiss~ The inspector is Niucha! Young Master Chu is Niucha!"

When the butler's cultivation level was mentioned, it immediately sparked heated discussions.

The current Chu Xuan is a big celebrity in the ancient martial arts world, as the leader of the ancient martial arts alliance, as the sole heir of the Chu family, coupled with his heaven-defying talent and cultivation, he has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Now it is revealed that his subordinates are also land gods, isn't this shocking?

One must know that people's previous guesses about Chu Xuan's cultivation were innate.

Later, he will be promoted to the realm of the master, and even to the realm of the heavenly master!

But as many things came to light, they realized that Chu Xuan was already a land god, which shocked countless people at that time.

Now, even his subordinates are already land gods, which makes people's little hearts completely unbearable.

But what really caught their attention was the identity of the patrol envoy!.


Chapter 1043: Young Master Chu Is Definitely The Hope Of The Ancient Martial Arts World [3]


In fact, they seemed to accept the identity of inspectors.

Chu Xuan put such a title on the steward, if it was under normal circumstances, no one would accept it.

Because there have been inspectors in history, but they were officially established, and they have very, very powerful powers, able to govern all ancient military forces and restrain ancient military forces!

There was a time when official power was very, very strong, and that was thousands of years ago!

So at that time, in order to restrain the ancient martial arts world, the officials set up a large number of inspectors to inspect the ancient martial arts world.

At that time, the inspectors were all top-notch masters, and they were overwhelmed by countless tongue and force forces.

Now that Chu Xuan gave the title of steward, is it to restrain the ancient military forces in the imperial capital?

Maybe there was such an idea, but people accepted it anyway.


Because Chu Xuan is now the leader of the Ancient Martial Alliance, he naturally has such power.

Plus he is a land god, who would dare to oppose him?

In addition, regardless of the things that were exposed, Chu Xuan proved that he was indeed thinking about the ancient martial arts world of the Xia Kingdom and had done too many things for the ancient martial arts world of the Xia Kingdom.

Such a person, no matter how much power is given to him, will he endanger the ancient martial arts world?

Certainly not!

That being the case, it seems that there is no problem for him to set up patrol envoys, and people can easily accept it.

Chu Xuan did not expect that the ancient martial arts world would treat the inspectors with such an attitude, it was really unexpected.

But that's good too, maybe we can set up more inspectors in the future, not only inspecting the imperial capital, but even inspecting the entire Xia Kingdom, and even the ancient martial arts world around the world!


"The inspectors set up by Young Master Chu are still active in the imperial capital. With such masters guarding them, I feel much safer."

"Sect Master Xianyin will take revenge, and will definitely attack the ancient military forces that participated in the encirclement and suppression of him a hundred years ago. I hope the inspectors can restrain him, otherwise everyone will be in danger.

"I believe in the ability of the inspectors. The guards of Prince Gong's Mansion are also terrifying. At least they are all innate realms, right? There are even grandmasters, even grand masters.`

"If the inspectors can't handle it, then they should do it themselves?"

"Stop talking, Young Master Chu is definitely the hope of the ancient martial world! Only Young Master Chu can guarantee the peace of the ancient martial world!"

Even the housekeeper can be a land god, so it is understandable that there are masters or grand masters among the guards, right?

Facts have proved that people's thinking is so strange, but when one is used to being strong, it is easy to accept all kinds of outrageous things.

If such a strong man appeared in other places, it would definitely shock them for a lifetime.

But when it came to Chu Xuan, they didn't find it strange.

Chu Xuan is the number one evildoer in the ages, what happened to doing something outrageous, beyond people's understanding? What's the matter?

In people's hearts, Chu Xuan's status has been raised to a very, very scary level.

Even Chu Xuan himself felt a little embarrassed for saying such words as the hope of peace in the ancient martial arts world.

Such a compliment is really embarrassing.

But to deal with the mere Immortal Sound Sect, the steward can really handle those two guys, and there won't be any jade calendar.

It is the base camp of Xianyin Sect in Lingnan, do you want to find some time to do it?

Eradication is a must, it depends on when to do it.

What needs to be considered is that the Immortal Sound Sect is still useful, and it is a good pawn that can be used to limit the development of the protagonist.

Restricting the protagonist to Xianyinzong, with Xianyinzong's ability, even if Ye Fan can be cultivated into a land fairy, it will take a long, long time.

Judging from the plot line, the reason why the protagonist can quickly become a land fairy is actually the opportunity obtained from the heroines.

All kinds of opportunities were taken away by him, so his cultivation improved very quickly.


However, now that there is no heroine to contact him, and he has lost the body of the nine suns, and has no blazing dragon essence, how can he be promoted to a land god quickly?

Even if relying on Chiyan Longyuan to restore the body of the nine suns, it can only increase the speed of cultivation.

After all, the key to the protagonist's improvement of cultivation lies in the heroine!

This is the setting of the novel world, and no one can change it.

Without the help of the heroine, the speed of his cultivation base would have slowed down by at least a hundred times.

Thinking of land gods?

Let's talk about it in a few decades!

As for whether to let the protagonist live for such a long time, it depends on his mood.

"Chairman, Ye Fan has been arranged for surgery again, do you need to take a look?"

News came from the boss group that Ye Fan has made arrangements again.

"Oh? So fast? I just need to see it for myself."

As usual, he turned on the monitoring system and found that Ye Fan had been pushed into the operating room again, and Ye Haolong looked very confused outside.

Just now the doctor came over suddenly and said that Ye Fan had been in a coma for too long and needed to be checked again.

So after the various inspection procedures, the result is that the situation is not optimistic, and it needs to be re-operated for some stimulation, which may make Ye Fan wake up faster.

That's it, Ye Fan was pushed into the operating room again.

It's just that Ye Haolong was very puzzled, if he wanted to stimulate Ye Fan to wake up, did he need an operation?

What's the point?

However, how did he know about the doctor's affairs? When he arrived at the hospital, he could only listen to the doctor's arrangements.

In the operating room, Ye Fan was still in a coma.

The attending doctor is ready for surgery, what kind of surgery is performed?


The previous sex reassignment surgery has been completed, and the only surgery that can be done now is to give that thing another cut and then re-sew it up.

Well, this is the dean's personal explanation, there is no way.

"let's start."

Professor Zhang said that the assistant had already prepared the things, and Fan pulled down his pants.

Seeing that gadget, Professor Zhang couldn't help shaking his head, and sighed: "This thing, the dog said 'no, no, it's too small'. Now it's congested and swollen, and it's not as big as a little finger!"

The assistant next to him couldn't help laughing, it's true that even a dog would hate it.


Professor Zhang stretched out his hand, and the assistant handed him the scalpel. (of Zhao's)

Professor Zhang held the knife and didn't even perform disinfection or anesthesia, so he went straight to the knife.

At this moment, Ye Fan seemed to sense that Xiaodouding was in danger, Ye Fan who was in a coma suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed, "What are you going to do?"


Professor Zhang was so startled that the scalpel almost pierced Ye Fan's forehead.

"You, are you awake?"

"You guys, what are you going to do to me?"

Seeing the shining scalpel, Ye Fan was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Ahem~ Because you didn't follow the doctor's advice and urinated within six hours, so that thing is in a semi-disabled state and needs to be re-operated. Do you understand?"

Professor Zhang opened his mouth and came, Ye Fan's face turned black when he heard it, and then he looked down at the bloodshot thing, it was even darker!

This kind of little bean ding, that is a humiliation to his Dragon King!

He should have enjoyed a super invincible Big Mac, but now the rat

I really don't want to live anymore!.


Chapter 1044: Protagonist: I Must Be Discharged From The Hospital Today! [4]


"No surgery, I don't need surgery!"

Ye Fan started to struggle, if he had another operation, would he still be able to survive?

Xiao Douding was already a little boy, if he moved a little more, he would basically be useless.

"Miss Ye... Mr. Ye, if you don't let some blood out, it may swell too much, and it will be really dangerous at that time."

Professor Zhang kindly explained that the congestion is so severe that it is impossible not to do some surgery.

It just sounds like it makes people want to laugh, it's already so small, it's basically useless.

Ye Fan opened his mouth, and finally chose to bear it silently.

That's right, at least it can still be used after some bloodletting. If the bloodletting is not done, the congestion time will be too long, and it will be really dangerous in the future, and it will be completely rotten.

"Let's do the surgery."

Professor Zhang hurriedly gave people local anesthesia. After all, everyone was awake.

The anesthesia started to work, and Ye Fan saw that Professor Zhang had already used the knife, and couldn't help turning his head, leaving tears of regret.

Little Douding, you must be safe.

If something happens, how can I be a man in the future?

Even Ruobing would be disgusted with it, right?

No, no, Ruo Bing was so kind to Lao Tzu, she never disliked being a woman before.

It's just a little smaller now, she shouldn't dislike it!

After thinking about it this way, I seem to feel a lot better in my heart.

The operation lasted for more than an hour, and 287 Ye Fan was pushed out and sent back to the intensive care unit.

"Grandpa, go through the discharge procedures."


There was a long silence in the ward, and finally Ye Fan's faint voice came.

"Are you going to be discharged from the hospital just after surgery?"

Ye Haolong frowned, it's not good for Ye Fan to be discharged from the hospital now.

If you stay in the hospital, if there is something wrong, the doctor can deal with it in time.

"No, I have to leave the hospital today! Grandpa! You don't want to see me suffer here, do you?"


Ye Haolong hesitated, it is really not a wise choice to leave the hospital now.

"I am a doctor myself, and I am a ghost doctor. If there is anything, I can handle it myself."

In order to get out, Ye Fan revealed all the inheritance of his ghost doctor.

"What? Ghost doctor?"

Ye Haolong's face changed slightly, Chu Xuan's (chbg) former master turned out to be a legendary ghost doctor?

You know, the ghost doctor is also a land god, and his medical skills are superb, but the methods are a bit bloody, which many people find hard to accept.

However, it is undeniable that the ghost doctor's medical skills are indeed very, very brilliant, and perhaps only the legendary miracle doctor can be compared to him in the world.

If Ye Fan really studied under the ghost doctor, he should be able to deal with this injury.

"Grandpa, I'm leaving now. I must be discharged from the hospital today! With the thirteen needles, there is no wound in the world that I can't heal!"

"Okay, then grandpa will handle the discharge procedures for you."

Ye Haolong agreed, he had heard of the prestige of killing thirteen needles before, but it was a ghost doctor's unique skill.

Ye Fan was not from the ancient martial arts world before, so logically he didn't know about the Thirteen Needles.

Now that I can say it, I think I have really learned it.

That being the case, there is nothing to say.


Chu Xuan naturally learned of the news that he was going to be discharged from the hospital here.

"It seems that there is no way to keep him in the hospital, anyway, after going out, there are not many places for him to go, most likely it will be the broken yard arranged by Chen Ruoshi before.

Chu Xuan thought very clearly that Ye Fan at the moment would never dare to appear in front of people casually.

Once he appears, the Ye family will definitely not let him go.

Furthermore, the spurning of the ancient martial arts world also made him have no place to stay.

Either follow Master Xianyin to Lingnan, or go to that broken courtyard.

Unless Ye Haolong has other invisible real estate, or a place arranged by Chen Ruobing.

Ye Fan definitely won't leave the imperial capital right now, how could he be willing to leave before taking back the Ye family?

Seizing the position of the Patriarch of the Ye family has become his inner demon. If he can't complete it, he will never feel at ease in his life.

Knowing Ye Fan's personality well, Chu Xuan can naturally figure everything out.

Tell the dean to let Ye Fan leave the hospital, and then continue to let the monitoring system watch.

Ye Haolong quickly completed the discharge procedures, took a taxi, and took Ye Fan directly to the suburbs, which was the broken yard that Chen Ruobing had arranged before.

When they arrived in the yard, they told Ye Fan to have a good rest, then went out and called Chen Ruobing.

"Ruo Bing, Xiao Fan is not mentally stable right now, and needs a place to recuperate, what arrangements do you have there?"

The dilapidated courtyard in front of him was uncomfortable for Ye Haolong to live in, so it would be best to change to another place.

When Chen Ruobing received Ye Haolong's call, she was still a little puzzled, but when she heard that it was about a dutiful son, she immediately made arrangements.

"I have a single-family villa on the second ring road. The environment is good and I can arrange for you to live in it."

No one really knows how much Chen Ruobing's real estate is.

After many years of operation, she has a large number of properties in the entire Xia Kingdom, and many of them are hidden, even the owner Jing doesn't know.

"Haolong, Xiaofan, please take good care of him."


Chen Ruobing's tone was soft, now that Ye Fan still needs Ye Haolong's care, she could only tone down softly.

Because she also knew about the Guwu Forum, and knew that the current situation of Sect Master Xianyin and Chu Ming was not good, and it might not be so easy to take care of Ye Fan.

Well, I have to find a time to talk to Sect Master Xianyin and the others, but we can't go on like this, or they will be in danger themselves.

"Okay, you go there and wait for me first, I will go over and have a look."

Ye Haolong said lightly, and asked Chen Ruobing to go over and wait.

Chen Ruobing couldn't hear some meaning in his words, and felt inexplicably tense.

Old stuff, it's been so many years, so it's really unusable?

What a shameless old bastard!

However, she still went to the second ring villa according to what Ye Haolong said. She originally relied on her body to manage various relationship networks.

She is very familiar with these things.

What's more, to a certain extent, Ye Haolong is really a tough man, otherwise how could he have had a relationship with Ye Haolong back then?

"Xiaofan, you should cultivate here first, grandpa will find you a good place to live, and he will be back soon. 17

Ye Haolong hung up the phone, feeling very good.

Chen Ruobing, the former daughter-in-law, will finally climb into his bed again.

It's wonderful just thinking about it.

When was the last time you got together?

It seems like twenty years ago, right?

I really miss it, those were really crazy days, crazy feelings, and a different kind of excitement!

This coquettish ex-daughter-in-law is really too good in that respect, making people want to stop and have endless aftertaste.

All kinds of tricks emerge in endlessly, giving people a different feeling every time, like floating in the clouds, so beautiful that you can't find the north.


The First Thousand And Forty-Five Chapters: Chen Ruobing Prepared The Battle Suit, And The Master Jing Was Angry! [5]


"Grandpa is looking for a place to live?"

Ye Fan's eyes lit up, he had had enough of such a dilapidated yard.

In good conscience, this place is even worse than the prison of the Ye Family Law Enforcement Hall. Where is the place where people live?

It would be great to find another place to live now.

If you want to come here with the means of grandpa, you should be able to find a good place for him to enjoy a good life first?

That's right, I have just had an operation now, and I have lost all my cultivation, so it is time for me to take a good rest.

A good environment will help him recover.

Wait for a period of time, and then let the master use the Longyuan Guqin to mobilize the power of the Chiyan Longyuan to help him quickly recover the body of the Nine Suns, and then come to practice again, and he can surpass the rhythm of God in minutes.

What Ye Shengtian, what Chu Xuan, all~ had to be trampled under his feet.

He knows that the Nine Suns Body is the number one physique in the ancient martial arts world, and if he has this kind of physique, he is basically a land-sacred reserve!

Just ask Ye Shengtian and Chu Xuan, how are they qualified to become land gods?

In the future, they can only humbly beg for mercy at their own feet.

Ye Haolong said lightly: "Yes, I have to find a suitable place for you, preferably a villa or something. Just wait, grandpa will find it. It's good to go out now and look around."

"Well, grandson is waiting for good news from grandpa, grandpa have fun."

Ye Fan's smile is very sincere, as long as it can benefit him, he will definitely be very sincere.

"Of course, Wu."

Ye Haolong laughed loudly and walked out of the yard.

Why don't you have some fun?

After more than 20 years, I can finally enjoy that perfect body again.


Although Chen Ruobing was beautiful and charming more than 20 years ago, she was still a little immature after all.

The current Chen Ruobing looks very mature, a completely ripe peach, a perfect evolution.

This kind of woman is what makes him the most greedy, and makes his heart that has been silent for more than 20 years flutter again.

Ye Fan didn't know what Ye Haolong was going to do, seeing his grandfather smiling so happily, he smiled along with him, and waited for the coming of a better life with peace of mind.

[Tsk tsk~ Is the ex-father-in-law and ex-daughter-in-law going to play?]

[Immoral, really immoral!]

[How can such irrelevant things happen? It should be said that your circle is very chaotic. The ancient martial arts world is no better than your Ye family!]

When Chu Xuan heard the news, he was so shocked that his plasmodium separated.

I really can't figure it out, it's already in this situation, why Ye Haolong is still thinking about that kind of thing?

In addition, Chen Ruobing had already asked the Sect Master Xianyin to help out, in order to deter Ye Haolong.

But under Ye Haolong's few words, she still chose to be obedient.

What is it for?

After thinking about it for a while, it seemed that he could understand Chen Ruobing's change of mood.

The reason why the Master Xianyin was asked to help before was indeed to deter Ye Haolong.

But deterring Ye Haolong does not mean that she will be confronted, on the contrary, she still needs the help of a strong man like Ye Haolong.

The help that the land gods can bring to her will be very, very huge.

It didn't make sense to kick Ye Haolong away, but to keep it.

If she wants to keep Ye Haolong, what benefits can she give?



To Ye Haolong, that thing is just waste paper, without any attraction.

Practicing exercises?

Ye Haolong probably won't be interested either, because his path of cultivation has already been fixed, no matter how brilliant the cultivation method appears, he will not be able to practice it.

So all she can give is her own body.

What Ye Haolong cares about is probably only her skin, and the excitement brought about by their previous identities.

Chen Ruobing calculated everything very clearly. From the first time she sold her body, she knew where her greatest advantage was.

If you can sell it once, you can have countless times.

She uses her body to achieve her goals time and time again, so she has long been used to gaining benefits in this way to maintain her network of relationships.

If she hadn't relied on her body, it would be really hard for her to maintain those relationships.

The hostesses listened to his voice and couldn't help but spit.

Watching this stuff!

Can you do something serious!

It is said that Chen Ruobing really embarrassed women, he could do such a lowly thing.

... Ask for flowers...

Ye Haolong, that was your former father-in-law, how could you do it?

Even though he had known about Ye Haolong and Chen Ruobing through Chu Xuan's heartfelt words before, but now knowing that they were going to do those things again, he was still disgusted.

"Those two guys had better die on the bed, it's disgusting!"

"An old man and a slut are a perfect match!"

The heroines reprimanded one after another, and then turned their focus to the alliance headquarters.


The Nation Protecting God of War troops have to continue training, and the training of the elite disciples of the alliance must not be left behind.

Time is pressing, and they must not slack off, so as not to hinder Chu Xuan in the future.

Chu Xuan is now very interested in the matter between Ye Haolong and Chen Ruobing, so he has been turning on the monitoring system to monitor the two of them in real time.

Chen Ruobing is already putting on makeup, because the target is Ye Haolong, and even Ye Haolong has some hobbies for her, so she prepared a different suit today!

In front of the dressing table, she put on delicate makeup, eye shadow and red lips, at first glance she looked like a bitch.

And in her bag is the super battle suit prepared today, a battle suit that can make Ye Haolong want to stop!

After making all the preparations, she went out and drove a Maserati.

She didn't know that in front of the French window in the bedroom, Patriarch Jing was staring at the back of her leaving, fists clenched, eyes red.

"This bitch, bitch!!!"

He had been paying attention to Chen Ruobing's make-up, and even noticed what was in the bag.

It's hard to imagine that a woman who usually pretends to be elegant and luxurious would prepare such a flamboyant thing.

She didn't even wear it like that in front of her!

As a result, she has prepared such clothes and props, and is still going out.

What are you doing out there?

It's definitely not a good thing, it must be a tryst with some wild man!

"Keep an eye on it, if there is any situation, report it immediately!"

Master Jing yelled into the phone, his mentality exploded again and again during this time.

There are countless green hats on his head, his little heart can't stand it.

Maybe I have to make some changes today, I have to make some decisions, otherwise I will regret it for the rest of my life. .


The First Thousand And Forty-Six Chapters: The Mentality Exploded, She Actually Found An Old Man? [1]


In a high-end villa area on the second ring road, Chen Ruobing had already come to the single-family villa to wait.

It didn't take long for Ye Haolong to arrive. Seeing Chen Ruobing half lying on the sofa, he hurried over and hugged her.

"Don't be so impatient, wait, wait."

Chen Ruobing didn't expect him to be so impatient, and quickly pushed him away.

"What are you waiting for? I've been thinking about it for more than 20 years!"

Ye Haolong was short of breath and just wanted to start now.

"How is Xiaofan?"

"He's doing well now..."

Ye Haolong patiently talked about the matter, and finally said: "Don't worry about those small things, the main thing is important!"

"Okay, okay, I have prepared something special for you today."

After Chen Ruobing understood the detailed process, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, not in a very "one-twenty" mood.

At least now Da Xiaozi has undergone an operation and has officially recovered as a man.

Next, when Chiyan Longyuan completes the transformation of his body, and restores the body of Nine Suns, the filial son will definitely become the most talented person in the ancient martial arts world, and he will be on top of the world in the future!

She took her bag and took out the contents.

Ye Haolong's eyes turned red when he saw those things.


Chen Ruobing is really good at it, isn't this his favorite tune?


Here in the Jing Family Manor, the head of the Jing family clenched his fists and gritted his teeth when he received the news from his subordinates.

"Bitch, bastard!"


"Damn bitch! Did you take Lao Tzu seriously? Ah!!!"

"I'll kill you, I'm going to kill you, a couple of dogs, and I will definitely not make it easier for you!"

His mentality exploded. If Chen Ruobing was looking for a normal man, he might still understand.

But he never expected that Chen Ruobing's cheating partner would be a bad old man?

Can't help it, can't help it at all!

"Come here!!!"

He roared angrily, and a team of bodyguards rushed in immediately, ready to fight.


The bodyguards in suits and leather shoes bowed down in unison, and their voices shook the sky.

"Go to the Green Water Mansion, and bring the guy!"

He gave the order with a dark face. As soon as the bodyguards heard it, they immediately prepared the convoy and opened the doctor to the Bishuihaoting in a mighty manner.

Chen Ruobing didn't know that someone had already come to kill him, and was madly kneeling and licking Ye Haolong.

As long as Ye Haolong is served well, the safety of the dutiful son will be guaranteed.

As for Sect Master Xianyin and Chu Ming, they are really depressed. So many things happened in such a short time in the capital, and now they are even questioned by the ancient martial arts world. The situation will be very dangerous

Chen Ruobing's whole body was completely leaning on Ye Haolong's body. To a certain extent, she was very satisfied with Ye Haolong.

Especially the special relationship with Ye Haolong in the past made her sink even more.

If you abandon other things, being with Ye Haolong is also a good choice.

Of course, the premise is that this old guy is younger.

If it was his youthful appearance, Ye Haolong would be a handsome guy no matter what.

Ye Haolong is very satisfied at this time, more than 20 years, that is more than 20 years of waiting.


Although he was in retreat before, he would think of the crazy moments from time to time.

Chen Ruobing is naturally charming, he has long seen that she has a strong need for this, and ordinary men can't satisfy her at all.

In other words, a man alone is absolutely unable to satisfy her.

So his eldest son, Ye Tian, ​​definitely couldn't satisfy Chen Ruobing's needs.

Playing with such a woman is indeed an extreme enjoyment.

Now that is to say, he has waited for more than 20 years, and he has accumulated a lot of money, otherwise he really can't deal with Chen Ruobing.

"Aaron, you need to take care of Xiaofan's affairs."

Chen Ruobing leaned against his chest, gently drawing circles with her fingers.

For her at present, the most important thing is the filial son.

Only when the eldest filial son is safe and rises in the end, can her ambition be satisfied.

"No problem, as long as you can satisfy the old man, Xiao Fan is also the grandson of the old man, and he will definitely take good care of him and help him regain the position of Ye Family Patriarch!"

Family inheritance and his own pleasure, he chose himself.

If you are not happy, then what do you care about the family inheritance?

And if you choose the family inheritance, won't you lose a beauty like Chen Ruobing?

What's more, now that I have been designated as a traitor by the Ye family, the Ye family will definitely take action against him...

In this case, does he still need to think so much?

Anyway, now Chen Ruobing attaches great importance to Shi Fan, and her whole heart is on Ye Fan.

As long as he can control Ye Fan, he can control Chen Ruobing and get more benefits from her.

"Well~ Aaron, thank you~"

Chen Ruobing said coquettishly, if he wants to ensure the safety and future of the dutiful son, he must serve the old man in front of him well.


As long as he is satisfied, he can add a layer of protection to the filial son, and his life will be safer.

"Hey hey~ Then you have to work harder."

Ye Haolong smiled wickedly.

On the way to Qingshui Mansion, Master Jing looked crazy.

The spies stationed in Bishuihaoting kept sending back news, showing that Chen Ruobing and that bad old man were over.

As a result, after Chen Ruobing rested for a while, she started hanging out with that bad old man again.

It's a shame, it's a shame to throw it at grandma's house.

He, the dignified helm of the Jing family, one of the leaders in the business world of the imperial capital, has suffered such a shameful humiliation?

Any normal man would not be able to bear such a thing.

Today we must make a break, and we must make the couple pay the price.

Thinking back to living with Chen Ruobing for more than 20 years, he used to be very proud. How many men envied him to be able to get such a beauty.

But where is the slightest envy now?

Chen Ruobing has been with so many men that she has already died at 3.9.

How proud I was, how ashamed I am now.

He even thought that at certain moments, some people might laugh at him behind his back, because Chen Ruobing was hanging out with them.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Go to the Clear Water Palace immediately!"

Patriarch Jing kept urging, the driver stepped on the gas pedal to the end, and soon arrived outside the Bishuihao court.

The security guards of Clearwater Palace saw the Rolls-Royce convoy, and they were aggressive. They didn't even register to stop them, and opened the door to let them in.

Driving all the way, they stopped outside Chen Ruobing's single-family villa. Master Jing got out of the car and looked inside coldly. The bodyguards also quickly got out of the car and stood behind him.

"Dogs and men! Today I will make you pay the price!".


Chapter 1047: Surround The Villa, Slap A Few Slaps [2]


[Is the man in the green hat going to stand up?]

[It's not easy. After bearing the burden for so long, it's finally time to rise up?]

[Poor baby, I don't know how many green hats I have worn. Work harder, I absolutely support you in taking off your cuckold!]

Chu Xuan has been paying attention to the progress, and it was a thrill when he learned that Master Jing took people to the Bishui Villa.

Is the queen of the sea, Chen Ruobing, finally about to overturn?

Since she married Master Jing for more than 20 years, her image to the outside world has always been graceful and noble. To the business world of the imperial capital and the ancient martial arts world, she seems to be a goddess who can only be played from afar.

The disguise is very good, wearing a mask all the year round, it seems that even she thinks so.

However, her nature is hard to change, and she still cuckolded Patriarch Jing after all, and the number of times was incalculable.

Now that she is about to be exposed, Chu Xuan naturally finds it amused.

Anyway, it's the protagonist's own mother, so much so, even if it is exposed, at most it will just make him feel a little bit boring.


It is also possible that the relationship between Chen Ruobing and Ye Fan will be exposed, but that doesn't matter.

Although it is said that Ye Fan has not had a relationship with Chen Ruobing yet, it is a bit of a pity that there has not been such a super dog 27 blood incident.

But to expose these things earlier, and even expose the incident between Chen Ruobing and the man, will be a huge blow to Ye Fan, right?

Even when she had a relationship with Chen Ruobing, the relationship network she used to maintain with her body may collapse.

After all, those men always insist that they are Chen Ruobing's man, the only man behind her!

If they find out that the man behind Chen Ruobing can add up to several tables, will it explode?


The soul of gossip was blazing, and Chu Xuan even wanted to observe it on the spot.

If it weren't for the fact that the alliance headquarters still had something to do, he would have gone straight out to watch the big show.

On his side, he paid attention to the situation through the monitoring system, and Li Yan and others on the other side also found an excuse to go to his room, let the shadow invade, and observe directly.

Facts have proved that when women gossip, it is really scary.

A group of hostesses were discussing quietly in the room, expecting the Jing family to catch the rape, it should be very interesting.

tut tut~

Chen Ruobing is the protagonist's mother, do you want to save the relevant video and stimulate Ye Fan?

How exciting would it be if Ye Fan knew that his mother was having sex with his grandfather?

Even if Ye Fan doesn't know that Chen Ruobing is his mother for the time being, it's also unacceptable for the woman he loves to get together with his grandfather, right?

Chen Ruobing and Ye Haolong didn't know that many people were paying attention to their affairs, and they were still waiting to see the big drama.

If you know, you will probably have a psychological shadow in your life.

Outside the single-family villa at this time, Patriarch Jing's eyesight is cracking.

ok, really good!

Those two damn dogs and men were very involved in playing, they had already gone outside the villa, and the person inside didn't notice it at all?

Is his team's engines too quiet, or are they being ignored?

"Damn it! Surround the villa, don't let go of that couple!"

The bodyguards immediately dispersed around the villa and surrounded the whole villa.

Since this is a high-end villa community, there are really no neighbors nearby, so that it is surrounded, and no one knows about it.

After surrounding the villa, the rich master decided to go with a dark face.


As soon as he entered the villa, he saw the 'battle clothes' scattered all over the place, and the whole villa seemed very chaotic.

There seems to be some special smell in the air, which is very pungent and very exciting.


He roared angrily and rushed upstairs, followed by a dozen bodyguards.


The door of the room was kicked open, and the first thing I saw was the disheveled man and woman on the bed.

"Bitch, bitch!"

Patriarch Jing rushed over, grabbed Chen Ruobing and slapped Chen Ruobing several times.

Chen Ruobing was still in a state of bewilderment at this time, and she didn't even resist, allowing Patriarch Jing to slap her face a few times before she finally came back to her senses.

"You, why are you here?"

She couldn't believe how her husband rushed in at this critical moment, and even brought bodyguards with him!

Isn't he stupid, being played by himself? He didn't realize his own affairs at all.

But he is here now.

Ye Haolong is a land god at any rate, he reacted very quickly, and put on his clothes immediately, with an ugly face.

Don't keep the late festival, don't keep the rhythm of the late festival!

Patriarch Jing pinched Chen Ruobing's throat, and said viciously, "Why did I come? If I don't come, you might have to play more tricks, right? Huh?!"

"Tell me clearly, is it because I can't satisfy you or something? What the hell do you think about finding such an old thing that is about to step into the coffin with both feet? Ah!"

"How long I've been following you, and how many men you've been fooling around with, do you really think I don't know?"

Patriarch Jing roared angrily. This period of time was very difficult for him.


Every time he followed him, his heart became colder.

Ruo Bing's expression changed slightly, Patriarch Jing had been following her for a long time

So, is it possible that she can't hide the matter of her filial son?

Dangerous 750, dangerous!


She turned her head to look at Ye Haolong, as if she wanted to seek his help.

"Hmph! Aaron, you are really intimate, but do you think a bad old man can keep you?"

After the words fell, more than a dozen bodyguards had already pulled out their guns.

For them, there are many, many ways to get a gun.

It's just dealing with an old man now, and he can be smashed into a sieve in a second.

"My old man hates being pointed at by these toys!"

Ye Haolong didn't care about these pistols, they were mere pistols, how could they pose a threat to him?

Even if a machine gun came, it would be impossible to break through his innate qi shield!

Ordinary pistols, even his body couldn't break through.

"Ruobing, the old man listens to you now, how do you want to deal with it?"

Now that the matter between the two of them has been discovered, it must be resolved quickly, and no hidden dangers must be left behind.

Otherwise, if it gets out, it will be a huge blow to the two of them.

Chen Ruobing's pupils shrank slightly, and she silently looked at Patriarch Jing, who seemed to be losing his mind, and walked quietly.

"Although I really don't want to make such a decision, I can only do it now. Husband, you won't blame me, right? After all, he is so obedient~".


The First Thousand And Forty-Eight Chapters: This Woman Is Ruthless, With A Heart Of Snakes And Scorpions! [3]


There seemed to be autumn water in Chen Ruobing's eyes, and the watery appearance was so pitiful that it was easy to make people feel pity and pity for jade.

But combined with the words that came out of her mouth, it was creepy.

What does she want to do?

"Bitch, die!"

Patriarch Jing pinched her neck even harder, as if he was going to break her neck just like that.

But Chen Ruobing didn't show any painful expression, instead he smiled, very strangely.

"It's been more than twenty years. I really feel wronged to be with you, a waste. He is obviously so good, and he is still a great ancient warrior. How can he commit himself to you?

"Husband~ I don't want to play now, so I can only end this game. But, when you get to the underworld, don't forget to tell Lord Yan that you must forgive him."

The indifferent and weird smile and the bitch words made Patriarch Jing's blood pressure soar.

Are you stubborn when you are about to die?

He suddenly took out a dagger from his pocket, and directly stabbed Chen Ruobing in the heart.


Chen Ruobing had already noticed his movement, so she sneered coldly, and clamped the dagger directly with the index finger and middle finger of her left hand.

No matter how hard Patriarch Jing tried, the dagger would remain motionless.

"Just an ordinary person, how could he dare to attack ancient warriors? As the helm of a top business family, you also know the existence of ancient warriors, right?"

Chen Ruobing said with a smile, and directly pinched Patriarch Jing's wrist with his other hand.


Patriarch Jing couldn't help but let go of Chen Ruobing's throat involuntarily.


As for Ye Haolong, he acted the moment Patriarch Jing screamed.

I saw afterimages flashed by, and the dozen or so bodyguards who rushed into the room fell to the ground in unison.

Their throats were all crushed.

Killing more than a dozen bodyguards in one move is nothing more than sprinkled water for someone like Ye Haolong.

No matter how powerful the bodyguards are, they are just ordinary people, not ancient warriors.

As a land god, if he wanted to kill a dozen bodyguards, he could do it with a single thought.

"You are...an ancient warrior"!"

Master Jing gritted his teeth. Even though he had already guessed, he was still shocked by Chen Ruobing's affirmative answer.

My wife who has been sleeping with me for more than 20 years is actually a legendary ancient warrior?

Danger, you are in danger!

Seeing that all the bodyguards were instantly killed by Ye Haolong, his face turned pale.

This woman Chen Ruobing must have wanted to kill herself today, and the things she did would definitely not be exposed so easily.

If you want to keep the secret, you can only kill everyone who knows the truth.

He knows that because he's always done it that way.

"Yes, isn't your husband very happy? Then is there anyone who can save you now? Dear husband~"

Ruo Bing said with a smile, Mo Jing Patriarch's frightened face.

Patriarch Jing's eyes widened, and he panicked, "Don't mess around, killing me won't do you any good! I'm dead, Master Xie won't let you go!"

"Master Xie? Are you talking about the largest underground gang in the imperial capital helping Xie Kun? It's a pity that he listens to me very, very much. You have done a lot of things with Xie Kun over the years. Punish you well, okay?"


While speaking, she flipped her palm, and a delicate dagger appeared in her hand. Inspired by her innate qi, the dagger jumped happily in her palm.

The strange picture made Patriarch Jing's pupils shrink sharply, and he was even more shocked by what Chen Ruobing said.

That guy Xie Kun actually obeys her?


That guy is the leader of the strongest underground gang in the imperial capital, and he has a very high status within the imperial capital.

But this kind of person is still being controlled by Chen Ruobing?

What did she do all these years, what method did she use, and why was she able to do such an incredible thing?

"Ruo Bing, just kill him directly."

Seeing that Chen Ruobing was still talking nonsense, Ye Haolong was very upset.

Good things were disturbed by others, and now he just wanted to kill Patriarch Jing quickly and vent his anger.

"Aaron, don't worry, he still wants to play slowly. After more than 20 years wasted on this dog man, he has to vent his anger."

"Fart! For more than 20 years, I have taken good care of you, and everything is up to you. Whatever you want, I will give you, hold you in the palm of my hand, why are you wronged?"

Patriarch Jing knows that things cannot be violated, and maybe there is really no chance of surviving today, so just do it.

Anyway, it's a death anyway, and before dying, you can still scold the other party bloody, and you can feel better.

"You are a flirtatious, lowly woman who doesn't obey women's morals. You have a heart of snakes and scorpions, and you are extremely vicious!"

"I was blind to fall in love with this broken car of yours. You have been criticized by thousands of people, and you are so unrestrained!"


Chen Ruobing slapped her across the face, her pretty face became gloomy and distorted, like an evil ghost returning from hell.


""Bastard! How dare you slander others, you deserve death! Wait, you will regret it and repent in hell!"

Chen Ruobing originally wanted to kill the other party directly, but now hearing what the other party said, she came up with some ideas.

"Aren't you very concerned about the Jing family? Just wait, you watch carefully in hell to see how they deal with the Jing family you are so proud of.

Patriarch Jing's eyes were cracking, and he cursed loudly.

However, no matter how much he scolded, Chen Ruobing didn't respond to him anymore, instead, he sat by the side and listened to it, as if enjoying such verbal humiliation?

[Sure enough, there is a tendency to be masochistic. It's amazing! But it's also ruthless enough. After all, it's a man who has shared the same bed for more than 20 years. Don't hesitate to start?]

[We still have to deal with the Jing family now? Could it be that we are going to destroy the Jing family directly?]

Chu Xuan was already watching from outside (Nuo Li's) villa, and felt somewhat regretful seeing the situation develop like this.

Master Jing and his bodyguards failed to threaten Chen Ruobing and the others, and he was not even fully prepared, thinking that bringing a group of bodyguards would do the trick.


After all, you are also at the helm of Xia Kingdom's top business family, why don't you have any brains at all?

When encountering this kind of thing, you should bring media reporters, or bring some heavyweights to raid for yourself, to ensure nothing goes wrong.

okay now?

Accidentally even lost his life.

He was not prepared to rescue someone like Patriarch Jing.

Strictly speaking, the head of the Jing family is also a person who deserves to die, and the road to the rise of the Jing family has been stained with too much blood.

Even the current Patriarch Jing secretly colludes with the underground gangsters and has done so many things like killing people and stealing goods.

Is such a person worthy of his rescue?


The First Thousand And Forty-Nine Chapters: Take The Opportunity To Seize The Jing Family? [4]


Patriarch Jing was tired of scolding, and couldn't move anymore.

No matter what he sprayed, Chen Ruobing just sat there, as if she wasn't provoked by him at all, but the smile on her face became colder and colder.

He had never seen Chen Ruobing's expression like this before, and he felt a little panicked.

How will she deal with the Jing family?

Master Jing sat slumped on the ground, out of breath from exhaustion.

At this moment, Chen Ruobing turned her head and asked, "A-Long, what do you think of the Jing family?"

Ye Haolong frowned, he knew that the Jing family belonged to the imperial capital, it was just a business family, there was nothing special about it.

"It's just an inconspicuous little spicy chicken. Compared with the ancient martial arts family, it's just an ant."

Chen Ruobing nodded slightly, it was indeed so in the eyes of the ancient martial arts family.

Even if the Jing family has countless wealth, but there are no ancient warriors in charge, they are just ants that can be manipulated at any time.

Such a business family would naturally not be taken seriously by them.

"Although the Jing family is just a business family, it is very useful to us now. The Jing family has huge wealth, which is very important to us."

"The most important thing is the status of the Jing family's commercial family. They are just a family in the secular world."

Ye Haolong didn't understand, what is there for a business family to show off at 560?

Such a family, if he wants, can get a lot at any time.

Why does Chen Ruobing care so much about the Jing family now?

"Tell me."


"Well, if it was before, the business status of the Jing family didn't have any effect on us, and it was just a means for me to hide."

"But now the Jing family is very useful to us, because the Ye family will definitely not take action against the commercial family, and the rules of the ancient martial arts world do not allow them to do so."

Chen Ruobing expressed her thoughts.

She just wanted to use the status of the Jing family's business family to protect herself.

Ye Haolong finally understood, it turned out to be the case.

If you get the Jing family, you can not only have huge wealth, but also get the protection of the status of a commercial family, so that the Ye family and other ancient martial arts forces dare not act rashly.

It sounds like a good deal.

"So are you planning to capture the Jing family now?"

"Naturally, based on his management in the Jing family these years, it is not difficult to take over the Jing family. As long as this guy dies, the "Ye family" will completely fall into our hands.

"Hmph~ He already knows about our matter, so why not just keep doing it, and take the opportunity to get the Jing family is also a good thing, let's regard it as his compensation for us."

Chen Ruobing spoke very easily, as if the entire Jing family was already under her control.

Patriarch Jing felt chills when he heard this, he has a heart of a snake and a scorpion, really a heart of a snake and a scorpion.

He suddenly remembered that Chen Ruobing had always had a good reputation in the Jing family.

Although it is a sequel, she has gained a good reputation in the Jing family by virtue of her performance over the years.

Even his son respects this stepmother and obeys her arrangement in everything.

If she was really killed, it would be very easy for Chen Ruobing to control the Jing family.

You can achieve your goal by controlling his son, or you can directly control the Jing family with your own hands.

Those in the Jing family shouldn't have any objections to her being in charge, because Chen Ruobing has managed some of the Jing family's properties over the years.


The Jing family property managed by her has the highest rate of return, and her business ability is recognized by everyone.

Therefore, even his son will not stand up against it.

"Chen Ruobing!!! You are crazy, you are crazy!"

"You are not allowed to tamper with the Jing family!"

He glared at his eyes, wishing he could kill Chen Ruobing immediately.

But he is just an ordinary person, and now his only knife has been taken away, how could he be Chen Ruobing's opponent?

By the way, guns!

Maybe the gun will do it!

He involuntarily glanced at the pistols scattered on the ground by the bodyguards. The nearest one was only one meter away from him, and the bullets were already loaded.

Now as long as you pick it up and shoot Chen Ruobing directly, it will kill her, right?

Thinking of Ye Haolong's method of appearing and disappearing just now, "He hesitated.

If you don't have the certainty of winning with one blow, then you can't do it, or you will completely lose your chance.

"No? Hehe~ Although you are her husband, what era is this? You never said that a wife should listen to her husband.

Chen Ruobing said with a smile, feeling that the previous twenty years were wasted.

Patriarch Jing is just an ordinary person, and he can't satisfy her ambition at all.

If it wasn't for having a perfect identity to hide herself, how could she see the upper class?

"Don't worry, after you get the Jing family, they will send your bastards to the underworld to accompany you one by one. Although they have called her mother for more than 20 years, they are not their own after all."

Chen Ruobing did not forget to sprinkle salt on Patriarch Jing's wound.


"You, you dare!!!"

"If you dare to do that, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost, no!!!"

Patriarch Jing roared furiously, but his tone soon softened.

"Please, please, let my children go. They are all innocent. They have been with you for more than 20 years and called you mother for more than 20 years. Why do you really have the heart to hurt them?"

"He has been sleeping with you for more than 20 years. Husband and wife have been married for more than 20 years. It's not the same to kill you."

Chen Ruobing shrugged. With such an intimate relationship, you can say that you will kill you, let alone those so-called 'sons'?


Patriarch Jing collapsed and rolled on the ground, with tears and snot streaming down his nose, as if he was remorseful and in great pain.

Chen Ruobing sneered a few times, not caring at all.

At this moment, Patriarch Jing, who was rolling on the ground, suddenly raised his head and roared angrily, "Bitch, I'll kill you!"


Suddenly there was a gunshot, and the faces of the two people present all changed.

Ye Haolong immediately rushed to Patriarch Jing's side, but gunshots rang out again and again, so he had no choice but to lift his foot and kick the gun in Patriarch Jing's hand away.

And Chen Ruobing's reaction speed was a little slower. Although he also thought of dodging when the gunshot rang out, he was a little slower after all.


A bullet passed through her body, and she immediately rolled on the spot, narrowly avoiding subsequent bullets.

When she stopped, blood was already pouring out of her right shoulder, and her arm was drooping weakly.

Sensing the injury, Chen Ruobing's entire face was distorted.


Chapter 1050: Want To Bring Ye Fan Back To Jing's House? [5]


She is not a top ancient martial arts master, bullets can still pose a fatal threat to her even when she is unprepared.

A bullet passed through her shoulder and directly crippled her arm.

She could even feel that the bullet was originally aimed at her head.

It's just that Patriarch Jing fell to the ground and got the gun in a hurry, so he couldn't aim at it.

If he had been given enough time, the bullet would have passed through her head, and she would have died too - woohoo.

Originally, she didn't feel that Patriarch Jing was a threat, because the other party was just an ordinary person, and now that he was hit to the point of collapse, where could there be any threat?

So she felt very relaxed, and this feeling of being in control of other people's lives made her obsessed.

Unexpectedly, Patriarch Jing had been disguising from the very beginning, just to get the pistol smoothly and give her a fatal blow directly.

Fortunately, she fell to the ground the moment she heard the gunshot, and Ye Haolong also shot, otherwise the remaining bullets would most likely kill her.

Thinking of this, she became angry from the bottom of her heart, glaring at Patriarch Jing viciously, like a ghost returning from hell, and said in a hateful voice: "Well, you old bastard, you really want to kill me? Feed the dog with more than twenty years of feelings Yet?"


Patriarch Jing: ...…

How thick-skinned is it to say such a thing?

You are ready to kill the other party, now the other party wants to kill you, how dare you say such a thing?

It's really funny.

"I'll kill him now."


Ye Haolong said lightly, although Chen Ruobing had an arm crippled, it was harmless.

With her cultivation base, she can recover very quickly, as long as the meridians are not damaged, it will be fine.

"Don't kill him yet!"

Chen Ruobing walked over regardless of the blood flowing from his shoulder, which made Ye Haolong feel a little upset.


Are you really masochistic?

Could it be that now that Patriarch Jing fired a shot, you love him to death?

What the hell!

Chen Ruobing said with a sneer: "Killing him so directly, it is easy for people to see the clues. Breaking his pulse and creating the illusion of myocardial infarction will save a lot of trouble at that time, and the Jing family will also be able to explain it." One point. There should be some bodyguards outside, and we will take care of them later.

Ye Haolong suddenly realized that she really deserved to be a scheming woman, and she was so thoughtful in such a situation, which is really amazing.

According to Chen Ruobing's order, directly break the heart of Patriarch Jing.

The pitiful generation of Patriarch Jing, who ended up in such an end, can be considered a good reincarnation?

Chu Xuan looked very excited outside, and when he saw Ye Haolong coming out to clean up those bodyguards, he retreated quickly.

The bodyguards were thrown into the villa by Ye Haolong and died directly.

The process was simple and brutal, bloody and violent.

All the bodyguards died, and Chen Ruobing thought about something else.

"Aaron, why don't you take Xiaofan to Jing's house so that he can take care of him conveniently?"

If she takes control of the Jing family, it is the best choice for Shifan to take over the children around her.

As for how to arrange Ye Fan's identity, it is very simple, just say that he is her godson, or the illegitimate son of Patriarch Jing.


After all, Patriarch Jing did have quite a few illegitimate children abroad, and it's okay for one or two to come back.

If it doesn't work, find a chance to kill the Jing family's sons, the entire Jing family is completely under her control, and no one can resist her.

It doesn't matter how you arrange Ye Fan, or even announce Ye Fan's identity.

I just don't know if the filial son can accept it.

She had already noticed the special feelings that the filial son had for her. It was not that she didn't want to clarify it, but she was afraid that it would affect the filial son's emotions if she clarified it at that time.

Unexpectedly, it was precisely because of indecision that the eldest son's feelings for her became more and more deformed.

So it's a bit of a mess right now.

"Send Ye Fan to the Jing family?"

Ye Haolong pondered, as if it was not impossible.

Anyway, now this villa is uninhabitable, he and Ye Fan need a place to stay.

Jingjia Manor should be a good choice, and if you go with him, you will have more time to spend with Chen Ruobing, which will be of great benefit to you.

It is necessary to deal with the Jing family members quickly so that they do not jump up.

"Okay, then bring Ye Fan to the Jing family. But are you sure you can completely control the Jing family?"

"Of course! The heirs of the Jing family obey me. I'm their good mother, so of course you have to listen to me. And in fact, several important properties of the Jing family are under my name.

In my hands. "


In the Jing family for more than 20 years, she has done too many things, and she has already made the best of the family.

If it wasn't for the identity of Patriarch Jing, she would have already announced that she was at the helm.

"Okay, then I'll go back and wait for your news. Three days, at most three days, if I can't handle it well, I will personally go to Jingjia Manor to help you eliminate your worries!"


"No problem, then I will leave it to you to deal with the aftermath. I have to create some alibi."

Chen Ruobing is a very smart person, after killing Patriarch Jing, there are still many things to be arranged in the future.

For example, creating the false impression of Master Jing's myocardial infarction, and disposing of the bodies of those bodyguards, etc., all of which require the use of a huge network of contacts.

After all, dozens of bodyguards died suddenly, and the Patriarch also died, which could easily arouse the suspicion of others.

So she had to use some connections to create the perfect alibi.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be troublesome for someone to investigate?

Ye Haolong collected all the corpses according to Chen Ruobing's instructions.

Not long after, a man in black robe came to meet him and handed him some bottles and jars.

Open the bottle, sprinkle the powder, and the corpse quickly turns into corpse water.

After all the corpses were disposed of, dozens of bodyguards in suits and leather shoes came, almost identical to the bodyguards around the Patriarch in the foreground.

[Very smart woman, I found these guys from the underground world to pretend to be bodyguards, hehe~]

[This can produce all kinds of proofs. Anyway, no one has ever paid attention to the appearance of the bodyguards. They also wear sunglasses all day long, so it is impossible to see clearly. ]

[These guys should be arranged by Xie Kun, right? Dige? Hehe~ It's a very domineering gang name, but it's a bit too arrogant. ]

Seeing Chen Ruobing's coquettish operation, Chu Xuan felt that this woman is so skillful, so skillful that it makes people afraid.

The murder is completed, followed by various serial sets.

Those in the Jing family want to find clues from it?

Totally impossible!

Now that even the Emperor Pavilion has been pulled into the water, what is the relationship between Xie Kun and Chen Ruobing?

From what Patriarch Jing said before, it seems that Xie Kun and Patriarch Jing have a good relationship, at least very close!.


Chapter 1051: Chen Ruobing's Coquettish Operation, Controlling The Jing Family! [1]


Dige is the largest gangster force in the underground world of the imperial capital, controlling half of the underground gangsters, and colluding with many forces, it can be said that it has stole the limelight.

Chu Xuan also has a better understanding of this gangster force, because it is a gangster that appeared in the plot line.

According to the content of the plot line, the Emperor Pavilion was incorporated by the protagonist to help the protagonist unify the underground world of the imperial capital and merge with the Dragon King Hall.

Now that Emperor Pavilion has appeared and has a relationship with Chen Ruobing, Chu Xuan wonders what kind of relationship Xie Kun, the gang leader, has with Chen Ruobing.

Now Chen Ruobing has left the villa, and has arranged for people to take care of the aftermath, and Ye Haolong has also returned to the dilapidated courtyard in the suburbs.

Seeing this situation, Chu Xuan simply entered the villa and took a look.

It's still quite clean, but it's inevitable that some evidence will be left behind.

There were thirty-six bodyguards in total, and the deaths of the thirty-six people would have been basically impossible to clear all traces if it hadn't been dealt with by the ancient martial arts community or the "070" officials.

After checking, Chu Xuan left the villa and returned to the alliance headquarters.

As for Chen Ruobing, he returned to Jingjia Manor in the afternoon.

'That piece of trash shouldn't tell too many people. It's safe for me to go back to Jing's house now, I just need to find some excuses.

Chen Ruobing was thinking, from what she knew about Patriarch Jing, he would definitely not tell so many people about her cheating.

Because it's too embarrassing!

Therefore, the only ones who know the matter should be those bodyguards.

Now that all the bodyguards have been killed, it means that no one in the Jing family manor will know what she has done, let alone know that the owner of the Jing family took people to his villa to catch rape.

Great, let's start acting!


Chen Ruobing is a very cunning person, and when she returned to the Jingjia Manor, she went on as usual, without revealing any flaws.

When night fell, a news spread to Jingjia Manor.

Something happened to the owner!

"What's going on? What happened to Xiaotian?"

In the hall of the central villa of the manor, Chen Ruobing sat blankly in her exclusive position, showing a state of being in a state of being in a state of utter confusion.

In the hall, there were also the four sons of the head of the Jing family, as well as several other high-ranking members of the Jing family.

"Madam, according to the news from the scene, the Patriarch...had a heart attack, and the bodyguards were in a car accident while escorting him to the hospital. All the bodyguards died."

A high-level executive explained the situation at the scene, which made everyone's hearts suddenly raised.

The eldest son of the Jing family, who is also the current young master of the Jing family, was about to speak when Chen Ruobing stood up suddenly and angrily said: "Impossible! Xiaotian's body has always been very strong, how could he have a heart attack? And The bodyguards had a car accident and all the bodyguards died? Someone must be targeting Xiaotian, this is a conspiracy!"

She was furious, and clenched her hands into fists, not believing such a thing at all.

The senior officer said quickly: "Ma'am, this is the result of the police investigation. The head of the family did die of a heart attack. My condolences, Ma'am."

"Why, how come?"

Chen Ruobing sat back in the chair in a daze, her face pale.

Seeing this, the young master of the Jing family hurried over, hugged her shoulders lightly, and said, "My condolences to my mother, and I will take care of my father's affairs. You have to cheer up, this family cannot live without you. If you are all down, So what shall we do?"

"Little Saint, I, I

Chen Ruobing spoke in a daze, and finally burst into tears.

Everyone at the scene lowered their heads. After all, they are women. When encountering such a thing, there must be a channel to vent.

Jing Sheng could only suppress the pain in his heart and comfort him aside.


The other young masters of the Jing family all came over. They were very serious about this mother.

After about ten minutes, Chen Ruobing's crying gradually stopped.

Seeing this, another high-level person said: "Madam, something happened to the Patriarch, you have to cheer up, the Jing family's such a large property may cause turmoil due to the Patriarch's death.

"Yes, ma'am, you must be strong, please lead the Jing family out of the haze!"

The high-level executives all said that Chen Ruobing's ability in business was obvious to all.

The several important industries she is in charge of are now thriving, with outstanding achievements, and are the most important source of income for the Jing family.

Jing Sheng also said: "The Uncles are right. Mom, the Jing family still needs you to help. My brothers and I are still young, and we are not mature enough in business.

For this, he also has self-knowledge.

"No, you are the young master of the Jing family. Now that your father has passed away, the Jing family should be handed over to you. What do I look like as a woman?"

Chen Ruobing shook his head and refused.

"No, no, no, everyone knows your mother's ability. The companies you manage are all excellent. No one can do that except you.

"If mom still insists, then please manage for a few years first, wait for our brothers to mature, and then gradually take over the company, will you return?"

Jing Sheng's respect for Chen Ruobing is beyond words. Chen Ruobing brought him up since he was a child, and he respects her very, very much.

In addition to Chen Ruobing's business ability, he knows very well that if the Jing family is handed over to him to manage, then the Jing family may really decline.

Chen Ruobing is indispensable to the strength of the Jing family!


"It's nothing but, we brothers all believe in mother.

"Yes, we all believe in mother."


Several other young masters of the Jing family said one after another, and Chen Ruobing secretly laughed.

It seems that her subtle education over the years has succeeded.

When it comes to big things like being at the helm of the Jing family, they all choose themselves.

I really should praise myself for my excellence!

"Okay, then I'll manage the Jing family for a few years first. Xiaosheng, you guys have to grow up quickly, mother is a woman after all, managing the Jing family will inevitably make people gossip, saying that there are no men in the Jing family, understand? "

"Well, I understand. Mommy can go to rest first, and daddy's funeral will be left to us."

Chen Ruobing was in the lobby, and his back looked very lonely.

Jing Sheng and others watched and confirmed that she had returned to the room to rest, and then said: "In the future, I will leave the company affairs to my mother. I hope everyone can support her. As for my father's funeral, I will ask a few Uncles to help. There is the Municipal Bureau, brother, you can go with me to have a look.

There was a serious 3.0 car accident, and the police must have been involved.

Now as family members, they must be dealt with by the police.


Several senior executives supported Chen Ruobing in the first place, and now they heard what the young master said, so they naturally wouldn't refuse.

Jing Sheng took his three younger brothers to the city bureau. Chu Xuan learned about this through the monitoring system, and couldn't help admiring Chen Ruobing.

She's really good at playing with people's hearts.

Even the Jing family with assets worth trillions, the heirs of the Jing family will give up as soon as they say it.

If it were someone else, they would have already started a vigorous battle to directly compete for the family property.

[I would like to call you a super movie queen, this acting skill is really second to none. ]

[Now that you have taken control of the Jing family and won the hearts of the people, what are you going to do next? Just bring your filial son back to the Jing family? Or use some excuse?].


The First Thousand And Fifty-Two Chapters: I Finally Want To Bring The Filial Son Back To The Jing Family [2]


Ye Haolong originally gave three days, but he didn't expect her to solve it in less than one day.

This ability is really astonishing!

Now that the entire Jing family is under her control, it will be much easier to do what she wants to do.

What Chu Xuan is curious about now is how she will choose to arrange the protagonist.

After all, it is her wish to bring Ye Fan to the Jing family, but will the Jing family accept it so easily?

And even if the protagonist is going to the Jing family, as the ultimate villain, why doesn't he do something to make him sick?

For example, Ye Fan can choose some of the things Ye Fan did in Jiang Cheng and Shanghai.

At that time, if the Jing family knew what he had done, and even knew the identity of the Dragon King, would they still accept him?

I'm afraid it will be difficult!

Especially the Dragon King status!

In any case, it is the identity of the underground world.

If the Dragon King Palace is still strong, the Jing family will definitely accept it, and will even be very happy.

But now the Dragon King Palace has been destroyed, and the overseas underground world has launched a siege to suppress the remnants of the Dragon King Palace, creating an uproar.

Under such circumstances, if the Jing family accepts Ye Fan, it may attract the attention of the overseas underground world.

One must know that the business of the Jing family is not only in the country of Xia, but all over the world!

Accept Ye Fan, the Dragon King, and customers around the world may be hit.

The Jing family needs to make a choice!

The other thing is to deceive school girls, try to threaten patients, etc. These are very immoral things and will attract a lot of accusations.


Will the Jing family really be willing to accept it? Are they willing to bear everyone's finger pointing?

Find out those things in the past, and directly hand over this matter to the bosses under him.

Some bosses in charge of media companies received orders and arranged for a navy to start building momentum without saying a word.

Because some things about Ye Fan were exposed on Douyin before, and it has been a hot topic for a long time.

Therefore, it is really not too simple to rediscover those things.

As a result, a large number of reports appeared on the Internet that night, pointing directly at Ye Fan.

Poor people like Ye Fan and Chen Ruobing don't know yet, and are still happily thinking about when they will arrive at Jing's house.

Chen Ruobing has already notified Ye Haolong of what happened to the Jing family.

Ye Haolong had no choice but to praise Chen Ruobing's methods, which were so powerful that it was unimaginable.

He thought it would be impossible for Chen Ruobing to settle it in three days. After all, it was a business family with assets exceeding one trillion yuan. It was impossible to easily control it through legal means.

He even thought about going to the Jing family three days later, using his land god-level power to forcefully suppress the Jing family and get the Jing family directly.

As long as the matter is kept secret, the ancient martial arts world will not know about it, and those from the Jing family will not dare to make mistakes.

The big deal is to give the Jing family some benefits, such as helping them become Guwu Tower.

Presumably, those guys couldn't bear the conditions of the ancient warriors, and they would definitely keep their mouths shut.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ruobing has already solved it now, and it has been approved by the entire Jing family, saving a lot of trouble.

"Are you going to take Xiaofan there now?"

"Yes, the two of you came here together. As for the reason, let's say that Xiao Fan is Jing Xiaotian's illegitimate son."

Chen Ruobing told the reason he had prepared earlier in the morning. Although Ye Haolong was a little upset, he was his grandson after all.


But that's the best way right now.

Only in this way can Ye Fan settle in the Jing family and finally use the Jing family as a springboard.

Of course, he also needs the Jing family now.

As a commercial family, the Jing family still has many advantages, at least it can prevent ancient martial arts forces like the Ye family from rashly taking action.

Doing something to a business family is equivalent to doing something to an ordinary person, which violates the rules of the ancient martial arts world.

"Okay, then tomorrow I will bring Xiaofan there!"

Ye Haolong laughed loudly, told Ye Fan the news, and also talked about his identity.

Ye Fan only wants to have a good living environment now, so of course he has no problem with such a disguise.

Besides, to him, that was nothing at all.

As for whether it will be exposed?


How could the Jing family know about the matter of the ancient martial family?

Imperial Metropolitan Bureau, Jing Sheng came with his three younger brothers.

Due to a major car accident, although the head of the Jing family died of a myocardial infarction, thirty-six bodyguards died in the car accident. As the young head of the Jing family, he must come here to deal with related matters.

With the assistance of the Municipal Bureau, meet the family members of the bodyguards.

Originally, according to Chen Ruobing's plan, he planned to replace the thirty-six bodyguards.

But the final decision was to let thirty-six bodyguards die!

Because only in this way can we ensure that fewer people know the secret.


Otherwise, the professionalism of the thirty-six guards transferred from Emperor Pavilion must be far from that of real bodyguards, and their flaws will be easily discovered in the days to come.

After telling Xie Kun about the relevant plan, they arranged for a car accident, and thirty-six horses knelt down directly.

Poor those thirty-six horse boys were directly betrayed by their gang leader without knowing it.

"Director Zheng, when will the family arrive?"

As the young master of the Jing family, Jing Sheng still has a certain courage after all. 140

Now to deal with his father's funeral, the bodyguard's family must be settled first, and then the follow-up funeral and other things can continue.

Director Zheng said sternly: "Mr. Jing, the family members of the bodyguards have been contacted, and they will come soon. Now the vehicle exploded and caught fire, causing the bodyguard's body to be severely damaged, making identification impossible. This will be very difficult for the family members. When the time comes If the family members have any needs, please try to satisfy them, as long as it is within a reasonable range!"

"I understand, thank you Director Zheng."

Jing Sheng said softly, Director Zheng was secretly relieved.

As the top business family in the imperial capital, the Jing family has such a big incident, if it is not handled properly, the impact will be huge.

It might even affect him, the chief!

After all, this is within the scope of the imperial capital, and he cannot absolve himself of the blame for related incidents.

At this time, a police officer suddenly ran to Director Zheng and whispered.

After hearing what the police officer said, Director Zheng's face changed drastically.

"What? Are you sure?"


The policeman said seriously, and Director Zheng's face also darkened.

"Mr. Jing, there is another theory about the cause of your father's death. Please come to the meeting room to discuss it with me."


Chapter 1053: Xia Guo Is A Good Neighbor, Call The Police! [3]


In the meeting room of the Municipal Bureau, Jing Sheng and his three younger brothers were invited here.

Jing Sheng frowned and said, "Director Zheng, you said that there is another theory about the cause of my father's death? What's going on?"

Director Zheng nodded to the policeman, and the policeman stood up and said solemnly: "I just received a report that a vicious murder occurred in the Green Water Court, and your father and thirty-six bodyguards were present at the incident. on site."


Jing Sheng's face changed drastically, and he was extremely shocked.

The three younger brothers were also dumbstruck. Didn't it mean that their father died of a heart attack?

Why is there still a disgusting murder incident?

"Director Zheng, you mean my father was involved in a murder?"

"No, that's not the case. It should be said that the scene of the car accident on the highway was not the first scene where your father died. According to the reporter's description, your father should have died in Bishuihaoting and was murdered.

"how is this possible?"

The four Jingsheng brothers turned pale in shock. They clearly identified that their father died of myocardial infarction, but now they say he was murdered?

"Director Zheng, what's going on here? Where is the reporter?"

Jing Sheng gritted his teeth, if his father was murdered, then the matter would be serious, and the murderer must be tracked down!

"Mr. Jing, don't be impatient. I understand your current mood. Regarding the reporter, due to the principle of confidentiality, we cannot let you see him. We must ensure the safety of the reporter."

"A task force will be set up in the Bureau of this matter. Please trust us. As soon as we have any clues, we will notify your family members immediately."


The four Jingsheng brothers left the city with gloomy faces.

In the conference room, Director Zheng waited for a long time, and the reporter finally came to the city bureau.

"Mr. Liu, can you explain to us in detail about the murder case that you said happened in the Green Water Mansion?"

Many people have already gathered in the meeting room, even the head of the criminal police is present.

The reporter, Mr. Liu, said: "I live in Bishuihaoting. The company's affairs were dealt with ahead of schedule today, so I took a walk in the community and found Mr. Jing's motorcade."

"I originally wanted to meet Mr. Jing, but seeing Mr. Jing with his bodyguards was aggressive, I felt that there were some troops, so I hid."

"Not long after, I heard some arguing in the villa, and I also heard Mr. Jing's screams. I was a little scared at the time, so I ran away.

"When I came back to look, I found that Mr. Jing had already come out. But something was wrong. Mr. Jing was driven out by bodyguards and thrown directly into the car. I am sure that Mr. Jing should have died by then. ."

"Because I was worried about being found out, I kept hiding and didn't dare to come out to report the crime until everyone had left.

Mr. Liu's tone was very hasty, and his face was a little pale. It is obvious that he has not completely calmed down until now.

Director Zheng and the others frowned, only heard the screams, but did not actually see the murder scene, are you sure?

"You mean Mr. Jing was thrown into the car by the bodyguards? Those are the bodyguards protecting Mr. Jing. How could they attack him? According to the appraisal, Mr. Jing died of a heart attack. Could it be that Mr. Jing was in the villa?" Did he die of a heart attack at the time?"

A police officer said so, and the person in charge of the criminal police immediately said: "Impossible! If a myocardial infarction occurred in the villa, the bodyguard's solution would be to call 120, or provide temporary treatment and rush to the hospital for emergency treatment. "

"In any case, it is impossible for them to treat Mr. Jing roughly, because Mr. Jing is their employer, and those bodyguards are well-trained professionals!"

Mr. Liu nodded repeatedly, and said, "That's right, I'm sure that Mr. Jing was already dead when he was thrown into the car. And I also heard the sound of fighting in the villa, and there seemed to be a woman's voice.


"By the way, I seem to have seen some of these bodyguards before, but they are not Mr. Jing's bodyguards, but horse boys from the underground gangster Emperor Pavilion, who once came to our company to collect protection fees.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the people present changed.

Ma Zi of Dige became Mr. Jing's bodyguard?

How dare you believe it!

"Are you sure that you heard the voice, and also saw the Ma Zi of the Emperor Pavilion pretending to be Mr. Jing's bodyguard?"

"I'm sure that I'm born with excellent hearing, and I can hear even the smallest sounds. And I've always had a good memory!"

Mr. Liu's affirmative answer made the people in the Municipal Bureau realize that something was wrong. I'm afraid this matter is not that simple.

Disputes, fights, women, Emperor Ge horses disguised as bodyguards.

All in all, have cast a veil of mystery on this matter.

What happened?

Director Zheng thought for a moment, and said: "Set up a task force to conduct detailed investigations and collect evidence at the scene of the incident. I have an intuition that this matter will be very complicated and the most thorough talents in the library will be recruited!"

"Mr. Liu, before solving the case, if you have any clues, please contact us as soon as possible. As a witness, your safety is also very important. The bureau will arrange personnel to protect your safety secretly. Please rest assured , will not interfere with your life."


"What? Let me go to the Municipal Bureau now? The Jing family?"

Xiao Muqing seemed a little shocked when she received a call from Director Zheng.


She knew that Patriarch Jing was dead, and was killed by Chen Ruobing and the others.

It's just that she doesn't know what Chu Xuan will do next, so she didn't make any moves.

But now that Chief Zheng is calling, she has to act.

"Yes, the murder case of Green Water Palace may be a bit complicated, and more outstanding talents are needed to assist in the investigation. This time, the residents of Clear Water Palace reported the case, otherwise we might still be kept in the dark."

Xiao Muqing was speechless, she was really (good Zhao Hao) Xia Guo's good neighbor, and she directly called the police to make this matter known to the public?

"Okay, I'll go back to the game right away."

Xiao Muqing hung up the phone and looked at Li Yan and the others, looking a little helpless.

"Sister Yan, I'm afraid I can't continue training at the alliance headquarters, so I have to go back to deal with this case first."

"It's okay, you can go. Hehe~ If the case is solved and what Chen Ruobing and Ye Haolong did is exposed, wouldn't it be interesting?"

Li Yan said with a smile, it might be different from Chu Xuan's plan, but it's exciting, isn't it?

Chen Ruobing, that woman dances every day, and it makes her very uncomfortable to watch.

Perhaps this matter cannot bring Chen Ruobing to justice, but it will definitely make her feel very uncomfortable, and even lose control of the Jing family.

Do you want the Jing family to be the springboard and umbrella for the protagonist?

Think too much!

"That makes sense, I'm going back now.


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