
(MHA) The Strongest Heroes

Everything except my oc (Evie) belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi.

BakuNoNii · Action
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16 Chs

Who’s Behind The Mask? Who Is Kontororu?

"Ahaha! You really know what entertainment is!" Elios laughed. "It's purely amazing!"

Bakugo and Kirishima kept trying to land a hut in Elios, but they just couldn't make any contact. Instead, they would land blows on each other. They panted, trying to come up with a new way of beating Elios.

"What is it? Are you afraid you'll lose to a blind person?" Elios whispered into their ears, standing behind them.

Bakugo swung at Elios, trying to explode him into bugs and pieces. Elios stood there in his place as the fist came rushing at him. At the last moment, Bakugo suddenly stopped but not on his own command. Elios had activated his quirk.

"The fuck?" Bakugo questioned, struggling to resist the control he was under.

"Ah, you haven't yet realized it?" Elios tilted his head, putting a fingertip to his chin. "My quirk, what everyone thought of as evil, isn't what you think it is. You might think it's something as simple as brainwashing or maybe being able to stop one's physically ability. Heh, no. There's much more. Like tweaking one's personality. Let me demonstrate."

Elios glanced at Kirishima with a cold stare and mischievous smile. Deku, who had been under Elios's control, stood up from his spot and slowly walked over to Elios's side. Kirishima started to wobble.

"What the hell?" Kirishima said with a headache kicking in.

Kirishima held the sides of his head. It was like he was being kicked out of his own mind. That was exactly what Elios was doing. He pushing aside Kirishima's personality and filling his mind with emptiness. Kirishima's pupils shrunk. He was now under the control of Elios.

"Shitty hair?" Bakugo called out to Kirishima.

Elios chuckled, shaking his head. "You see, He's no longer there. Now…entertain me, dear puppets."

Deku and Kirishima stared at Bakugo, void of any personality or emotion whatsoever. Bakugo balked away a step. For the first time he was aware of, he was afraid. He did t understand the situation, nor could he read Elios.

"Kacchan, why aren't attacking me?" Deku said, color coming back to his eyes. "Don't you despise me? I guess I did look down on you. I fully admit it, you're so weak."

Bakugo flinched at the words Deku said. Never had he heard Deku say these things. Bakugo started to feel his blood boil. Deku smirked at him, the same way Elios would. That's when Bakugo realized, it wasn't Deku talking, it was Elios.

"You shut up, damned extra." Bakugo pointed at Elios. "I know you're trying to mess with me. You get the hell out of their bodies and face me like a real villain, not some mind-controlling coward!"

"Oh, a coward?" Elios questioned. "A coward? Is that what you think of me as? Oh, boy. I'm not a coward. The one who's afraid is you."

Deku and Kirishima suddenly charged at Bakugo. Deku held his hand in a position for flicking. He released the power that was being held in his finger. Bakugo was sent flying into Kirishima who felt like solid rock. Bakugo crashed into Kirishima, coughing from the impact.

"Katsuki Bakugo," Elios said as Bakugo fell to the ground. "I'm not the one who's scared. It's you who's afraid. I'm a villain, unknown and powerful. You know nothing about me while I know everything about you."

Deku pinned Bakugo down before he could even lift a finger and attack Elios. He snarled, his hands trembled ever so slightly. He really was afraid, even if he didn't want to admit it.

"Get your hands off my students!" All Might threw Nomu at Elios. Elios turned to All Might's direction and saw the Nomu flying at him. Right before Nomu could land, Elios stopped it from damaging anything. He inspected the Nomu, seeing that it was heavily damaged even with the regeneration power it was granted.

"Ah, All Might," Elios shrugged, walking towards All Might slowly. "You've made my partner upset by destroying his Nomu. Shigaraki isn't one to take these cases lightly. You're lucky he hasn't gone ballistic."

"I don't have time for this, villain." All Might.

Elios paused in his track when All Might called him a villain. He chuckled quietly. "Villain?"

All Might was suddenly lifted off the ground. He heard a whisper in his ear right before he was sent flying. "I'll reveal everything you've ever tried to hide. Haha, even better, I'll get rid of you're sweet apprentice."

All Might crashed into a wall of stone and rock. Shigaraki scratched his skin, walking away into the black mist. "Dammit, Konto. You've messed things up. And Nomu, he's completely destroyed."

Elios backed away into the black mist along with Shigaraki. He laughed, satisfied. He let go of his control on Deku and Kirishima. All the villains disappeared, none were to be seen. It was quiet. There wasn't any clamoring or panicking anymore.

"We finally arrived!" Heroes barged theough the door. Once they saw the quiet crowd, everyone became confused. I mean, it was like a game of silent library in there. "Where are the villains? Did they retreat? Did All Might get rid of them?"

"Quite the opposite," Aizawa said, limping and struggling his way over to the heroes.

"Shota, my man, what happened to this batch of sick students?" Present Mic asked.

"This villain, he calls himself Kontororu, I think. Villains invaded, other than that, my memory is nothing but fog."

"Oh, poor children. They must have been frightened with the sudden attack." Recovery Girl walked over to try help the stubborn and injured Bakugo, who kept refusing her help and saying he was fine when he clearly wasn't.

Deku rubbed his eyes after waking up. Kirishima followed the same path and shook his head, trying to remember what had happened. After being released from Elios's control, they had fallen asleep, unconscious.

"You two!" Bakugo pointed at Deku and Kirishima. "You bastards didn't even do anything to resist! You stupid idiots!"

"Huh?" Deku said with a dumbfounded look upon his face. "Resist what?"

"I think we might have to take these three in for questioning." Said Cementos. "Thanks to that kid, Ida, we were informed about the attack. But we just missed it."

"This was clearly a planned attack." Midnight assumed. "They wouldn't leave just like that without doing some hard damage. Which villain did you say was the most mysterious?"

"Some kid who calls himself Kontororu or Konto," answered Aizawa. "Funny thing is that, he's blind. That's what he says, I personally don't believe it. He seemed to athletic and smart. He also said that people don't believe that he's blind. Something called Auditory Perception."

"I have an idea of hat that might be," Nezu, the UA principal said. "Its where blind people can 'see' things but based off of sound. They can see outlines of the sound around them, they can even tell when one is lying."

"Let's discuss this when we're back at UA." All Might said, hiding himself in the smoke and dirt that was still afloat from the crashing. "I'm going to need a bit of help as well."

Recovery Girl gave an annoyed glance at All Might, "of course, he needs me to help him. Deary me." She thought to herself.

UA Teacher's Lounge

Deku sat next to Bakugo on a small sofa, fidgeting with his fin gets. Kirishima sat in the other side of Bakugo whistling a tune.

"A- are we in trouble?" Deku asked, looking up at Nezu and the bandage-covered Aizawa.

"No, you're not in trouble." Nezu confirmed. "We just want to know about this villain. All Might have us a small detailed analysis of what the villain looks like and what his quirk is. He also said that he didn't last very long fighting this, 'Kontororu.'"

"Um, well, I can't give much about him." Deku managed to say. "He was about this tall and he has really dark purple and black hair. His quirk, I don't really understand it. He used some sort of mind control. When he activated his quirk, I couldn't think straight and I was kicked out of my own mind. That's what it felt like."

"Same," Kirishima nodded. "I couldn't do anything. I can't even remember what I said or did when he used his 'mind control.'"

"Tch, you tried to fucking murder me." Bakugo growled. "When Deku and Shitty Hair were being mind-controlled, that dumb Shaggy Hair kept going on about entertaining him or some shit. He was controlling Shitty Hair like a doll, but he was aware of it that time."

"A doll?" Kirishima questioned. "Me and Midobro?"

Aizawa pondered in the thought. Thinking, he shuffled around, trying to jog his foggy memelry that Elios had erased.

"He said he could 'tweak' personalities." Kirishima mentioned. "Right before I fell into his mind control, he said that he had the ability to change personalities or something."

"Yeah, he literally did. Jackass." Bakugo grumbled. "Deku started calling me weak like the damned extra he is!"

"Ah-" Deku processed. "N- no, Kacchan! I- I don't mean that! T- that w- wasn't me t- t- talking!"

"I know, stupid nerd!"

"That's not very nice," Evie said, hanging upside down above Bakugo. "I'll give info if you want. I probably know more than these three."

"What information can you give us, Uzukami?" Aizawa demanded.

"Well, for one, that villain, Konto. He may be related to me."

"What?!" Bakugo stood on the sofa, holding both hands out, ready to destroy everything in sight.

"Yeah, that may have been hit off as unbelievable." Evie rubbed the back of her head. "Hes my brother. He's kind of attacked me before, revealing that he was a villain. I can tell you about his quirk."

"Please, do tell about his quirk." Nezu sipped his tea.

"Well, it's called Control. He can control literally anything and everything he wants, even minds and personalities. He's been improving his quirk ever since he tried to kill himself. His quirk is what makes him so powerful. And I'm sure you all know about his so called, 'death.'"

"If he's your brother than his last name is Uzukami." Aizawa said. "Is that all you know?"

Deku and Kirishima shook there heads, saying they didn't have any other info. Bakugo on the other hand, was ready to jump out a window and track down Elios. Of course, like the angry Pomeranian that Bakugo is, he wanted revenge on Elios for attacking him.

"I'll blow that bastard all the way to hell!" Bakugo yelled, grumbling out the door.

"Uh- wait, K- Kacchan!" Deku chased after Bakugo. "W- wait, you can't go off and try to beat him yourself! Wait for the heroes to deal with it!"

"Shut up, nerd!"

Kirishima walked out with a dumbfounded look on his face. "Midobro and Bakubro are really weird…"

Evie rolled her eyes as she walked out of the room. Before leaving she glanced at Aizawa and Nezu. It gave Aizawa that suspicious feeling again.

"Oh, before I forget." Evie reached into her pocket and pulled out Aizawa's yellow goggles. They were all banged up and cracked. "Those villains really like you, Erased Head. You should lay low for a while, especially since you're recovering." Evie tossed the broken goggles onto the table and left, smiling to herself. "Just keep a low profile for now Eraser. It'll help both you and your students."

"Ahhh, this was the worst day of my life so far." Hagakure whined. "Villains and Thirteen injured? It's a complete war-zone here!"

"Right? It's crazy." Ashido agreed.

"I mean, it's not like anyone was insanely injured," Uraraka waved her hand around. "Thanks to Ida, he informed the heroes and teachers that there were villains."

"You know which villain is really scary?" Asui said. "That guy with the purple hair, oh, and the one with blue shaggy hair."

"I overheard the teachers talking about the villains. Specifically, one called Kontororu." Yaoyorozu mentioned. "His quirk seems like a really powerful one. According to what I heard, he can control pretty much anything. Even minds."

"Eeeek!" The girls hugged each other.

"That's a little overpowered." Jiro said, twirling her long earlobes. "Like it's a quirk that was seriously meant for a villain."

"What are you girlies talking about?" Kaminari wrapped an arm around Jiro. "This talk about Kontororu or something?"

The boys from class 1-A followed the six girls to the mall. Since the class had agreed to go somewhere together, they decided that the best way to bond as a class of teenagers was to go to the mall.

"Villains, I don't get it. All these tragic backstories. Some do just for the thrill of it, I guess." Said Sato.

"The mall should get things off our minds!" Hagakure cheered. "We get to have fun, so let's loosen up!"

"This is gonna be great!" Yelled the class.

"K- Kacchan, maybe don't blow up the stores." Deku suggested.

"Shut up, you damn nerd! I'll do what I want!" Bakugo held an explosive hand.

"They said to loosen up, you ass!" Evie chopped Bakugo's head. "Maybe you should shut up yourself!"

The class laughed. They had a fun evening together, buying new outfits and trying out different foods. After a day of villains, everyone was relaxed in their pajamas and in their beds, ready for a new day of excitement .