
(Legacies) Landon, New Landon

A journey about a man who was reborn in Naruto Shippuden but died then given another chance by ROB for the entertainment. He can be chill even when the world end or he can be on fire when he was angry. It also about how he tried to live his life in this environment that full of dangers. Author's note: writing this was a test to me if I can write ahahaha it all about improving my writing and new words. Oh don't expect much from the story it was a fanfic story which all the things inside were not mined except my own putting.

marawa · TV
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21 Chs

Chapter 14. Preparation

Landon's view

"Same dad but different mother. While my mother was a human his mother was a literal muds" I said which Clarke groan at that while Hope's jaw fall.

I pushed her jaws up and kiss her "yes, I know dad was super anti-racist" earning a chuckle from her.

"What a dad!!" I said and opened the gate. We all enter while Hope still chuckle at the facts that Clarke mom was mud.

"Stopped laughing. You must also remember that Earth give birth to you creatures. She let you all live and you destroy her!!" He shouted furiously at Hope and me.

"Whoah, chill, chill. We know that. There's no need to get worked up for" I said chuckling with how he react.

"Ah, the sun rises it a new day new life" we walk toward the building when the sun rises to bring light to all creature on land.

-----------at office-------

"Tell me why you bring a triad agent to my office?" Alaric sitting with his crossbow question Hope and me for bringing Clarke. "you know that we have a new monster that we need to deal with"

"Sorry if I interrupt but that monster, I was the one who sent her here" Clarke interrupt Alaric when he heard monster. "She a good lad. Well all her family are. They live peacefully and never cause trouble but the Triad sent her here to bring Landon here to the base"

"Mmm and why's that?" I asked looking at him in the eye.

"Forget about the reason now that we all here to propose your suggestion" he said looking at Alaric.

"What suggestion?" Alaric ask hating to leave in a loop.

"We decide to revive Malivore then defeat it" I said feeling Hope holds on me tightly. "But before that we need preparation, we can train for a week or a month until all young adults were ready and have some experience in fighting"

"No we can't. If this thing can defeat all the mythical creatures then it is strong. While all of you were only kids" Dr. S denied on the spot.

"Kids, but these kids need self experience in fighting and ready to face dangerous situations. You can't protect them in a green house as flowers. They were supernatural kids with gift and extraordinary abilities. They need to be able to use it in dangerous situations" I pause looking at him in the eyes then continue "I know you want to protect them as Chinese porcelain but they are not porcelain they need to learn how to fight as they were not welcome in human society and with Malivore monster they can be treated as gaining experience for the kids until they are ready" I said then lead Hope away from him to decide.

Clarke look at me then Alaric and opt to follow us out.

"Don't be hard on Alaric. He just want the kids to be safe" Hope said leaning on me.

We were sitting on the dock looking at the lake.

I look up at sky and saw that the sun was aligning with the north star. "Ah, Hope want to create a potion. A lucky potion at noon when the sun reach it apex. It was a sought out potion, it can help an unlucky person to have luck for a single day"

"Mmm what with the potion all of a sudden?" She was surprise looking at me questionable.

"Yes, what's she said. At one moment you talk like some boss to Dr. Saltzman and now you talk about the potion" Clarke who follows ask.

"Oh, I didn't angry at Alaric I just upset that he restrict the children too much. Before rules and law created the humans create wonders that thought to be impossible. Witches found way to be immortals, they create vampires, siphons born, creature create their own magic and became magical creatures and humans, 'sigh'humans build things that thought can't be built with backward technology" I said looking at the sun and the north star.

"Now look at the school, the student works on rules and law, did you see everyone tries to restrict their own potential. Some witches who are good at some craft but it was forbidden then they choose what they worse at. Werewolves always angry cause they can't let that anger out. They always suppress them while vampires are pretty violet cause they never ever stood infront of blood(human). They can't controll the bloodlust as they have little to no interaction with real blood. Some were able yes but the majority were driven by blood"

"Hope tell me isn't your uncle Elijah a ripper?" I ask Hope about her uncle which cause her to feel sad.

"I'm sorry if I make you to remember that, forget about it" I said and kiss her head.

"It okay, as you said Elijah was able to control his thirst but isn't that because he's old?" She said while nuzzle my chest with her head.

"You right age. But what I give to the vampire can help them control their thirst faster even for rippers" I said to her then look at Clarke.

"How's you feeling Clarke?" I ask with concern in my voice.

"I'm alright. I just feel jealous watching you all cuddling" he said while chuckling.

"As I said go and be human once who knows you can find someone who you call real family" "yes, if I can free myself" he said then stood up. "When you all are ready to fight father let me know in advance"

He gives his card then walk off.

"I pity him. His father created him then tells him a failure ahaha that bad. I hope he can find real happiness" I said then lay on the dock looking at the sun.

"What happens to our lucky potion?" Hope laid on my arm ask.

"Seem like we not fated to made it. You see that spoon constellation?. Ah I'm sorry I forgot that it was day now. The Stars can't be seen. Well the spoon constellation in part of the world represent storm so let not make it now"

-------a long hours later--------

Landon and Hope asleep together in the tree shade. They look peaceful creating a beautiful picture with the lake and trees as the background.

While they sleep Clarke came across his boss inside the base looking at the picture of the artifacts.

"We need to confiscate these artifacts before the monster found them. Here's your assignment" MG's mother said then walk off.


Author's note: marawa(ocean)

Guys, this is it for a week. I have studies for my upcoming exams. So I'll won't upload next week but the second week I'll upload again.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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