
(Legacies) Landon, New Landon

A journey about a man who was reborn in Naruto Shippuden but died then given another chance by ROB for the entertainment. He can be chill even when the world end or he can be on fire when he was angry. It also about how he tried to live his life in this environment that full of dangers. Author's note: writing this was a test to me if I can write ahahaha it all about improving my writing and new words. Oh don't expect much from the story it was a fanfic story which all the things inside were not mined except my own putting.

marawa · TV
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21 Chs

Chapter 13. Hello Brother.

"...then I won't kill you. What'd you say?" Landon ask while pressing the knife to MG's mother.

"I appreciate the offer. Now if you mind your toys as they are quite dangerous" she agrees and remove the knife from her.

"All unit stand back. Return to base" she talk to the com which she received a "roger madam"

"You know, I don't understand why did you target me?" I ask her the reason she reach for me.

"Because of you my son life almost broke into pieces. I send him to Salvatore Boarding school for the gifted so that he can have a family and you brought him back to us in my doorstep? What were you thinking? His father was a pious religious man, he will never accepted that his son came back to life!!! He will call him names and I hate for that, that why I planned to kidnapped you and take you far from my son" she answer with hatred in her voice.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? I just wanted MG to feel some closure so that he can move on whether his father love him or not. I don't see the problem here, if you don't want your son to know the truth about how his father feeling to him it your job as a mother. I'm sorry" with that said he flash leaving phoenix ashes behind.

I did not return to school as I walk toward Mystic Grill.

I want to find that familiar feeling. It has to be this Clarke.

"Hello Landon" While walking toward the grill I came across a pale skin, man greeting me.

------General pov-------

"Want to grab some drink?" He ask walking toward the grill.

Landon follow behind him, trying to remember if this the Clarke.

Inside the grill.

"I have something to tell you, Landon" the man said to him infront of him.

"Well, spill the beans" Landon answer playing with his small knife.

"I know who your father is" the man said then pause to wait for any reaction from Landon.

"So, I also know my mother. If what she said is true then she pregnant inside Malivore, and Malivore who devour all the beast and mythical creature can maybe also imprison my father" He reply to the man without any reaction.

'mmm, he's so calm' the man thought. "What if I told you that your father is Malivore?"

"If you want to tell me, start with the introduction" he said looking at the man.

"Ah, sorry for my manner. My name is Clarke. I'm the Agent of the Triad. Well Malivore was created....." Clarke the now identify man tell the story of Malivore and what it purpose.

"And who are you in this story?" Landon ask feeling shock at the revelation that his father was bundle of mud. He just thought he was conceive inside Malivore.

"Well, as I say Malivore created his children and that is me. I am the son of the dark eater"

"Well, I'll be damned. Greetings elder brother" Landon said sarcastically facing Clarke.

"What your purpose in coming here? Don't tell me that you let loose all those monster to attack the school?" He said the last part emitting pressure to Clarke.

Clarke who sit opposite him feel suffocated more than when he was in Malivore. "N..no.oo..I....i...i have no....control of the monsters....it was father"

Releasing the pressure Landon stood up. "What you need? We can just destroy the pit before it become a future problem. Why the need to revive it when he doesn't even want you?"

"If there's away to destroy it. I tried everything but nothing works. And the Triad try to weaponnise the pit"

"Why don't we try our luck? I'll jump to the pit or we could just revive him then let the three factions from the school to erase him?" Saying that Landon walks out.

"Like you said it can't attack witch, wolf and Vampires, right? So if I ask the school for helps then go and destroy it we can live our own life. Find a wife and adopt a kid while also use your pass hundred experience to make a living. Don't tell me that my idea was not appealing to you?" He suggested to Clarke facing him.

"That was good and all but can you deal with the creatures that father imprison?" Instead of answering Clarke ask back.

"Let go and heard what can they do. I for one can fight till my phoenix die so I have no problems in facing the creatures" he reply back continuing walking toward the school.

Landon felt the bond have stir which means that Hope almost awake.

"Wait, brother even if you can fight the creatures can you fought against gods and demigods?" Clarke catch up to him and ask him about gods.

Landon who was walking carelessly stopped in his track while releasing huge amount of pressure.

'gods....are they wanna be gods or real gods? If they wanna be gods like the Okutsuki then.....' he thought.

He continues his walk while recalling his pressure. "Then Let THEM COME!!!"

Clarke will be shitting his pants if he have human physiology. He stood up shaking as he follow behind his half brother.

They reach the school gate with Hope can be seen waiting infront leaning against the gate.

Landon who was walking thinking about what kind of Gods his father capture threw everything to the back of head and smile brightly looking at Hope.

"Ah! My light and strength. What brought you here? You could catch a cold" he said hugging and kissing her.

"Waiting for you. We also have another monster in school I don't know about" she reply returning the kiss.

"Ahem" a voice interrupted them.

"Nice to meet you again, miss Jessica" Clarke said from the side greeting Hope.

"You know each other?" Landon ask looking at Clarke.

"Oh we meet with each other when they search for you. I also met with Alaric Saltzman when they track the urn" he reply.

"Mmm, Hope meet my half brother. Clarke" Landon introduce him to her.

"I brought him here as he have access to the Triad. We can use that access to Malivore and defeat it one and for all" Landon said as if victory already in his palm.

"Wait, I don't know you have a brother?" She was surprised for the fact that he have a brother. "Oh, same dad different mom"

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