

What if Naruto had a brother who was the same age as Itachi and also happened to be a reincarnation from another world, In an alternate timeline, a soul from our world is reborn as Uzumaki Kaito, the eldest son of Minato and Kushina. Kaito inherits his mother's distinctive hair color and his father's facial features, including his captivating blue eyes. Born into the same generation as Itachi, Kaito is armed with knowledge of the future. Witness his unwavering determination as he endeavors to protect and safeguard his beloved family. OCXRTNHinata but as Hinata's elder sister."Hotaru Hyuga" If you wish to support this story and have access to 10 advanced chapters, please join me at patreon.com/Tilct

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Kaito chapter 43(edited)

Kaito chapter 43

Just as the last group was leaving, a man with a bored expression strolled into the room. He sported the traditional Konoha jonin uniform, but also wore a sleek coat made of deer skin atop it. Two scars marred his rugged features on the right side of his face, adding to his aura of experience and authority. With dark hair tied up in a spiky ponytail and a neatly trimmed goatee, he exuded an air of nonchalance.

In a lazy tone, he announced, "Team 11, meet me on the roof." With that, he turned and left the room, leaving behind a lingering sense of intrigue and mystery. As Kaito watched him go, a thought crossed his mind: "Huh, isn't that..."


Shikaku walked through the bustling streets of the Hidden Leaf Village, his pace deliberate and slow. He wore the standard attire of a Konoha jonin, with a deer skin coat draped over his shoulders for warmth. Two jagged scars marred the right side of his face, giving him a rugged appearance. His dark hair was pulled back into a spiky ponytail and he sported a neatly trimmed goatee.

As he approached the Konoha Village Academy, Shikaku's eyes scanned the tall building in front of him. Students could be seen going in and out, their chatter filling the air. With a weary sigh, he muttered, "How troublesome." knowing that he had many duties and responsibilities to fulfill as a jonin of the village.


The morning sun filtered through the dense forest, casting dappled shadows on the village hidden in the leaves. In the Hokage's office, Hiruzen puffed on his pipe as he glanced through files of recent graduates from the academy. It had been just a day since they had taken their graduation exams and already there was a new batch of genin ready to be assigned to teams.

A sudden knock at the door interrupted Hiruzen's musings. Exhaling a puff of smoke, he called out "come in". The door swung open to reveal Shikaku Nara, lazily making his way inside.

"Good morning, hokage-sama. You called?" Shikaku asked with a hint of sarcasm, closing the door behind him.

Taking another puff from his pipe, Hiruzen replied "ah yes, Shikaku. Good to see you. I need your opinion on these individuals." He handed Shikaku a few files containing information on three young shinobi.

Shikaku's eyes narrowed as he looked through the files. "All of them seem to be geniuses, and too young to graduate," he remarked.

Hiruzen nodded in agreement. "That they are. All three managed to graduate after just one year in the academy."

Muttering something about it being "troublesome", Shikaku asked, "I'm assuming you called me regarding these three?" gesturing towards the files.

Hiruzen chuckled and replied, "As sharp as ever. I want you to be their jonin sensei." He continued, "I don't think I need to explain to you about Konoha's current situation after the Nine Tails attack. We are in dire need of new shinobi and these three have great potential. I believe you will be the best person to guide them."

Shikaku let out a resigned sigh, accepting his fate. "Hai, hokage-sama," he said before leaving the building to prepare for his new role as sensei to the young geniuses.

The sound of Shikaku's lazy footfalls echoed through the halls as he ambled into the academy. With a tired expression, he muttered to himself, "Let's just get this over with." He located the classroom and entered with a lackadaisical attitude, his eyes landing on his future students. In a half-hearted tone, he called out, "Team 11, meet me on the roof." As he left the room, still muttering about the inconvenience of it all, he used the bodyflicker and flickered away

Kaito sat in the classroom, lost in thought. "Wasn't that Shikaku Nara, the father of the Shikamaru?" he pondered, his mind racing after seeing the man beckon them to the rooftop. Suddenly, Hotaru's voice snapped him out of his musings. "Come on, Kaito-kun, we shouldn't keep him waiting," she called out, motioning for him to join her and Itachi at the front of the class. "Hai hai," Kaito replied, following them as they made their way to the academy roof.

As they approached, they saw Shikaku standing with his hands crossed and his eyes closed, leaning against the railing. Coming to a stop in front of him, Kaito couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.

"Good, you're here," Shikaku said as he opened his eyes to look at them. "I will be your jonin sensei until you are promoted to chunin..." he paused, assessing each of them carefully.

Curiosity getting the best of him, Kaito spoke up. "Aren't you the jonin commander?" he asked, wondering why Shikaku was in charge of their team instead of someone lower ranked.

He didn't know that Shikaku had taken over as jonin commander when his father became Hokage. All he knew was that he was the jonin comender when naruto graduated from the academy.

Both Hotaru and Itachi looked at their sensei with interest, waiting for his response.

Shikaku nodded in confirmation. "Yes, I am also the jonin commander. Is there something else you wanted to ask?" he inquired, giving them an opportunity to clarify any remaining questions they may have had.

seeing that they didn't have any other questions, Shikaku continued as he gestured for everyone to take a seat before him. His posture was relaxed, but there was an air of authority about him that demanded respect. "Let us begin with introductions," he said in a lazy, carefree voice. "Tell us your name, your likes and dislikes, and your goal for the future."

Shikaku leaned back on the railing. "I'll start first," he said. "My name is Shikaku Nara, i am the head of the Nara clan and also the Jonin commander of Konoha. I enjoy sleeping and spending time with my family. My biggest dislike is anything that disturbs my sleep. And my ultimate goal is to live a peaceful life for my loved ones." he then gestured Hotaru to introduce herself "lady's first"

Hotaru took a deep breath before speaking. "My name is Hotaru Hyuga," she said confidently. "I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, though I do dislike overly sweet food. And as for my goal for the future, it is to unite my clan as one." She spoke the last part with determination, her eyes shining.

Kaito observed Hotaru closely as she spoke, his mind racing with thoughts. "So her dream is to unite the main and branch families," he mused silently.

Itachi simply nodded in acknowledgment, intrigued by Hotaru's goal.

Upon hearing Shikaku's words, he nodded in agreement and said "Good... Now you the black-haired kid." Shikaku gestured towards Itachi with a serious expression.

Itachi began to speak, his words measured and precise. "My name is Itachi Uchiha," he stated calmly. "I enjoy training and spending time with my family and friends. I dislike senseless fighting and my goal for the future is to bring an end to all wars, if possible."

Kaito listened intently, watching the flicker of emotions that played across Itachi's face. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness as he thought about the burdens that itachi carried. "Sigh..." Kaito thought to himself.

"He's still troubled... That trip that Fugaku took him on must have scarred him." Kaito knew all too well about Fugaku's decision to bring Itachi to the frontlines during the Third Shinobi War when he was only four or three years old. In Kaito's opinion, Fugaku was the biggest idiot in all of Konoha for bringing a toddler into such a dangerous situation. And tragically, that event would shape everything that happened in Itachi's life.

Despite his frustrations towards Fugaku, Kaito held onto hope that he could somehow change Itachi's fate. He knew it would not be an easy task, but he was determined to try

Shikaku's words cut through the air, breaking Kaito from his thoughts."A hefty goal you have there… I hope you achieve it," Shikaku said. Kaito's eyes followed Shikaku's to the kid with red hair, his rival and friend.

Bringing himself back to reality, Kaito introduced himself. "Ahh, right...my name is Kaito Uzumaki, I enjoy spending time with my mother, playing with my brother, and hanging out with friends. And of course, eating my mother's delicious cooking," he said with a smile. Kushina's food was something he always looked forward to.

His expression turned serious as he listed his dislikes. "as for my dislikes I don't have many But, there is one person I cannot stand a certain bastard with bandages covering his eyes and walking with a cane." Danzo's image flashed before Kaito's mind, igniting a fire within him. "My goal is not just a goal; I will make it a reality. I will hunt down that masked man and tear him limb from limb, making him suffer as much as possible before healing him and starting the process again until he gives up all hope. Then, I will end him once and for all," Kaito declared, his emotions overflowing.

Hotaru and Itachi exchanged glances, both taken aback by Kaito's sudden outburst. Hotaru had never seen this side of him before and felt worried for her friend. As for Itachi, he couldn't help but wonder what this masked man had done to elicit such strong emotions from Kaito.

Shikaku watched Kaito closely, weighing his words carefully. After a moment of silence, he simply muttered, "Troublesome."

Feeling self-conscious under their gaze, Kaito scratched the back of his head and added, "Oh, and also to live peacefully. That's all I really want." His tone softened.

The silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the soft rustling of leaves and the occasional chirping of birds. Finally, Shikaku cleared his throat with a deep rumble and spoke up. "Well, that was certainly a vivid description," he said, his tone laced with amusement. "Normally, you would have to pass a test held by your jonin sensei to prove yourself worthy of their time."

Hotaru's hand shot up eagerly, her eyes bright with curiosity. "What happens to those who fail the test sensei?" she asked.

Shikaku's expression grew serious as he replied, "It depends. If the jonin instructor deems you unworthy of being a shinobi, you will be dismissed from the program. But if they see potential in you, you will be placed in the genin reserve." He paused for a moment before continuing. "As I was saying, passing this test is usually a requirement. However, due to the third Shinobi War and the recent Nine-Tails attack on Konoha, our village is in dire need of shinobi. That is also why you were asked to graduate early - your potential should not be wasted in the academy."

All three students nodded in understanding.

Kaito couldn't help but add, "Not to mention Danzo's selfish habit of eliminating shinobi with potential for his own gain." He thought bitterly about how many promising young ninja had been lost because of the power-hungry elder.

Shikaku let out a heavy sigh before continuing, his gaze fixed on the ground below. "Usually, I would simply assign you tasks and move on, but given the current circumstances, that is not possible." He paused for a moment before resuming. "In order to train you effectively, I will need to assess your skill level."

Pushing himself off of the railing, Shikaku straightened his posture and spoke in a firm tone. "Meet me at Training Ground 23 tomorrow at 8:30 am sharp. That is where I will evaluate your abilities. Bring everything you deem necessary for a mission."

With that, Shikaku turned and walked away, leaving them behind with only the sound of his quick footsteps fading into the distance.

Kaito's inquisitive gaze swept between Hotaru and Itachi, curiosity burning in his eyes. "So what do you two think of our new sensei?" he asked, eager to hear their opinions about the man who would guide them on their ninja journey.

Hotaru shifted uncomfortably, her expression hesitant. "Um... He doesn't seem very invested in being our Jonin sensei," she finally answered, her voice tinged with disappointment.

Itachi nodded in agreement, his usually stoic face showing a rare glimpse of emotion. "I agree. Our sensei seems like he was forced into this role," he added.

Kaito let out a soft chuckle, breaking the tense atmosphere. "Well, he is from the Nara clan after all. They're known for being inherently lazy unless it's important," he pointed out, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"He was probably coerced into becoming our sensei," Kaito concluded with a knowing smirk.

"We should ask our parents if they have any information on him," Kaito suggested, standing up and stretched.

"Hai," both Hotaru

After saying goodbye to Itachi, Kaito turned to Hotaru and offered, "Come on, I'll walk you home." With a small smile, he gestured for her to follow him as they made their way towards the Hyuga clan compound.

Along the way, Kaito stopped at a street vendor and bought some mochi and dango for them to share. As they walked, they talked and laughed, enjoying each other's company.

Finally, they arrived at the grand gates of the Hyuga compound. Kaito turned to Hotaru and said, "Well, I'll come pick you up tomorrow." She nodded in understanding and waved goodbye before disappearing inside.

Kaito watched her go before turning to head back to his own home. He couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered in his mind. Hotaru was one of the few people he truly cared about and with no memories of her in the canon Naruto timeline, he wanted to make sure she was safe.

That's why he insisted on walking her home, just to be sure she arrived safely within the walls of her clan's compound. As he walked away, Kaito couldn't help but wonder what had happened to her or if she even existed in the cannon timeline. 

The front door creaked open as Kaito arrived home early. "Mom…. I'm home," he called out, stepping into the familiar foyer. His ears perked up at the sounds of laughter and a playful voice coming from the living room.

Making his way towards the source of the noise, Kaito found his clone playing with his now 1-and-a-half-year-old brother, Naruto. Smiling, he asked, "Where is mom?" as he ruffled Naruto's soft hair.

The clone turned to face Kaito, its features identical to his own. "In the sealing room… she's working on something," it replied before dispersing into thin air.

As Kaito scooped Naruto into his arms and made his way towards the sealing room, he couldn't help but feel grateful for these peaceful moments with his family.

he found his mother Kushina pouring over a sealing scroll. Her red hair was tied up in a messy bun, and her brow was furrowed in concentration. "Hey Mom," Kaito greeted her with a smile as he entered.

Kushina's face lit up at the sight of her son. "Oh honey, you're back early!" she exclaimed, setting aside the scroll and standing up to embrace him.

"Sorry, I was preoccupied with work... So how was your day? And who is your Jonin sensei and teammates?"

Kaito grinned. "I'm on a squad with Itachi and Hotaru, so that's exciting," he said as they left the sealing room and started walking towards the kitchen. "And my sensei is Shikaku Nara."

Kushina hummed thoughtfully as she sliced vegetables for dinner. "Shikaku huh…. well, he was good friends with your father and is also the jonin commander under Minato." She shared some information about Shikaku's skills and what he was known for.

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