
Kaito Akaden (Kaito)

Hey everyone, I'm changing the fanfic name from 'Kaito' to 'Kaito Akaden.' Don't worry, I'm still the same author, I just felt that the new name suits the story better than just plain 'Kaito,' ya know? So, going forward, it will be 'Kaito Akaden.' P.S. 'Akaden' means 'Red Lightning,' which is Kaito's signature jutsu. What if Naruto had a brother who was the same age as Itachi and also happened to be a reincarnation from another world, In an alternate timeline, a soul from our world is reborn as Uzumaki Kaito, the eldest son of Minato and Kushina. Kaito inherits his mother's distinctive hair color and his father's facial features, including his captivating blue eyes. Born into the same generation as Itachi, Kaito is armed with knowledge of the future. Witness his unwavering determination as he endeavors to protect and safeguard his beloved family. OCXRTNHinata but as Hinata's elder sister."Hotaru Hyuga" If you wish to support this story and have access to 10 advanced chapters, please join me at patreon.com/Tilct

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117 Chs

Kaito Chapter 26 birth of naruto

Kaito Chapter 26 birth of naruto

After Minato departed, Hiruzen stood up and addressed the situation, stating, "Alright, I'll be heading out now. One of my ANBU team will be following you. I wish you a safe delivery." With that, Hiruzen took his leave. Shortly after his departure, Biwako, rising from her seat, advised Kushina, "Alright, Kushina, it's quite a long journey ahead, so we should also make our way there."

"Hai, let me just grab my things," said Kushina as she turned to Kaito. "Kaito-kun, if you want to bring anything, you should go grab it, ya know," she added, before heading off to her room to retrieve the bag she had prepared.

"Hai, Mom," Kaito replied, rushing to his room to retrieve his ninja pouch. He opened it and meticulously checked his weapons. "Kunai, shuriken, explosive tags, dad's Hiraishin kunai... all check," he confirmed to himself. After ensuring everything was in order, Kaito securely strapped his ninja pouch to his hip.

With his preparations complete, Kaito left his room and entered the living room, where he found his mother, Kushina, and Biwako waiting for him. Kushina, upon seeing him, inquired, "Got everything you need, Honey?"

"Hai. Let me carry your bag, mom," Kaito offered as he approached them.

"Thank you, honey. Let me lock the house so we can leave, okay?" Kushina said, handing the bag to Kaito before proceeding to secure the house.

After locking the house, the three of them set off towards the west exit of the village. Lady Biwako took the lead, skillfully guiding Kaito and Kushina through the village.

As they made their way, Kaito employed his sensing ability to keenly perceive their surroundings. In his mind, he mused, 'There are six people following us. Hm, they must be the ANBU guarding mom.'

As they walked through the village, they came across Mikoto, who was cradling a bundle in her arms as she made her way towards the Uchiha clan compound. Seeing them, Kaito couldn't help but think, 'That must be Sasuke that Lady Mikoto is carrying.' This marked the first time Kaito had laid eyes on Sasuke.

"Oh," Mikoto said upon seeing them, bowing her head respectfully to Lady Biwako and then turning her gaze towards Kushina.

Kushina couldn't resist cooing at the baby in Mikoto's arms. "Oh my... was it a girl?" she inquired with a smile.

Mikoto chuckled softly. "It's a boy," she replied, her eyes fixed on Sasuke.

Kushina's smile widened. "So cute... What's his name?" she asked, still admiring the newborn.

"It's Sasuke," Mikoto answered, her gaze never leaving her son.

Upon hearing the name, Biwako nodded knowingly. "Oh, so he was named after the father of the Third," she remarked.

Mikoto affirmed with a nod. "Yes, so that he will grow up to be a strong and fine shinobi."

Turning the conversation, Mikoto asked, "You will be giving birth soon too, right, Kushina?... You should pick a name in advance."

"I already have," Kushina chimed in. She then turned her attention to Sasuke and declared, "His name will be Naruto. You'll be classmates, Sasuke-kun, so be friends, just like your big brothers Itachi-kun and Kaito-kun are, okay?" She playfully poked at Sasuke's cheeks, a warm smile on her face.

Lady Biwako intervened, gently pulling Kushina away from Mikoto. "Lets go, Kushina," she urged.

"See you again!" Kushina called out to Mikoto as she was led away.

Kaito, bowing his head respectfully, added, "Goodbye, Lady Mikoto." With that, he joined Kushina and Biwako, and they continued on their way.

As they resumed their walk, Biwako turned to Kushina and spoke in a serious tone. "The details of your birthing are supposed to be top secret... until we get to our location, you must avoid any contact, even with your friends."

Kushina scratched the back of her head, feeling a bit sheepish. "Hai, I'm sorry," she replied, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Biwako continued with a stern warning, "Also, we are leaving the village secretly. If your labor pains begin, try not to cry out loud!" The urgency in her voice was palpable, emphasizing the need for discretion.

After an hour of walking, they arrived at their destination. It seemed to be the same place where Kushina had given birth to Kaito.

Observing the surroundings, Kaito couldn't help but think, 'This must be an ANBU base outside the village.'

As they approached, they spotted Minato, who was busy giving instructions to the ANBU. Upon noticing their arrival, he turned to them and greeted, "Good, you're here. Everything is set... you should head inside."

He then turned to the ANBU and directed, "Alright, you know what to do." The ANBU nodded in understanding, promptly raising a protective barrier around the base.

Minato then walked over to Kaito, taking out a necklace and placing it around his neck. "Come on, we should go inside," he said, leading the way.

Looking at the necklace that Minato had placed around his neck, Kaito thought, 'This must be a Hiraishin tag.' It was a necklace with a small round medallion adorned with the Uzumaki clan symbol.

A few minutes after they had set everything up, Kushina went into labor. For the next few hours, Kaito was completely lost on what to do. He stood by her side, feeling helpless as Kushina screamed in pain. "It hurts, ya know," she cried out.

Kaito was in a state of panic. He looked at his mom, witnessing her in such excruciating pain, and the situation was only made worse by the struggle of the Nine-Tails trying to break free from within her. The gravity of the moment weighed heavily on him, and he desperately wished he knew how to help.

"This is worse than the time when she gave birth to Kaito... I've never seen her in so much pain before," Minato exclaimed, his worry evident.

Biwako, in a calm and determined voice, reassured him, "She'll be fine. She's already given birth once, so just stay focused on the seal, Minato! You're the Fourth Hokage, so act like it!"

Minato took a deep breath, regaining his composure, and returned his focus to his task.

"I can see the head! You're almost there, Kushina," Biwako encouraged, providing support and guidance during the challenging process.

Then, they heard the cries of a newborn, signaling Naruto's arrival into the world. Both Kushina and Minato couldn't hold back their tears of joy and relief as they laid eyes on their new child.

"He's a healthy baby," Biwako announced, her voice filled with warmth and happiness, as she carefully placed Naruto in Kushina's arms.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Kushina gazed down at the baby and whispered his name, "Naruto."

After a moment, Biwako gently took Naruto to ensure he was in good health, conducting a thorough examination.

Minato, focused and determined, spoke to Kushina, "Just give me a second. I'll seal the Nine-Tails completely." He knew the importance of this task and was ready to complete it.

While Naruto was being born, Kaito's worry had consumed him to the point where he had completely switched off his sensing abilities. However, after the birth, he remembered what is about to happend and promptly reactivated his senses.

With a clear understanding of where and when Obito would strike, Kaito prepared himself for the imminent attack. The moment he sensed a swirling distortion forming in front of Biwako and Naruto, he swiftly drew his kunai and employed the Body Flicker technique, instantly appearing infront of the masked man.

In a split second, just as the masked man was poised to strike down Biwako and the ANBU Taji, Kaito appeared before them, swiftly slashing at the masked man, aiming for his head with precision and accuracy .

Caught off guard, the masked man was unable to turn himself intangible and had to react swiftly to block Kaito's kunai. The very same kunai he had intended to use to harm Biwako and Taji. Sensing the imminent danger, Taji and Biwako, the latter still cradling baby Naruto, quickly jumped back, seeking safety behind Minato.

Seeing his attack was blocked by a kunai, Kaito promptly leaped back, creating some distance between himself and the masked man. In his mind, he pondered, 'I hope I've done enough, Dad can take it from here.' Kaito held onto the hope that preventing the masked man from taking Naruto hostage would be enough to change the outcome.


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