
(HS)OC in Classroom of the Elites fanfiction

Bad story. Bad writing. Bad fanfic. Bad updates. Beta Male MC. Bad everything. Don't read. An OC with the same Appearance as Aomine Daiki from KnB got the memories of a superhero. He entered the ANHS and become a student of Class 1-D

Art07103733 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Shizuku-chan's fan, Aomine-kun...

(Romance will be slow btw. At the earliest, it should be somewhere Volume 5 in the LN.)





Sakura Airi.

She don't know how to interact with other people. She's bad at talking while making eye contact. Horrible with crowds. She doesn't remember how or when she became so hopeless.

And so she found a solution. She would adopt a false face and hide her true self. A completely plain high school girl version of herself, to her cute and popular version.

While she is searching for a place to take a good selfie, she met an unexpected classmate of hers.

Aomine: "You... You are Shizuku-chan, right? Wait... Sakura-san?"

Once in a while, Aomine decided to skip club activities. Practice is just a waste of time for him. In the rooftop of an unused building, he spend his time taking a nap somewhere no one will notice him. He killed his presence, making it similar to a certain blue haired Phantom Sixth Man. Ordinary humans wouldn't notice him, unless he deliberately do so.

Sakura: "...A-A-Aomine-kun?!"

Sakura panicked. Her secret self that shouldn't be known to anyone. A secret she couldn't possibly let anyone know.

The timing couldn't have been worse.

Aomine: "Eh? Shizuku-chan is Sakura-san... Sakura-san is Shizuku-chan..."

She thought it was over. Her school life will be hell from going onwards.


Aomine: "Shizuku-chan– No... Sakura-san, please give me your autograph!"

Sakura didn't know how to respond. She's conflicted that her secret had been revealed, but at the same time she's happy that a fan admired her.

Sakura looked into his eyes. Looking not just in the surface, but way past behind that. She sees nothing malicious, and instead its comfortable.

Sakura: "Y-Yes."

Aomine: "Yay! Ow wait... Notebook... notebook..."

He handed her a notebook where to sign. Sakura obliged and signed it, with her stage name Shizuku.

Aomine: "Thank you very much Sakura-san... So you get into this school, I'm so glad!"

He is shaking her right hand with both hands. Sakura didn't get creeped out, where usually creepy guys do that.

The smile in his face looked like a little kid, sparkling like jewels.

Sakura: "Umm, Aomine-kun... About this..."

Aomine: "No need to worry. I won't tell anybody, alright? I'm sure you had reasons."

Sakura looked to his eyes and she could tell he was sincere. It relieved her.

Aomine: "I didn't expect that Shizuku-chan really goes to my school. I know that you're alone by yourself Sakura-san, don't you have any friends?"

Sakura: "...I don't have any... You have Miyake-kun, Horikita-san, and Ayanokouji-kun right?"

Aomine: "I dunno bout Ayanokouji and Horikita, but Miyake and I were buddies."

Sakura: "Really?"

Right now, she could at least make conversation with him. Sakura doesn't know why, but she isn't feeling uncomfortable talking with him.

Aomine: "You're here taking pictures right? Can I help? I could at least help you snap some good pics."

Sakura: "Yeah. But that's a little..."

Sakura wanted to refuse. Letting someone take pictures of her is kinda embarrassing, especially if the one taking it was a classmate.

Aomine: "I see, if there's anything you need help with just tell me. Can we exchange phone numbers?"

Sakura: "Okay."

Now she got multiple phone numbers from girls. In fact, most of it were girls.






It was in an isolated building. Aomine together with Sakura behind him, is confronting with three people.

Aomine and Sakura decided to go down after talking together, when suddenly these people came and block their way.

One thing lead to another and it got into a fight.

The girl behind him couldn't help but shake in fear. Her knees trembling, like a newly born fawn.

???: "What? That bitch really felt that good?"

???: "Seriously couldn't even keep your dick in your pants huh, Aomine?"

He clenched his fist, the brows in his face met.

Aomine: "Hey, do you really think I would let you off spouting crap to her like that? Who do you think you are?"

Just by his tone of words alone, anyone could tell he's pissed. Sakura behind him is getting worried about the situation escalating further.

Aomine: "If you don't apologize to her, then I'm gonna beat the shit out of you. Till you're sorry. Nobody's gonna badmouth her like that."

???: "Heh, do you think we care?"

???: "I don't give a shit bout that, jackass. Just because you're good in basketball, think you're hot shit now huh? Skipping practice and all crap."

They keep spouting out provocative words that could easily get hotheaded idiots in a fight.

???: "If you wanna make us apologize, then take us out by force!"

???: """ORAAAAA!!!"""

The three of them immediately dashed straight towards him with malicious intents.

Despite looking so pissed off, Aomine already judged accordingly to the situation. There's something off about these three.

Aomine: "Sakura, stay back."

Sakura: "Eh? Ok."

Three people coming at him at once. Fighting multiple opponents at once increases difficulty exponentially. But that's nothing for him.

He used Internal Energy to his eyes. With that his eyesight enhanced for a hundred times. He could practically see seconds into the future. Similar to Akashi's Emperor Eyes.

He dodged the first attack at the slightest movements and countered on his chin. Next he sent a knee on the second guy. And lastly he punched the last one through his gut.

Aomine: "Then I'll go ahead and do that."

All of those happened in a split second. It was perfectly and cleanly executed. There aren't any visible injuries either that they could use against him.

Aomine: "Now... What to do from here..."

A sense of gloom made to his thoughts.

Aomine: "Well, I'm sure it'll work out..."

Aomine left them on the ground.

Aomine: 'Someone must've planned this shit... I have a bad feeling about this...'

He already noticed earlier that there aren't any CCTV cameras in here. So for this idiots to come here, was too much of a coincidence.

Sakura: "Aomine-kun... D-did you get hurt anywhere?"

Aomine: "I'm fine. And what with that?"

He could see that Sakura is holding her camera.

Sakura: "Ah... This is... I took a video."

Aomine: "A video? For what?"

Sakura: "Uh, I think I have the feeling that I should... I wonder why?"

Sakura gave him a vague answer.

Aomine: "I see, that's fine. If the guy behind all this is scheming something, that would be a strong evidence."

Sakura: "Isn't that..."

Aomine: "Don't worry about it. Can you send this to me later?"

Sakura: "Okay."

And so they left those three knocked unconscious.

Aomine made sure that they will be unconscious for several hours. So whoever planned this, would have some troubles if they don't come to him.






It was the day of another month. That means students of the school would recieve Private Points depending on the amount of Class Points they had.

Aomine just arrived in the classroom and saw Horikita was already there.

Aomine: "Hey, about our date."

Horikita: "I'm free this Sunday, that would be fine right?"

Aomine: "Ugh..."

He got flustered by her immediate reply.

Horikita: "What's with that face?"

Aomine: "...It's unexpected you'll accept it that easily. I thought you'd feigning ignorance."

Horikita: "To you, do I look like person who broke her promises?"

Aomine: "I could see that."

Because of that answer, she glared at him.

Still it wasn't like Aomine's desperately trying to make her as a girlfriend. Going out together having fun with a beautiful girl during a weekend, would be any adolescent young man's dream.

In this school, he didn't have any motivation to Climb up to Class A or anything. Living the life of a high school student the best as he can. Studies, Sports, Romance, enjoying his student life to the fullest.

Chabashira: "Good morning, everyone. You all seem more restless than usual today."

Chabashira-sensei strode into the classroom as the homeroom bell rang.

Ike: "Sae-chan-sensei! Do we have zero points again this month?! When I checked this morning, I didn't see a single point deposited into my account!"

Chabashira: "Oh, so that's why you're all so restless?"

Ike: "We worked ourselves half to death this past month! We passed the midterm, so why are we still at zero points?! No one's been late or absent, and no one's talked during class, either!"

Aomine totally agreed. To secure the promised date with Horikita, he nearly died milking out dry all of his Internal Energy to study nonstop without a wink of sleep.

After he got sick and recovered though, his Internal Energy increases exponentially which is a huge boon.

If before he study 10x more efficiently, now he got it like 100x more. Of course the risk outweighs the benefits, he could've died.

Chabashira: "Don't jump to conclusions. Listen to what I have to say first. You're correct, Ike. You have all worked harder than ever before. I recognize that. Naturally, the school understands full well how you all feel."

After being admonished by the teacher, Ike shut his mouth and sat back down.

Chabashira: "Well then. Without further ado, here are this month's point totals."

She put a paper up on the board that listed the point values, starting with Class A at the top. Excluding Class D, all of the other classes had nearly 100 more points than last month. Class A now sat at 1004 points, slightly above where everyone had started when they were admitted.

Horikita: "This isn't good. Could they have figured out a way to increase their point total?!"

Aomine: "You don't say..."

The students in Class D didn't care about the other classes' Class Points only looking at their own.

Then it was written...

Class D: 90 points

Ike: "Huh? Wait, 90? Does that mean we actually went up? Yahoo!"

Ike excitedly jumped up and down the instant he saw Class D's score.

Horikita: "It's too early to celebrate. All the other classes saw a similar increase in their points. We didn't close the distance at all. This might just be a reward first-year students receive for getting through the midterm. Every class seems to have gotten at least 100 points."

Ayanokouji: "So that's what happened. I thought it odd that we'd been awarded points so quickly."

Horikita, who hoped to reach Class A, didn't appear pleased with the result. She wasn't smiling.

Ayanokouji: "Are you disappointed because the gap between the classes has widened, Horikita?"

Horikita: "No, that's not it. We managed to get something this time, after all."

Ike: "Get something? Get what?"

He asked standing. Attracting the attention from the class. Though Horikita doesn't seem interested on answering his question.

Aomine: "It means we didn't get the demerits we get from being late and talking in class."

Aomine who's beside Horikita answered. As always he rested his jaw in his hands slouching lazily.

Ike: "Ah, is that so? I suppose that even if we got 100 points, a lot of deductions would've brought us down to zero."

Ike, after this simple explanation, raised his arms in victory.

Ike: "Wait. But then, why didn't we get any points?"

He lobbed his original question again at Chabashira-sensei. It was indeed strange that they hadn't received 8700 private points in their accounts.

Chabashira: "Well, this time there was a little trouble. The first-year students' point distribution has been delayed. I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait a bit longer."

Ike: "Huh? Seriously? If this is the school's fault, then shouldn't we get some kind of bonus as compensation?"

The students grumbled in discontent. Once they found out that they would be getting their points, their attitudes had changed dramatically. There was a significant difference between 87 points and 0 points.

Chabashira: "Don't blame me. This was the school's decision, there's nothing I can do about it. Once the trouble has been resolved, you'll receive your points. If there are still points left, that is."






Once lunchtime came around, as always the students began inviting out each other. Especially with Kushida who already made friends with mostly everyone in class.

People had grouped together with their friends. But there were some who were by themselves too.

Miyake: "Let's go at the cafeteria together?"

Aomine didn't seem to hear him, dazed looking at a certain classmate. It was a plain looking girl known by the boys in class for having big boobs.

Miyake: "Hey."

Aomine: "Hm? Akito huh. Whatssup?"

Miyake: "It's already lunchtime. Let's go."

Aomine: "Sorry. I got something in my mind for a bit."

Aomine went together with Miyake as always. When they passed by Sakura's desk, he got an idea.

Aomine: "Sakura, do you wanna eat with us?"

Sakura: "...A-A-Aomine-kun?"

Miyake, and the other students who remained in the room looked at them. Sakura is well known to be a plain and gloomy girl. No one ever tried inviting her out to eat lunch together, not until Aomine did.

Miyake: "What are you doing?"

Aomine: "It should be fine right? Sakura is always by herself."

Miyake: "Well I have no problems."

As always, Miyake doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

Sakura: "Sorry, but that's a little..."

Aomine: "Okay, sorry for troubling you. Let's go Akito."

And they went to eat lunch. It was a shame that Sakura refused, but he's testing if she would be comfortable talking with him in class.

And it seems that she's not comfortable. So he took into mind, not to talk with her.