
Twenty million points

Chabashira: "Aomine. I have to talk to you about something. Come to the faculty room."

Aomine got a rough idea on the reason why he's been called out. It should be about yesterday when he beat those guys from Class C. The person scheming behind the scenes should have used the incident to attack him.

It should be no problem after he got the video from Sakura. He was fortunate that Sakura recorded the fight, or else he would be in the risk of suspension.

Aomine: "Alright Sae-chan-sensei."




Class C didn't complain to the school about it, but they're only spreading bad rumors about him. Chabashira-sensei only called him to confirm wether the rumors are true or not, which he showed concrete evidence.

During that time, he called the infirmary that a bunch of Class C students is on the ground unconscious. With the help of the testimony of the school nurse, it solidified his claim that he wasn't the one who cause their exaggerated injuries. The one pulling behind the strings must be the one who deliberately did it to them.

After he submitted the video the evidence that he got to prove that it was self defense, he is going back home bored. The school had decided that the action he took was legitimate self defense.

Aomine: "Jeez, those might have outsmarted me. But I outsmarted their outsmarting."

He grinned while saying a certain manga character's lines. He might not look like it, but he's the type that will be easily influenced by his hobbies.

An example would be his encounter with a basketball sports manga, and ended up making a basketball club in middle school. Even his physical abilities were caused of the inspiration of all the shonen manga he reads since childhood. Especially when those protagonists undergo training arcs.

Aomine: "My plan is so perfect I scare myself fuhaha..."

He made a face that shouldn't be shown to anyone. Or else they would think of him as a weirdo.




Days continued to pass by...

One day an argument in class happened, in which Aomine didn't really care to butt in as he was too lazy.

Ike: "I do think our points are important. They're tied to our motivation, right? So, I will defend our class points to my last breath. Even if it's only 90 points."

Hirata: "I understand how you feel. However, it can be dangerous to cling to our points and lose sight of reality. The most important thing is to treasure our friends as much as possible."

As always, Hirata was too much if a goody two shoes.

Karuizawa: "I think what you're saying is reasonable, Hirata-kun, but I still want my points. The students in Class A get nearly 100,000 points every month. I'm super envious of them. There are girls in their class who buy lots of stylish clothes and accessories. Aren't we just the bottom of the barrel compared to them?"

Karuizawa's legs dangled over her desk. People looked bitter when she pointed out the stark difference between their classes. Especially how wide the gap between them.

Ike: "Why couldn't I have been in Class A from the start? If I were in Class A, I'd probably be loving every second of my student life."

Karuizawa: "I wish I was in A, too. I'd be doing so much fun stuff with my friends."

Now the class is in discussion. They wondered if there are any special method to change classes.

Soon Chabashira entered the class and found the discussion interesting.

Chabashira: "I told you on the day you arrived. I said there's nothing you cannot buy with your points at this school. In other words, you can change classes by using your personal points."

Ike: "S-seriously! How many points do we need to save up to do that?!"

Chabashira: "Twenty million. Do your best to conserve points. Do that, and you can enter whichever class you like."

After hearing that absurdly high number, Ike tumbled out of his chair.

Ike: "Did you just say twenty million? That's impossible, though!"

Everyone in the class started booing disappointed.

Chabashira: "Normally yes, it would be impossible. However, as it's an avenue to Class A, it's naturally expensive. If I were reduce the number by one digit, there would probably be over 100 people in Class A come graduation. Then there'd be no point to our system."

Even by maintaining our monthly allotment of 100,000 points, that still wouldn't be an easy number to reach.

Horikita: "Just out of curiosity, has anyone successfully changed their class like this before?"

Now that there was a useful information, Horikita seized the opportunity to dig in more.

Chabashira: "Unfortunately, no. No one has done it before. The reason why is as clear as day. Even if you perfectly maintain your class points upon starting school here, after three years you'd only have 3.6 million. Class A could raise points enough to reach four million. Normally, you simply wouldn't be able to do it."

Ike: "So, doesn't that just mean it's impossible?"

Chabashira: "It's almost impossible. However, that does not mean it actually is."

Horikita: "May I ask one question, please?"

The watchful Horikita raised her hand. She looked quite determined, considering this was a potential road to Class A on her own.

Horikita: "What is the highest number of points that a student has saved since the opening of this school? I'm just asking for the sake of reference."

Chabashira: "A very good question, Horikita. About three years ago, one student from Class B saved nearly 12 million points before graduating."

Ike: "T-twelve million?! A student from Class B?!"

Chabashira: "He was expelled before graduation, however, so he was unable to save those 20 million points in the end. He was engaged in a large-scale fraudulent operation to save up points."

Horikita: "Fraudulent?"

Chabashira: "He took advantage of the newly admitted first-year students who didn't yet understand the system. He went to them one by one and scammed points out of them, so he could reach the 20 million points necessary to move to Class A. There was no way the school could overlook such reckless actions, however. I don't think that his goal was particularly bad, but people who break the rules must be punished."

That was more than a mere anecdote. That story made the possibility of success sound truly impossible.

Horikita: "So, you're saying that even if we were to use criminal methods, 12 million points is about the limit?"

Chabashira: "Give up on that method. Strive to save up your points responsibly."

Horikita returned to reading, likely feeling idiotic for bothering to raise her hand at all.

Chabashira: "Oh, that reminds me. None of you have gotten any points yet from club activities, have you? Aomine, from what I've heard you're already a regular player."

Ike: "Woah! As expected of Aomine!"

Kushida: "A regular as a first year, that's amazing!"

Yamauchi: "Heh, I would become a regular whichever club I join."

This was the first time the class had heard this news. Aomine isn't the type to talk about his club activities to anyone after all.

Aomine: "That's right... I did get points, why did you ask?"

Ike: "Huh? What do you mean? How?"

Chabashira: "There are cases where individuals may win points based on their efforts in club activities, or their degree of participation. For example, if someone in a calligraphy club were to win a contest, they could receive corresponding points for that award."

This new information took everyone aback.

Ike: "Y-you mean we can get points for participating in clubs?!"

Chabashira: "Yes. The other classes should have already been well informed of this."

Ike: "Wh-what the hell? That's so mean! Why didn't you tell us earlier?!"

Chabashira: "I simply forgot, sorry. However, extracurricular activities aren't there just as a way to earn points. So it shouldn't make any difference when you learned this information."

She said without a hint of shame for her mistakes.

Aomine already started thinking about something. If he win the Inter High this summer and the Winter Cup at winter(lol), how much points could he get?

He didn't really have any interest on gaining Class Points and reaching Class A. Gaining Private Points will be his first priority, than Class Points.

Aomine: 'Still, twenty million points huh...'

Next chapter