
(HIATUS) There's no way I gain their abilities if they like me.

———————— Dive into a world where American movies and dramas come alive, as Mike embarks on a thrilling journey. Guided by a mysterious system. ———————— Currently TV Shows and Movies: Big Bang Theory Fast and Furious John Wick Parker (2013) Saw . … ———————— MTL Link: [https://www.-----69shu.com/txt/ 9----9625-------43.ht-----m] ————————

RagingDebtColektor · Movies
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56 Chs

Who's the Heir?

Mike took the stack of materials and headed to the science group, where he found Sheldon and the others.

Holding the stack of materials in his hands, Mike addressed Sheldon, saying, " Sheldon, I need your help. This is information about Jigsaw. I hope you can assist me in analyzing it and finding any clues and inconsistencies. We need to determine who Jigsaw's apprentice is. It's going to be an intellectual showdown between you and Jigsaw."

Sheldon's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the materials, a mix of curiosity and skepticism crossing his face. "Jigsaw, you say? An intriguing puzzle indeed. Very well, I shall lend you my expertise, but let it be known that I am doing so solely for the sake of intellectual curiosity and not for any personal gain or excitement."

Leonard, Howard, and Rajesh also joined the group, eager to contribute their insights.

After a while, Mike pretended to beep first and identified Amanda Young from Saw II as a potential suspect.

Sheldon stared at Mike with a mix of curiosity and disbelief.

With their high intelligence, they had only managed to review 30% of the information.

Sheldon asked Mike, "Why Amanda?"

"Because she's a survivor, and I've been tracking Jigsaw ever since his escape. I suspect that she might be Jigsaw's apprentice, considering the intense brainwashing and control she must have undergone," Mike explained confidently.

Meanwhile, Sheldon made a significant discovery of his own. He turned to Mike and said, "Based on my calculations, there's an 82.37% probability that Amanda fits the criteria. If your analysis is correct, Amanda is a survivor. John Kramer, or Jigsaw, suffered from an illness in recent months. It seems unlikely that he would have discovered Amanda through friends or relatives. That leaves us with the possibility of a family connection."

Sheldon continued, "As for the other survivors, one died from leg hemorrhage due to barbed wire, and another burned to death. Amanda survived because she found the key. Now, let's analyze who else is a survivor. This man named Hoffman seems to have different motives, enjoying the cruel process rather than offering education. The case we're dealing with is purely about revenge. Therefore, it's possible that Hoffman either sought Jigsaw's guidance or designed the games himself, making him a potential apprentice."

Both Mike and Leonard had also arrived at the same conclusion. As the four of them delved deeper into the information, the room fell silent, interrupted only by the sound of flipping through books.

Leonard added to the discussion, "So, does that mean all the survivors should be on guard, including Gordon?"

Mike's anxiety grew, prompting him to make a phone call to the police station.

He dialed the number and asked urgently, "Director, how's Jigsaw?"

The director responded, "He seems to be fine!"

"Take a look again, please," Mike urged.

The director quickly inspected the situation and replied, "He's still there!"

Mike felt a wave of relief wash over him.

He informed the director, "We need to apprehend two people: Amanda, the first survivor, and Detective Hoffman. Additionally, we need to monitor Dr. Gordon."

The director reacted with surprise, exclaiming, "Detective Hoffman?"

"That's correct! We suspect he might have designed one of the games," Mike explained.

The director, now flustered, realized that the murderer was in their midst.

However, without concrete evidence, he couldn't make an arrest.

Sensing the urgency of the situation, Mike decided to take matters into his own hands.

He declared to the group, "You guys stay here and keep an eye on things. I'll return to Westwood County. I can't shake off the feeling that Jigsaw might escape."

With that, Mike raced back to Westwood County, arriving at the director's office.

He leaned closer and whispered a plan to the director.

Deciding it was no longer safe at the police station, Mike brought Jigsaw to an apartment, with the police providing coverage.

Unbeknownst to them, a man observing from a distance smirked at the sight of Jigsaw being taken out of the police station.

Simultaneously, in a dilapidated apartment, a woman watched the scene without displaying any emotion, her lips moving in silent prayer.

Mike kept Jigsaw close at all times, as he believed the police station was no longer secure.

Having spent considerable time together, Jigsaw broke the silence, saying, "I think you are perfectly suited to be the game's designer."

He regarded Mike with admiration.

After their prolonged interaction, Jigsaw had come to understand Mike's character and behavior, leading to increased admiration for him.

"You see, people often lack respect for life. They require someone like us to design these games to make them value their lives. Every minute of life is precious. But what do some people do? They indulge in drugs, commit evil acts, treat life indifferently, or even contemplate suicide. These individuals need to be punished and taught the value of life," Jigsaw explained.

Mike responded firmly, "Hold on a moment! I understand what you mean, but everyone has their own way of choosing how to live. You can't impose your life philosophy on others. The value of life isn't solely measured by its duration but by its inherent worth. It's just one perspective. Some people may find value in other pursuits. The important thing is that no one else should decide their fate. It's like forcing someone to drink against their will."

"In that case, those people need to learn the value of life, for only when they understand its worth can they truly respect it," Jigsaw stated, raising his voice.

Mike rebutted, "Your definition of value may not necessarily be correct. You can't predict the future or determine what lies ahead. You don't know what the future holds."

The two engaged in a heated argument, during which Jigsaw's admiration for Mike grew.

Despite their differing viewpoints, Jigsaw respected Mike's unwavering principles.

Jigsaw continued his attempts to persuade Mike, offering alluring incentives, but Mike remained steadfast.

During this exchange, Mike realized that Jigsaw often sought out survivors as potential successors in his games.

As a survivor himself, Mike fit the criteria.

Mike firmly declared to Jigsaw, "I will never do what you do. You have no right to decide the life or death of others. Your actions are not acts of education but murder. They only serve to satisfy your perverse desires. Look at what your games have achieved: either death or broken individuals. The result is nothing but terror."

Mike's words resonated strongly, emphasizing his firm stance against Jigsaw's twisted ideology.

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