
(HIATUS) There's no way I gain their abilities if they like me.

———————— Dive into a world where American movies and dramas come alive, as Mike embarks on a thrilling journey. Guided by a mysterious system. ———————— Currently TV Shows and Movies: Big Bang Theory Fast and Furious John Wick Parker (2013) Saw . … ———————— MTL Link: [https://www.-----69shu.com/txt/ 9----9625-------43.ht-----m] ————————

RagingDebtColektor · Movies
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Misunderstandings and Bonds

Mike was still deliberating whether to go there, but Vince couldn't tolerate the situation anymore and planned to confront Mike.

"Mike, I like Mia!" Vince exclaimed.

"I know that!" Mike had known for a long time that Vince liked Mia, ever since he saw the movie where Vince sacrificed himself for Don and Mia.

"Okay, let me make it clearer—I'm not interested in men," Vince said seriously, looking at Mike.

Mike was instantly petrified. No wonder Vince's feelings towards him had been fluctuating like a roller coaster.

It turned out that his behavior had led Vince to believe that he was gay. But how could he have known?

"I also like women and I'm not interested in men, but I don't understand where you got the idea that I'm gay," Mike replied, puzzled by the misunderstanding.

"Mia mentioned that you seemed repulsed by women and disliked them bothering you. But you seemed very enthusiastic towards men, especially me," Vince explained, a bit embarrassed.

Seeing Mike's expression, Vince realized that he and Mia had probably misunderstood the situation.

Mike said in clarification, "Alright, let me explain. The reason I seemed distant from women is that I dislike being stalked by them. My ex-girlfriends broke up with me, but they continue to pester me unreasonably. So when I said I didn't want them around, I said it in frustration."

Mike continues " As for my enthusiasm, it's because I enjoy making friends. I like to hang out, and share meals and drinks with friends. I truly enjoy meeting new people from different backgrounds—it's fascinating to me. It's like befriending a group of Frankensteins. Sometimes I may not express myself well, but I find it intriguing. And Vince, I find you interesting too. I'm always willing to help my friends," Mike explained honestly, omitting the mention of his system's influence.

Instead, he chose to emphasize his genuine curiosity and enjoyment of diverse friendships.

"Then why did you come over alone to give me chicken wings earlier?" Vince asked.

"That's because I felt there might be a misunderstanding between us," Mike clarified.

Now Vince understood why he had been treated differently. It was all because of his own behavior, which had led Mike to believe there was something against him.

"Okay! Let me say it solemnly once again—I'm only interested in women. It was a mistake on my part," Vince sincerely apologized to Mike.

"It's okay, perhaps my personality is easily misunderstood. But now it's all sorted out, and the misunderstanding is resolved," Mike reassured him, extending a bottle toward Vince.

Meanwhile, on the other side, John was engaged in a conversation with Dom. Seeing the dwindling barbecue on the table, Mike returned to the grill to continue cooking.

At the same time, Mia and Brian were engaged in their own conversation. Sensing that Mike's barbecue might save the situation, Mike joined in to lend a hand.

"Your barbecue is really delicious," Mia complimented.

"Thank you! What do you prefer? I can grill more of it. We can chat once I'm done cooking," Mike offered, intending to clear up the misunderstanding with Mia.

"I prefer beef skewers," Mia replied.


With skilled precision, Mike finished another round of grilling, and then he sat down with Mia, each of them holding a few skewers of beef.

"I just wanted to clarify something for you. Firstly, I'm not gay. Secondly, it's not that I dislike girls, but I'm just not into pursuing them. I believe in fate and let things happen naturally. The reason I seemed distant from women before was because of their persistent pursuit, which I find unappealing. And lastly, I'm not interested in Vince or anyone else in a romantic way. I simply enjoy making friends and connecting with people who have different personalities. It brings me a sense of comfort and fulfillment," Mike explained earnestly.

"I thought you were gay before, so I wasn't interested in girls and even felt a bit repulsed," Mia confessed, feeling embarrassed about her assumptions.

"It's alright. Now that the misunderstanding is cleared up, there's no need to look at me differently," Mike said, flashing a friendly smile.

Meanwhile, Mike walked over to John and joined the conversation with Dom. They discussed cars and car skills, a topic that they all shared a passion for.

John had a long-lost smile on his face. Sometimes, he simply needed like-minded friends who understood him.

Deep down, John still yearned for excitement, and his adventurous spirit could draw him back into the world of assassins.

Dom also engaged in conversation with Mike, curious about his extensive knowledge of car skills but lack of understanding in car modifications.

Dom couldn't comprehend how someone skilled in driving wouldn't know about car modifications.

Little did Dom know that Mike's driving skills were all thanks to Mia, he extracted [Top-level Car Skills] from her and he had no knowledge of car modifications.

As the party came to a close, everyone parted ways happily. Before leaving, Brian hugged Mike and said, "You will always be my friend. If I ever get tired, I know I can come back here. Your door is always open, thank you, Mike"

"You too, brother," Mike responded warmly as Brian departed, planning to start a new chapter in Miami.

Mia and Dom helped pack up the party supplies together. Dom remarked, "This party was truly amazing!" He smiled at Mike, causing an inexplicable unease in him. Why was he so fixated on Dom? What was the boss up to?

Mia chimed in, "The food was incredible. Now I'm worried my cooking won't meet my brother's expectations since you've spoiled their taste buds." She teased playfully.

Laughter filled the air.

Letty watched the scene unfold with a smile on her face. The warmth and camaraderie made her feel genuinely content.

At the same time, Letty recognized Mike as a true friend deep in her heart. She observed the interactions, appreciating the bond they had formed.