
(HIATUS) There's no way I gain their abilities if they like me.

———————— Dive into a world where American movies and dramas come alive, as Mike embarks on a thrilling journey. Guided by a mysterious system. ———————— Currently TV Shows and Movies: Big Bang Theory Fast and Furious John Wick Parker (2013) Saw . … ———————— MTL Link: [https://www.-----69shu.com/txt/ 9----9625-------43.ht-----m] ————————

RagingDebtColektor · Movies
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56 Chs

Facing Jigsaw

After assessing the state of the supposed dead man, Mike revealed that he had deduced the man from the VHS tapes' true identity as Jigsaw.

He explained to Gordon, "I knew that perverts often have perverted desires to observe others. So, I guessed that this person is Jigsaw. Otherwise, why would there be a random person lying here without any respect for life?"

Gordon's expression shifted to one of sudden realization as he comprehended Mike's deduction.

Meanwhile, Mike pondered how he could free Gordon from the chains.

Realizing that the saw was ineffective, he decided to search for other tools.

[E/N: Bro I think he can break the chains with his bare hands, wtf is he on]

"I'll go find something to free you," Mike assured Gordon, leaving him behind.

Gordon watched as Mike walked away, feeling a mix of agitation and hope.

He feared being abandoned but clung to the belief that Mike would fulfill his promise to protect his wife and daughter.

He even contemplated the possibility of amputating his own leg if necessary.

A short while later, Mike returned with an axe and began smashing the pipes bound by iron chains.

With Mike's strength, Gordon was finally able to move forward, while Mike trailed closely behind.

One hand assisted in holding the iron chain, while the other tightly gripped a gun. Mike felt confident that the frail old man wouldn't pose a threat.

During the car ride, Mike contemplated whether he could establish a closer relationship with Jigsaw, 'I mean the skills that he has must be worth something.'

However, he quickly dismissed the idea, acknowledging the danger posed by John Kramer, aka Jigsaw.

As Mike and Gordon made their way through the dark corridors, they could hear the distant sound of footsteps echoing.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, revealing the twisted face of a stranger.

The room fell silent as their eyes locked in a battle of wills.

Mike could sense the danger emanating from a stranger, but his resolve remained unshaken.

Within the place they were in, the only possible person aside from him and Gordon would be Jigsaw himself and the hostages.

Based on the physical build of the stranger it could only be Jigsaw.

The tension in the air grew thicker with each step, knowing that they were drawing closer to a confrontation with Jigsaw.

Without uttering a word, Jigsaw lunged at Mike with a ferocity that belied his frail appearance.

Mike's reflexes kicked in, and he expertly dodged Jigsaw's strikes, countering with precise shots from his gun.

Jigsaw, fueled by a twisted determination, utilized his environment to his advantage, setting traps and obstacles in Mike's path.

But Mike's [God-Level Luck] and [Unique Gun Fighting Technique] allowed him to navigate the deadly maze, dismantling Jigsaw's traps with calculated precision.

The room erupted into a chaotic dance of bullets and evasion.

As the fight reached its climax, Mike unleashed a final barrage of bullets, cornering Jigsaw against a wall. Their eyes locked one last time, a silent acknowledgment of the inevitable.

With a resounding shot, Jigsaw fell to the ground, incapacitated, defeated but not before leaving a lasting impression on Mike.

The room grew still, the only sound being the heavy breathing of the victorious Mike.

As he made his way out of the room, Mike couldn't help but reflect on the encounter with Jigsaw.

He had faced a formidable adversary, someone whose twisted games pushed the boundaries of life and death.

The experience left an indelible mark on his psyche, a reminder of the darkness that lurks within humanity.

Mike then rescued Gordon's wife and daughter, escorting them to the police station.

Subsequently, Mike contacted the director, who eagerly sent officers to apprehend Jigsaw upon learning of Mike's call.

The director recognized the significance of capturing Jigsaw, as it would secure his future promotion and salary increase.

Mike warned the director, "It's not over yet. As far as I know, Jigsaw may have another apprentice."

The director's initially joyful expression quickly turned sour.

He realized the implications of an apprentice and the looming threat it posed to him.

Few people were aware that Mike had captured Jigsaw, making him the primary target for revenge.

Recognizing that he had to rely on Mike to apprehend the apprentice, the director acknowledged his own limitations.

He consoled himself, acknowledging his skill in finding talented individuals, though he wasn't adept at combat.

Mike instructed the director, "I need all the information on anyone who has had contact with Jigsaw, including online interactions and phone records. Examine every aspect of Jigsaw's life, and be cautious of undercover agents within the police station. Limit Jigsaw's contact with strangers as much as possible."

When the director asked why, Mike sighed inwardly, realizing the director's lack of insight.

"Of course, we need to identify Jigsaw's apprentice. Once identified, we must thoroughly investigate anyone they've interacted with. Treat the situation like a highly contagious virus. If even one person is compromised, their relatives, friends, and even entire buildings must be investigated, especially over the past three months. Otherwise, they will use your wife and daughter as leverage to threaten you," Mike explained with a serious tone.

This time, the director didn't respond with a contemptuous smile.

Having been briefed on Jigsaw's horror and Mike's assumptions, the director's face filled with terror.

Mike continued, "If we don't eliminate Jigsaw, he will continue to manipulate you and force you to obey his orders. Your loved ones will be killed by his associates. Eventually, he will play you to death, leaving your loved ones either insane or dead."

The director's forehead glistened with sweat as he swallowed nervously.

Resentful eyes met Mike's gaze, as the director realized his own involvement in the situation, brought about by Mike's provocation.

"Go now! Gather the information on Jigsaw for me as quickly as possible! And, blow up Jigsaw's secret room. Constructing such a room requires substantial time. By destroying it, we can buy ourselves a bit more time," Mike urged, unbothered by the deviation from the original plot, which had already been disrupted by his actions.

With the director commencing the investigation according to Mike's instructions, piles of materials were sent to him.

However, before Mike could delve into the information, the director halted him.

"You can't take these materials with you," the director stated firmly.

Mike reasoned, "I don't want to take them with me, but there is an overwhelming amount of data, and neither of us has the IQ to process it all. I have three or four genius friends who can help analyze the information."

The director responded, "This goes against the rules."

Mike insisted, "I know it goes against the rules, but when will the two of us have the time to go through all this? Showing it to my friends will expedite the investigation. I will take responsibility for whatever happens. We need to identify Jigsaw's next target as soon as possible."

Although the director pointed out that it violated the rules, Mike persisted, "We have to find the murderer quickly. I will take full responsibility for the situation. Let me show the information to my friends. We need to identify Jigsaw's next target."

After much deliberation, the director reluctantly agreed to Mike's proposal, realizing the necessity of expediting the investigation and relying on Mike's abilities.

With the director's approval, piles of materials were sent to Mike. Now, it was time to involve Sheldon and the others to unravel the secrets hidden within the data.