

A retired soldier who has lived a long and fruitful life but is ready to move on to the next. However, as he closes his eyes for the final time, he suddenly wakes up in a strange place. He soon realizes that he has been transmigrated into the [Marvel world] and has taken on the identity of [Jack Hanma].

RagingDebtColektor · Movies
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1: Last Breath

Adonis was a towering figure in the military and the wider world of space exploration. He was renowned for his expertise in piloting spacecraft, and his feats of bravery and skill had become the stuff of legend.

Born into a military family, Adonis had been surrounded by a sense of duty and honor from an early age. He had shown a remarkable talent for piloting from a young age, and his family had nurtured that talent, ensuring that he received the best training and education available.

By the time he had joined the military, Adonis was already a prodigy. He had quickly risen through the ranks, earning a reputation as one of the most skilled pilots in the fleet. His ability to navigate complex space environments and handle the most advanced spacecraft had earned him the respect and admiration of his fellow soldiers.

But Adonis's achievements went far beyond his skill as a pilot. He was also known for his unwavering sense of duty and his selfless willingness to put himself in harm's way to protect his fellow soldiers and his country.

In the face of daunting challenges and impossible odds, Adonis had always remained calm and focused, relying on his exceptional skills and his unwavering sense of purpose to overcome whatever obstacles lay in his path.

His exploits in battle had become the stuff of legend, and his fellow soldiers had come to regard him as a symbol of hope and courage in the face of adversity. His leadership inspired countless soldiers to push themselves to their limits, and his legacy continued to inspire new generations of pilots and soldiers.

In the wider world of space exploration, Adonis's achievements had been no less impressive. He had played a key role in some of the most ambitious and groundbreaking space missions of the day, using his skills to help navigate the complexities of deep space travel and chart new paths for humanity to follow.

Through his achievements and his example, Adonis had become a legend, a towering figure who represented the very best of what humanity could achieve when it put its mind to it. His legacy would endure for generations to come, inspiring new heroes and setting an example for all who would follow in his footsteps.


Adonis was a super genius who had achieved remarkable feats in his military career at a young age. By the age of 25, he had already become one of the most skilled pilots in the entire military. He had flown every type of aircraft imaginable, from fighter jets to transport planes, and had set numerous speed and maneuverability records.

At the age of 30, Adonis was promoted to the rank of captain and was given command of his own squadron. Under his leadership, his squadron achieved an unprecedented record of successful missions and was considered one of the most elite units in the military.

Over the next decade, Adonis continued to excel in his military career, earning numerous medals and commendations for his service. He became known as a tactical mastermind, able to outmaneuver and outsmart even the most advanced enemy forces.

However, at the age of 45, Adonis suffered a severe injury during a mission, forcing him to retire from active duty. Despite this setback, he remained active in the military community, sharing his knowledge and expertise with younger generations.

Throughout his career, Adonis was known not only for his exceptional piloting skills and strategic brilliance but also for his unwavering dedication to his fellow soldiers. He was always willing to put himself in harm's way to protect those under his command and was loved and respected by all who knew him.

Even after his retirement, Adonis remained a legend in the military community, with countless stories and rumors circulating about his exploits. To this day, he is remembered as one of the greatest pilots and military minds of all time, and his legacy continues to inspire future generations of soldiers and pilots alike.


31st-century, Earth


As the gruesome battle raged on, Adonis maneuvered his fighter spacecraft through the debris and flames of the warzone. He could see the twisted, alien ships hovering in the sky, firing their weapons indiscriminately, as explosions rocked the battlefield. His spacecraft was equipped with the latest technology, making it one of the fastest and most agile vehicles in the military fleet.

The cockpit was filled with flashing screens and controls, each one finely tuned to Adonis's specifications. He had spent countless hours customizing every aspect of the craft, from the advanced targeting systems to the state-of-the-art propulsion engine.

Despite the chaos around him, Adonis remained focused and determined, his eyes fixed on the task at hand. The cockpit was silent, except for the hum of the engines and the occasional beep from the onboard computer. He could feel the G-forces pressing against him as he made a sharp turn, narrowly avoiding an incoming barrage of enemy fire.

The craft's hull was coated with a layer of special shielding that protected it from most forms of damage, but Adonis knew that even that wouldn't be enough to withstand a direct hit from the aliens' most powerful weapons.

He took a deep breath, his fingers moving deftly over the controls, as he lined up his target. He could see the portal that led inside the alien ship, glowing in the distance. With a burst of speed, he accelerated towards it, dodging enemy fire as he went.

Adonis knew that this was his moment, his chance to make the ultimate sacrifice to save the world. With a sense of clarity and purpose, he prepared himself for the final push.

Adonis gazed out into the apocalyptic scene that stretched before him. The sky was ablaze with the fires of burning buildings, and the earth shook violently beneath his feet. The screams of the wounded and dying filled the air, drowning out the sound of the alien ships as they swooped low over the battlefield.

"We may be outnumbered and outgunned, but we have something that they don't have - the will to fight for our home and our loved ones. We will not let them take what is ours without a fight," Adonis said, turning to his fellow soldiers.

The soldiers nodded in agreement, determination etched on their faces. Adonis continued, "I know that this battle will be difficult, but we have trained for this. We will use our knowledge and skills to our advantage. We will not go down without a fight."

The soldiers were fighting with everything they had, but it was clear that they were outmatched. The alien weapons cut through their defenses like a hot knife through butter, leaving nothing but carnage and chaos in their wake.

"But sir, they have weapons that we've never seen before. How can we fight against that?" one of the soldiers asked.

"We may not have seen their weapons before, but we know how to adapt and overcome. We will use everything we have at our disposal to win this battle. And if it comes down to it, we will give our lives to protect what is ours," Adonis responded.

Adonis felt a sense of helplessness wash over him, but he knew that he couldn't give up. He gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on the controls of his fighter spacecraft. It was the most advanced piece of technology in the military, and he knew that it was his only hope of turning the tide of the battle.

As he soared through the sky, Adonis could see the desperation in the eyes of his fellow soldiers. They were counting on him to lead them to victory, and he couldn't let them down. He dove towards the nearest alien ship, unleashing a barrage of missiles that exploded against the ship's shields.

The ship shuddered, but it was still intact. Adonis cursed under his breath, knowing that he needed to do more. He gritted his teeth and pulled back on the throttle, hurtling towards the ship at breakneck speed.

The ship fired back with everything it had, but Adonis was too quick. He dodged and weaved, his spacecraft banking sharply as he closed in on the ship's underbelly. With a deafening roar, he unleashed a final volley of missiles that struck the ship's weak point.

The ship exploded in a blinding flash of light, and Adonis was thrown back by the force of the blast. For a moment, he thought that he was done for, but then he felt the comforting embrace of his spacecraft's safety harness.

He looked out at the chaos around him, seeing the other soldiers follow his example and fight back against the invaders with renewed vigor. Adonis knew that they had a chance now, and he felt a surge of pride in his chest.

He knew that the battle was far from over, but he was ready for whatever lay ahead. Adonis was a fighter, and he wasn't about to let the aliens win.

Taking one last look at the world he had fought so hard to protect, Adonis spoke to himself in a voice that was barely above a whisper. "This is it," he said. "This is what I was meant to do."

Adonis's eyes glinted with an intense fire, and his mind was focused solely on the task at hand. He was a man on a mission, and nothing was going to stop him. The chaos around him seemed to fade into the background as he charged forward, his heart pounding with a fierce determination.

With each step he took, Adonis felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He could see the alien ship looming up ahead, and he knew that he had to get to it before it was too late.

The ground shook violently as explosions erupted all around him, but Adonis didn't falter. He knew that this was the moment that would define him as a soldier and a leader.

As he closed in on the ship, he could feel the heat of its engines washing over him. His heart was pounding in his chest, but he refused to let fear take hold. He was a soldier, and he had a job to do.

With a final burst of speed, Adonis launched himself towards the ship, his muscles straining with the effort. He could feel the wind rushing past him as he hurtled through the air, his eyes locked on his target.

And then, just as he reached the ship, he leaped forward with all his might. His body soared through the air, and he could feel the rush of adrenaline as he slammed into the ship's side.

The impact was jarring, but Adonis didn't let it slow him down. He clung to the side of the ship with all his might, his muscles straining with the effort. He could feel the ship shuddering beneath him, and he knew that he was making a difference.

With a fierce roar, Adonis began to climb, his eyes fixed on the alien ship's weak point. He knew that he had to get there, no matter what the cost.

And as he climbed higher and higher, his heart pounding with fierce determination, Adonis knew that he was unstoppable. He was a soldier, and he would fight until his dying breath to protect his home and his fellow soldiers.

As Adonis landed inside the ship, he found himself in a massive chamber filled with rows of strange, glowing pods. At first, he thought they might be some kind of advanced weapon system, but as he got closer, he realized they contained something far more sinister.

The pods were filled with human bodies, floating in a strange, viscous fluid. Adonis's blood ran cold as he realized what the aliens were doing - they were harvesting human beings, turning them into some kind of living fuel for their machines.

With a sense of horror and rage, Adonis knew that he had to act fast. He activated his communicator and relayed the information to the rest of the soldiers. He could hear their shock and disbelief as they received the news, but he could also hear the determination in their voices as they vowed to fight even harder.

Adonis looked back at the pods, filled with the bodies of his fellow humans. He knew that he couldn't let their sacrifice be in vain. With a renewed sense of purpose, he charged forward, determined to put an end to the aliens' evil plans once and for all.

The portal closed behind him, and Adonis was plunged into darkness. He could feel his heart beating faster and faster, and he knew that he was running out of time. But he didn't panic. Instead, he focused all of his energy on the task at hand.

With a roar, Adonis unleashed all of his power, sending a massive blast of energy surging through the ship. He could feel the ship trembling beneath his feet, and he could hear the alien screams of agony as they were destroyed by his attack.

But then, suddenly, the ship began to shake violently. Adonis knew that he had done what he needed to do, but he also knew that he was going to pay the ultimate price. With one final burst of strength, he pushed himself out of the ship and into the void of space.

As he floated away from the ship, Adonis felt a sense of peace wash over him. He knew that he had saved the world and that his sacrifice had not been in vain. But he also knew that he had left behind so many things that he had always taken for granted.

In his final moments, Adonis spoke once more, this time with a sense of regret and acceptance.

"I wish I could have seen the world at peace," he said. "I wish I could have read all the books and seen all the movies. But I guess this was always my destiny. I just hope that the world can continue on without me."

As his consciousness began to fade, Adonis felt a sense of closure. He had lived a life of purpose, and he had given everything he had to protect the world he loved. It was time for him to rest now, and he did so with a sense of peace.

The universe would go on without him, but Adonis had left his mark. He had shown the world what it meant to be a true hero, and he had proven that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.

And with that, Adonis took his last breath, his body drifting off into the endless expanse of space.

But even as he faded away, his legacy lived on, inspiring generations to come and reminding them of the true meaning of sacrifice.


As news of Adonis's sacrifice spread throughout the world, people everywhere mourned the loss of a hero. The streets were filled with people paying their respects, and countless monuments and memorials were erected in his honor.

But Adonis's legacy extended far beyond the physical world. His selfless act inspired a new generation of heroes, who were willing to put their lives on the line to protect their planet.

And in the years that followed, humanity began to work together like never before. Borders were torn down, and nations put aside their differences to face the threats that lay ahead.

Adonis's sacrifice had brought the world together, and it had given them the strength they needed to face whatever challenges came their way. For generations to come, his name would be remembered as a symbol of hope, courage, and sacrifice.

And as humanity continued to explore the vast expanse of space, they knew that Adonis was out there, watching over them, and guiding them toward a brighter future.