
(Going to be rewritten and republished)Scroll Originators Journey

(I'm going to be rewrite and republish the novel. So sadly no more updates) Hendrix Alford, a broken old man who suffered from dwarfism, had been betrayed by his fiancée in the most terrible ways. He had been forced to endure her twisted horrors for over a century until his eventual and painful death at one hundred and twenty-five years old. Hendrix's soul thought he would finally find peace in the afterlife, but fate had other plans. He would be reborn in a new body on an alternate Earth. Little did he know that his reincarnation would be the start of a grueling tribulation. ------‐---‐------‐------ I welcome constructive criticism. I will upload a chapter every day unless some real life situation comes up Additional Tags. #Multiple Leads #System #Horror #r18

Stygian_Monarch · Games
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97 Chs

Rewards and Despair

[Would you like to see your rewards?]

'Yes, please.' Hendrix asked.

[Your talent has been customized based on your characteristics. Due to your unique circumstance, you acquired two unique customized talents.]

[Scroll Originator and Myth Manifester are your talents, and each has a corresponding class of the same name you'll automatically unlock.]

[You have acquired the unique skill Tribulation Training Ground]

[Reward type: Unique Passive skill.]

'Can I pass on? May I forget all my horrible memories? Please, can this all happen?' Hendrix asked in his mind in hope.

[You have acquired four unique curses.]

[The curse of Immortality]

[The curse of the unforgettable]

[The curse of Majesty]

[Hated by mana curse]

'Wait, please tell me this is a joke.' Hendrix thought.

[No, it's not a joke. You are now immortal, and you can't forget anything, including your horrible memories. The curse of Majesty makes you get attention, and the hated by mana curse is self-explanatory.]

Hendrix's gaze turned lifeless while staring into the darkness.

'How do curses work?' Hendrix asked, feeling helpless and empty.

[Curses will either be a downside to your talent or will keep you from obtaining your desires.]

'Tell me my other information, please.' Hendrix asked while accepting the reality bitterly.

[You have acquired the blessing of freedom]

After Hendrix received the blessing, faint laughter sounded throughout the empty void.

'Please tell me the description of each curse, Guide.'

[The curse of immortality: This curse will not let the user die. The user can live even if all the user's organs cease functioning. If someone eradicates the user's body, It will take a day to reconstruct it. You will enter a dark realm for the duration. Once done, you will return to your body. This curse makes the user become LIVING DEAD, a unique species.

The Curse of the Unforgettable: This curse will force the user to remember everything they see, read, and experience from the past, present, and future. It's impossible to erase, alter, seal, or otherwise meddle with the user's memories alone or with outside help. There is one unknown exception. You will frequently have hallucinations that show your worst fear appearing. They happen once a month.

The curse of Majesty: This curse will make the user extremely likely to be in the spotlight. Things that are extremely bad and good simultaneously will happen to the user, like a mighty double-edged sword.

Hated by Mana Curse: The user is unable to use magic. Magic does double damage to the user while the user does half damage to any magic item or spell.]

'Hahahaha!' Hendrix laughed In his mind while breaking mentally inside after he read his curses, feeling he'd live miserably for eternity.

[Do you want to see the Blessing you acquired, Hendrix?]

'Yes, I would. Please show me.' Hendrix thought lifelessly, hating he couldn't head to the afterlife or lose his memories.

[The blessing of Freedom: This blessing makes the user immune to being enslaved, their soul ripped out, their body taken over, or other methods that take away free will in their mind, soul, or body. They can also refuse any quest they don't want to do.]

'This is good information.' Hendrix thought while weakly looking at it.

[You have earned two achievements usable outside the Tribulation.]

[Obelisk Tenacity and Citadel Calamity.]

'I can look at their descriptions later. Please continue showing me the rewards I earned.' Hendrix lifelessly asked.

[Your scroll Originator and Myth Manifester talents have caused two new entities to be born.]

[You have created an Unnamed hybrid fighting style in the Tribulation. It has two halves you can use independently or in unison.]

[Would you like to name it?]


'Let's name it Jaquchi.'


[You have polished your fighting skills over millennia against opponents, often more robust than yourself and as an average human. Due to this, your foundational mastery of this technique breaks the laws of reality.

You created a new level of Mastery. It's called Paradoxical Mastery.]

[Due to your Mastery reaching this level, two new affinities have been created in the crown world. You have unlocked them and can choose which sentient species can use them. And you can block sentients from having these affinities.

You have changed the world forever as varmints, resources, and other things will appear with these affinities.]

[The two affinities you unlocked are Math and Entropy Affinity.]

'Wait, I have that much authority?!' Hendrix asked in shock, having a hard time processing this.

[Yes, you have, your feats as a normal human being broke the laws of reality]

'Alright, I understand. Please block all sentients but me from having these affinities, please.' Hendrix replied, wanting another trump card only he could use.


[Due to you having the scroll Originator class, you have been given three additional rewards.

[Bio mass from the Bone Monarch, Necromechanical Terror, and the Trikatrira worm have been given. You can use these to create your custom creature by combining them.]

'Hmm, ill see later what I can do with these.' Hendrix thought, wondering if any more notifications were coming.

[You have earned the Tribulation Prodigy and Entity master titles.]

[Because of their rank, you have acquired two medallions.]

'What are Eternal Medallions?' Hendrix asked, baffled and curious about their use.

[Eternal Medallions are a currency earned from gaining Archaic ranked titles, completing Archaic rank quests, or anything similar.]

'Alright, what can I use these on?'

[You can use these in the Eternal medallion shop. This one is exclusive to you. Now please browse.]

Hendrix began browsing through the list.

[Shop items

All things in this shop cost one Eternal Medallion.

-Achievement Hiding

-False Status

-Stat Physiques



'Please show me the Achievement Hiding and Flase Status options.'


[Achievement Hiding: This passive skill keeps all significant accomplishments from being broadcasted in the crown world. Players and natives will not know of your exploits, Including hiding your achievements and exploits from those with systems, gold fingers, and other cheats.

False Status: This skill allows you to customize the status others see if they use identification skills or other methods to look at your status, including deceiving those with systems, gold fingers, and other cheats.]

'I'll buy those. I have too many secrets no one needs to know.' Hendrix thought, not wanting anyone to know about his Immortality. He might be used as an XP farm, sent on suicide missions, or for human experimentation.



Name: Hendrix Alford

Title(s): Reincarnated, Tribulation Prodigy, and Entity Master.

Achievement(s): Obelisk Tenacity and Citadel Calamity.

Alignment: Primal, Chaotic(Unconsciously)

Main Class: Myth Manifester

Auxiliary Class: Scroll Originator

Subclass: 1/2/3/4/5 (All empty)

Talent: Scroll Originator and Myth Manifester.

Species: Living Dead(Unique)

Affinities: Math and Entropy Affinity.

Level: 0

Stat bars

Vigor: 5

Mana: 0

Stamina: 5

Soul Power: 5

Mental Power: 5

Adrenaline: 2

Crit Strike Rate: 1%

Crit Strike Damage bonus: 1%

Lifetime: 16/125 years

True age: 8,125 years old

Normal Stats

Vitality: 0.1

Constitution: 0.1

Intelligence: 1

Dexterity: 1

Strength: 0.1

Agility: 1

Accuracy: 1

Spirit: 1

Magic: 0

Special Stats

Lifeforce: 1

Perception: 1

Presence: 1

Time Perception: 1

Luck: 1

Instinct: 1

Reaction Time: 1

Willpower: 1

Wisdom: 1

Charisma: 1

Enlightenment: 1


The curse of Immortality

The curse of the unforgettable

The curse of Majesty

Hated by mana curse


Blessing of Freedom


Tribulation Training Ground: Tribulation Training Ground is a passive skill that will allow you to enter your first tribulation again. You must spend a lifetime inside, where you can train in Techniques or train all your stats, but physical ones won't transfer back to your real body.

No matter how long you spend there, an hour will pass in real life. Your soul is transferred into a body inside, so you should ensure your original body is safe.

Every enemy you faced in the Tribulation will be here and undamaged though people are absent. You can't bring in beasts currently, and no people can enter but you.

The Citadel will be in pristine condition if the user decides to enter. You can die as much as you like and respawn again while here. You can't store things from the real world here.

There is no cost, and you can use this skill once a day.

You can access this skill once you reach a city in the crown world.

Level 1/100

Achievement Hiding: This passive skill will keep all significant accomplishments from being broadcasted in the crown world. Players and natives will not know of your exploits, including hiding your achievements and exploits from those with systems, gold fingers, and other cheats.

This skill is available now.

Level: 1/100

False Status: This skill will allow you to customize the status others will see if they use identification skills or any other method to look at your status.

You can deceive those with systems, gold fingers, and other cheats.

This skill has no cost or cooldown.

This skill is available now.

Level: 1/100



Technique Description: This hybrid fighting style requires you to use two tiny crossbows that use needles instead of arrows and a pole to fight long-range, stealth, defensive, and close-range attack positions.

Technique Grade: Crimson(Evolveable)

-Foundational Mastery level: Paradoxical(1000+ years)

-Paradoxical Mastery effect: Multiplier, every time you attack and/or block five times successfully, will increase the technique's effectiveness by 0.1.

-Once you miss an attack or fail to block, you will lose all additional multiplier effectiveness.

-How to advance: Train and find out new paths.

Stat Physiques

Midget Physique(Constitution Stat Physique): This stat physique is for people who are 3 feet or lower and stopped growing. Your stamina regenerates eight times as fast as someone 6 feet. However, your stamina capacity is an eighth of a 6-foot-tall person, which also applies to sleep. You can only stay awake for 3 hours and only need one hour of sleep.

Lifeforce Immortality Physique(Lifeforce Stat physique): This stat physique allows you to slowly recover your lifeforce after you deplete it, making you immortal. It takes a day to recharge. One in the stat equals one hundred and twenty-five years.

(This is a physique unique to Hendrix Alford, and the effect has no limit)

'I have great strengths and weaknesses. I probably will need to continue to use a cane in the future.' Hendrix thought.

[Would you like to make all your Techniques unable to be learned without your permission?]

'Yes, and do that for whatever I make or invent in the future.' Hendrix nodded in confirmation.
