
(Going to be rewritten and republished)Scroll Originators Journey

(I'm going to be rewrite and republish the novel. So sadly no more updates) Hendrix Alford, a broken old man who suffered from dwarfism, had been betrayed by his fiancée in the most terrible ways. He had been forced to endure her twisted horrors for over a century until his eventual and painful death at one hundred and twenty-five years old. Hendrix's soul thought he would finally find peace in the afterlife, but fate had other plans. He would be reborn in a new body on an alternate Earth. Little did he know that his reincarnation would be the start of a grueling tribulation. ------‐---‐------‐------ I welcome constructive criticism. I will upload a chapter every day unless some real life situation comes up Additional Tags. #Multiple Leads #System #Horror #r18

Stygian_Monarch · Games
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97 Chs

Natasha vs Nadia

Mr. Adam continued to call the students' names, and as he did, Natasha patiently waited for hers. Before long, her waiting ended, As Mr. Adam pulled out two names.

"Natasha vs. Nadia. Please head to the arena." Mr. Adam announced while looking at both students.

Natasha and Nadia nodded as they both walked to the arena. Once they were across from each other, their gazes became solemn. Natasha readied her Katana, and Nadia prepared her spear.

<A new quest has been generated.>

<Win the combat competition!>

<Quest Description: Achieve first place in the competition.>

<Reward: Three Pearl coins.>

<This quest is mandatory>

<The punishment for failing this quest is going into debt and owing the system one pearl coin>

'Ugh, it seems my system is sometimes unreasonable.' Natasha thought as she was unhappy with the system forcing this quest on her.

<I'm lenient compared to most systems. The worst punishments I give are you owing money. Remember, power comes at a price.>

'What do you mean by this? Aren't you a gift to me?' Natasha thought as she wondered, aren't all reincarnated given cheats?

<No, I come at a price, part of your freedom according to the Chained law of equal exchange.>

'What is the chained law?' Natasha thought, confused, as she felt this knowledge might be helpful.

<You don't have the authority to know the answer.>

Natasha's thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Adam's announcing the matches had started. She gripped her katana as she walked towards Nadia with a severe expression and in a cautious manner.

Meanwhile, Nadia approached Natasha cautiously as she held out her spear at maximum range. She felt that winning the competition was her top priority.

Both students began circling one another, trying to see if there were flaws in the other's defense or something that could give them an advantage.

Eventually, Natasha ran towards Nadia and tried to get close. Nadia moved her spear toward Natasha as she wanted her to stay far away.

'You won't stop me, Nadia." Natasha thought as she continued to run at Nadia, and just before she could run into the tip of the spear. She sidestepped to the left and pointed her katana upwards vertically as her blade blocked the spear's shaft.

Nadia realized what Natasha was trying to do and tried to pull her spear back so she could defend herself. But Natasha's pace matched Nadias in pulling her spear back. Natasha made sure her blade kept blocking Nadia's spear shaft.

Natasha quickly arrived right before Nadia and limbo below Nadia's spear shaft. She brought her katana under as well. Once she passed Nadia's spear, she swung her katana aiming at Nadia's hands.

Nadia quickly tried to bring her spear back as she stepped backward, trying to avoid Natasha's swing. But alas, Natasha cut one of her hands, and Nadia almost lost grip of her spear.

"Ow! You'll pay for that!" Nadia yelled as she kicked Natasha in the face and swung her spear shaft at her chest, pushing Natasha back as she watched her fall.

"Likewise." Natasha replied as she hurriedly got up but was dizzy from both attacks. She saw two Nadias and knew she wasn't in good shape. So she got defensive and waited for Nadia to attack her.

Nadia gritted her teeth from the pain as she ran towards Natasha with her spear in her uninjured hand. She yelled as she aimed her spear tip at Natasha's hand holding her katana.

'I got to wait for it." Natasha thought as she waited for the right moment to dodge and counterattack. She knew this was a gamble, but she still wanted to win.

Once Nadia's spear was about to hit Natasha, she moved her hand a bit and let the spear puncture the sleeve of her shirt. Subsequently, Natasha ran at Nadia, who was shocked and swung her katana at her uninjured hand.

Meanwhile, Nadia backstepped and tried to pull her spear back, but Natasha's sleeve made that problematic. As she pulled back, Natasha used extra momentum as her swing hit Nadia's uninjured hand.

"Agh!" Nadia yelled in pain as she let go of her spear and looked at the gash on her hand.

"Natasha wins this round." Mr. Adam's yelled as he saw what had occurred.

"No hard feelings, but I must win and get that reward." Natasha stated, still dizzy, as she walked back towards the other students before she sat down on a chair.

"I'll win next time, and you'll be the one I'll enjoy beating most." Nadia replied with a dark smile as she walked to a stretcher, lay on it, and was brought out of the gym by two nurses.

"Good job Natasha, go ahead and rest. I'll call you when your turn in the next round arrives." Mr. Adam's congratulated them as he waved at her with a smile.

"Alright, thanks, Mr. Adam's." Natasha thanked him as she left the area with a smile. She sat on a bench nearby and patiently waited for her turn to arrive again.

"We will stop the competition because you all need to get something to eat to be in your best fighting condition. Please head to the cafeteria and eat your fill." Mr. Adam instructed while smiling.

All the remaining students nodded and left the gym in a single file line.

"Hey, Allura and Valentina, do you wonder why Hendrix surrendered so quickly?" Natasha asked as she walked beside them towards the cafeteria.

"I do wonder, though, there are only a few possibilities. Either Hendrix is hiding something, he's still injured, or he's that helpless." Valentina stated as she held her chin with her right hand.

"I believe him hiding something is the most probable possibility. After all, he finished the Tribulation, and all tribulations require someone to kill." Allura stated while in thought.

"Alright, so what do you think he's hiding?" Natasha asked while tilting her head to the side.

"I'm not sure, but it'll do no good to think about that now. After all, we will face each other later in battles." Valentina replied as she wanted to win the competition and earn the request.

"Alright, let's focus on that then." Allura responded while nodding in agreement.

"Let's eat first, then." Natasha suggested with a smile.

The trio arrived in the cafeteria and got their food, sat down, and began to eat.