
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 99: The power of a ranked (2)

Perseus POV

The supposed support mage then started muttering the same things over and over.

"Kill the Silvers...Kill the Silvers..." she kept repeating that phrase and every time me and my sister engaged her, she didn't move like a brainless min controlled person at all, she moved as if she's still has retained her consciousness.

We tried to warp her far away but it seems we are trapped in some sort of barrier, we can get in it and warp within it, but not out of it no matter what we do, so now we have to fight this person at the edge of this barrier.

Stronger than Brennan but weaker than the minotaur...

<Blooming silver lotus> I casted as a giant sliver lotus entrapped the person and encased them in it, the moment it bloomed, a giant ray of silver light burst from the ground and enveloped the person entirely.

When the attack faded, I can see that the person was injured fatally as I can see through to their bones even. But they then forcefully use the mana to heal themselves from the brink of death hastening their time for self destruction.

She then then casted this spell in the sky instantly and a large jade colored light circle appeared in the sky gathering mana at a frightening rate. It covered all of the space inside the barrier.

<Blackhole eclipse.> Me and my sister caster at the same time as a large orb darkened the sky when it formed, the spell the healer casted then blasted downwards only for the spell to be absorbed and successfully defended against.

It's hard to go all out without hurting nearby civilians trying to escape, and our opponent knew that as she kept on directing her attack elsewhere causing us to go on the defense for everyone else.

"Alright, I'm tired of this, Perseus." Diana said "I'll make sure to contain all your attacks within a 500m radius, the damages will be huge but it's better than having that self destructing."

"Alright, don't get hurt sis." I replied as I then charge at my opponent as full speed only for the healer to match it as well.

Light spirits, though not many throughout history have achieved lightspeed, this particular spirits amongst the nature spirits dominate the speed category. But even for them, going lightspeed is super tiring and take a lot of mana, no one can do it physically without outside help.

And due to the fact that this light spirit has to ability to reach that point if I delay it further...I'm removing most of my limiters.

"Zeus, you better watch carefully from where you're from." I muttered to the air knowing that the gods will hear it "I'm going all out from the beginning."

<Kamigoroshi no ha (God killing blade)>+<Dimensional rip>

A a two handed black katana then appeared in my hands and I held it right above my head as the healer flew at me like a comet.

3rd person POV

Diana sensed the attack from her brother, the attack normally isn't really a large area effected spell and its range is short, but anything near that is going to be utterly destroyed for the short moment the spell last.

As he brought his sword down, she casted a small but really dense barrier as the healer got close. But something strange happened next because as the healer got close, her own arm went to her own chest and punctured through it and ripped the piece of jade out and threw it out before her barrier locked them both inside as if the jade has a consciousness to save itself.

Perseus' simultaneous spells then made contact and the moment it does, even her own barrier got torn into shreds as a dimensional tear appeared in the sky and even the barrier blocking them earlier got cut in half as a black blast from his attack went beyond even her own evaluation and it cut the ground and everything in its path for more than 500m erasing everything including the mana dense healer from existence.

Though fortunately no civilians lives were lost, but there is a large slit across the ground several meters thick in width.

Diana then got a large amount of her mana to gather up spatial magic and send it to the dimensional tear that is swallowing everything in sight, she then mend it back to normal, luckily unlike an actual spatial tear, this is just mostly a inferior mimic that is slower at destroying everything and can easily be fixed by a decent spatial mage.

<The damage wouldn't be as much if the healer didn't take the jade out, the super dense mana would absorb quite a decent portion of the attack.> she thought <At least even when she threw it out, there was still a ranker amount of mana that radiated from the person.>

She then followed the dissipating signal of large mana emitted by the thrown jade fragment, she quickly got to it before anyone else and examined it, no matter what she did, she can't access the power similar to the ones earlier.

Just how powerful is the treasure if just a fragment of this key is so powerful already?

She quickly hid it as both the siblings then went to help the nature spirit race fight off the earlier summoned golems.


After the fight finished, the numbers of casualties including both civilians and fighting reinforcements were high and the numbers of those who are fatally wounded were incredibly high. The named siblings were capable of healing a huge amount of people at a time and spread out doing such a job,, no matter how fatal, they could do it, they saved many lives.

But questions also arose in everyone's heads, why did a reputable and well respected raider betray her own race and killed so many? Why did she destroy a sacred landmark? What was the power that was nowhere in her records?

And just how vast are the powers of the named? What is the full extend of a ranker's power that caused such a devastating attack? The existence of raiders are already world changing in itself and the ranked take that to a level no one can comprehend.